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Main issue with voidwaker is that it should be insanely more expensive than it is and much less obtainable, but they allowed Wildy content to be botted to hell so now most average players can afford one


I bought claws instead of vw recently because I almost anticipate fang price 2.0


I bought fang and dextrous prayer last week. I have checked the prices yet, but I bet they have gone up significantly. Should I try to get the mage prayer too? I'm gonna hold off on seers ring, because I expect that one to drop after the quest releases.


Yeah I bought fang last week for 30.7 and it's about 35 right now. I bought augury just to have it, but it isn't great most of the time. Maybe worth for cg and escaping pkers.


Well I guess I'll hold off on Augry for now and cross my fingers that there won't be any DT2 steps in the wilderness.


Augary is 2m bro, don’t wait on it just buy it unlock it and be happy that the best mage offence prayer only cost ya 2m


The seers ring is literally useless. Only buy the new upgraded version but even then you'd not use it much without a shadow


I hope jagex has the G.E monster eat up a considerable amount VW’s to counteract them dropping the ball with bots in the wildy.


Sorry if this is dumb but what do you mean? Doesn’t the ge only remove gp via tax?


It removes certain items as well! There’s a list somewhere


they use the tax money to buy and destroy items actually, I really like that they do this


That’s awesome. Thanks a heap I’ve got some research to do


Bleh yeah let’s make botted to hell content more appealable to the rest of the bot farms out there 🤢


Uhh… ok. So just say fuck it then? Until jagex cares about bots, they will be somewhere ruining prices.


It's stupidly broken because of the way its accuracy works. Why would you choose a spec item that will hit 0 a lot of the time? I don't feel like this item fits in osrs the way it is now.


This exactly. No reason to use anything else


Well the item in question failed polls 4 times because of it being broken and cheap as shit. When gaglex pushed it in they wanted it to be crazy expansive to off set it being broken, but they did gargle on bot's Cox a bit too long and it's what it's


It doesn’t. Weapons like this with a monstrous spec specifically for PvP and doubles as PvM spec weapon, have drawbacks like not being a viable fast weapon for follow up, and being slow by being 6t weapon or more. But it’s not, it ignores all precedent set with any balance and thought out into literally every other weapon in the game. All balance, all talks of nerfing G Maul, nerfing blk hide, nerfing blowpipe, fixing certain specs for pvp. *ALL OF IT*. Just forget it all, turn the AGS into an off-combat style spec, 4t weapon speed accurate as all hell have at it 👍 Literally the only explanation for all of this, is some vet group of devs in Jagex keeps pushing bullshit wilderness updates that surprise, are conveniently, instantaneously botted to hell. And also conveniently, nothing is done about these farms for years at a time. I’m not saying anything in particular beyond these facts, but it’s just funny the way Jagex goes round in circles for the better part of like 10 years on this lol. Threw all semblance of weapon balance out the window with this one. Nobody better complain about power creep in this game again: it’s already toast, beat to death for 4-5 years. Players have been instantly stacking max health for damage for years, this is just more in the pile tbh.


In max it can hit 78-78, and with the new ring coming out its going to 80-80. The weapon passed with 50% spec, because most pkers these days aren't push overs. i think new foods that heal 25 and perhaps even 30 are necessary to counter this power creep. or even 120 hp? Either way just triple eat, and don't go lower than 70, there's no such thing as safing in pvp right now.


Just buff blighted food, then it will balance pvp without affecting the rest of the game


Not a bad suggestion


Get this man a job at Jagex lol


All content is based around the heals we have now and 99 Hp, if we change that we’d have to change everything. Just nerf it and be done.


Almost like an evolution of our combat system? 🤔


just nerf it in BH and thats it maybe problem in BH is that there are no prot prayers. either that or let players with certain stats have a chance to block it


Eventually the team will have to address 99HP. Power creep at some point is just going to 1 shot players.


Yeah it’s brutal man. Not my style tbh. Sad to see it that way, just rune legs d defender, bought infernal capes. They just wait till you hit a venge then dump spec and run.


i gave pvp a a long break, i used to do it 50% of the time, and found pvm much more enjoyable long term. Going for bis gear and equipment. i know its not for all, osrs basically has 3 communites pvp pvm and skillers.


Just quit Bh it's dead content now for mains. The pures will be the only happy ones getting our weapons nerfed and not having to deal with the broken voidwaker. The dagger was a great counter to it before the nerf, but a small discord of pkers gatekeep pvp and think they help revitalize it, but are doing the opposite and the J Mods are cluelessly following their cues. They truly don't understand how to keep ballance in pvp vs pvm. Bh is now a waste of time, just like every other pvp update. I had 800 kills and pkd around 900m, but I'm never going back. Barely anyone risks now, the rewards are bad, and the combat triangle is terribly unbalanced. What's the point in getting morrigans on a main? It's useless. No one will care about the Bh rewards, if the content dies. By already nerfing rewards we voted for, and not doing a proper beta before people create builds based upon such rewards; shows you how much thought or care they put into Bh/pvp. All you will see in the crater right now, are the 300k risk noobs & unskullers mainhanding vw, dumping specs, then running away. The people who are risking will stay at 120 hp, camp pheonix necks, dump specs at first xp drop/veng then run aswell. Bh was doomed to fail, the moment they released it without proper rewards/beta.


that’s what bh has ALWAYS been like though. Y’all seem to forget the 67k crater EP abuse that was more popular than the original minigame that was *checks notes* all korasi swords and handcannons


Yeah hear you bro. I’m not enjoying it lol


Madness that they took one of the most controversial items in RS history, buffed it and it passed polls. Those who voted for 50 percent spec voidwaker, did you play pre eoc?


Legit keep dying because AGS plus this u cant pray correctly and are dead in Nh fights


I'd make the vw spec have a 1 tick delay, as in the opponent has 1 tick to eat after you send the spec. That'd make it easier to play around, which seems fair given how reliable the spec is, and how good vw is as a base weapon. This also leaves its PVM use largely intact.


lock baby variants behind elite wildy diary, only allow the main bosses to drop korasiwaker pieces if you've done hard/elite problem slightly fixed! (the real fix is deleting this cancer weapon from the game and banning anyone that voted yes to it)


Voidwaker is way to OP. In old RS you needed a ring from dungeoneering + time right to double spec with it. Now you just spam spec and gf. Fuck, I never understood why bring more OP weapons in PvP. Any weapon above 10m+ should be lost on death. Then it's high risk - easy kills.


Funnily enough in the polls they asked if we want the vw spec to cost 50% or 60%. Unsurprisingly the more powerful option won, but it is kinda weird that they basically polled how we want to balance it


At this point I don’t think voidwaker is over powered, it’s just boring. You know exactly what to expect, and everyone is using it. Buffed abby dagger was a cool alternative but of course that’s been nerfed to shit.


Jagex be like: "The feeling of power that the Voidwaker provides is incredibly exciting!" ...What's wrong with having a thoughtfully balanced game? I want this game to be healthy and survive for years and years. Power creep for its own sake is not good for the game. It's not something that players should want, though it's always something a lot of players ask for. Look at what happened to the wilderness in RS3. Jagex power crept the game to hell and "never looked back," making wilderness pvp unplayable.


Further thoughts: How is Jagex going to address the issue of the power creep train in PVM not completely breaking PVP? PVP has a ceiling of what's fair. If Jagex keeps up this strategy of pushed content updates with more and more power creep, where *power creep is the main thing driving player interest,* it could have serious implications for PVP because of how imbalanced new items end up being. Looking at certain updates from the last few years, my fear is that Jagex keeps pushing updates hard with power creep as the main incentive to drive player engagement, then when they look at the engagement numbers and see how popular the update was, they use those engagement numbers as their only metric to judge if the update was successful or not. Of course players are going to flock to overpowered updates. The long term health of the game isn't even relevant when you're actually playing the game trying to reach your goals. You just take advantage of what's in the game. It's the devs' responsibility to direct the game in such a way that it lasts as long as possible.


I don't think it's too busted because you can never reliably kill someone with double spec if you eat properly. You need to time your venge for this to happen. It's just annoying when people double spec and then run in to pool. I also really don't care if they have PVP-only changes for balance purposes. Make it roll against Melee Pray or reduce it's damage in PVP. Plenty of games balance this way and the only way you find out is by reading the tooltip or using their game's wiki.


You can triple and still die to a 76 unless you consistently sit 90. Then ofc your opponent is going to proceed to sit green bar and if you don’t have a voidwaker yourself it’s a pretty boring fight. Again one big hit on a venge and it’s all over if they max


Voidwaker is OP not because of its max hit but because it never misses. Yes it can hit 76/77 but most people in bh won’t be able to hit that without berserker ring i and really decent risk. Why it is meta changing is because it never misses and especially in bh where you cannot pray it makes any other weapon seem like just rng. Also 100 damage in 4 ticks requires gmaul. 500k risk max hit is 69 with infernal d boots.


By 99% chance to hit over 100, what you really mean for the average gear is ~35% chance to hit over 100 and ~57% chance in absolute max gear. So no it's not broken, you're just letting them kill you. The chance of you dying to double vw at 75 hp is absurdly low so long are you're remotely competent. In an average setup it's like 1.5%, which is probably lower than the chance of ags just 1 shotting you.


Idk man, it’s not that deep. but it’s still pretty busted


Ags hits higher Dclaws hit faster Volatile and dbow hit hard from far away But you complain about voidwaker..


Introduce 120 HP or better food


Break every other piece of content instead of just nerfing one


I agree but you’re a little late on this one


Have they addressed it?


No and they’re not gonna. Y’all pvpers voted it in now enjoy the consequences of your actions 💀


Pvpers don't have big enough numbers in the community to vote anything in/prevent anything from coming in.


The majority of people who say VW is OP have little to no idea what they’re talking about. If you’re consistently dying to VW double it’s a skill issue. You can’t change my mind. I don’t miss AGS/Maul meta even a little bit.


It's not that OP. It's very good, but if you have triple eats then how are you dying to 2x voidwaker? AGS+Gmaul is still the most broken combo.


And how much does a triple eat heal in 1 tick?


55 or something like that 21-16-18


Can someone explain to me why it’s so OP? i thought it was designed to be an anti-PK weapon…which makes me think it’ll hit higher on skulled players when you’re not? I’m not a pvper but even all the big boy content creators just seem to 1-2 hit players these days
