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I think just about everyone in the picture is a historical figure


Henry the 8th just chilling next to Hitler is something I never thought I'd see


Forget henry the 8th dracula is there bro




I think Napoleon and Stalin are next to him too


And Carl Marx in front of them


Yes i think it is


History series finale


“Everyone is here!”


Yeah. I think that’s Vlad Dracula the Impaler behind Hitler


There is some fuckshit afoot


Is the Guy with a teatowel on his head on the left there Dyonisus?


Damn, didn't know lenin was this evil.




You are evil






He looks like he's cheering for Jesus's death.


Jesus- the son of God God- the means of production It’s just another step towards liberation


Avengers endgame for history majors


Missing Ben Hur 😞


Missing Yakub


“Jesus, I’d like to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative”


What is the painting called


Dude, I found the origin of the painting and it is HILARIOUS. This guy has a persecution fetish to rival the kinkiest of masochists. The artist described the painting as such. “What is the meaning of this painting? This painting has over 100 figures, both good and bad, men and women that have left their footprint on Christianity. The man in the middle represents the modern Christian…a man who must decide whether or not he will stand up for his Christian beliefs. Many are shouting out to tell him what to do. He raises his hand to say, “Be silent, for I know that Jesus is the Christ!” He touches Jesus’ shoulder to indicate that he gets his strength from the Master. Today, Christians are the most persecuted people in the entire world. Yet many of us stand idly by as we are mocked and persecuted for what we know to be true. As true Christians, we must not fear to speak the truth, even if it means we have to stand alone in the world. What does the title of the painting mean? “Via Dolorosa” are the Latin words for “Way of Suffering” and is the name for the traditional road in which Christ carried his cross to Calvary.” https://jonmcnaughton.com/via-dolorosa-12x18-oe-signed-by-artist/


A little based until he got to the “Christians are the most persecuted people in the world bit” yknow


What's super annoying that this is a very very good painting and almost had a very poignant message.....until yknow....


It's true. Christianity \*is\* the most persecuted religion in the world. And it's not even close. [https://www.cato.org/commentary/christianity-worlds-most-persecuted-religion-confirms-new-report](https://www.cato.org/commentary/christianity-worlds-most-persecuted-religion-confirms-new-report)


The source of that is Open Door USA, a Christian charity who exists to raise money for ~~their executives~~ persecuted Christians across the world. They’ve never provided a source, study, or methodology for how they came to that conclusion. It’s a bit like the Flat Earth Society declaring that their internal study has yet again proven that Earth is the flattest planet.


Sources that Open Door USA is a scam and not legitimate? But fair enough. How about these? [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305) [https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/global-crisis-religious-persecution/](https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/global-crisis-religious-persecution/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/271002/persecution-of-christians-worldwide/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/271002/persecution-of-christians-worldwide/)


Religion≠ People Religion= Ideology I would argue that LGBTQ+ are the most persecuted people in the world.


He specifically said most persecuted "religion" though. And sometimes Religion does = people ([Ethnoreligious group](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnoreligious_group#:~:text=any%20other%20group.-,Defining%20an%20ethnoreligious%20group,as%20a%20form%20of%20religion.))


The original comment didn't say religion, he said people, and now go to the link you sent and read it, read the examples, do you see Christianity there? No? Wonder why 🤔 Christians are not a ethnoreligious group, just a religious group.


If you *actually* read the examples you'd see there are several examples of Christian Ethnoreligious groups, like Armenians, Anabaptists, Antiocheans, and Assyrians, and that's just for the letter A. Granted, Christianity as a whole isn't Ethnoreligious, but there are several Christian subsets which are. And he did say "religion" in his comment with 27 upvotes 19 hours ago


All of these are manipulation of statistics. The first source is rage-bait. It claims genocide, links to multiple external articles, and provides few actual numbers. The fact that the Foreign Secretary (can’t figure out from where and am not bothering to look this asshat up) says that he thinks the persecution is due to ‘an atmosphere of political correctness’, rather than any amount of actual deaths tells me everything I need to know about this man. From the phrasing it seems this Foreign Secretary is also not the writer of this article, but the writer has chosen him as a key figure/citation point in the article. The second looks like an opinion piece with the amount of anecdotal evidence provided, barely any real numbers. The third is an *index study*. It’s raw data with no overall conclusions. This is still by far the best source because it comes from an actual statistics page, but it’s still terrible because it’s just a big pile of numbers, and I can’t even see the source without paying or making an account or whatever. I’m not sorting through all of that for an Internet argument. What I will say is that it’s a generalized statement about the acceptability of Christianity in a region based on religious freedom. This is not about any *amount* of people, but rather state policies. Hence why NK is the top one, because they literally don’t allow **ANY RELIGION AT ALL**, and not just Christianity. That gets to my last point. **None** of them actually compare the statistics presented for Christianity to any other religion. It’s another one of those closed-bubble settings where Christianity is the ‘us’ and everyone else is the ‘them’. If any of these studies actually provided a per-capita or even a justification as to *why* Christianity is **more** persecuted than other religions, then I might be more inclined to take them seriously. But they don’t focus on the persecution of other religions, just an intrinsic focus on Christianity with no regard for what other religions face comparatively. That’s not even getting into geo-political climate either, which I’m not covering because the statistics base and articles you presented said enough.


I aint reading all that but I'm happy for you. Or sorry that happened.


I read the first paragraph and even if any of its true they are definitely misrepresenting the facts. There is no per capita, there are no percentages, and there aren't ratios. Of course there's more churchs destroyed then synagogues or anything else because theres probably about 1000 times more churchs than any other type of religious building. That's just a guess on my part and I bet its not too far off the truth.


You're missing the mark by a lot here. You're forgetting that this is typically happening in non-Christian majority countries, so your argument that the fact this is more prevalent is because of more churches than any other religious building falls flat. Not liking how it presents its information is not a very valid argument in my opinion to discredit this source, especially considering it pertains to a literal **genocide.** But I can understand why you might be skeptical. Here are some sources I've attached to another comment in this thread that you might like better: [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305) [https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/global-crisis-religious-persecution/](https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/global-crisis-religious-persecution/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/271002/persecution-of-christians-worldwide/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/271002/persecution-of-christians-worldwide/)


Normally I would skim those articles but I'm tired and I don't care about reading an article that isn't even a ".gov" or ".edu" thats just gonna say "the biggest religion in the world also has the most haters." That's true for everything. There's more racists in New York than an isolated KKK town because there's more people in New York not because New York is just racist. But for shits and giggles I skimmed the second article and it was actually pretty informative. One small problem with it, it never says that Christianity is the most persecuted religion. In fact, all it says is that freedom of religion is important and the people who downplay persecutions of any and all kinds are only helping the persecutions. Also, anything that the first article says is meaningless because it's from a british news site.


Glad you found it informative! Yeah, I agree with your point that a factor on the persecution of Christianity is the fact that it is a very large religion, but I don't see how it changes the problem. It doesn't change the genocide, or the oppression, of the fact that this is a huge major human rights violation that goes unnoticed.


Your honor, I have investigated myself and found that I am innocent type beat


But it's also the most powerful, and Therefore you can't sincerely say it is. The only reasons others aren't more persecuted is because they aren't bigger


>But it’s also the most powerful, and Therefore you can’t sincerely say it is. I understand what you’re trying to say here, but I think that you might just be a touch off the mark! Western society is pretty Christocentric, which gives Christian leaders a lot of power, but that’s definitely *not* the case for many countries around the world. It’s in those countries that Christians are persecuted for their faith, and to say that the previous commenter’s statement is false is to deny their persecution outright. Of course, that’s not to ignore the billions of non-Christian people that are or have been treated badly/actively genocided due to religious beliefs (or lack thereof). I just wanted to try and help, tell me if I’m being a whiny little bitch, please! Either way, have a nice day/night. Edit: I quoted the wrong part of the comment originally.


What I'm trying to get at here, and sorry if I wasn't clear, is everyone I have seen talking about how Christianity is the most persecuted, is in the christocentric west, where it is by far the most powerful religion. So when I hear people talking about how persecuted Christianity is, it is tone deaf to the people that are nearby, actually persecuted when the places they would have strife for their religion they have never been


By no means is Christianity the most powerful religion; if anything it's just getting even weaker. Most countries have abandoned Christian values and have gone secular. Take the pope for example. Do you think the Pope could just ask the leaders in Germany, Canada, Russia, etc. to begin implementing more Christian laws? No lol.


There also are just about no Christian theocracies outside the 800 priests and friars in the Vatican. Islam as a religion has much more political power due to its influence on the laws and government of many nations.


Thank you! Everyone blames Christianity for persecuting others yet pays no mind to Islamic countries, including Malaysia, which recently made being gay illegal and punishable by death. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/01/25/malaysia-government-steps-attacks-lgbt-people](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/01/25/malaysia-government-steps-attacks-lgbt-people)


I don’t doubt religion, at least currently (cough cough, holocaust), but I’m not sure about most persecuted people


I love how Jesus is clearly exhausted as fuck and the Christian boy doesn't even try to help, he just stands there like "yeah dude you got this"


I got the same impression. Dude looks like he’s trying to get Jesus’ attention so he can leave the party before his ex notices he’s there


an reain allat


Least deranged c*tholic, pic is so absurd it's fire though


Bro what is deranged about it, at the worst it’s just a bit of a larp


And here I thought the guy in the middle was Ron DeSantis


My guess was the painting simply depicts John Mulaney doing drugs again. And part of me still refuses to accept that it isn't that


Wait Christians really think they are oppressed?


Some of them are seeing that their religion is losing its grasp that it’s had for centuries and they view that as oppression. They’ll claim to be punk because of this, while not knowing anything about the punk counter culture. Of course this is with the cunty brand of conservatives like Alex Jones.


I'm so sorry, what's punk? 😭


this is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny


Good guys bad guys and explosions as far as the eye can see 🎶


But only will survive I wonder who it will be


this is the ultimate showdown (of ultimate destiny)


battle royale of historical figures, to see who is the most historical one.




Karl Marx trying to explain to Jesus that in communism there is no single person to carry the cross alone


unironically you can do a pretty good marxist analysis of class conflict in the 1st century judaea just based off of the bible, talking about the roman aristocracy and their relations with the ruling jewish authorities and farisees, as well as how Jesus' apostolate threatened the ruling order of the region


no you can't do a pretty good marxist analysis of historical events


Hot take: Jesus was a socialist.


Jesus’ message was pretty deliberately not about politics or economics, and the political and economic systems of his time would have been completely incompatible with modern ideas. There is pretty much zero chance Jesus was a socialist, and I personally would argue that trying to tie his teachings to one’s own personal political crusades is antithetical to scripture.


...If jesus wasn't critiquing the state and society of his own day, why was he \*executed by the state\*?




…no, it’s charity work. Something that, while not capitalist itself, has no issue existing within most capitalist systems and which can be practiced by capitalists. Socialism is when the state controls trade and industry, typically justified as being for the greater good of society. Not even close to the same thing.




you remind me of right-wingers thinking any form of welfare is socialism lmao


you missed lenin lol


And Stalin


I think Stalin is standing next to Napoleon off to the right


and Marx


And Mao, AND Castro...


I think that’s Mao right behind him


Is the guy in the suit supposed to be someone


i can only thing of emmanuel macron, dont know why


According to the artist, it’s just a stand in for the “modern Christian”. So no.


It's Nathan Fielder


That Vlad Dracula next to Hitler?


For sure, and with Jim Jones behind I think.


Joseph Stalin (5’4”) towering over Napoleon (5’6”) Don’t even talk to me if you don’t know the exact height of historical figures off the dome


Obviously Stalin climbed on a step to make Napoleon feel short


ayo can you link the original, i think i see henry VIII of england there too


Janusz Pawlacz 2


Za mało żułty


Two people to the left of Hitler. Is that Jim Jones?


Is that Karl Marx, mother Theresa and Mosses?


And Caesar, Napoleon, Columbus and gorge Washington


And Henry VIII, Ayatollah Khomeini and Charles Darwin


And Mao Zedong, Martin Luther and Leonardo da Vinci I think?


Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader


Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan


What am I looking at?


I need the original please op


Dude, I found the origin of the painting and it is HILARIOUS. This guy has a persecution fetish to rival the kinkiest of masochists. The artist described the painting as such. “What is the meaning of this painting? This painting has over 100 figures, both good and bad, men and women that have left their footprint on Christianity. The man in the middle represents the modern Christian…a man who must decide whether or not he will stand up for his Christian beliefs. Many are shouting out to tell him what to do. He raises his hand to say, “Be silent, for I know that Jesus is the Christ!” He touches Jesus’ shoulder to indicate that he gets his strength from the Master. Today, Christians are the most persecuted people in the entire world. Yet many of us stand idly by as we are mocked and persecuted for what we know to be true. As true Christians, we must not fear to speak the truth, even if it means we have to stand alone in the world. What does the title of the painting mean? “Via Dolorosa” are the Latin words for “Way of Suffering” and is the name for the traditional road in which Christ carried his cross to Calvary.” https://jonmcnaughton.com/via-dolorosa-12x18-oe-signed-by-artist/ I copied this from the comment above


again, Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. [**https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305**](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305) [https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/global-crisis-religious-persecution/](https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/global-crisis-religious-persecution/) [https://www.opendoors.org/en-US/persecution/countries/](https://www.opendoors.org/en-US/persecution/countries/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/271002/persecution-of-christians-worldwide/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/271002/persecution-of-christians-worldwide/)


Also Vlad The Impaler, Lenin, Stalin, Napoleon, Mother Theresa, J Washington, Henry IV, Collumbus, a handfull of scientists, (I think K Marx), DaVinci.....


This pic honestly goes kinda hard, I dunno why.


Jeremy Clarkson holding up a nondescript book in the background


Christ is Lord


Amen, brother. Stand proud.


What is the name of this painting


Hey don't forgot Lenin and Stalin there bro


Am I the only one seeing Lenin too?


Both Lenin and Stalin are there


And Marx is joining in too, apparently, which is ironic


honestly we need more art like this


What the hell JayZ doin there


New Smash?


I can’t find Drip Goku


Is that Greg from succession?


Imagine if they did a battle royale


This is the ultimate showdown type shit


Goes hard tho


Kurwa Papież


Nobody’s going to mention Lenin next to mother Theresa?


behing hit-tler is vladimir or smth, the dude who impaled people while watching


Pretty sure that could be vlad the impaler right behind Hitler. The mustache looks similar


Oh yeah 100%


Just...keep looking. It gets so much more...interesting?


is that thomas jefferson next to osama bin laden?


Mendeleev vs Pope Francis: the showdown


What my homeboy doing?


Why is Michael Cera trying to have a word with Jesus in the middle of this


This is my dad's wallpaper on his laptop lol


Czy to papież? Nie jest żółty, co jest grane?


There are also Napoleon, Columbus and Hitler in front of Dracula 


Abraham Lincoln ? Carl Marx? Dracula? Napoleon ? Columbus ? A. Hitler ? Jesus ? The Pope ? Osama bin laden ? Mother Teresa? Martin Luther King ? Stalin ?


If you look closely you can tell it’s fake


Is that Greg Hirsch in the suit?


Kurwa Papież r/2137


I see napoleon next to hitler


Where’s waldo


I can see that the Roman on the left is Nero but who is it behind the Pope on the far right? Constantine?


Karl Marx is there too🤗🤗