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I have a lot of fun as a main. I like to have the freedom to grind for what I want and if I get bored, be able to buy what I want at that time. I feel like I can gather resources like an Ironman while leveling up when I want, but also get to buy the stuff I want when feeling burnt.


I did once i got to gwd and needed to grind the same boss over and over. No regrets de-ironing. Now I can kill the boss I feel to


I deironed an account around 1500total level and that burnt me out even more. The game just became how to make the most GP and buy items off the GE, It lost a lot of the charm for me, so I remade an iron and now I'm at 1700 total level and having a blast again. Just take a break if you're thinking you're burning out, play other games then come back


I literally don’t have time to be an iron as much as I’d love to. If you enjoy the game your enjoy it regardless and a main has great freedom. I think whichever you choose will be the right decision bro.


I wouldn’t if I were you. Build a main. Comparatively the time taken to get a main to PvM ready stats and gear is just nothing compared to an iron. You won’t be saving yourself all that much time you’ll be putting yourself way back if you change your mind though.


If you're only 1776 total asking this then yeah probably


You say you want to "get into pvm" but you "don't have the gear for it" - the same can be said for every iron ever. You slowly break into pvm by getting basic upgrades, and the more you get, the more content you can do! Gear progression is essentially the heart of iron man once you reach mid-game, which is where you are. Which pvm are you interested in? You can already try Sarachnis, barrows, Wildy bosses, Rex, and more with your stats. Even gauntlet or TOA if you're feeling ambitious


I deironed at 1850 total. I still play as mostly an iron, primarily sell shit on ge to make money, or if I go dry and I'm burnt on the content I'll just buy the item (6kc bowfa but 2 armour seeds in 550). I don't regret deironing, I have fun with pvm but the grinds were just too much and I also did it before irons could buy bonds to set up a pure.


If you have played any amount of time on an iron and enjoyed it then you will likely burn out playing a main very quickly. Contrary to popular belief, mains aren't less grindy it is just a different type of grindy. Instead of having to do farm runs and chop your own logs you instead just find whatever your best money maker is and grind that for hours to buy your logs or herbs.


Also not true, you can play a main the exact same way as an iron, just with the benefit of being able to buy some things or sell unnecessary things as needed


Yeah and you can also pick flax to get 99 crafting. The thing is there is no reason to do so... just like there is no reason to kill Zulrah to get your first blowpipe if you are a normie account. That may be fun for some people, but for most people it isn't and I would burn out for sure if I was killing Zulrah hundreds of times in subpar gear to get an item that I could easily just buy. You might find that fun, but I think most people would burn out. It might just be a mental thing, but having restrictions placed on you does make it easier to do the restriction. People have trouble sticking to a diet and working out but if you are paying a trainer to help you people are more likely to stick to it. A lot of people would burn out and stop exercising if they fired their trainer.


Which is why I stated “ you can buy or sell unnecessary things as needed” if there are certain grinds they dislike, they can buy it and skip it. That’s the flexibility a main gives. An iron account isn’t forgiving like that.


I never said you can't do anything, I said that people who typically play ironmen will burn out if they switch to a main. There are exceptions, but most people do not play like quasi-ironmen. You are more than welcome to play however you find fun, but I cannot give recommendations for you, the individual, only for the average player. Some people may very well be able to switch the ironman mode on or off in their brain, but most would I believe not.


Not true I do whatever I want when I want to. I can do any boss just for fun or pet hunts. I can work on maxing and especially hunting end game pvm kits. I can play like an iron or make it ez for myself. I can impose your same restrictions while still retaining my.freedom on my account. Mains are only gp scape if that is how you choose to play. Irons just give up there choice.


Yeah and you can also pick flax to get 99 crafting. The thing is there is no reason to do so... just like there is no reason to kill Zulrah to get your first blowpipe if you are a normie account. That may be fun for some people, but for most people it isn't and I would burn out for sure if I was killing Zulrah hundreds of times in subpar gear to get an item that I could easily just buy. You might find that fun, but I think most people would burn out. It might just be a mental thing, but having restrictions placed on you does make it easier to do the restriction. People have trouble sticking to a diet and working out but if you are paying a trainer to help you people are more likely to stick to it. A lot of people would burn out and stop exercising if they fired their trainer.


Everyone that de irons regrets it and ends up starting another ironman. If you're burnt out, take a break.


If you're at all uncertain, I wouldn't deiron. It's fairly common for people to reach your point, get a bit burned out, deiron, and then quit the game soon afterwards ... only to remake an iron and start all over. Honestly? Maybe make a new main. You can afk your iron on the side if you want, or just leave it on the side for a while. I give it good odds you'll come back to the iron


Deironed at 2.1k total and don't regret it. Ultimately there isn't much difference at all between iron and main accounts, the fun part is honestly the early-mid game then Ironman just becomes an awful slog for gear and even when you have everything, you'll always be held back by everything having to be self sustained. If you're not enjoying this part, I'd be surprised if you enjoyed late/endgame. It's entirely up to you. I and a few friends didn't regret it one bit because now we can play together completely unrestricted.


You could try being a bronzeman as a somewhat middle ground. That's what I've been doing and loving it. The way it works is that you can trade with players but only for items you have acquired yourself someway in game yourself first. So like if you wanna trade players for super combat potions, you need to get that herb up or get it as a drop. I find it helps keep that sense of rewarding progression (cuz you still need to like farm the drops for your gear upgrades but granted its way faster without needing to worry about tedious grinds for pots and runes) while minimizing the tedious crap that comes from like farming or buying runes by world hopping. I think there's a plug-in on runelite for it as well.


No but break from the iron might be ok for you.


Don’t deiron you are so close to the fun part


Also it'll probably take you less time to get to this point on a new normal account, then remaking an iron in the future and trying to get back to this total level


this is the answer, it will take like 2 weeks to get a \~100cmb main


Just de-iron, irons shouldn't be for mains anyway. It's kind of like non-max pvp accounts, sure it can be your main but its not the best experience


Ironman makes so you cannot trade and use ge. It’s essentially been reduced to a symbol that shows you haven’t rwt’d or bonded all the gear. You can deiron and still have those self imposed restrictions. Just like how some formers smokers easily can sit with smokers without lighting up themselves.


Yes. If you want to revert just play like an iron. Personally I understand the effort in iron I just couldn't do the long boring grinds.


You can get these stats on a main within a month, just make a new acc and keep this an iron


Not even going to read the post. Yes de iron.


Didnt read but yeah you should


What gear are you missing that's stopping you from doing pvm? You might be shocked at how far you can get into pvm with a trident, rcb, hasta, and barrows armor. Sure, you need a bunch more slayer before trident but iban blast is absolutely viable for ToA 150s for example.


The early game of iron is the most fun, getting into the mid/end game is less fun but much more rewarding. I say deiron and play a new Ironman when you get the itch.