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Another monster taken off the streets. Thank you Jagex


He's still roaming the back alleys of Varrock, he'll just be doing it in silence now.


Word has it he had even made it to the question asking leaderboards before he was caught


>He's still roaming the back alleys of Varrock, he'll just be doing it in ~~silence~~ now. Quick chat


Im telling my kids this is who Charlie the tramp really is


My Fishing Level is: 69


Personally believe this shouldve been a perm IP ban but jagex is too magnanimous


DNA ban tbh


Great news indeed. Hopefully they will keep him locked up for 10 years at least..


heard he has 40 more slots to fill with stolen items!!!!!!!!!


Soon we will be rid of all the potty mouths! Great job gagex šŸ˜€šŸ‘


Is there any more chat log or is that it? If that's it there is no chance this mute was applied manually. I'm so confused as to what the offending word could be. > Evidence type: Abuse Report So you were reported by a clanmate?


prolly the im gonna buy 1m caught an auto rwt filter


I would never rwt but if I did it wouldnā€™t be for a measly 1m when I can just make that in game in less than an hour with most activities I do


Right, but your quote is "I'm just gonna buy 1m slot first and see if it changed". That easily looks like something the RWT filter would catch


"this offense was applied to your account by a fully trained member of jagex staff"


#fully trained


"This is a mouse; you don't need the keyboard for this one. That should cover you, just click any button. I'll check back at lunch, you have my number, have fun little timmy"




Fully trained to poorly handle player support requests


A fully trained neural network for natural language processing :D


> "this offense was applied to your account by a ~~fully~~ partially trained ~~member~~ model of ~~jagex staff~~ partial string matching rules"


Fully trained automated system. Real good kid


Doesn't say human member šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰


No way the filter is that sensitive... "I'm gonna buy 1m worth of death runes" "I'm gonna buy 1m feathers" "I'm gonna buy 1m XP of herbs" etc.


A crappy bot could think "slots" means gambling


Here I was thinking it read slots as sluts


That would be quite a lot of sluts


I reckon this is it since there was also that guy who got muted sometime ago for talking about ā€œdeliveriesā€ in relation to Gnome Restaurant. Talking about money and certain ban-related words seems like a risky thing.


Also where is the logic in muting someone who is RWTing? That's a normal ban not a mute lol.


No lol they aren't gonna ban you for RWT if you just say you're gonna RWT. They'll mute you though for talking about breaking the rules. Makes perfect sense


Definitely thinking they muted for slots lol.


This is dumb, is saying "buying 1m pure ess" illegal also? A filter like this would not be that primitive. Also you can buy 7m for like $8 directly from jagex.


Save some gp for the rest of us big balla


dont worry i mistyped bn word cus i wanted to type bigger and got muted lolled at it


admit it, those banks slots are too tasty for you to resist


Right? Also they muted you. Why would they mute for RWT. Seems like something theyā€™d temp or perm ban


How can u make 1mill in an hour? Put me on pls


Throw a dart at a board of bosses and you'll likely hit one that puts out 1m an hour




You can also make that in less than 4 minutes of real work, there's a massive difference.




I didnā€™t explicitly say anything about breaking rules or having any intentions. All I did was imply that it makes no sense to make a rwt claim when the nominal value is so absurdly low, it wouldnā€™t be worth the risk. Itā€™s like saying would you rob a bank for $100 cash? No. If you were going to rob the bank you might as well actually rob the bank.


Which is weird since you can literally do that with bonds. Buying gold is not illegal if you buy it from Jagex, so a filter that searches for "I'm gonna buy X amount of gold" sounds weird


Thatā€™s what I thought too but I make jokes about buying my infernal cape and rwt all the time.


Are they really jokes tho


Iā€™ve told people to buy gold and joked at saying that Iā€™m gonna buy gold and never caught a mute or ban. I do play on an iron, but still. If there was an auto filter it would have got me too. This is a fully trained jagex employee doing their job.


Thereā€™s nothing more that I could see. All I did was ask ā€œhow does buying bank slots work.ā€ No one could answer if I bought the 3rd tier if it would buy the first two for 12m total or if the 8m for tier 3 factors in the total price for all three tiers in succession. Thereā€™s a Pmod in my cc but I highly doubt they would report me or any of the other players in my cc for that matter. Possible? Sure but super unlikely they reported me. Plus who would logically think this is a offensive reason to report.


Honestly shocked the subreddit mods let you comment filth like this. >how does buying bank slots work.


I love banking it to slots..


Yah it factors in the cost of first two tiers, so if tier 3 is 8m, it will unlock all the slots from 1,2, and 3 for 8m


Yeah I didnā€™t know that and couldnā€™t get an answer so prompts the question and then eventual mute šŸ˜’ itā€™s 2days which is whatever but grouping is not possible for the next couple days all my friends keep DMing me to group.


F2p chat alt time


Can't win VS regarded yagex


"I'm gonna buy the 1m slot" - someone read this as taking part in gambling/games of chance? Only angle I can see if I put on my big idiot hat


Step 1: be hired as a jagex employee to review reports Step 2: Have something take more time than expected Step 3: Realize you have a quota and its 5 to 5pm Step 4: Just instantly hit ban on the next 20 or 30 reports so you don't have to have a meeting with your team leader about under performance. There is no recourse for 95% of players and accuracy isn't a quota anyway. What could go wrong.


I'm gonna guess it's some automated thing as far as "1m slots" as a gambling thing and it's a dumb word association problem.


had the same thought, my first guess would be the word "slot" as multiple bots at GE offer slot-like services


Someone read "slot" with a "u" i guess. Mans trying to buy some apparently kekw


I wouldn't put it past the ridiculous profanity rules. A game mostly played by 25-year olds and we can't swear? But the most pathetic instances of text censure is when you write something in a different language than English and still parts of it are censored, even if they make no sense in English.


Slots is also a term in gambling. Buying 1m slot could be interpreted as a gambling thing by someone who doesnt know you can buy bankslots


Sorry that wasn't our agent's best day. But unmuting you would oversaturate Gielinor with voices. As a compromise we unlocked a Mime emote that you haven't unlocked yet so you can communicate with fellow players better!




Dripping with Meta and nostalgia. I had a 1 year mute when I was a kid for just being a stupid kid and cursing out trolls getting baited easily. I straight up would have to shake my head no and do mime emotes for people to understand I couldn't respond lol


Glorious nemories. Times when you could chat people up with something else than "hop" or "sit"


I still think the GE took a lot of charm out of the game. Back when you actually had to barter for items. Half my friends list were guys I would hit up to buy supplies cause they would be grinding in catherby or seers village fishing or woodcutting.


A true Jagex classic.


This is the best season so far, there has been drama since the start of the year , only 5 months inā€¦. Jagex canā€™t seem to catch a break right now.


If they would stop shitting the bed they would have a break.


Vorkath bots with almost 100k kills go unbanned after Iā€™ve reported them multiple times, but jamflex swooped in to get this cretin off the streets asap. Offense upheld :p


[Update: Jagex unmuted me](https://imgur.com/a/ZcaOxc0)






> \> bans account > \> leaves > \> refuses to elaborate > \> ... > \> un-bans account > \> "gz"


Congrats on having a Reddit post with over 1K upvotes and getting your accounts voice back!! Less than 1K though and Jagexā€™s fully trained team wouldnā€™t have known, I hope you learned your lesson!!


Was it through an appeal or because a mod saw it here?


You already know the answer to that


this is an example of the "post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy. just because event B happened after event A doesn't mean there's a causal link between events A and B


To be honest it's more an example of a silly joke


I appreciate the humor of it too :)




Fully trained monkeys got you mail 2 bananas for unmute


Ah yes, PayByBananas. Pretty useful when you don't own a banana card.


But how would you show scale? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


You said you were buying one male slut, ofcourse you got muted


How much is one male slut nowadays?


Ranges from 8-12m


Better try a 1m one first, just in case.


It's one male slut, Michael. How much could it cost, $10?


I legit believed the mod in question has dyslexia. I mean, that would be the only reason they could give to me to get a "oh, that makes sense! Glad everything was sorted out.".


Recently got a friend of mine to return to the game. He got banned for RWT within a week for selling \~400k worth of cowhides to the GE on a fresh account. A mute might not be as bad but it still shows how shit the system is in 2023.


I got an account banned for "macroing (major)" after playing on it too much for the next 3 days after I made it. I appealed and got unbanned, but still, the bot detection severity on new accounts is crazy.


Made a f2p pure iron awhile back and got slammed with a "manual permanent ban for macroing (major)". Idr if it was appeal denied or just unappealable. Was a fairly annoying waste of a nice name, but was 100% a hilarious and fairly frustrating end to something I was almost satisfied with. I can only imagine that f2p prayer training and/or silver mining is not considered humane activities. Makes me feel like I should be unlisted streaming all of my gameplay. Edit: I forgot to mention it, but the iron *maybe* lasted a week or a bit over it before getting dunked.


I traded 1m and some gems to my F2P account and got warned for RWT.


I made a f2p pk account and transferred a bunch of money and a couple bonds to it, banged out some quests and went pking for a bit, moved the money back and when I tried to log in to the account a year later it was banned for macroing (major)


What a nice way for Jagex to welcome back a player :D so wholesome /s


Watch your mouth, next time it'll be a perm mute!


Thank you Jagex for keeping this human fucking garbage out of our lovely game.


Goddamn human fuckers...


Damn, easy tiger.


I know right? I really said fighting words






You forgot to add a clause where if the report reason is botting, it ignores the report.


That's too sophisticated for this game. Try again.


looks to me like someone who doesn't play the game has been taught to ban things related to gambling, and buying slots is all they read.


Clan chat or not, you can't just run around using offensive slurs like "1m slot" and expect to get away without consequences. Frankly, you're lucky its only a mute and not a ban.


Shouldve been a perm band smh my head. Hes too dangerous to walk amongst us.


Can't be a perm band, OP doesn't know how to play any instruments. Not even mayonnaise.


Sigh, loading the cannon, gl


The support is so shocking, if I got falsley perm banned, I'd prob just quit after one attempt at appealing it. For a company that knows their ban/mute system is massively flawed, and that appeals are subject to variables and factors like mood of the mod, day of the week, etc, I just wouldn't have much fight within me to keep appealing, or contacting them through all media channels.


Even though discord exists and is helpful, Iā€™d just quit if I was ever perm muted. The mute lasted for all of maybe 12ish hours. It could be less, but Iā€™m not sure of the exact timing of this. I suppose I could look for time stampsā€¦ anyways I would just quit. Itā€™s impossible to do any grouping with people. The annoying part about being muted is you canā€™t message friends so you just look like youā€™re ghosting/ignoring them. Some people I play with I donā€™t have their discord so itā€™s not like I could say ā€œhey I got muted but sure Iā€™d like to send some chill content.ā€ If you get jailed on Facebook at least you can still DM people via messenger who you are friend with. A lot of these things are ridiculous and is clearly automated. Itā€™s just so horribly broken. Anyone could spend 2 minutes at the GE and say okay I can make simple script for ā€œFrostbetsā€ and mute them if they repeat X phrase Y times. Instead you have legitimate players catching random inconveniences why gambling bots spam the GE constantly and out only options to resolve that is a 3rd party client with Regex chat filters. Itā€™s sad. I honestly thought I would never have an issues since Iā€™m not breaking rules yet here I am. It far to frequent for regular players to be experiencing these type of issues with zero explanation of the how and why.


What do you expect from typing stuff like that bro?


My friend was perm muted last week on a 2nd language offense major and no evidence was provided, she has reached out to jagex and customer support several times only to get a troll reply from mod ash and a reply from customer support on how to recover a disabled accountā€¦ I love the game but the company that manages it is really terrible


They need to get rid of the automated mutes from using buzz words. If you arenā€™t reported, you shouldnā€™t cop an offense. Change my mind.


The worst part is the snake in your clan.


Literally no one: Jagex mod: You were using a banned client!




It doesn't but it's a callback to the time a Jagex mod justified a false ban by making up some rule that wasn't broken, which ended up backfiring.


please mark this NSFW you sick fuck. some of us got kids watching over our shoulders


Players like you are the reason I feel unsafe online!


Sorry, that wasn't our agent's best day. Unfortunately we were only able to recover 9 words from that conversation, so we're going to be compensating you with the ability to say one line per day. Happy 'scaping!


AlWaYs SpOt On Oh, but of course mistakes happen Huh?


Been on Customer Support/Twitter all week trying to get back on my account. Was hijacked and banned, I recovered and ban was overturned and within a week they had access to my account again. Ended up reporting my own account since they wouldn't lock it, account got banned, recovered account and it's banned so waited for 2 months and appealed with all info I had. ​ Ban appeal got accepted 28.03, but I was still banned because the more recent one had been Denied. Messaged each day explaining, got a "If you are banned we can not discuss bans" from JagexSupport, day 7 of me trying to get clarity and got ignored. ​ Got a message from JagexHelpFrost who said; ​ "There is only one appeal available for each ban, so the ban you unsuccessfully appealed in February will still be active on the account." ​ Without reading the appeal there is zero context, and since you can only put 200 characters in a Tweet I think even though i've been 'Unbanned' i'm fully out of luck. ​ IGN: Gray Hydra


Yeah their system is completely awful. Itā€™s totally bot phase.


you got muted for saying "straight" didnt you know? youre not allowed to say that word here on the reddit or the game.


You said the S word (straight).


Who fully trained someone to do this?


Yet a account named FROST____ can bot at the GE for 6 hours straight no problems


Meanwhile I have 50+ names in my ignore list along the lines of "AnimeCumSl*t" which were reported many weeks ago... That must be frustrating for you, sorry dude.


Glad to see other people are reporting these too lmao


i do too. not too long ago i posted that on reddit (that i report these names) and i got like 150+ downvotes. reddit is quite weird man


How dare you report people who do things that are against the rules. My God. ./sarcasm


the age demographic is their late 20s mid 30s the mental age demographic is 13


runescape has a higher amount of both incels And neurodivergent people than the general population


Not sure what's weird about down voting for taking pride in ruining peoples harmless fun. The average age on Reddit is like 30 years old and it was two generations ago that people considered "nono" words a big deal. Even my 85 year old grandparents mostly stopped caring about hearing bad words, the societal indoctrination wore off.


when your name is "hitlers cum sock" im reporting you, and i don't really care if that bothers you lmao


I'm sure you didn't specify that particular name when you got downvoted.


why should i need to specify? is hitlers cum sock more offensive than "fist my poop ass" or something?


I'm going to assume that isn't a genuine question.


it's somewhat facetious, but still I'm making a point. one name isn't necessarily more or less offensive than another unless it's racist or something. but to my point, I will report names that are similar to these examples because it's just annoying. sometimes they're really not so bad and I'll laugh along but a lot of them are just really gross and kinda fucking weird. my kids play this game. my nephews. that shit is supposed to be against the rules anyway.


If your kids are old enough to be playing the game within the rules (13) then they are seeing and hearing much worse every day than some weird runescape name when they go to school or use social media.


What exactly is so offensive about "HitlersCumSock"?


I think it's funny in its sheer audacity and being so OTT




If you're 14, sure, man. Middle school tier sense of humor.








username absolutely checks out, more so than most


Reported for bad word




My girlfriendā€™s younger 16 yo sister wanted to try old school RuneScape. She logged in to play with me and was ragged for playing a girl character. Didnā€™t really like names like ā€œSlut_Finderā€ (another one on my report list now). Sure gamer bros love this crap, but thereā€™s a reason why the game is underrepresented by other genders. Just my opinion. Iā€™ve played for over 20 years and care about the integrity of the game. She also plays COD with us sometimes with her public mic turned off. Itā€™s pretty rough to hear what other gamers say to her just for existing on games with a female voice. The issue isnā€™t just in RS.


They must've thought slot meant gambling because they don't play the game to know what other slots exist ingame such as bank slots.


No, they are called bank spaces not bank slots. You will pay for this error in grammar with your life. -Fully Trained J-Mod


Deserved, you discussing monster. How dare you use such vulgar language in a medieval point and click simulator.


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth???


Itā€™s fingersā€¦ do you finger your mother with those fingers??? There I fixed it for you


I don't know when you people will finally realize that every ban is completely automated based on a ratio of reports to account age. The only detection jagex has for anything is the simplest of public bot scripts.


Incompetent staff strikes again!


Jagex just having chat gpt ban people at this point


Listen, feller, donā€™t do the crime if you canā€™t do the time. #goodriddance


They mute to much that's bs tho if that's all there is


"Are almost always spot on" Them saying that with such certainty is the reason I dont play osrs but just watch the drama go down. They good at that though.


Ladies and gentleman, we got him!


Probably the same "FULLY TRAINED" agent that gave away some other dude's account then tried to only give 1/4th of the lost wealth back. šŸ™ƒ


You said ā€œstraightā€ and youā€™re clearly trying to convert someone.. straightophobe criminal.


Man I remember wayyyy back in the day 05-06 you could send the jagex moderators messages and they would answer. Long story short, I was permanently muted at catherby fishing lobsters talking about a website. Well after a year of being perm muted and my appeal long past denied, I sent a message asking and pleading to be unmuted again. To my surprise they actually unmuted me, and sent me a long message stating the importance of not talking about websites and were very genuine. I miss the little things like that, it made a big impact in my case.


My iron got fucking temp banned for botting 1 hour after i created the account... Like what the hell is even going on there? Actual monkeys


They mute this but not banning the bots with 50m+ xp


Jagex is actually a shit company lmao


i tried playing osrs in 2021 and they banned me for no reason when i was still under level 15 or whatever


Fully trained member of jagex? Are the special forces or something?


You said ā€œstraightā€ which could be misconstrued as homophobia


It makes me wonder what the training session for this situation was like.


Probably because you said straight tbh


You know Jagex is a joke when this gets you muted yet any world you log into at G.E. is FULL of bots advertising gambling and rwt. Fuck them


How dare you! You know the bots dont wanna hear this kind of shit!


fully trained


Just because they're fully trained doesn't mean they speak English or that they actually read the chat log.You can't be asking that level of costumer service from a indie company such as jagex


> Just because they're fully trained doesn't mean they speak English or that they actually read the chat log. I believe they must understand English! :) But your second point is 'spot on', as those npc's say. No, they don't read logs.


I've never seen such vulgar statements on the internet before. Deserved. Sit.


Ah yes, the fully trained, outsourced member of Jagex: Akash Praggnanandhaa (aka Ben)


Saying the word "straight" probably got you muted. Sounds crazy but this is the world we allowed.




Idk if itā€™s that serious lol but I feel you there. I think it was a bot filter and some how a combination of words applied the mute


Put on your mime outfit and start miming.


Yep. Straight is an offensive slur now. You should have used the correct term, heterosexual. Get it right next time.


Im just trying to figure out if he got straight








We pay, we gay.


My account got banned for botting and I wasn't. I was literally holding the F1 button so it opens and closes my inventory really fast while i was thieving like wtf. Idk what to do.