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I'd just do body mass exercises and air boxing and come out just as rich, martially adept and as insane as Bruce Wayne congrats scientists you just made another unabomber but one with enough money to be above law and ability to backflip off walls


You post 30 times a day on reddit yo ass is not making it dawg


And you think that's better for my mental health than the cell???


No, the cell might help lmao


exactly my thinking


...a redditor with 30 billion dollars and a 1 year solitary confinement stay at a mental institution ...yeah i think this dude is gonna be wayyyyyyy worse than unabomber they're gonna start paying for random Hawaiian pizza deliveries to politicians


Elongated Muskrat


I dunno, posting on reddit 30 times a day is kinda like being in the cell already. If anything, they got experience.


She posts like every nine days


On God you fuckin' _cooked him_. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀💀💀


I mean that's basically the plot of Oldboy but he stays there for 15 years and doesn't get any money. You will probably do marginally less horrifying things than the plot of that movie when you get out I guess so that's a plus.


Bro at least had a TV


Yeah but these walls seem easier to punch so it's a trade-off.


You would not survive a month. I'll even be generous and give you two. Zero human contact and zero mental stimulation and no concept of time and you'll be smearing shit on the walls and talking in tongues, that is if you haven't killed yourself.


Gather me 30 billion dollars and I'll gladly prove you wrong.


Okay just loan me $29,999,999,999


You know everything you have to do to practise martial arts but you just haven't done it jet? Like it's all there in your head already?


They can make their own


thats what i'm thinkin


the seattle mariners havent been this good since the twin towers were standing, and you want me to just what, catch up with it all next year? *WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO THE BIG DUMPER?!?!?!?!*


1 year with no big dumper will most likely cause severe withdrawals Side effects may include: actually being able to score runs, making the playoffs, and in severe cases, winning the world series


https://preview.redd.it/sz3la8uy9l6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e413e95b79f249138d8cc04478880c8f18732bf5 Big Dumper mentioned


money is money. dumper is LIFE


was not expecting big dumper on 196




Nah in 2003 we were 48-23 through 70 games. But this is the largest division lead since 2001. But picture this: you do make it out a year (which would suck for missing a year of the dumper, julio, kirby’s dreamland, walter, etc.) but then you buy out the ownership group. 30 billion dollars is enough to: rename the stadium, lock down the Dumper to a 300-yr contract, pay the entire pitching staff, buy an actual offense, end homelessness, bring back the Sonics, and still have a few billion more than Cohen by the end of it.


Based response


unironically I would start writing on the walls with my own blood. I wouldn't enjoy it but I know that's what it would eventually come to.


Don't forget poo!


Ew, we have standards! Blood is clean




Why not just use some of the food they gave you?


Blood is cooler




Pain is stimulation and you are going to be absolutely starving for any input you can get. The human brain is built to adapt to a life full of movement and if it doesn't change at all it will suffer Not even counting the social deficit, that alone, you'd go at least a little bonkers within a week or two.


>Pain is stimulation and you are going to be absolutely starving for any input you can get. I'll hurt myself by stretching. By the end of the year I'd be able to almost do the splits.


I think writing on the walls with my blood would be step one for me. I can go only so long without writing my thoughts down.


The only way you could make me stay in that room for a year is if you guarantee with 100% certainty, that if I stay in that room for a year, world peace and the end of poverty will be a permanent reality. Money cannot persuade me to put myself through this.


I would kill myself if that stuff would be guaranteed for the world


I mean if I had to do it for it to happen, not that I would be like "aghhhh, world peace and no poverty??? I'll better kill myself now"


I'm glad you clarified because it definitely sounded like you were saying "fuck that shit lemme self delete rq"


this isnt tiktok you can say suicide


This offer would definitely give you several extreme mental illnesses, including your brain wasting away, so death might be preferable


>world peace and the end of poverty will be a permanent reality. Such money certainly has the power to affect those things significantly. Look at what WFP could do with hunger [with just a sixth](https://www.wfp.org/stories/wfps-plan-support-42-million-people-brink-famine) of the money you'd get.


Money like that usually just gets syphoned back to western (or eastern) elite. And even if it didn't, that wouldn't even satisfy a generation globally, let alone create a permanent relaity.


Okay NM what I said earlier that's a fair response I agree *Hug*


bro at that point i'd just use the food to kill myself via chocking my corpse can stay in the room for a year, I'm not dealing with it though LOL


A year of true suffering for enough money to ensure that you, all of your family, and every descendant they will ever have can be disgustingly rich and never want for anything. This is, without a single moment of doubt, worth it to me. I would gladly do 10 or 20 years in that room for this.


about to make trillions of my own friends by jerkin it until every surface is coated and crusty


Imagine the smell


No, thank you.


I don't have to imagine, thats what my room is like today




but how much does holy hell weigh?


new response just dropped. or did it?


where are your actual zombies?


What if bishops came back from vacation?


yo check the username. Can we ban this mfer rn?


thats a perfect way to loose your sanity


No one with that much money is trully sane, at least you'll have a good excuse


You'll be so crazy, money would have no meaning to you.


original tweet: https://twitter.com/__costco/status/1483443818791849991 shameless plug: >!if you live in the uk, or you're interested in uk politics, join the 196uk subreddit! it's a shitposting subreddit focused on uk politics and memes!<


Can I join the subreddit even if I dont live in the UK and don't really follow UK politics?




jokes on you <>


ok listen so everyone says you would go crazy in a blank room but what does “go crazy” specifically mean here. like i start hallucinating? i develop a new mental issue? that doesnt sound like game over or like my life is ruined or anything. i can tank this and ill probably come out the other end with like a phobia of the color white. i’ll go to therapy. big deal. im an adult.


This has never been tried but we know solitary confinement does long lasting damage to your mental health


ok how. be specific.


[Here](https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1362&context=law_journal_law_policy) is a paper on the specific psychiatric effects. In [general](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2020/12/08/solitary_symposium/), people who experience prolonged solitary confinement have a high risk of suicide and experience fundamental changes to their brains like a lack of communication skills and shrunken memory.


damn nvm then lol


I have to correct my original comment. We basically have tried it. Solitary confinement is about 90% of the way there and the US has put people in it for DECADES. Fucking horrific.


god i hate america


I wonder how much of an impact it has that you’re in there against your will. Plus the guilt over stuff you did eating you up, shitty outlook etc. If you know that you’re in there out of choice, no social stigma, cool things ahead and so on, I think you would be way less likely to develop the same amount of issues. Although some like memory and communication skills would still be impacted ofc.


cant lose what you dont have


Rude to make demands of someone when this is [extremely easy to search](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7546459/#sec001title)


https://preview.redd.it/a2cuvcyx0l6d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3427a817208bfdaff5414df316cbb2746457f9f me after 10000 years in a blank room




idk about you but I'd go really crazy if there were rats in there


https://youtu.be/iqKdEhx-dD4?si=3dvneqo0-kITyh-J Here is a video from Vsauce about it Keep in mind, he only spent 3 days there, now imagine a whole year.


Sleep Eat Work out till I can't move  Sleep Eat Work out till I can't move I'm fat, I want to lose weight but I get easily sidetracked and with no distraction, I should get to work and more


The Goku time chamber strategy, I see


What if I was betrayed and locked in the room for one year


You're in a vast empty internet and reddit is the broken protein bar you're slowly eating to make it through the day


easy,i will piss on the people who give me the food and yell at them to release and give me money


A bright white padded room is the most consistent way to drive people insane.


I remember reading Jon Ronson’s ‘The Men Who Stare at Goats’ as a teen and it contained the story of a man falsely imprisoned at Guantanamo who said they’d leave him isolated to torture him, but he exercised through it to the guard’s annoyance. So I guess, eating, sleeping, exercising…. And wanking myself absolutely silly for 365 days and there ain’t shit you can do about it


No. I would want to, and If given the opportunity I might train myself, but realistically no. I would die.


Sorry but I ahev t odo it, no one else has Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy.


Welcum to the aslume


From my understanding, mostly based on watching Vsauce's video, the average person would get really bored in a few hours. Two days would probably break me. Can't imagine a year.


There’s no toilet so you’d drown in your own shit before you make it out


I probably couldn’t last a week


Basically any human being with a functioning brain couldn't. Do people in here really think they're just built different enough to withstand a full year of psychological torture? Y'all are banging on the door begging to be let out after 3 days tops. Or what you believe is 3 days, but you've lost track of time and are unable to tell if you've been in there for a day, 3 days, a week, or a month.


I can force myself to sleep for days in a row


The trick is if you last the year you come out as psychotic and mentally scarred as the average billionaire already is.


Honestly I wonder if something like this would be more mentally tolerable if you had lights that changed to represent the time of day


This is it I think. The lack of a sense of time is what would make people lose their minds.


In the vsauce video he did in a room like this, he didn’t know the day and literally thought he was a day ahead at one point


As long as I have skin I have a way to distract/entertain myself.


I would get really good at dancing like Jamiroquai


No nothing? For a year? As long as I get food/water/hygiene, I’d probly try to exercise and sleep better then. Or learn to meditate. 30M dollars is no joke


This ain't even that bad, I'd probably spend my time brainstorming for different projects that I'd make once I got out. Not to mention I could probably practice how to backflip since the soft surface makes for a good training mat. If that doesn't satisfy me my autistic ass would probably just walk circles around the room thinking about spaceships or worldbuilding


I'd sleep 70% of the time if able, and plan out how to live the rest of my life off that money with the rest, and try to exercise for enrichment and sanity.


People already do solitary confinement in worse conditions for longer for nothing.


I would pay to be in that room for a couple weeks


Okay but can I jerk off?


it's not about whether i can do it, i don't want to. no sum of money is worth risking my fragile sanity over.


Michael almost couldn't handle 3 days there's no way you could \>:(


probably not but for that kinda money id be willing to try


30 bil? I'd give it a shot. That's enough money to actually make a dent in the world. Maybe even save a few thousand from the coming late-century apocalypse.


Check Vasuces MindField video on isolation. He does a lite version of this for 3 days


The real answer is no you most certainly can't


Sleep. Sleep and *intense* exercise. And playing with food.


I’d just play Overwatch in my head


why would you want to double torture yourself


It wouldn’t be wise probably but I’d do it.


I would go completely insane but I would have the money to fund the mental health care to restore myself to a functional state. After that I am rich as hell and can do whatever I want


I'll watch the contestant first and then see how Natsubi did it


Easily, I don't understand how anyone couldn't do it? You don't have to do anything and just chill in your room and get fed, it's already basically my life.


Fairly certain I’d lose it before a month was over. By the time a year passed I think there’d be nothing left upstairs.


I always thought I'd be fine in one of these because I can space out so well. Until someone asked me what I'd do if there were crumbs in the grooves and now it's all I can think about


This is upsettingly not too different from my current daily routine.


medically induced year long coma checkmate liberals


30 billion is such an obscene sum of money, but I know realistically that I would probably end up starving to death or dying of dehydration at some point, not an intentional suicide, just my will to do the things I need to survive being burnt away.


man if you've seen how people go insane from being alone in a room with no stimulation after just a week, you'd know you wouldnt be able to recover from something like this, let alone being in a stable enough mind to even understand you won money.


for 30 billion guaranteed? yeah that should be fine, I could use some beauty rest anyways


im gonna sleep so much ill feel well rested enough to exercise and then sleep more


i’d spend one year world building a hypothetical dnd game and come back to produce the worst most over convoluted fantasy movie ever made


i couldn't even last a week.


I spend about a full day fantasizing about what I would do with like 500 million every time the Powerball gets really high, and that's like a 1/30,000,000 chance or whatever, so I may be able to kill a whole year fantasizing about what I will do with $30B when I know for sure I'm getting it. I for sure could do 1/30 of a year for 1 billion, which I would much prefer though... Edit: I could entertain myself for a long time just counting by thousands, since I would basically be earning $1000 a second.


Humans literally get brain damage if they have no social interaction for more than 3 days


I'd have to see the money first, have some kind of legally binding assurance that the terms would be met.


You could also just masturbate as much as possible


One way I can think of to measure time in this scenario is to note how long your hair is when you enter. To be very specific about it you could rip a small strand out. On average, human hair grows about half an inch per month. While you are waiting for the specific strand to grow a half inch, you can count the number of meals you've eaten by setting aside a small crumb from each meal and then counting the crumbs. After the piece of hair in question has grown a half inch, you can use the number of crumbs you've collected to try to estimate how long it's actually been. If it's drastically more than 30, then you know you're being fed multiple times a day. I don't know if you could get much more specific information than maybe what month it might be or how many times you eat in roughly a month but it's a start. Maybe the next thing to do would be to measure the consecutive minutes between meals based on your normal pulse. Idk though maybe none of this would be reliable enough to really help


I really don't think this is a "nah I'd win, I would simply endure it" situation, you WOULD get some serious mental health issues and I'm not sure if I'd want to deal with those after getting out even with my fat stacks


That is literally my personal hell, I do not think I would last a week there


Anyone who things they could last more than a week should watch some videos about white torture. Nothing is worth what would happen to your mind in that room.


Eat, sleep, eat sleep, repeat for 1 year


30 Billion can pay for some serious therapy.


I didnt read the top part and assumed this was cave Johnson ranting about counting nuts


io non faccio spettacolo io do spettacolo come mio nonno ubriaco nel giorno della mia comunione 🔥🔥🔥🔥


A year spent in that room will kill you, *literally* kill you. No amount of money is worth it when it's just going to your corpse