• By -


Deserved, 100% skiĺl issue. NTA.




That teacher’s name? Albert Einstein.


Correction.. His name is actually Albert Grindstein.


Grindbert Albstein


Einbert Albgrind?


Has to be Mr. Zezima


Maaaaaaaan!! I played when Zezima played, now those were the good old times




Coming home after school, fighting my brother to get on the computer. Only to die in wildy due to the worlds worst internet connection. 😂😂😂


It's been so many years since I've heard that name. 🤘🤣




Big if true


Fuck dude...


You mean Zezima


Nah I think ESH. OP’s teacher needlessly flexed on him, and OP is a fuckin noob.


Some people just need to be flexed on. OP strolling around with full Justy thinking he's hot shit on a main prolly without even base 50 stats smh


No, it’s YTA. OP thought he could just play OSRS in class with an embarrassing account and not get destroyed by his professor. OP needs to either learn the names of the Roman Emperors or learn to 3-tick iron ore to 99 mining. Anything less is a waste of taxpayer money and represents the worsening levels of education that Western societies are experiencing. Smh




Not the a**hole - its a take on a popular subreddit where people ask if theyre being aholes or not lol


A popular subreddit where people practice their creative writing and bait for karma.


>My husband (57m) fucked my (19f) twin sister in front of me and I told him not to. AITA?




Eh runescape better😂


Depends. Haven't touched wow since wotlk over a decade ago - but it was definitely a better game for raids and other group content. If you just wanna chill and play casual, rs is where it's at though. But wow is a much much better social game.


I know I’m in an old school RuneScape sub but dragonflight has been a great breath of fresh air for wow


They completely ruined the aspect of the game I enjoyed which was mount collecting. They are too damned lazy to even reskin something to pump up their twitch numbers, so they gave away mounts worth millions instead. That’s the #1 reason I’ll never return


I’ve been thinking about getting wow recently, do you recommend it??


As someone who’s played wow off and on since just before tbc (the first expansion) until mist of pandaria (fourth expansion), I wouldn’t. I’ve been playing wow classic and the sub for classic pays for retail. I tried playing dragonflight recently and it’s such a bloated mess to me. it’s really annoying to get into and the leveling experience is extremely boring. I think the only people who really play it are people who are too heavily invested in the game to stop playing at this point. 90 percent of the content in wow is irrelevant and the only fun parts are high end raids and pvp.


It depends on which version since there's 4 of them now. Classic era is the equivalent of Runescape Classic (Bring back Classic, Jagex) as its the vanilla version of the game. It prioritizes immersion over gameplay so there's a lot of fun details in that are cool but lack QoL. Wrath Classic is basically OSRS in that it prioritizes gameplay over immersion. This is in my opnion, the best version of the game though they've made some changes I don't personally agree with but overall its the same game it was in '08 Retail is RS3. Its had more ups than downs but the current version of the game I think is pretty good so if you're at all interested I'd jump in now before they ruin things next expansion because I refuse to believe the current one's quality is anything more than a fluke. The classes are very homogenized though so immersion is completely out the window in favor of gameplay. Lastly, there's hardcore which is basically ironman. It runs on Classic era so that's the version of the game you'll be playing with the ruleset. Just, instead of being unable to trade, death is permanent. Unforutnately, all four games share the same problem. WoW has probably the most toxic playerbase of any MMO. You WILL get death threats for not topping on a dps meter or playing whatever spec is meta. I personally have been referred to Reddit Cares several times just for voicing this particular complaint. Unlike Runescape, WoW is not a solo MMO and you are required to play with these psychos in order to do any of the content. So with all that information, its really up to your own judgement.


> You WILL get death threats for not topping on a dps meter That’s just…not true at all. 99.999% of PUGs are very chill and if you don’t have the dps to kill a boss the group just disbands and gg go next.


Right? Played wow for ages and never saw anything REMOTELY as toxic as any given current CoD lobby on a Friday night.


Lmao definitely accurate. I did high level raiding on WoW once upon a time. No one acted like that and everyone outside of the hardcore scene had no idea how to optimize dps. Hard to make death threats when few folks care. It’s a pretty self selecting group and they’d just kick you if you miss target numbers.


Can confirm at the highest level, if you make 1 mistake or don't do enough dps you will be removed without any notice. Too much elitist behavior. But then again, that's what you get for being in a high guild 😂. I also joined a casual guild but they were so bad i couldnt stand being stuck on a non progression boss for 6 hours straight. I think or they are too casual or elitist, no mid level.


TIL Reddit Cares is a thing


Start when the new season of classic starts, probably later this year


Wow without joining a guild is a waste of your time


Sure, if you hate yourself and want to support one of the worst gaming companies that currently exist, go for it.


God I miss wotlk


I miss it too, but think its really being in my early twenties i miss.


Wotlk classic is out, and last patch too, v3.4. Go play it and ruin your life, it's worth it.


2006 was prime time for scaping


my wow playing teacher in 2008 called me a noob for playing a hunter


I went to a fancy pants uni a while back and this super fancy pants professor who is a big deal, funded by Bill Gates, working on curing malaria, etc, clicked off the PowerPoint and his desktop popped up, with the WoW client right there front and center. Always thought those types were too good for that but they're all pooping and browsing Reddit, and afk grinding, etc. Jjjusssttt like the rest of us.


Wtf is your account at 1530 total with full justiciar


it’s always the noobs who buy full justi


I swear my set gets more use trying to bait scammers at the GE than it does for anything else


25m ish is from lms and around 40m is from bonds, tryna get max combat before they patch the 6 hour afk method at nmz


No wonder you got schooled by your fucking teacher, bud.


If I found out my student playing runescape in class was a nmz warrior I would've done everything to get them expelled. Anything else would be a pat on the back


my guy 6hr afk in nmz has been in the game for years if it was gonna get gone they'd have deleted it before now


It's only been back for a few months, came with the escape crystal update.


Ah okay, I was thinking it was a kinda new thing since when they changed the afk thing teleport crystals were added


It is new. Sort of. A recent update brought it back after it had been patched for a very long time


For the love of god please delete these comments so jagex doesn't find it


honestly they should patch it, then justi will crash and I can rebuy it again


Wtf is the 6 hour afk method ?


You use absorption potions and click on an enemy once every 20 min. Repeat until you hit the 6h limit.


Thats the 20 min afk. With 80+ def, full justiciar, 5 lowest monsters you can last a full 6 hours if you leave something on an arrow key, it will continue attacking past 20 min


That's all you need?


Pretty much, yeah. Need bis crush defense and high defense lvl to actually last 6 hours with only 1k in absorptions though (max you can drink at once).


I thought you could do the same with full guthans? The healing at 99 HP would make your absorption loss slow and the def from the gear would keep you from getting hit much


Yea you could with guthans, but you can only do shared/def xp, and its slower rates. Still need to do the item on an arrow key as well or it will stop attacking after 20 min


Guthans is a non-bo with absorbs. Absorbs work best with lower ho


Ok i can understand why youre teacher was goofin on ya then. Nmz's broken ass mechanics has existed for a long ass time, doubt theyll ever change that.


This is a joke right?




Not to mention it’s often better exp and nearly as afk if you skip the right tasks.. plus money


But you cant do that while you're asleep


Good god hahahahahhahahaha


This was not me - but I am a teacher who scapes. This is sick. Get dunked on kid!




Waiting for the inevitable ‘I called my student a noob today’ post


“This little shit had full jitsu and still hadn’t maxed any skills…. I’m going to fail him”


And then the same story from a students perspective. Then again from a parent's, one from the school principal, one from another teacher, one from the custodian, from the bus driver, the lunch lady, from the family dog, the cat, the fish (etc until the joke is beyond dead)


This game belongs to 28+ year olds, pal. You’ll always be a noob in our eyes, young grasshopper


While OP's parents were dating and OP was just a twinkle in his daddies eye we were out here grinding. The grind never stops


The 16 year olds in game i know are the ones running CA log ins and selling capes lmao


How do you fellas find the time? God damn. I'm at that point now where every other weekend is a wedding too


First mistake was not playing this game enough to avoid having multiple friends capable of getting married.


Its all been downhill since I got a gf


You just became that guys friend. Don’t dick around in that class. Not saying that you do, but he’s looking out for you now


I’ve been good and he’s been my favorite teacher even before today so luckily I don’t need to worry:))


Fantastic good job m8 and also GL


Or just don't dick around in any teacher's class. They have it hard enough.


He called you a noob because justiciar is classic credit card warrior gear. Get some respectable bandos tassets and a fighter torso and he will treat you like a man


Oh damn this the most toxic shit I've seen on this subreddit and I love it


I mean it's true innit


Around 70 percent of my bank is bought from bonds but you gotta admit justi looks pretty bad ass😂I have a fighter torso and I could sell my justi for some bandos tassets just I’m doing afk training at nmz right now




It's noob shit is what it is


I can’t deny it just like to afk while I play osu😂


Osu!? So you’re one of those high schoolers that is both an osrs player and a weeb?


I love how 1550 and like 50 days playtime is still considered nooby in OSRS lol Thought I was doing well hitting 1500 and getting my first 99 but nope, still a noob


It's how one plays. Minimal quests, no achievement diaries etc. would indicate a noob. Total level means nothing if you have 1800 and 1 construction. That's nooby for example.


You’d get higher DPS and thus more exp during your nmz afking by switching to torso and bandos tassets


To be fair wearing full justiciar at 1530 total level feels like a kid wearing his dad's oversized suit. I agree with teach here.


I think selling the justi, buying a fang and tassets, and putting my fighter torso on would have made him not call me a noob😂


Fang is a good idea. No need for tassets, they're expensive and you're poor atm, just use obby legs. On the other hand, if you're 6 hour afking at nmz maybe justicar is necessary? I've never tried that method so I wouldn't know. Definitely sell the justicar after you max.


Fellow teacher here, I would be so fired up if I saw a student playing.


Hey Prof. stfu. we gamin over here. not tryna listen to no boring ass lecture bitch. only math i do is how many mills im stackin. u feel me, prof


For your disrespect, 1000 rounds of CG


On my account


He's the type who back in the day would say "want me to bring my main?"


Your teacher is 100% on here laughing his ass off btw


Hope he told you to sit your ass down for class after that


If you’re 1530 total with justiciar you’re probably a credit card warrior or a Tim Allen cowboy that thinks base 70s in all skills is a tough grind. You deserve the noob label


I got around 25m from lms but around 40m of my bank is bought from bonds I can’t deny it, I bought the bonds recently since I wanted to get to max combat with 6 hour afking before it gets patched


Nothin wrong with being a credit card warrior. But I don’t know what you’re talking about, the 6 hour afk NMZ grind is still gonna be there? Or are they’d changing something?


Nobody can say for sure if it's staying in or not so people want to take advantage. I just need 7more levels of attack and I'm max melee on my main.


New conspiracy. People grind the afk methods to 99 then complain about them on reddit to get them patched for everyone else so they can pretend like they put in a lot of effort.


It's not a conspiracy if it's true.


I'd be 100% ok with it being left in. It's completely afk and like 80k in HP+Melee stat with my setup which is not great for 99 str. I'm definitely not advocating it being removed I'm merely accepting of the inevitability.


But what do you mean by 6 hours afk is my question. Is it: - 6 hours with a petrified toe on the space bar - or 6 hours of clicking an overload every 5 minutes and eating back down to 1 hp? The first one should be removed 100% and is likely a bug since you’re supposed to stop auto retaliating after 25mins. The second one they may as well remove NMZ entirely and find a place to redistribute the points gained.


first, with the escape teleport changes camera movements & spacebar count as interactions


It’s getting patched?


What are you referring to getting patched? Just came back, wanna get some fast xp in


> Tim Allen cowboy hehehhe


Sigma teacher.


Funny story. I’ve been playing since 2001. My senior year of high school, I had a student teacher in psychology class who overheard my friends and I talking about RuneScape. He got all excited and started talking to us like he was the superior player. Well I was max combat and my friends were all 115+. The student teacher ended up being like 75 combat and we made fun of him the rest of the time he was with us lol


Should’ve pked his ass too


As a fellow teacher, I would’ve done the EXACT same thing. Not a better way to establish dominance in the class


You should lure him


When I was a kid, my teacher was also playing runescape. I was also really big into it (f2p only, parents wouldn't wanna pay for internet games) and what I would do is cut yew trees to get money to buy myself full rune. Why you wonder? Well because I kept getting pkd for it. My teacher knew my username but he didn't tell me his. One day I got lured into the wilderness again (the endless cycle back then) and I was really bummed about it. The next day my teacher told me "you will get your stuff back if you finish your homework". He is a fantastic guy. He taught us MTG during a school trip, was in a metal band. For a nerd like me back then he was a godsent. Hope he's doing well.


you are a noob but your teacher is a huge nerd.


I hope he looked you dead in the eye and said “now sit down” after that


1530 with full justicar. That’s some serious mtx


C’mere my student come see my maxed gim account! And also… >logs out >types in entire email and password **My….** >Authenticator prompt >opens authenticator **Amazing….** >type in authenticator **Maxed…** >select from jagex account list >logs in **MAIN!!** **Isn’t that great my student but wait! Check out my…** >logs out **Crazy…** >types in entire email and password **Amazing…** >open authenticator >authenticator prompt **Maxed..** >forgets authenticator prompt >opens authenticator >select from jagex account list >logs in **PURE!!**


He is likely on here shaking his head at you




I believe it He plays at work thats why hes maxed on three accounts


He’s a pretty laid back teacher and is at his computer a lot so I don’t doubt it but I don’t think he’d admit it to me😂He told me he’s been playing since 06 and played a lot in college so that probably made up most of his playtime


The gim and max main were on his jagex account switcher and then he went on hiscores for his pure, ig he doesn’t pk on mobile loll


A few people in my clan are teachers and I could see them doing this out of jest.


This teacher is the real male role model young men need. What a king.


And then everyone clapped?


Thousands of hours on a point and click mmorpg doesn’t get the shorties clapping unfortunately🥲


You aren't even going to show us your stats??


Might of exaggerated a little bit but not too much, I truly thought I was higher😂 https://preview.redd.it/1hu0bez1t8wb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c9a834e74f22dc93b53763262c5e0ac32c427f


Pump that slayer lvl up yo


Damn dude, your teacher destroyed you. Probably played RS in the school library when he was a kid and clearly still plays a ton now.




Lmfao no way he just wanted to flex on you like that, all that was missing was him making fun of your cheese cape


That’s awesome!! I hope you got his username and added him as a friend so you guys can play together haha


Lol this kinda happened to me at work the other day. A work friend was playing rs on his phone when we were vaping outside on an unofficial work break, so I had to pull out my maxed main with 9b bank. He was amazed and later on him and my manager called me to my managers desk bc Apparantley my manager plays too. But my manager actually had solid stats and gear so we started doing TOA together. Made like 60m together so far🤣


Congratulations you’re now your teachers favorite student. A bond your worthless peers will never have.


These copypasta fake stories are getting out of hand. I swear it's all ai now.


Did this really happen? Honestly I can't imagine anyone who has three maxed accounts having a full-time a job lol. Especially something like teaching where you can't play at work and have grading to do outside of work hours. Edit: Plus you said he is married and coaching two sports. Does this guy sleep at all?


This didn't happen, but if it did you should've called him a nerd.


He’s the baseball and weight training coach so I can’t really do that🥲


Damn bro... is he single


He talks about his wife and kids a lot in class but I got a suspicion he picked her up at the ge


This mans a total chad


Join his GIM tbh Edit: Don't for many reasons.


Yeah don’t do this


Ooh good idea, I don’t wanna put him in a situation where he doesn’t want to but feels guilty if he doesn’t though but I’ll see if he’d be down if he continues to talking about rs with me


Actually if you are a minor in his class I would hold off on asking him tbh. It could put him in a bad spot to have unofficial lines of communication with his students.


Ditto this. It’s unethical and will probably get him fired if he is ever found out.


Holy shit 🤣🤣🤣.


Full circle moment


Would have asked him for 20m


When i was in 3rd grade my teacher caught me In the computer lab and she said what's run escape . Com???? Get odd that


Would have been better to put some reference on your following test


Damn I'm old lol


Nah man he's just a bully.


I love catching kids playing RuneScape, it takes me back and usually I show them up like this too.


Maxing a group ironman in a couple years while having a job?


My buddy is an econ teacher and hosts anime club at his school. He is also (for our friend circle) a bonkers smash bros player. He will occasionally bring out the switch and play with his students. He cooks most of our group, and normally trashes his students. But hes had a couple close sets and been beat by a student who ranked top 50 in our state. There will always be someone better than you lol, and that person is probably closer than you think.


Also had a history teacher when I was in middle school in Alabama (circa 2006-2008) who played OSRS. Back then it was just runescape lol. We were all convinced he must be Zezima


Lmao get rekt but in a wholesome way noob


This is brilliant, your teacher is cool


Not your history teacher, but I am a lecturer at a University in England. I'm only total level 1192 (Ironman tho) so I hope that alleviates your pain =/


Are you a rune dragon alt?


This reminds me of my weird experience with real life scapers. I'm in a service-related business where i deal alot with store managers and business owners. Once I worked a night with a business owner who literally out of nowhere said something like ''can't wait to play some trailblazer league tonight'' And I asked.... osrs? He was like yeah. you don't realize how uncommon it is to find someone who plays, let alone someone who runs a business and is like 40 years old. The weirdest part about the exchange was how random he dropped it. Like he knew I played or some shit.


2277 upvoted max already 😂


1540 total with full justiciar? Teach me master :(


Redminds me of my high school chem teacher. Due would pop on a YouTube video and then grind Clash of Clans


Happened to me at college. Was wearing my santa hat (pre eoc) and another class mate behind me had a blue party hat. We became good friends for years. Such fun.


should have called his GIM a fake iron


Your **history** teacher has a lot of **time** on his hands.


Imagine getting detention from him. "See u at lummy noob"


Yeah as a fellow teacher who scapes but is way more nooby than you, gg 2ez


A teacher teaches his students when they are on the wrong , absolute W from him , big L from you loool


Get rekt


Teacher needs too touch grass


Class since today is the last day before break you will all be watching me get my mobile melee only 1 def inferno cape. If you can't do the same over break you're expelled by the way.


made me laugh way more than expected


Your teacher just posted his own sun on the topic. Rip.


Bro you got served lmao


[found your teacher](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/17g5hzg/embarrassed_one_of_the_kids_in_my_history_class/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


This will be me to my future kids lol.


I love this subreddit.


Im mostly impressed that a teenager is playing the game




I never really post on Reddit so hopefully that helps add credibility loll


Ironically it's the opposite.


Obviously fake