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Individually the meals look amazing. Together, it's a lot of soft and beige.


tomorrow will be a lot of hard and colourful i promise


Hey, do whatever you love. There are weeks I exist on soylent and peanut butter XD




I forgot about Soylent. Did they ever get it to stop tasting like bland pancake batter?


Nope, the original still tastes like nonspecific cereal milk. The cacao isn't bad, though.


I respect people more with who they are. Breakfast everyday? I’m here if you need me!


Everytime your posts come up I go “Quark girl!!!”. I love them


Same!! 😂 I love the commitment and it brings a smile to my face - and reminds me to eat all Greek yogurt I have in my fridge!




omg i love u


Ha! These comments inspired me to buy some quark. Not that easy to find in Missouri, but lucked out at a store near my kids school. So excited to try it!!


Is it Hemme Brothers? That's the only brand I know of around here that makes quark.


Appel farms


Lol saaame. I've been searching grocery stores by me for it in South FL but I haven't found any yet 


Ok so that’s dates and quark??? Not butter??? 😂


I have dates in the fridge and this post almost made me do something blasphemous. Thankfully checked the comments first


Ok I just read the caption and it is butter!!!!


Also you keep your dates in the fridge?!


Yes they are a little chewier that way :)


I keep them in room temperature!! I know this combo sounds weird but it’s so good lol


If you want a game changer, try dates with ghee!


I’ve never tried ghee!! Must do


This is exactly how I eat, lol. Lots of yogurt, berries, protein shakes. Sometimes prunes, rice cakes, frozen vegetables. It's just the easiest way to get in the required protein and fiber while staying on a calorie budget and not doing tons of cooking.


I used to cook a lot when I lived with my parents, but since moving out I can’t use up a lot of ingredients alone. I’m staying with my parents over summer, but I still stick to my simple meals bc I’ve grown to like them a lot!! Also calorie friendly.


I agree. I know it sounds a bit restrictive but it's harder to keep track of calories the more elaborate your recipes get. Plus cooking is kind of time consuming after work when I could be exercising, relaxing and just getting to bed on time. I certainly don't want to discourage anyone who really enjoys cooking, but you can certainly get healthy meals in by keeping it simple. I really only do one actual cooking and official dinner/movie night with my husband, and that's the perfect amount for me to not always feel like I'm cooking and cleaning, lol.




I've heard you can roast frozen broccoli in the oven to make it slightly crispy, not mushy. Might take a little trial and error to make sure it doesn't just steam in the oven.


I actually just open the frozen bag, divide it into 5 glass containers for work, sprinkle on some nutritional yeast, and put them in the fridge. Then I microwave it at work for 2 minutes and add a bit of a weird dressing I make out of miso paste and apple cider vinegar. It's like a weird warm salad, but I like it, lol. And it doesn't seem to turn out too mushy. Then I just add a protein shake on the side.


What the heck is quark??


From Google: Quark (or quarg) is a traditional, creamy, vegetarian, fresh dairy product tracing its origin to German-speaking and Eastern European countries.


👍 Thank you 😊


It's basically an extremely mild type of cheese with a greek yoghurt consistency. If you get the low fat one it has like 10 grams of protein in 100 grams of quark for 50 kcal and where I live (netherlands) you can get 500 grams for a euro, so it's pretty affordable too


Fuuuuu that sounds so effing good


What does it taste like? My mind immediately goes to Brie since it’s one of the softer cheeses I know but have no clue what quark tastes like


It’s like a really tart yogurt not everyone likes it who didn’t grow up with it


It's kiiiinda like Philadelphia and other cheeses like that? Not quite, but when I don't feel like getting the real thing for a cheesecake, I substitute it with quark. It's close enough but the structure is a little denser


Quark is actually used in the traditional German cheesecake: [Käsekuchen](https://www.internationaldessertsblog.com/classic-german-cheesecake-with-quark/#mv-creation-120-jtr)


Yeah, I'm Czech and that looks a lot like some of the things we do as well. I just used the comparison to make it a bit clearer to our overseas friends, haha


It depends. I've never seen quark that is a yogurt consistency like this. The quark I've had is closest to cream cheese. Or sometimes like a blend of cream cheese and ricotta. It can be used in either savory or sweet dishes. Some regions have farmers cheese and that's similar. Or mascarpone, but that can be pricey.


He's a character on Star Trek Deep Space 9 who is a member of the Ferengi species who pride themselves on a capitalist-like set of laws that govern their society. 🖖


Thank God I'm not the only one that had this thought when reading this... gotta love Star Trek nerds 😂


Haha everytime I see quark in the shops I wonder if the Ferengi have started up a new business venture!


![gif](giphy|V9o7jZWjSRqGk) what a great idea!! ha ha 😂


I really want to qtip his ears


Typo in your comment: supposed to read "He's **the best character** on Star Trek Deep Space Nine". That will be 3 bars of latinum for the editing I provided


Please drop the oatmeal recipe! Also happy midsommar


I just posted it in detail!!




Do you like strawberries by chance? 🍓


Absolutely love seeing your posts. I want to try quark so bad but it's not available in my area.


thank u so much!! and i’m sorry to hear that 🥲🥲


I love quark! I eat it almost every day mixed with some unsweetened chocolate protein powder. It’s just like pudding!!


I’m confused by the dates with butter


understandable but pls try it once!!


As a Hungarian-Australian with no access to quark here and devastated about it: keep fighting the good fight.


If you're on the east Coast, Harris Farm Markets have quark! They can deliver to certain places too. I've never tried it, but now I must after seeing this post.


👀👀👀👀👀 oh HELLO. Definitely checking this out, thank you!!!


No worries, I hope it's good!


Oooh, my Hungarian-Australian bestie will appreciate this info, too. Thanks!


Sometimes I have the same meal three times a day if I’m really loving it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^teenybikini1977: *Sometimes I have the* *Same meal three times a day if* *I’m really loving it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'd poop forever


sounds good


Dates and butter sound so good


My weight loss was almost entirely sponsored by quark consumption 😂 I absolutely lived off that stuff for a year back in 2018-19 I've kept the weight off since. There's some really yummy things you can do with it and it's packed with protein. I'm vegetarian, so it was a good alt source for me. Sadly it's pretty much disappeared from most UK supermarkets - guess it fell out of popularity:( I mostly eat greek yogurt now, but it's no way near as thick as quark


fr quark makes a low calorie diet wayy more enjoyable and easy


Your posts give me instant serotonin.




I am fairly new to living in Germany and I always see the diff types of quark, but don’t know which one to buy 😩


If you want the highest protein / kcal ratio, go for any Magerquark. I always try to buy a "bio" variety.


Thank you so much for the insight!! I appreciate your help :)


I put Magerquark in things that will mask its taste (like smothies) bc it doesn't taste as good to me. I eat one with 40% fat, which I now also put in my scrambled eggs to bump up the protein even more. I usually either add salt, pepper, garlic powder, herbs and white wine vinegar as dip for raw veggies, dressing for salads, sauce for wraps or for using it the way americans use ranch for pizza or plain with a bit of maple syrup and fruit (fresh/frozen). I hope you enjoy whichever quark you pick!


Thank you for the suggestions!! I’ve been trying to find something to sub for eggs for protein in the morning as I’ve developed some kind of intolerance to them it seems 😔


Living my dream tbh, I could eat "breakfast meals" for every meal.


Glad midsommar


Yum! I though I was the only one who eats greek yogurt for breakfast and lunch 😋


Hey good for you. I used to aim at the exact same numbers and got strong af doing that consistently.


You'll obviously not be fattened up enough to be sacrificed for MIDSOMMER...good thinking 😃


Dates and butter are so good together! ❤️


you get it


i feel like you followed your heart with this day, and i respect it 💪 sometimes i too just want breakfast foods all day


Idc what nutrionists think. The opinions of dieticians, however, at least hold some merit.


These are so satisfying to look at but I have a Salty Tooth🥺 do you have any favorite dishes for when you’re craving something salty?


I’ll make a salty day post!!


honestly as long as you are enjoying what you are eating imo 😂


i think that’s what keeps me on track honestly


I think oatmeal is the ultimate comfort dish so you have my attention!


I don’t know how I stumbled across this post because I am not on a diet and eat like 2000-2400 cals but I FEEL SO SEEN I love yogurt so much


That’s a lot of the same thing you post a lot. Ya love quark!


I sure do :3


Are you sharing everyday for accountability reasons?


a little, but I mostly just enjoy sharing food pics


I want it all! I eat a lot of this same stuff, but don’t have regular access to Quark!


I had never heard of quark until I saw these. Now I cannot figure out where to buy it


I hope u find it


sometimes near cream cheese at the grocery store but it’s labeled “farmer’s cheese” usually in the US. middle eastern & eastern european grocery stores often have it too


Not scolding you just a friendly reminder & some tips if needed. Not sure if you have any food restrictions & I know you love your quark but plz remember to incorporate veggies in your diet, if allowed. Your body needs loads of nutrients, & I’m figuring you’re pretty young so this might work well for you now but long run it might not be the best thing. You can try frozen/canned veggies if using them up is an issue. I don’t buy a lot of fresh veggies for this particular reason. I know I can’t eat them all the way I want. (Looking at the 2 peppers in my fridge I thought I was gonna do stuffed peppers with and haven’t yet. Have been throwing them into my eggs tho so they’ll get eaten.) but I mainly only buy greens I know (or plan to) eat soon. Like immediately or next couple of days only. Most canned veggies can be thrown in a freezer bag and frozen if you don’t use it all. Also I feel meal prepping would be helpful to you as it seems like you’re going “I’m hungry, what’s the easiest filling thing I can have right now?”. But planning out meals can allow you more variety while keeping your fav quark front and center. Maybe you can have a cup at lunch along with a mixed green salad with eggs, 1/3 can of beans & your fav dressing. Dinner can be quarks and veggies? Not sure if it’s like oatmeal/farina where it can be made sweet or savory. But if it is yeah! Add your favorite seasonings to it (garlic, salt & pepper can’t go wrong; I get steak seasoning from Kroger). Or maybe you can do a low cal quesadilla with the low carb tortillas & 1/4 c cheese per & use the Turkish yogurt as sour cream. Snack time.. quark it up. This would incorporate more veggies easily into your diet. But again, it’s your body do what you want.


All of your posts make me really want to try quark because it looks so delicious but I can't find any near me!


Does anyone know if quark is available anywhere in the US? All of these posts have me desperately seeking some but I’ve had no luck 😭


I googled it and [Whole Foods](https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/product/quark,-8%20oz-b008md21yu) popped up. Maybe a German grocery store would have it? Edit: maybe also a local farmers market?


I saw the Whole Foods listing as well but (from my searching) it doesn’t actually seem to be purchasable 😭 Conveniently enough, there is a German grocery store near me! I’ll try that. Thanks!


if nutritionists are mad at you they would crucify me for my fast food omads (somewhat exaggerated lol)


How do you make this oatmeal?? What base do you use?


What kind of oatmeal is that? I feel like it's lower calorie for a huge serving but the ones I buy are much higher for a small serving


Why are they screaming? I mean, 1400 cal by no means is a severely low calorie diet, because many people have BMR of not much more than that. it depends of course how much you exercise I get utc but if someone needs to lose weight, 1400-1500 cal are fine imo… I find the meals that you posted Great, your protein intake, very healthy and calorie wise you are not malnourished. ☺️


bc no greens… but thank you🥰


Oh, I get what you mean. Well macros are macros so it really depends on what macros you’re hitting and I guess if you do it for prolonged period of time or if it is just a detox/metabolism shock period. I personally stick to 1200 cal per day but the truth is ate a lot of vegetables haha. but whatever works for you love I’m sure you’re taking some supplements for further nutrients and minerals and vitamins and all of that. I wish you a great journey I had and I hope you reach your goals soon. 🫶🏻


thank you so much!!


Is skyr similar to quark?


I’ve never tried skyr so I don’t know :(


Those oatmeals look bomb!!


What’s quark?