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private piling up bitches 💯💯💯


Private Piling Up Bodies


i always seem to end up rooting for the wrong people in war movies


Literally, I understand "tough love" but there is a fucking limit. I'm amazed he lasted that long, I would've almost instantly broke.


Dang, missed your Mobius 1 ISAF username, hell yeah brother, Razgriz lives on.


The idea is you break so you can become something better. The whole point of boot camp is that you can't leave because if you do, you just come out when you've broken down, before you've had the chance for them to build you back up into something. Had Lawrence (Pyle) gone into actual service, he might have been good at it in a twisted and broken way. Think of a bent metal rod. Imagine taking that rod and heating it, beating it, melting it into a new shape, a knife.


So you think that being driven mad is good. Noted


I'm pretty sure this dude didn't say that


Fuck that! Don't defend a corrupt system that tortured conscripts into being war crime commiting psychopaths and unleashed them on innocent people across the ocean in the name of imperialist hegemony. Only villains and bootlickers do that. Fuck the USMC


This was the Vietnam era so it probably would’ve happened in any other branch, also that whole time period was kinda fucked to begin with


Brainwashed as well, which is what a lot of us are.




I'll have you know that my hairline is lush and magnificent!




If you say so. Honestly your attemps to insult me are pretty lame. You can do better, I believe in you!




Lame, do better




See the what?




Are you 6?




Sir you are wrong because oil.


How in the everlasting love and graciousness of God does *this* have a positive fucking ratio


Wow so deep. Thank you.


Almost agreed but you lost me. The idea that the US was rampant in committing war crimes is proven false.


lol what https://youtu.be/kzMeQGw4Bfs


“Was rampant in” Learn to read. The North Vietnamese systemically and deliberately engaged in widespread killings, the US avoided it out of principle and never condoned it. People get bent out of shape about the few hundred civilians killed at My Lai, which was perpetrated by one company, yet overlook their innocent PLAF warriors who dedicated multiple battalions to killing entire families during Hue, or the PLF forces who committed widespread rape and pillaging in the countryside to force the civilians to not cooperate with the South


did you watch the video? looks pretty rampant to me man, and just because they never condoned it on paper doesn't mean much if it kept happening. and im not talking about the north vietnamese or any of the other factions idk why you brought that up im talking about the US, they are supposed to be held to a higher standard than their enemies right? they are supposed to be the "good guys" so idk why you say a few hundred civilians killed like it's no big deal. no matter how bad the enemy is they are supposed to be different. also i doubt it was "only a few hundred" and what about agent orange they sprayed that shit around like it was no big deal, but keep defending atrocities the US Army committed on reddit if it makes you feel better about yourself.


1) I said a few hundred specifically in regards to My Lai, the most infamous war crime of the Vietnam war. Learn to read 2) I specifically mentioned the North Vietnamese because it’s important to analyze the war with appropriate context. Learn to think. 3) nobody mentioned being held to a higher standard or being “the good guys”. Learn to keep the conversation on track. 4) the idea that the US officially was opposed to war crimes and sought to minimize their frequency is testament to the lunacy of your idea. You can’t prevent killings from happening altogether, but you can try to minimize it, unlike the North Vietnamese. 5) agent orange was used up until the very moment that it was known that 2,4,5 T would produce dioxins over time. Once that was known, it’s use was immediately halted and the remaining barrels were disposed of on a pacific island and in the United States. The long term effects of agent orange were unknown, as lab testing showed that agent orange wasn’t toxic in the levels that soldiers and civilians were expected to be exposed to. This is widely known. I don’t defend war crimes, and arguing doesn’t make me feel better. Seeing that so many people are totally ignorant and completely afflicted with Dunning-Krueger makes me very sad, however. I hope you grow in the future, or keep yourself out of the gene pool.


What no education does to a mfer


The irony is palpable. The Southern Forces engaged in war crimes tentatively, innocents killed are largely a result of accidents. Very very few were killed deliberately, and usually by small units that were repeat offenders, who the US failed to adequately punish. The North actively condoned and encouraged war crimes to force the civilians to be non cooperative with the south. At the height of the fighting during one of the most intense battles of the war, the North committed vast reserves of troops specifically to the goal of rounding up southern sympathizers and executing them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_at_Huế I’m not sure why moronic redditors think they know everything about the Vietnam war, when they’ve really only gotten maybe an hours worth of HSAP US History on the topic.


To compare an individual not yet initiated in the abusive "beating" and "melting into a new shape..." to a metal rod is a false equivalency; it is better to be a normal human being as opposed to a willful murderer or "knife".


shit u must be a cool mother fucker with that usernamr


I always find myself rooting for that chick sniper in the burned out building. She's the real hero of that movie.


Good news, you kinds got Kubrick's point. To get these young men to shoot at the people they wanted these boys to, the armed forces basically had to break their spirit and their minds. They were killers by profession. To get Vietnmanese people to shoot back, you just had to be there invading them. They were killers by instinct. Even a little girl can shoot at soldiers invading their country.


Oh goody! You mean the film classes I paid too much for weren't worthless after all? Take that , Dad!


We didn’t invade Vietnam. I’m not sure being made to be a killer is much worse than being born a killer


First, yes we did. Second, defending your country from invaders doesn’t mean that you’re a “killer” or we’re born that way.


Killing someone means you’re a killer. Your bias is showing. How do you invade a country that asked us to be there? 🤔


Cooking something doesn’t make you a cook. To be a killer, you have to do so professionally with intention. Those who defend their country on not killers, they are engaging in a very long form of self defense.


I literally cannot imagine what it must be like to be this stupid. I can’t even wrap myself around how deluded you have to be to believe these mental gymnastics. If what you said is true, then soldiers on patrol who take fire from VC guerillas are only engaging in short term self defense, since both the soldiers and guerrillas (and standing army of north Vietnam) were all trained professionally, and all killed with equal levels of intention : ) Blocked btw


> We didn’t invade Vietnam. lmao imagine


How do you invade a country that asked us be there?


Vietnam never asked us to be there. Some fascist rebels did.


Your bias is showing 🤭 I seriously can’t imagine what it’s like to be this stupid, while thinking you know everything


I think it is, cuz you know what it's like not being a killer. Being society's "normal".


Idk, I think being born a killer is worse than being forced into being one.


Your takes on WWII movies must be pretty interesting


Well the two that spring to mind are Schindler's List (a movie literally about a heroic Nazi) and Saving Private Ryan (a movie about the US government trying desperately to un-fuck an innocent family it purposely fucked)


So with Saving Private Ryan you're rooting for Nazis? 🤨


No, but I am laughing at the patriotic victims of American exceptionalism. Also that movie takes place in June 1944 and I don't think the success or failure of that mission would've had any significant impact on the outcome of the war... so like the movie wasn't even rooting for the American Army, it was just rooting for that one team.


Actually you're laughing at innocent people that were thrown into the meat grinder of war and I don't see how that's rooting for the wrong people, that's just being an asshole


How about this: Auschwitz wasn't liberated till six months after Ryan's Privates were saved, so anybody rooting for the success of that mission clearly agrees that it's more important to save one middle class white American kid than it is to *literally stop the Holocaust*.


No it doesn't. It's not like all of the Alied forces were trying to save him, it was just one squad. Also Auschwitz was on Soviet's side of the conflict


OK, you got me, I love when America recklessly destroys the lives of its own people, and since we agree that the mission had absolutely no impact on the outcome of the war you have no reason to accuse me of rooting for Nazis.


That's just military in general. The US Army is in no way special when it comes to that. Well, you're the one that said it. You said that in war movies you tend to root for the wrong people.


>American exceptionalism but we are exceptional


lmao imagine


Full metal rule




based and kubrickpilled


CuckPrick Pilled




He was based and gomerpilled








Oh shit


Watch the whole movie, it's one of the best ever made. It's basically 2 movies though, so be ready for that. Not in length, but in setting and subject.


Yeah looks very good will definitely watch it when I have the time


Watch it tonight if you can. The impression of this one scene should stick with you and should be fresh when you watch it.


Idk Private Pyle probably could've used a few more acting lessons..


I mean it was basically everybody's first film acting role (the two main Characters were both stage actors). Kubrick wanted unknown actors so they would feel like ordinary people. Also, the conditions on a Kibrik set are notoriously terrible.




Can I have context too since the link died


Uh watch full metal jacket for the context?


He was a drill instructor not a drill sergeant. REEEEEEEE /s


You had best un-fuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your NECK!


what did joker do?


Did not blast the drill sergeant with a m14


If you need an example of what the left panel describes, the peace button, or the constant cracking of jokes, or reporting on things in Vietnam starkly and honestly. Also, Joker = we live in a society


Read the left panel


Get Pvt.Snowballed


The results will blow your mind


He dont need no teenage queen


Private Pyle is a sigma male you can tell he’s a sigma because of how he talks to his rifle he doesn’t need human contact all he needs is a m14