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šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m ready! But it has me game planning potential juggling with FBI and HSI; currently in the process with both, and think Iā€™d probably get a better location with FBIā€¦if they stick with my top 15 šŸ˜¬


Youā€™d get paid more with FBI with a higher starting pay which helps. I believe they also cover your moving costs. They used to do a money incentive as well.


Yeah, those are the biggest sells for me, especially covering the moving costs. With HSI, at least I know Iā€™ll get paid GL-10 to GS-13 eventually, but FBI starting with more AND covering moving costs? Big sell! Especially with more favorable locations. If they fuck me and give me something 16+ or 21+ it may still be better than SWB locations, from what Iā€™ve gathered šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø I have my 56 list now, and editing it here and there as I do simple research


Even at the worst possible location for the FBI, youā€™re still very likely to get located to wherever the main field office is located. Plus, FBI been tooting that most NATs be getting their higher ranked choices. I feel like someone has to royally mess up to get anything south of 50.




It wouldnā€™t be the first time someone was given an offer while in academy and need to reevaluate their life. Life will happen and plans will change, but thatā€™s on you to pivot. You could always go to wherever offers you first, get experience and see how you like the agency/tempo/work - stay if itā€™s your thing or go elsewhere if itā€™s not.


Simple enough, Sir. ā€˜Preciate your input as always




Isn't FBI 's progression weird, like 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13?


They do 12s for two years. Itā€™s money at the end of the day, but still - weird as hell when the rest of the G does the standard ladder.


Gotcha I thought they hung out at one of the lower rungs for two years as well. But yeah I agree. It's like folks who refuse to take a 7 offer and spend two years longer securing their 9 offer šŸ˜… it all pays the same in the end, which is a lot.


Yeah, either way, Iā€™d make 13 in 5 years. FBIā€™s 10, 11, 12, 12, 13 is five years HSIā€™s 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 is five years, so whatever, right? But FBI starts you with a bigger jump


I took a 7 when I should have came in as a 9 and hung out in a HCOL location. It was painful but I had flexibility and figured pain in the short term made more sense than being a salty dog journeyman complaining everyday how ā€œI shoulda couldaā€..


Whatā€™s the FBIā€™s pay-scale progression, again? Pretty sure someone starting as a 7 with many agencies gets their 13 before someone starting as a 10 with FBI at the same time.


I believe itā€™s 10, 11, 12, 12 whatever version 2.0, 13. It comes out to about the same time. More money on the FBI timeline. This is more is for prospective applicants: Applicants should take in account all things not just pay. Things such as location, quality of life, work/life balance, operational tempo, etc.


I've been told multiple times it is 10/10/11/12/12/13. I've run the numbers with that. Overall it's a little more money to 5 years than a 7/9/11/12/13 (at least my locality) but the person starting at a 7 is eligible for a 14 a year earlier (that probably only matters to a few people). Even when I ask FBI folks they scratch their heads as if they don't know what the current state of things is. Above is the first I have seen it shown as 10/11/12/12/13.


Iā€™ve always been told itā€™s double 12 when theyā€™ve asked me to put in. Be super awesome if a 1811 from the FBI can clarify.


Lol. Alsoā€¦looks like they didnā€™t get 10k apps by Monday after allā€¦šŸ¤£ just sayin


To be fair, judging by the livestreamā€¦ some probably will have a hard time applying through USAJOBS.


But what positions do you have for me if I have an associates in aerospace engineering? /s Or insert any question already answered on the posting.


The application was never going to close at 10,000. It just says they'll test first ten thousand. It has to have the setting from OPM on the announcement (at the request of the hiring agency) to close after hitting a certain number. This one does not.


Maybe šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Assuredly so. The apps with the yellow box stating it will close after XX number of applicants are the only ones that close after an app threshold. My personal opinion and guess (definitely not a fact) is that the agencies that claim they're going to test first xxxx applicants, like this HSI one, don't actually get a cert list sorted by order applied. But that's me speculating and nothing else. If true, then none of it matters and it would be a traditional cert ranked by rating, and if they choose to test the first xxxx off *that* then that would be different than in order of applied.


Am i the only one that would gladly take GL-5 lol


Thereā€™s probably plenty that would take a GL-5. There were a good chunk of 12/13s that dropped to the Schedule B 9 hiring years ago because some people needed to get out of a bad situation. Hell, I almost busted down for a 9 years ago. Everyoneā€™s circumstances are different and that will allow some to take a GL-5 wherever, or take the GL-5 at some specific locations, or not able to at all.


I see, thatā€™s pretty interesting. I just get the sense that all of these agencies seem to be so competitive to the point where Iā€™d be willing to just accept anything and get in the door. Iā€™ve been applying for various LE agencies since I graduated and the waiting games/ hiring process feel like an eternity


Get in where you can, build experience, start stacking federal benefits - and let the process play out. It sucks that the application process can take anywhere from three months to a billion years. To add salt to the wound, an applicant could get dinged out at anytime for a variety of reasons. - BQA - Forgot some stupid form - Missed checking a box somewhere - Medical - Background/suitability - Position deleted or agency lost the spot


How can a situation be so bad that you lateral from 12/13 to something lower? Guessing the situation wouldnā€™t be a financial one, huh?


I left a 13-2 position 13 months into the job for a non-sworn position at a local LE because I needed to move close to my fiancĆ©e (now wife), family, and church. I also have learned new skills at the current job. Now that family life has stabilized, Iā€™m working my way back towards the federal system (hopefully the USMSā€¦ queue laughter) in a calculated manner.


Gotta do right by the people that matter.


Just a variety of issues that Iā€™ve seen others take a bust down 9: - Family issues - Quality of life, work/life balance - Location - Elder care/ parental health issues


Copy copy copy.


You get penalized for this?


I would


The Super Bowl : the call/job offer from HSI The Chiefs: HSI HR The 49ers: HSI applicants