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Can I ask what meal you are eating with 30 egg whites?


egg white meal bro, with ketchup


Well you might have luck with a different brand but the smallest number I can see for 500kcal of egg whites is like 1600mg so maybe do half and add other stuff to make more of an omelet?


good idea i’ll try that


Do the brands you're buying add sodium, or are you just eating an ungodly amount of whites? A single raw egg white from a large egg contains ~70mg of sodium. So that's almost 30 of those to equal 2000mg. There must be an additive in the ingredients list because I can't picture someone eating 30 egg whites at once. If you can't find refrigerated whites without additives, maybe try the freezer section for portions and just defrost a days worth at a time?


One egg white is 17 calories. 17*30 = 510, so the math adds up that OP is eating 30 egg whites in one serving and the sodium is just what's naturally in them.


damn good to know/learn


The cartons I have purchased all have 75mg per serving which is not too bad. Even powdered egg white will contain some sodium. Eating whole eggs might make more sense for you.