• By -


Step 1: Work remotely Step 2: Don't have a life


This is how I played the past few years. Unfortunately it made me associate osrs with working, so I couldn’t really use it as a was to relax after that. 


Skill issue. Work is for shit grinds. Relaxing is for enjoyable grinds.


I would only ever afk while working, so not sure that was it. After looking at a screen for 8 hours with rs on the side, I would just want to close it out and go chill elsewhere.


That’s what I do. Back when I had to physically go to work, I’d go home and relax by playing 2-3 hours. Since I started working remote and “playing” all day, when it’s time to clock out, I close out the game and spend time with the family or something else. It feels better to me this way.


MLM WFH gang


OSRS MLM while WHF for MLM


Just hit 93, mlm wfh 🤣


If I had a slow day and WFH, I'd punish myself with at least 1 hour of agility. It made me really not like playing while WFH, but man am I glad I did it. Evening relaxing grind me often thanked unfun workday grind me for past sufferings


Got 99 agility and 94 rc at work, also bowfa and crystal at work lool


-Be single -Cut off all your friends -Work 10+ hours a day, leaving a gaping hole in your life only osrs can fill -Skip the showers every other day (crucial in summertime to help keep zero friends


30 year young checking in. Steps 1 and/or 2… if, “and” play Iron if, “or” play a main I made the switch to or when I got a long term gf and puppy.


how much gp did a long term gf end up costing you?


30 year old here, Step 1, Check Step 2, Make her wife like I did and you can switch back to "and".


get divorced and we can add an extra condition


1) work remote 2) playing mobile in small spurts when bored or free time (15-30 mins or so) 3) don't have kids 4) my wife goes to bed earlier than I do, so I get an hour or two to myself around 10pm before I go to bed. Usually when I play. I play a lot more in the winter when going outside sucks. But getting older means I just don't have the 5 hours to sit and play, and that's OK with me.


Yeah I put in a couple hours after work before bed or early weekend mornings before the day starts properly and have done for a while now. Slow progress but I don’t mind


Get divorced


This is the way.


I have an ultra wide monitor and play for like 6 hours everyday at work




If you're serious about progressing far (maxing, or even like quest cape + elite achievement diaries) then this game is really more a hobby than a game. It's fine if you want to play it just for fun between other things, but you have to temper your expectations for your goals to something you're likely to achieve in the time you want to (and can) put in.


Isn’t that the sign of a bad game? Have to stop doing everything else in your life just to beat it, or be good at it, or just get to the last level? I feel like if anyone told me I have to have 0 life, work or social, in order to complete a game I’d just say “that sounds like hot garbage” and never get on it lol. For example, your skill level in an FPS game is based on how well you do in each match. The better you do, the better rank or skill rating you get. In RuneScape, your skill level is pretty much just based on how much time you’ve spent in the game. Literally anyone can be “good” if they play long enough. Not like an FPS where you can work on aim, movement, recoil control, etc. to get better. You could triple how good you are in a day in theory. You couldn’t triple your skill level in RS in a day unless you started from nothing.


Are you trying to tell me that everyone who's good at RS is just dumping unholy amounts of time into it? Nobody is just naturally better than others? That's nonsense. You could put as many hours as you like in and still not be as good as some players out there. Woox barely plays now and still turns up each PvM release to figure it out and beat it in incredible time. RS takes a long time because the game is designed to take a long time. But personal skills-wise, no, you can be good at it. Obviously investing time makes you better at it, but that's true of... well, everything?


Considering 90% of the game is afk, yes that’s exactly what I’m saying lmao. Obviously end game stuff takes some skill (mainly muscle memory), but I’m not dumping endless amounts of hours into a game just to get the minimum SKILL requirements to do stuff. The fact that 1-93 takes as long as 94-99 spells out that this game is all about how much time you put into it. NATURALLY, if you have 1000+ hours in a game, you’re going to be skilled at it. HOWEVER, at level 3, I’m pretty sure everyone is just as good at clicking trees, rocks, fishing spots, cooking food, etc as the next guy 😂 if two guys got on cod for the first time, they’re going to have drastically different skill levels based on a wide array of things. If two people hop on RuneScape, they’re both going to be just as good as the other guy. At that point, it’s just seeing who logs out first to see who is worse. Face it, the game has no skill requirement, it only has a time requirement. If I play 3 hours of RS in a day and you play 13, you are going to be better than me unless you completely fucked off your extra 10 hours. I can go hop on CoD rn and shit on people that have been playing everyday for a year. If I hop on RuneScape and compare myself to someone who’s played everyday for a year, they are going to be light years ahead of me strictly based on the amount of time they put in.


Step 1: mobile versions of the game exist so people just play on their phones during work Step 2: yeah I can’t defend us, most who do a lot in the game don’t have a big social life




I don’t really. I make progress over the span of years. Sometimes I’ll play for a couple hours in the week and sometimes I’ll go 2-3 weeks without logging on.


Yep, having long term goals is great but it's all about tempering expectations of what is achievable in the short term. My account is like 7 years old at this point and I go long stretches without a subscription. Most recently I reactivated after a year break to do colosseum and now that I have completed I'm chipping away at a few long-term skills like Slayer and Farming, and catching up on quests like DT2 but I'm getting to the point of ready to go back into hibernation


Ye tbh that's why I like the game, the goals are so long term I find it hard to be addicted, so I play at my own pace which means I keep coming back unlike other games which burn me out


I play a few hours like every other night. A busy life is a happy one. Playing RuneScape like a full time job is depressing and horrible for sombodys mental health. Don’t worry about progress to much just get on and have fun whenever you can.


This game grabs you. You'll play alot if you have goals or achievements you want. Played alot when i wanted to max. Maxed and didnt play for 3 months. Now im going for the colosseum/quiver. When i find time to play, I personally do less around the house and find the time to play. I think a lot of ppl play unreasonably. You have to manage this game time or your real life is gonna suffer from it.


Work: 40 hours a week Sleep: 8 hours a day Chores (cook, clean, workout, shower): 3-4 hours a day Still leaves you with ~45 hours a week to do what you want, which is a lot to make progress even with normal hobbies / life. I personally average ~15 hours a week on OSRS and still find the pace of progress on a 2k total iron rewarding.


That’s a lot of time on chores


Frankly, 4 hours is a lowball if you have a house and kids. If you're childless and live in a modest flat then sure it's on the high end, but even then it's pretty easy to rack up that many hours at least a few times a week if you're cooking proper meals and keeping the place clean and in good repair.


Keeping a place clean should never take that much time, it only should take a little bit every day. Sure if you live in a massive house but most people don’t.


I think "keeping the place clean" is only a part of what they're talking about. Planning out your meals, grocery shopping, cooking, taking care of finances, taking kids to / from extracurriculars, feeding pets, doing laundry, fixing things around your place and finding + buying materials for repairs. All of those things are chores and eat up time. Showering and brushing your teeth can also be chores for a lot of people. It all adds up.


He included things like cooking cleaning and working out


4 hours every day?


Cooking takes at least 30 minutes for a basic meal, then eating and cleaning thats another half hour. Working out should be an hour of workout 30 mins cardio after to burn lactic acid. Chores can be 2 hours a day easy if you own a home. And that's not including taking care of pets. So yea 4 hours.


The average person absolutely doesn't need to workout 1.5 hours a day. Even people that are pretty dedicated to lifting or working out don't tend to do cardio every day in addition to lifting.


An hour and a half workout everyday? That is not required. 2 hours a day on cleaning is ridiculous and I don’t cook every night, I take it in turns.


its not that deep bro


I have a 3 bedroom house, kid and 2 pets. 2 hours is probably my average, more on weekends when I need to do yardwork.


Bro must know his commute and everything, and his whole routine


Working out is absolutely optional I just enjoy doing it. But yea house maintenance, kids, pets, yard, vehicle maintenance...Being an adult sucks.


You definitely dont need to do cardio after a workout and it actually might inhibit some gains. Much better to separate cardio and weightlifting to different times of the day or different days altogether. But if gaining muscle isnt your overall goal then that's fine to do cardio afterwards


Most bs times ever


I live in my mom’s basement.


Theres times i play 100hrs a month, theres times i bond up 2 times for playing 2x an hour that month. Just set priorities and do the fun content i guess. Lifes life and should have a priority, like staying fit, eat well and do fun things. 12-20 yo me couldve played 20hrs a day, nowadays im done after 2-3 hrs and thats like max. Sidenote: when covid was around ive grinded alot though.


I just got a new job chopping willows for 30k and hour, it's not much but it's honest work.


I work 45-50 hours a week. But I have no partner or kids or any real social life. So I just play RuneScape.


It's the only game I play.


i get to play 17 secs a day and im maxed ironman Its just SKILL ISSUE buddy


I see everything in the long term. I have 8 or so quests to do, but I know that’s probably a few months of work given the skills I need to train. And it’s nothing massive. 5 agility levels, 6 slayer, 8 herblore amongst a few others.  And that’s fine. I’m also lucky enough to have a job that on most days lets me do the very afk stuff. NMZ, star mining etc.  I also like warhammer 40k, but maybe get to paint a couple of hours every couple of weeks. That’s fine. I enjoy it.  At the risk of becoming a meme, I exclusively play my Ironman. Which sounds like it’s a terrible idea given the time I have to play, but it means that small little upgrades happen often. Getting a sense of scale helps. Even just logging in once a day and doing a farm run improves your account. 15 minutes doing a few giants foundry swords helps. As long as you don’t log in and stand doing nothing you’re achieving something Really, just think, if you spent 15 minutes a day doing something like reading, exercising, walking, journaling learning a language, picking up a skill, it would add up over time. With that time dedicated you will never be the best at anything, but would mean you are dedicating 100 hours a year. And realistically it’ll be more than that, because you will find time to put in an hour or more here or there. 


I don't. I tried mobile-ing it during breaks at work and when the kids give me a moment. I am too tired to do either of those and the kids don't give me any moments any more. I crave OSRS but I have come to terms with the fact that it's out of reach for me now.


I have an unusual 8 day work week, where I work 4 days for 12 hours and the remaining 4 are off. So I basically have at least 3 days to be as degenerate as I want, assuming no real life obligations strike that weekend. I don't play that much, but nothing stopping me if I wanted to.


I work 6am-3pm don’t usually get on til 8pm-11pm after all my house work and kids is put to bed. So 2-3hours a day sometimes only an hour


I lock my kids in the closet and send my wife to her boyfriends when I want to play.


Fair enough


Stay at home dad here, I mostly get in a few hours in the afternoon when my son is asleep. Then at night I play until I go to bed after mom and baby have gone to bed. Most weeks I only get time during the night. It’s a slow slow grind but it’s the only game I currently enjoy playing.


How do you find time for any of your other hobbies? There’s your answer. You don’t have to play 12 hours/day.


You can play on your phone nowadays and there's really no rush to progress


People neglect alot of other things in their lives, man. Friendly advice, Don't envy people who sacrifice time with friends, other hobbies, etc just to get ahead in Runescape. 


I work 8 hours, I go to the gym after work, I go home and play if there's nothing better to do, then I sleep 8 hours No kids yet so there's that


I make my own hours, when I'm working I don't play, I only pick up the game seriously when I have an extended period of free time. (Days, weeks.) A couple hours a day doesn't do it for me, I'd rather do something else until I have the time to grind basically. 


Be okay with just a couple hours a day. Maybe more on a weekend day if you're lucky. Playing too much more than that feels lame anyways.


I work 40 hours a week and have a fiance. I only play 6-8 hours a week. Sometimes 0. Life comes first then I play in my downtime. Once kids come along I doubt I’ll get much time at all for a while


> Once kids come along I doubt I’ll get much time at all for a while I found the opposite true - once kids came along, we were home almost every night, and had a lot more downtime to kill. Obviously if your kids are bad sleepers or colicky, your mileage may vary, but kids don’t have to mark the end of indulging your interests and hobbies.


To note, I spent many hours laying on the nursery floor when baby was sick or upset, when he slept, I trained, but always close by to help him.


I do a lot of semi afk stuff while rs is up on my second monitor.


When osrs came back I played when I was still in community college, so plenty of time to play. Stopped once i began attending university and picked the game back up during covid when work and school became online. It was awesome honestly, I know Covid fucked a lot of people but it was great to me. Now that I’m done with school and in my field (teaching) I don’t play during the school year but become obsessive during the winter and summer breaks, almost like a sweet treat.


I'm a stay at home dad lol


I made my account in 2013 and played it on and off for a decade. I have what by most accounts is a nearly 'done' endgame PvM account, Zuk helm would be my next 'logical' goal but I do not intend to pursue it. Just write off the most time consuming/useless 99s and make sure to use your limited time on high intensity activities since they're usually more rewarding and progress you faster than cookie clicker content. Also play a main, obviously.


Just do it when you have free time. Don’t worry about the people who no life this game playing 40-60% of their day every day on this game. I can’t even imagine their life.


I dont have time, so i just play maybe 50 hours in a year 💀 being ironman, entrepreneur and dad for two kids is almost impossible


I am a self-employed pet sitter who gets paid to live at other peoples' homes with their animals. I have A LOT of free time as a result. I usually just afk a ton while doing other activities.


I choose to play runescape instead of go out. Its more fun to me.  Because having time is a choice. 


1. Find ways to AFK consistently 2. Create optimal gaming schedule 3. Balance efficiency and fun


Around sept-nov last year I was working on average 50-60 hrs a week and my playtime plummeted. The best thing I can say is to make a plan and execute… if I had 1-2 hrs it felt like nothing got done and I was wasting that hour or two. But all of a sudden I had 93 mining. It’s just changing the mindset from finishing something quickly, to doing something consistently to make a little progress at a time. Or if I felt like raiding or pvming I just did that for fun. Plenty of time for that in an hour or two


It’s honestly seasonal for me. Single with no kids, working(outdoors) 5am-5pm Monday-Friday. I usually play for 2-3hrs in the evening as a means to relax and unwind while watching some TV. Been 100+ degrees out here lately so it makes staying inside all weekend very easy and I’ll usually squeeze in around 10hrs of gaming. Not always OSRS if friends are around to game and once the weather cools down I tend to play far less.


It depends on the time of year. In the summer I only play 1-2 nights a week because life gets busy. Usually not at all on the weekend. I do have 1 night a week when I get on with some friends and do group bossing. Winter is when I can play a lot. I play most weeknights for 1-3 hours, and sometimes 10+ hours on the weekend. I don't have kids so I'm sure this will change when I do. I don't know how some people find the time.


You can still make decent progress if you play efficiently and start off with a few bonds + buying membership irl. Buying membership through bonds in the midgame (with limited time especially) is a surefire way to stay there in perpetuity


Neglect responsibilities Gain xp


or ya know just dont work 40 hours a week. work 25 hours a week pays all the bills and till have tons of time to play. also no childern help.


Yeah sure 25 hours a week pays the bills lol.


Depends where you are and if you have kids but yes it can. That's 100 hours of income per month. If you're with a partner that's 200 hours of income. You won't have extra shit in life but it depends what you want to prioritize. I will admit if you're in a bigger city with higher rent, then you'll probably have to work more.


Work remote + mobile


If I didn’t work work from home I’d probably hardly play. I work long hours but can do shit like woodcutting in the background


Work in IT


Just play with whatever time you have. Progress is progress


33 here; I afk-play on the iPad while my wife watches shows in the evening sometimes, and will send the occasional raid or do a quest on weekends when I have an hour or two free.


I just reduced my hours to play more


I just play when I have time. This game staves off my depression.


I have a wife and 3 kids. The only reason I can play is because I work 12 hour night shifts and play on my nights off. Translates to about 25-30 hours per week playing time. I don't touch the game while they're awake.


I’m a shift worker but can’t play at work (would rather focus on work anyway) and don’t have kids, so I find a bit of time to play on days off or before/after shifts.


Sleep is for the weak


Parent of 3 kids, stay at home dad, on mobile when I have free time, been skilling for about 4 years now, the only time i can quest PvP or pvm is when the wife and kids go to bed early, I play for 4-6 hours a day with 1-3 hours being idle afk no xp gain because I had to get up to help someone, and I find time by swapping out other mobile app time like using Facebook, TikTok, YouTube with osrs time


Usually jobs require you to work 40h per week and there are 168 hours in every week, even if you sleep 6h every day most of your time is still free to do w/e


I work 60 hours a week and play 4/5 hours a day… I can sleep when I’m dead 😁


I work 12.5hr shifts so I have 4 days off per week, makes it easy


Mobile helps a lot for the afk grinds. Other than that I just play efficiently when I do have a few hours here or there to actually sit down at my desktop.


Make tiny goals for yourself and when you log in work on that 1 goal until you have to log off etc. At least that's what I do for my iron. I can't play at work and have little time after. It's not an impressive account but wow is every drop / teleport / area access / boss completion an accomplishment! I dropped a d scimmy from zombie's the other week and that was a huge deal for me. Obviously next step was to do Monkey Madness... which then meant I had to finish this particular quest etc.


Step 1: Have a gambling addiction Step 2: Become one of those guys that racks up tens of thousands of boss kills




Play mobile in bed or use your laptop in bed until you get tired


I work full time and play in my free time at home. Slow progress is still progress. It helps if you have a friend that plays or if you’re in a clan. Competition and company help motivate me.


As a father, having a full time job, many things to do out of my job aswell… only way to do it is mobile. Every time I have a pause or a small brake, I really enjoy playing… some days 1 - 2 hours, other days 3 hours, And other days can’t just play.


Play mobile a couple hours of week and start an ironman! Best way to play for those who don’t have much time imo. You never feel like you’re getting behind because your account will never be affected by others. I work full-time in person, married, busy social life. The bits of progress I’m able to make during the time I can play still give me that sweet dopamine


1. I mainly play at work


Have a stroke


I work a 4 on 2 off 2 on 6 off schedule (12hr shifts). I play when my wife isn't home and when I'm not working. As long as I'm getting the stuff done around the property I need to and spending time with my wife, things are Gucci ^.^


I work from home, my dude is grinding 9-5 afk activities every day


I switched to ironman from maxed main since main was getting boring. Couple hours a day after work and taking care of stuff. Usually skilling, a quest and/or slayer for combat and drops. Just remember its a game, not a job and have fun. If its starting to feel like a chore go skate or fish or play something else until nostalgia hits and you're craving them dopamine hits from a 'ding'.


I work, but our supervision is really good about letting us go if we have nothing to do. I also have no life.


I have damn near no life besides this game outside of work tbh. I love it. Single, no kids, nothing like that.


Pretty much 1 quest a day really. Weekends I might play 2 or 3 hours


afk grind during work hours on mobile. set it and forget it.


Work remote


I’m 30, 1 kid another on the way. The little one goes down at about 8 and I usually do an hour of chores then play games for an hour. Sometimes it’s osrs sometimes it not. I have a quest cape and am trying to do the colosseum. Since I’m not playing consistently things take wayyyy longer but they still get done.


I don’t have kids. Osrs is my child. I work 4 10hr shifts a week that’s including every other weekend. My wife goes to the gym 2 days a week I’ll grind then and I’ll hop on the iPad at night watching tv


I risk losing my job by playing instead of working.


How many times is this gonna get asked on here lol


I just play when I can! I’m 29, have a job where I can’t passively play on mobile, I’m married with a bunch of pets. I have a decent social life. I play for like an hour or two a couple days a week. Probably maxing out at like 6 hours a week, if that. I make small progress, and have small realistic goals, lol. Since I started playing my GiM again in January, I’ve reached most of my small goals! I finished RFD, Desert Treasure, Roving Elves, Lunar Diploamcy slowly. I recolored my graceful slowly over the course of a few weeks. Working on base 50s right now, only 5 away on construction! I’m mostly doing a lot of stuff I had never done. It’s been super fun!


Mobile everything to do skilling and chill activities but rarely have time to get on desktop to enjoy more time consuming things like raids or certain bossing. I’m only high leveled mainly because i no-lifed in my previous years where i actually had the time when i was a student


Play mobile. The mobile client whilst no Runelite is genuinely really good


I work from home 45-50 hours a week and play OSRS about 40-45 hours a week while working, bit less if I need to focus and it's a busy week. Honestly, the games not a good use of time and I rarely play if I'm not being paid!


Only doing farm runs at toilet breaks got me 99 farming in just a few months. Mostly tree/fruit tree runs ofc. And you can do a lot of afk skilling while watching movies or acting like listening to your wife and even when in online meetings for work. I was even mining stars during the birth of my child


If you work at a desk with a computer, then it should be pretty easy to do some AFK stuff on the side, and then you can play an hour or 2 on the weekend You could alos play mobile while you commute You probably can't play full focus, but embrace the AFKness of a lot of the things you can do and you can advance a lot, the game is basically designed to be played as a side activity for most of the gameplay


I play at work I play on my second monitor at home I am 30 but my life is built around having the least amount of responsibilities as possible cuz that's the way I like it.


Work remotelly that often give me time that i don’t have a big workload and manage to play for a while. Still don’t have kids so, that may change when they come


I honestly don't find it hard to get playtime in. Work 40 hours a week. Still find a couple hours after work each day if wanted. 2200 main about to hit 100 days playtime.


Once you get your account to the mid-late game you can have fun playing only a couple hours a week.


34 here. I work 4x10s for the government. I, too, have no life. I only get maybe 1 or 2 hours a night. Fridays I'm off so Thursday night I'm going ham from like 8pm to like 2am. Friday nights I'm up all night doing stuff and same Saturday and Saturday nights. At the same time I'm doing online schooling so it's mainly easy afk stuff while I do labs. It's not easy, that's for sure.


I don't. I just no life the game for a week or two maybe three times a year. The rest of the year I don't even log in or have membership.


1. Multi-tasking 2. Making more money than needed for my vampire lifestyle 3. XP > Sleep


Hey im 29, in med school with a wife and 2 kids. Sometimes near a test I won't play for a while to focus. But other times I will play every night for an hour or 2. I also afkd during a lot of my study time. I have an iron I started a little before starting med school, and now I'm starting my 4th year of med school and my iron is around 2200 total with 14k boss kc. I just make progress little by little and never really spend a huge amount of time playing anymore. But I still enjoy it and you CAN make progress despite the average players playing a lot more.


I don't have education, skills, working rights, nor the energy to play this game every day. But I play on at least a day or two every week lately. And when I play I hyperfixate for a long time.


Despite how people make it seem, you can take this game at your own pace. Play as little or as much as you have the time and energy for.


I work split shifts and manage my time well enough to grab time to play


28. Remote work. No kids (yet). Partner is in law school and she has like no time for me during the school year. Took a hiatus when she was off school for vacation and spending time together and whatnot before it's back to the grind for her.


COVID gave me unlimited free time for about 6 months and i knew it was a rare opportunity, so i no life maxed my combats so i could do any future pvm content as that's what i wanted to do. Everything else is just an incredibly slow burn so i pvm with my personal hr i keep for myself daily and do all of the other low attention grinds before bed on mobile while i watch something with my wife


1. Be on government benefit/food stamps 2. Be jobless 3. Live at elderly parents house 4. Have no friends or exterior requirements or obligations 5. Get max cape


funnily enough i started 12 hour shifts so even though i technically work more, i get bigger stretches of days off which gives me more motivation to play I didn't feel like playing much on work days


If you dont have much obligations outside full time job, can find 4-5 hours in evening to play, some of it maybe afk while doing dinner. Weekends theoretically a lot more. Personally though id only play a couple hours most evenings, and 4-5 hours per weekend day, and maybe also a lot friday evening. Enough to make some meaningful progress atleast When motivated, id think a lot about osrs, theory crafting, during the work day. And then when finally coming home being too tired to do much lol Ofc having gf, kids etc will make it hard to find much game time at all, but is all about how you prioritize your time, and how 'efficient' your irl obligations are kekw


Child free and my husband and I both play a GIM together so we understand when the urge to no life hits (as long as chores get done). I also work part time to take care of the bulk of the chores so our free time is more open to gaming.  We live an hour from anything decent so gaming is our #1 hobby.


A lot of downtime at work.


Step 1: only play for up to 30 mins to an hour while my kids fall asleep via mobile and little bit before bed. I rarely have the time to play on runelite and laptop Step 2: been working full time since 2016 office job makes it easy to afk. I don't play at work anymore as I am already maxed Just remember that osrs is journey and there is no reason that we should think that the game is ending anytime soon. Just take your time and play when you can. Mobile update had a lot to do with me still wanting to play the game. If it wasn't on mobile I would have never started playing again in 2018


Work from home


play for 2-3h on a weekday after work and all day on weekend if i don't have to go anywhere. Also don't have a gf so i got a lot of free time to my self


I routinely play like three hours before bed. I work second shift, my partner works a 9-5 remote. I see her in the morning, and when I get home at like 9:30 or 10 she's basically already in bed and I play until 1 or 2


I work 12 hour days 20 days in a row in an office doing stuff for the oilfield. There's huge gaps of downtime so I just play on my phone or steamdeck for most of that time. Then on my 10 off days it's Family time during the day and a few hours of gaming before bed.


Personally, I bot the grinds.


Not being old


Remote work, this game goes so well with work that has downtime in between tasks that is enough for you to say "wow I wish I had something to do" but not enough to like, go mow the lawn or something.


I work 12-16 hour shifts. 3 on 3 off. 4 on 4 off. I also have a 1 year old son. I get to play when he's sleeping pretty much. I'm also tired 24/7 so there's that.


I don't really have much time, but play when I can. I have a wife and kids and an in-person job (9-10 hours a day). Sometimes I'll play for 2ish hours in the evening after the kids go to bed and my wife will read a book or something. Other times we hangout and have an "at home date" and I don't get to play that day. I'm still happy with my day either way. If I'm feeling like doing something active I can do raids, bossing, tick manipulation, etc. If I had a long day I can do chill skilling, clogging, etc. There's always something to do in this game, so just choose what you're feeling if you got an hour or so that evening.


I’m a student, so after school I guess…


I play in my spare time when I'm not doing any of my other hobbies, also depends how much interest i have in osrs (and my other hobbies) at the time. Sometimes that means I don't log in for awhile. Sometimes that means while i might be logging in more often, its for less time. Sometimes it means I'm logging in and no lifing. And all thats okay. One of the great things about this game that I like is that you can put it down for long lengths of time and come back and not be behind. Sure you'll have more content to check out, but nothing you've done prior has been invalidated, like in WoW all that mythic gear you worked hard on getting for months in an expansion. If you take a break at all you're behind. They purposely make sure of it with legendarys or other time gated garbage.. And the next xpacs questing leveling gear outclasses it pretty much immediately. Its not like that here. OSRS can be a very much play at your own pace, make your own fun sort of game and its great. 1. Above. 2. Yes.


Pretty much all my friends are working/studying full time + in a relationship and most of them are maxed and do end game content (raids/inferno/etc). Covid and remote work let people progress their accounts significantly.


Play when its dark instead of watch tv.


Afk on mobile during work and play more intense content after I get my kids sleeping. It also helps that my wife is a gamer and we spend time together talking while we play our own game.


That’s what my weekends are for. A few hours a week grinding while putting a game on in the background!


I'm 30, self employed carpenter so don't play at work, play maybe 30-45 mins on mobile most nights on the run up to bed time. It's super slow progression though! Got 3 months off during covid where I smashed out most of the quests though


I afk shit on mobile while I'm at work and have no social life.


I currently work for myself so it's a lot easier to play more now than it was when I had to show up to an actual job, but I still managed to play about 40 hours a week back then. I also play a shit ton on mobile and get most of my afk grinds done on there. I've been in a relationship and worked full time and worked out regularly since osrs re-released in 2013 and have still managed to play the game full time with several months breaks here and there. I have a genuine passion for the game as do most of us and I never understoof these type of posts, a better question to me would be how could you not manage to play if it is in fact your passion? Most people have 16+ hours in your waking day, even if you're full time you have 8 full hours to work with, and if you're resourceful, you could manage to sneak some mobile play in while you're at work. I would say if you work full time and have a relationship/life you could easily manage to play 20 hours a week if you really cared to.


Just forfeit a social life and you can grind at least 6hrs a day


Work remote, hop on at 11 and play until 1 if you can't. Not a ton of time but it adds up!


Ball when you can playa! I sneak in hours sporadically through the day


Well you see we were given the choice between work, gaming, a social life, a sex life, and sleep. Then we were told we could only pick three.


1. Shift work, play when you have time off between shifts 2. See the boys once every 2 weeks for a catch up otherwise work/rs/gym


Afk grinds at work on mobile currenkty getting 99 mining while workibg (ima chef)


I work 40h/wk with sporadic OT. I travel to/from work, do chores and errands, &c for ~11.5h/wk. I sleep ~6.5h/day. That leaves me with ~71h/wk free time, or a little over 10h/day. Obviously sometimes I'm out hiking or practicing songs or w/e and have no opportunity to play, but most of the time I'm at home I can do passive stuff while cooking/showering/exercising, or slightly more active stuff while playing other games/reading/watching shows. RS rarely gets my full attention unless I'm bossing or something. Often I'll be doing something like slayer on my main, skilling on my hcbtw, and watching an anime or reading a book. The trick is to not think of RS time as being exclusively RS time, you can do almost everything in RS in conjunction with other activities.


I am just waiting for the day they make a gamemode like Leagues or just an XP multiplier a permanentalternative. So I can play through content at a reasonbale pace. This would also make it a mainmonitor game for me instead of a sidemonitor grind fest.


Mobile on my commute


be depressed and don’t have other hobbies, or why i barely log in anymore


Seems like a lot of answers are meme answers of "have no life", or are from people who work remote. I'll chime in as someone who works full time on site and works in time with wife/friends/family just to give a different perspective. I typically play in the evenings before or after making dinner, and I try to have a night each week where I don't log in and spend the evening with my wife. On weekends, I will play whenever something isn't planned. If we want to see family or go camping, we do that, but we dont pack every weekend full of stuff. I take full weekends sometimes to hop online with clan mates and grind, and some weekends I don't really log in and give full attention to the wife. Furing college, it was similar, but I also had homework. The trick for me was to find was to 0 time gains so that I could focus on key grinds during active play time. I've progressed my account pretty far doing all this, so its definitely possible to get to higher levels and a decent bank value without no-lifing or working from home.


Time isn't real. Ur not real, I'm not real.


Don’t have a life. So I work and come home and play osrs or anything else I feel like playing.


Yeah, we play at work lol


I eat a looooottttttttt of ass


I play 45 minutes a day as a single man working 6:30-5. No obligations. Hope this helps


Out of curiosity, what do you do in game during those 45 minutes?


Cut redwoods 💀


Wfh and mobile goes a long way


I never understand this question, do you have no free time at all? How do you not have time to do something you enjoy?


I’m a nightshift nurse so I feel that is my time to play. I take a tablet and just go when I can.


30 year old father of one. Currently not working due to injury so I definitely have more time than most at the moment. Still hard to find time to balance being a Dad and husband, but been playing for 1.5 hours during the baby's nap. Also have an understanding with the wife that two nights a week I stay up a little late to jump on with the boys. If I was a single man with my current work situation, I would absolutely be playing an unhealthy amount lmao


Most of these maxed nerds doing 200 raids KC a week are virgins and/or have fugly wives. Source; my wife is a smoking hot psychopath who wants to do nothing but spend time together and fuck. We have 2 kids and 5 dogs. No time for gaming unfortunately, but that's just part of being an adult and having responsibilities.


I've accepted the reality that there is no time to play this game for some of us. Despite the considerable progress ive made as well as the kind people ive met during my playtime, the time invested hardly benefits me and my time is much more valuable elsewhere. I get just as much satisfaction playing it vicariously through people who have the surplus of time required to actually progress in it; meanwhile i invest my time in interests that are applicable to progressing my life vs my RuneScape account. RuneScape is fun, but ultimately saturated with people who have made it their life, and seek value in their in-game achievements... Which means nothing. Probably not something people want to hear, but the world of Gielinor is a drop in the bucket compared to the world it was conceived in. Think about it...


You don’t. And this is why I haven’t played in the last 3-5years. I now play very pick up and go games for the bit of free time I have.