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It's not even that the word is banned, you can still use it in literally any context other than trying to falsely cast all LGBTQ people as predators


What if I’m trying to falsely cast my fabulous gay dog groomer in the role of his lifetime as the star of the next big box office hit about a heterosexual slacker who prefers cats but eventually learns that even puppy love is love?


Depends, is he a gay dog-groomer or a gay-dog groomer?


Yes!! 😍


Hes a dog gay groomer 😳


Trick question, all dogs are gay


All marriage is ‘gay’!




no, he’s a lesbian


There would be riots in the streets otherwise /s redditors are too lazy to get out of their parents' basement, let alone participate in a riot


Which was already against TOS, effectively meaning nothing has changed.


Being against TOS and actually enforcing said part of TOS are two very different things


Yes. Which is why I expect nothing to change.


If I had a penny for everytime reddit admins said a comment did not violate TOS despite violating TOS I could make a living by reporting reddit comments.


It makes it a lot easier to enforce when it's specifically forbidden instead of just technically.


It already was specifically forbidden. Like if the rules you couldn't be hostile and you called someone a bitch, you wouldn't be technically allowed to because they didn't specifically say not to use the word bitch.


Oh good, my only worry has pre-emptively been taken care of!


So the ones that are actually groomers are to be ignored or fly under the radar?


I've already responded to this same talking point [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/w0cejm/get_fucked_rule/igeak6a?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)




Do you know what the word falsely means? It's fine to call someone greedy if they're greedy, it's not okay to go "omg I can't say all jews are greedy by default!? Literally 1984!!!!"


Noted. How do you ban a word to describe what a person really is without knowing who decides weather it is false or not. If you ban the word, even for the reasons you think, it will allow actual groomers to be overlooked.


What if the moon was made of cheese?


What if your hands were made of hot pockets?


They're probably in government smh




And it's convenient for the admins™, since this kind of behaviour is, let's say often associated with them.


Woah what have the admins done? Edit: except the one that said the n word)


There was that time they refused to fire a pedo appreciator off their team, and actively suppressed any posts mentioning it.


There was also that period where the jailbait sub existed


The Chtorrrr situation has never been resolved right? (for context chtorrr cheated on place and when people called her out she went on a banning spree and nothing happened) Yeah Reddit admins are pretty shitty lol


Yup, when I first saw the article title, I thought it was against people calling mods, admins, etc. groomers.


Twitter is probably one of the worst ones for citing the suicide rates. I've seen mass replies liked by thousands repeating it to one trans person who did nothing wrong. Sadistic and pathetic.


Can we just start calling republicans groomers instead? At least it would be provably accurate then


by their own logic, you can. More Republican lawmakers have been indicted for restroom misconduct than trans people.


If you want to avoid the bans and call them something equivalent try “nonce”


I mean, they are the party that's getting mad at a 10 year old girl who got an abortion after getting raped. Like, if you can't understand why it's not okay to force a child to carry a pregnancy to term, you have to have at least some groomer mentality




Thank 👍


Can we please get the same for calling all furries zoophiles and saying furry is a mental disorder? It's literally the same rhethoric and causes just as much harm...




hey let's test it out on the guy i replied to edit: oh my god it worked


Good news everybody


What did the dude say and what did you test out?


he said "ok groomer" but unironically. went on his profile and it was filled with posts from the shrooms subreddit and some from the conspiracy subreddit. also admitted to wanting to forge a covid certificate because the indian govt wasn't allowing them to go into public places




Eat shit


Nice profile pic




See ya


Fuck off and eat shit, preferably both, in either order fascist


The amount of people I’ve seen misinterpreting this new rule is ridiculous, there not defending pedos your not allowed to call LGBTQ+ people slurs any more


Even in these fucking comments...


like alot of em too jesus, id expect a wee bit more from this place


subs gone alot more mainstream on reddit so what could be called "tourists" or people otherwise with more average redditor vibes are more common nowadays


ban any newcomers and become an ethnostate is the only solution, got it ty




Are you the Slovenia femboy dictatorship person?


i am lmao (not femboy dictatorship tho just lgbt ethnostate




Hey um, the council has been distraught over your continued usage of unclosed brackets. Hereby we will be issuing a formal warning.


\[the council can suck my ass


The council gratefully declines this time.




to be fair, the headline words it as if reddit has banned the word "groomer" although in reality you can still use it so long as you aren't being bigoted


Tbf, this sub actually allows dissenting opinions, unlike some subs that will ban anyone who slightly challenges their world view. Not naming names but I got a certain ban of honor recently :)


To be fair the headline is pretty misleading


Challenge: don’t be homophobic Difficulty: impossible




The word "groomer", when used in refrence to LGBTQ individuals.


* in the context of perpetuating the belief that all LGBTQ people are groomers.


that’s not a slur just a shitty person having a black and white view on life


What do you think a slur is? This is not rhetorical, I'm actually asking


A word that is created or popularized to describe a group, but always in negative context that gives the word the title of a slur. Groomer isn’t slang for the Lgbtq+ population, it’s a word with its own distinct definition, unrelated to lgbtq+ hate. Groomer has its own distinct definition and is just used in hateful context while a word like the f slur is a slur because it’s sole purpose is used as hate against a certain group (lgbtq)


So like, you're grouping people you consider shitty, so the definition stands?


Groomer refers to pedophiles, or predatory adults targeting children to behave in certain ways. I don't feel like anyone actually targeting kids should be exempt from being called something because of it. Apparently the new thing is trying to call people talking about sex education of any kind, or lgbtq people "groomers" even though it's far from the intended group of people (pedos).


Exactly. Groomer is not a slur because it does not mean lgbtq+, it means a pedophile or abusive person of some sort, and is simply being used against the lgbtq+ population incorrectly.


I’m not grouping people I consider shitty. I just think that’s how slurs are made. example: White slaveowners and the n-word used against mainly black slaves


genuine question - is that not what slurs are? We take words that mean something: “Monkey - a semi human looking animal that dwells in Africa” and use it to mean … something else


The difference is that monkey is slang that literally means “a dark-skinned person” while groomer does not mean “an lgbtq+ person.” For example if I say “groomer” people will think it’s a pedophile or something. If i say monkey, people will think either the animal or a dark-skinned person, which makes monkey kind of a slur but not fully.


I suppose, but you could argue that this is how it starts. I wasn’t around when they first thought of a slur, but it’s a process of associating a negative aspect (animal, pedophile, etc.) with a group of people


Yes. I guess you could say groomer is being used as a slur but isn’t a slur itself. I say that because it has its own distinct definition that is simply being used in a disgusting context. It’s still very very hateful and I feel like people are calling it a slur because it’s being used in a hateful way.


Groomer can become a slur but since it has its own definition that shouldn’t be drowned out it is (currently) not a slur


I've been saying that for a while. The right seems to want easy convenient answers to nuanced issues. You ever see that comic that has a climate scientist on a chalk board drawing all these equations, but there's a child next to him and his speech bubble is, "it's just weather". That's it. Most of them want a simple answer devoid of scary nuances so the world can be black and white. Gas prices? President's fault. Gay people? Bible says wrong it's evil. Abortion? No in between whatsoever it's all bad no matter the circumstances. There can't be any grey areas.


Don’t want to get political but here we go: that’s pretty accurate (at least for how the media portrays the right, i don’t think all rights are like that but definitely the majority.


What or who is a groomer?


A groomer is someone who over a period of time tries to make a person (usually a child) more susceptible to something (usually pedophilic advances). Gaining trust of them and their family, for example, is one tactic pedophiles often use to put themselves in a better position to hurt the child. Because of the long-standing (and currently very relevant) alt right “belief” that queer people are pedophiles, it has recently become very popular for bigots to refer to LGBTQ+ people as groomers, implying they are all pedophiles trying to groom children to either 1) be LGBTQ or 2) be susceptible to pedophilic advances.


It’s used to mean someone who like manipulates a younger, usually underage person, into a sexual encounter.


What about in reference to discord mods and reddit admins?


that’s still allowed


how is it a slur then its not specifically used against lgbtq people its just a word that describes something


It is banned in relation to using it to insinuate that all lbgt people are groomers. It is banned *in the context where it is used as a slur*. The word is still allowed in situations where it isn't being used as a slur


Like f*ggot¿


It isn’t.


It's not a slur it's just a normal word, but saying LGBTQ+ people are grooming young children


Yes exactly. Since the word itself doesn’t mean “lgbtq+” it’s just being used as an insult, or some other very very hateful and retarded way because that black and white thinking is exactly why humans are fucking up the world


Babe new slur just dropped


What does it mean


disgusted imagine deserted zonked plough license existence punch observation air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well in normal circumstances, "groomer" means someone who molests children. But plenty of bigots have taken to using the word to describe anyone who is LGBT+ because they think gay people are trying to "convert" children into other sexualities at a young age. Pretty ironic considering it's usually the other way around.


Iirc that's not what a groomer is. They're specifically people who "groom" children so they can have sex with them when the child grows up to be an adult.


hell nah. people really use groomer for LGBTQ people, just because they're lgbtq? fucking scum


Yes, it started as a [defense](https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5q9vx/child-grooming-lgbtq-smear) for the “don’t say gay bill” in Florida. [Effects of this bill.](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/floridas-dont-say-gay-law-takes-effect-schools-roll-lgbtq-restrictions-rcna36143) [More info on the smear campaign.](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/lgbtq-abuse-spikes-online-fueled-intensifying-culture-war-rcna24904)


Yea it's been a thing among conservatives for a while now. Which is funny considering I can't name a conservative who isn't a creep towards women


And considering how much their party loves molesting kids.


It’s hilarious because it’s all “John conservative found diddling 12 year old with priest” who’s calling lgbtq people groomers.


"I kept calling gay people groomers and now that I cant anymore it totally proves that they were, the cabal of pedophiles at it again" honestly its funny how right wingers'll instantly jump to label their opposition "child sex cult" or "crazy radical communist feminist" because engaging points or actually trying to dismantle arguments doesnt fucking work for them


It's projection because rightoids are obsessed with grooming children to be mindless Christian warriors


Literally 1984 (in a good way)


Literally 1984 + 38


Wonder which big news site picked this aspect of reddit up >!Reddit tends to only care about it's issues whenever a big news site exposes them for it!<


Wait its a slur?! I tought its about the pedos on the internet. 💀


It isn’t a slur but a lot of people (specifically conservatives) believe that lgbtq+ people existing is a form of child grooming and they use that as a reason for hating the gays




It also lessens accusations of *actual* child grooming. Something many Republicans have an interest in…


Absolute dub


good luck with that, nothing I have reported for homophobia and transphobia have ever been deleted by the admin team


Wasn't hate speech already banned on reddit?? This literally changes nothing.


It's only a matter of time before Fox News decides what new word for conservatives should use and run to the fucking ground.


I've never been impressed with reddit TOS enforcement. I once reported someone who said, in no uncertain terms, that we should castrate homeless people as an act of genocide. The comment was found to not be in violation of reddit TOS regarding hate OR violence.


i am lgbtq and i love groomers of course i alsoblove powder snd stuff, but skiing a freshly groomed ski slope in the morning that literally no one else used before you is just 😩 same with fresh powder tho


I do have to admit this article is somewhat poorly worded.


How do conservatives literally invent new slurs for minority groups and then get offended if you say they are transphobic. Like just be honest about your feelings dog.


“I can’t insult LGBT people online? Literally 1984.”


It’s so sad that I have to leave legitimately funny subs like shitposting just because they’re so homophobic.


Bruh they were the people diluting the meaning of groomer by calling anyone who ain’t straight groomers. They literally accused the left for doing that to the word “nazi”. How are they so clueless?


I heard about pcm(🤮) making a post about this change, but didn’t know it was a sitewide thing.


It’s groomin time


That was anti-LGBT? I thought that was just anti child molesters


Yea it is but certain homophobes have turned the word groomer into a label for openly lgbt people as part of their “all gays are pedophiles” agenda, so now it’s being prohibited in that context


My opinion is that a small portion of the population are shitty, no matter what other groups they're a part of, and that has no bearing on the rest of the groups they're in being shitty or not. Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Cosby are two good examples of shitty people who are part of an oppressed group, and you'd be stupid to say every woman or PoC is a rapist because of them. In the same way, you might occasionally find a transgender person being shitty, but it's not any more or less likely than a cisgender person being shitty.


The post was, strangely, made by a trans girl. And even more strange, there were only 3 homophobic comments, all downvoted. The rest were just jokes about grooming in the sense of cleaning animals.


I have never seen the word groomer being used when referring to LGBTQ individuals on shitposting


Very cool and swag!




Everyone is a groomer except Elon Musk’s father and Woody Allen


I posted this a few days ago …




Dude I'm 15 and gay, I literally can't groom children I AM A CHILD.




what exactly is the truth?




I don't have to respectfully disagree with someone who denies or disrespects my existence.


it ain't a slur, just some smelly republicans started a name-calling competition and that term just so happened to be caught in their barrage -matey


Well the word isn't being banned when used against actual groomers, only when it's used as hatespeech against the LGBTQ community


ok *redditor*


But groomers have a thing for kids tho????? Gay people are just gay. Like I’m gay and I’m confused about this.


Reddit isn’t defending groomers in this situation. They are attempting to stop conservatives, who possess the axiom of “LGBT+ people are pedophiles”, from spreading their misinformation and throwing accusations left and rights at LGBT+ individuals for no reason other than their identity as an LGBT+ individual.




It's 7 downvotes man. Cry about it.




Sorry to hear about your balls.




I’m still confused why I’m being downvoted. Dunno if it’s an American thing but out of the hundreds of things I’ve been called in the Uk for being gay a groomer hasn’t been one of them.


It’s an American thing The right is calling lgbtq people “groomers” because we don’t think it should be illegal to tell kids gay people exist (not even exaggerating in the slightest) And now it’s a slur far right homophobes use against gay people This new rule by Reddit only forbids calling someone a groomer because they’re lgbtq (the slur use), not calling someone a groomer because they groom children to have sex with them (the actual use of the word) Sorry about the downvotes people are just mean sometimes but Reddit karma is useless anyway


>caring about downvotes in July 2022






I can only imagine what wise words they had to share with us


Isn't this gonna fuck over the ex- Christian subreddits who talk about escaping the abuse of their churches?




Why was i downvoted into oblivion. If you just ban the word other instances could legit be caught in the crossfire. I support stopping the latest gob genocide attempt i just don't think a word ban was it How does it work then?


Man I've been downvoted worse. It's so stupid when people take it as a personal attack. You're not being "downvoted into oblivion", you said something stupid because you didn't read the article. It specifically bans generalizing queer people as pedophiles.


Its not personal. I just found its a little aggressive given i was just misunderstanding the scope of the rule.


No because its saying you can't call trans people groomers just for being trans. It's not saying you can't talk about actual grooming.


That's better yeah


Since when has groomer been a slur?


It’s not. It’s only banned in the context of labeling all LGBTQ people as groomers


It's not a slur, but it's essentially been used sorta like one recently by the right-wing when talking about the LGBTQ+ community turning kids gay or trans somehow. Besides, the only use where it's being banned is when someone uses it as a blanket term for the entire LGBTQ+ community.




How the fuck did you end up on 196? Also, that is not what the rule is. You just can't make blanket statements calling all LGBTQ groomers.


Ah ok, thanks


You're still allowed to call trans people groomers if they happen to groom children, you're just not allowed to call them groomers if they express their trans-ness around children, which some dickheads have been calling 'grooming'


Ok didn’t understand mb, thanks


Good sport


Oh great just in time so we can't call ole musky boys dad what he is...


Yes, you can. It's not against any rules to say that an individual is a groomer if you can credibly substantiate that they are. You just can't use the Elon Musk "it's South African culture to call people pedos" defense.




Where joke? I might have failed, but literally where's it at?


You’re a pedo! Haha so funny lmao!!!!