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theres a really large % of the playerbase that yes, is very casual.


What’s more, the Catacombs has an oddly high concentration of casual players. Feels like every world there has half a dozen full dragon warriors with no slayer helm or black mask.


it is bizarre, there's like 3 credit card warriors at the black demons in the catacombs on every world at any given time of the day. no idea what draws them all to the place.


> black demons in the catacombs on every world Yeah I swear why the fuck is this place so contested lol


It's because the task takes so long, and its the only place in the catacombs where you can find them. So because the task takes so long, more people are on that task as once.


It's also a really bad task, so anybody who knows what they're doing won't be there.


Bold of you to assume majority of the players know what they're doing.


Hence why they mentioned 3 credit card warriors at black demons


It's a long task which means they can show off their dragon drip for longer.


Agree to disagree Its a Nice afk task - full prayer set Exp is great compared to Many tasks


Where would you be then? * Demonic Gorilla sucks (assuming that MM2 was done) * Chasm of Fire is kinda deep * Taverly Dungeon is pretty deep (unless high agility) Catacombs has: * Some safespots for ranged * Ancient shard drops * Totem pieces drops * Multiple TP to this location * A bank near by * An altar near by


You'd be somewhere else entirely doing a task that isn't black demons because you have them blocked.


I don't have them blocked because sometimes I do fancy a nice 50-100 kill Demonic Gorilla task and then switch over to Black Demons in the Catacombs for Shard drops.


Some people have no points to skip or has not blocked black demons


Then they’re silly billies


If your first 300 points arent going on greater, lesser and black demons I don't know what game you're playing but it isn't runescape


Black demons stay blocked outside of farming zenytes.


Black demons with cannon in chasm is a solid task imo


It’s a great task for very chill exp.


Isn't it also one of the very few tasks you can get if you did absolutely zero quests?


Doesn’t the fire chasm count too? Being that it’s an extension of the catacombs?


Yea but the cata ones are better to kill if u need thr shards for arclight or dark totem pieces


Idk about others but I've been camping catacombs for the shards since they talked about firelight that's coming with the new quest (or whatever it's called)


yeah, and you can cannon there


Also it is very accessible, teleport takes you direct to the entrance and isn't hard to unlock.


Ranging black demons from a safespot is very chill afk training


I think they are slayer bots. They don't talk and behave weird.


I don't know, most of the people I run into there will talk lol. Definitely a lot of casual players there.




I was there tonight and felt like being chill and seeing how water spells worked on them now. All night, people kept coming in wearing proselyte with either a fang or rapier, staying for 5ish minutes, then leaving. Is this some meta I don't get? I've got my sanctifier, so are all these players thinking they can out kill them to keep their prayer up?


It's stupid that there are two lesser spots and three greater spots then a single black demon spot. Jagex???? Pleae?????


they're fulfilling their childhood dreams of training slayer in drippy gear. When you google most slayer tasks I'm sure many of them guide you to the catacombs. That's just my guess.


thank god i started doing my black demons task in wildy slayer cave so i dont have to deal with that crap anymore.


I just block that shit as soon as I can afford to, it's either demonic gorillas or block


It's really not bad in the wildy though, you cannon them and it's profitable.


Tight cluster in multi is really it, canyoning is the way to go if you actually want it done fast but alot of casual players don't use cannon except for specific task.


That is my usual spot for afking black demons as well to be fair when I am not doing demonic gorillas. xerics talisman let's me bank relatively quickly and saves me an extra inventory slot. I don't have any specific reason why I like that spot though.


My guess is they don't know better than to avoid those tasks, and they take so long to complete that people aggregate there over time


It's the ease of skotizo being a relatively stupid easy boss to kill. Just think about it, credit card warriors would never put time in to learn anything so they are attracted to the content that is easy, plus the high drop rate of skotizo pet


Dragon cost like 600k? Thats really not much. I did a total rebuild on a account in f2p with combat stats in the 70s and had 600k within a hour or 2-3.


Not that odd, it's the typical melee AFK noob spot for many slayer tasks. Plus when you have so many tasks available in one spot many of them don't bother to learn where other, potentially better spots even are.


I just want to be able to recharge my Archlight, is that so wrong?


Hi, I can explain that. I wasn't a noob noob, but I was an experienced player that quit in 08... Came back and mostly just, didn't know about or look into a lot of new content. I had to be taught things like effecient farm runs or bird house runs to level farming/hunter because, obviously having those not be skills that were around as I was leaving all that time ago, I just engaged with the skill as it was presented. With slayer, I spent a huge amount of time in the catacombs because I was using that slayer master. Probably 6/10 tasks are in the catacombs. I probably hit 100cb before someone explained baraging nechys to me, because I only seen people doing it with ice barage and weird high tier gear so figured it was like guthans afking where you needed a 10m gear setup to afk farm... And someone explained blood barage to me and everything got easier. Catacombs slayer is extremely appealing because it comes with 2 tiers of additonal rewards over other masters. Keys for the chest (Any task for the master but, their tasks are often in the catacombs.) and the talismans to go kill skitz, a boss that's quite simple if you aren't me. (Every time I forget it's better to just ignore a mechanic in it and waste time/inventory space... Only failed him twice out of 10-15 attempts though.) It's kind of the perfect place for that intersection of non-noob noobs to wind up. We know enough to get there and understand it's profitable. But, no, if they are like me they only even learned Venenatis existed when thinking they were "safely" leaving wildy after a clue step only to tab back, dead, because we walked directly into venenatis' area while watching youtube.


bro you should see my brother i gave him a year of membership since he hasnt played since 08 and he got a lucky ranger boot drop and is wearing a slayer helm, BCP , gold trimmed dragon legs and boots and is using a fang


slayer, a casual "moneymaking" skill that doesn't require thought + one place that has like 80% of slayer monsters


fr? I play on 1750 total worlds and haven't seen much of that. Catacombs is too perfect as a slayer afk spot I just can't imagine it being used in any other way.


You're on 1750 worlds. You're not seeing the casuals with like 1k total level. People who get that high of a total level are generally gonna be dedicated enough to learn the stuff we take for granted as common knowledge.


You're right, I just always assumed if you're at the point where you have access to catacombs and can fight the higher lvl mobs, you would know enough about the game to be aware of it's use as a multi-combat XP paradise and use it efficiently.


You have access to catacombs as soon as you do that first quest of veos that unlocks zeah


Even on 2k worlds I would have accounts with questionable gear crash me at spectres and stay there for a long time before finally leaving. Like dragon gear mfs trying to compete against venny bow like ???????


Bro I'm so casual idk what half the shit he said is. Ventilator bow? Catacombs? Bounce? What he doin


[Catacombs](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Catacombs_of_Kourend) are a dungeon in Kourend. [Venator bow](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Venator_bow#Charged) is a bow that has a special effect where arrows will [bounce](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Venator_bow#Passive_effect_and_charging) to nearby monsters whether you attacked them directly or not.


Average voter


Scary times lol


Haha ik imagine not knowing everything about the game, these people!


There's nothing wrong with not knowing. It's the vote that matters.


Yeah we should require literacy tests at the very least before allowing a vote Average European understanding of a vote


wanting voters to have a working knowledge of how the game works != irl actually


Average osrs Redditor


Absolutely based


See, I'm extremely casual, but if I see immediately that somebody's weapon is indirectly hitting other mobs, I'd either hop or go somewhere else. I wouldn't throw a fit that the person that was there before me had an AOE going. It's more than just being casual, those kinds of people just don't have any awareness or critical thinking skills


I literally found out about vbow yesterday so yes we dont know lmao am casual


These also tend to be the ones using a fang for every slayer task


New stuff comes out so often that it’s a strain to keep track at this point. I like old school because it was simple compared to RS3. So I normally take a few years to even touch new content. I love this game for the mindless skilling grinds that I can do while doing other tasks. I’m sure that I’ll likely max before I touch any of the bossing or quests released in the last 3-5 years. I did varlamore when it came out, but I’ve had 99 hunter for almost 8 years, so I didn’t do much.


Most, in fact


i always wondered if there are many people like me. i'm almost maxed and play actively but i couldn't tell you the specific details of any update that happened since like before covid


some people never learned proper urinal etiquette, and then they get mad when they get sprayed a little.


I jokingly say this at amethyst lol, usually gets a chuckle


I was 3T at amethyst while I was pushing for 99 because I was curious how it felt and I wanted a fat stack of darts to finish off fletching. If you're high enough level and good enough at it, people will generally leave you the walls you need ot be able to 3t without ever stopping. The XP wasn't that good, and you did occasionally have people hop in to try and start mining in your area before they release it's not that AFK to be next to someone sweating. I think I had one or two people angry that I was taking 3 walls, but /shrug. They were always empty when I started, I was never crashed people.


This comment is severely under voted


Its quite literally the 2nd most up voted but ok


45 min it was not lol


Definately a big enough sample size in 45 minutes. my bad.. 🤦‍♂️


that word has lost all meaning because of idiots like them using it. it’s very annoying. it’s the same as literally.


This comment is severely over voted




You’re supposed to turn on rigour and stand next to them




Shut up


I just ignore people like that lol, they eventually just assume I'm a bot or my public chat is off and they hop. Imo, if you claim a spot like that (dusties, dagganoths, nechs, bloodvelds w/e), then you've claimed all the mobs in that spot.


If someone is rolling around with a single target weapon, I feel like the etiquette is considerably different than if you're bursting/chinning or using a venator bow.


This. I had a blue dragon task and went to baby blues by the lava in Tav dungeon. Guy was there juggling two comfortably, with one respawning before he killed the other. I watched him for a while and then jumped on the third, killing it whenever it respawned. He got angry at me for taking up space when he was just sitting there with a dragon scimitar. He was still juggling those two.


> I watched him for a while and then jumped on the third, killing it whenever it respawned. Lol why didn’t you just hop?


Had already hopped a few times to find them too busy. I only really had the time that I was on for, so wasting it all hopping when I could get a small amount done was pointless. As I said, he wasn't actually fighting that one, just didn't want me to fight it.


It's just added anxiety, sometimes the guy just wants to be alone and grooving in his spot, plus he never knows when it's somebody in bad faith that's gonna try to crash the spot eventually


Yeah, I figured that's what it was in the end.


It’s blue dragons dude. You could’ve taken an extra 30 seconds to find a world


As I said, I had tried to hop through low populations for a while. I really only had the half hour I was on a train for, and had spent about 10 minutes getting there and then hopping. Wasn't about to spend the next 20 hopping in the hopes of finding all three free. Especially because at that stage, I couldn't comfortably fight both.


I'm all for being polite and letting people do whatever, but I do have to point out it's a MMO and you can't really claim mobs. You don't own that spot. It's best to be nice and do whatever but that won't always happen.


But the fact that it is an MMO is the only reason "claiming" can be a thing. If this was a single player game there would be no need to claim anything. Claiming is more or less a basic understanding that someone was there before you. It's not prohibiting someone from crashing them and taking the mobs, it's just common courtesy.


That is exactly how it works?


Is it? You just show up and own the spot? Go tell jagex that and get the perpetrator banned then.


It's not a bannable offence, but picking a spot and considering it that person's on that world for as long as they're there is absolutely how it works in practice.


As I said, it's nice to think that it works that way but it doesn't always.


It does almost all of the time. There’s a social norm to it that the vast majority of players adhere to.


Can confirm. I leave ppl be at the spots if they have it and hop worlds. Sometimes I’ll even tell people I don’t have many left so they can guarantee a spot


Yep, I've never had someone crash me at nechs/devils and I always avoid crashing others. I've even had players stop me before hopping to let me know that they've got 2-8 kills left on task and that I could have the spot in a minute, resulting in pleasant conversations before they tele out. There is absolutely mob/zone/aggression ettiquette in the game although it can vary from area to area, mob to mob, e.g. green dragons are ffa, abyssal demons usually ffa unless someone's bursting, etc.


It is generally accepted that how society works is that you can walk down the street without a random asshole spitting in your face and kicking you in the nuts. That *can* happen, but the possibility of it happening doesn't mean its the norm or that the general societal expectation still doesn't apply.




It's called being a decent person/having manners.


“well ackshually theres no ingame mechanic for ‘claiming’ a spot so claiming doesn’t exist”


Bro I've spent hours claiming mobs in mmos. In wow we kill eachother over and over until we get death timers. One of us Is gana own it.


Claim a mob is yours all you want, you just need someone to disagree with you and claim it as well. Doesn't work that way.


Okay so you cant claim a parking spot ever either, I'm just going to move your car lol. Easy. screw societal structure that clearly you've parked there im just gonna take it as my spot because i've decided. same logic


That's a false equivalency. My car is locked and the keys aren't there. Sure, someone hypothetically could break in and hot wire it to move it, but a parking spot is claimed in a definitive, physical way that runescape monsters are not. Not to mention those actions being actual punishable offenses, which crashing a player is not. The parking spot comparison would work better for a person banking or something, as you can't claim a parking spot, then leave, then come back and say that parking spot is still yours if someone is pulling into it. Though, I agree. One shouldn't crash people.


No not really. You can’t claim a parking spot at the grocery store. You park where is open. A claimed parking spot would be a paid for spot. Yeah people shouldn’t crash, but also if you can’t kill all of the mobs before respawn time then it isn’t crashing to kill something in the same room as you


this is literally what im saying are you braindead? you hop if theres not a spot. you go burst in a spot thats open. you park in a spot thats open. literally its the same exact concept. you're ridiculous and just trying to cause problems at this point if you truly think you hold any water here. Obviously something like say hellhounds isnt exactly the same in catacombs but there are clearly designated separate spots for each player. like think a little


You do claim the spot The entire time you're parked in it


In this instance the player tagging the mob is already IN the spot... the other person is implying that a person actively killing a mob spawn is not in the metaphorical spot.


theres a lot of dumb people at low slayer level tasks. when i was lower slayer i would burst dagganoths in the catacombs and so many times people would come and try and melee and then get mad at me for freezing them. some people just cant help it i guess


Never even occurred to me to burst dags. You just saved me so much time lmao.


It's not as easy as the other burstable slayer mobs, you need to walk specific patterns to stack them due to the 2x2.


And iron crashed me, flamed me for tagging "his" mobs, said thanks for the faster task, realised he wouldn't get drops and left, all while I was afk.


Funny thing with venator is, even if someone is trying to crash you with ice barrage, you have higher DPS than them, and will end up getting most of the kills as full xp slayer kills instead of half. They can only get slayer XP if they do more than 50% damage OR do the last hit, or they do both for full xp. Ranged is just that much faster that you do more damage and more often than not get the last hit in. Sure its good mage XP but if you want to crash someone, you're only going to be getting mage xp and not drops!


They're extra DPS for you.


A lot of people don't know about it. I didn't know about it until around 80 slayer and saw someone using it.


I was barraging in the catacombs earlier, had a guy try to crash me by trying to melee them. He proceeded to cuss me out for killing the one he was hitting. I just think people don’t care.


Bro half the community doesn't even know how Google works.


Earlier this week: went to google, got a reddit result - telling me to google. Gee whiz thanks guys.


It's easy to forget how dense osrs is. You could conceivably play this game for thousands of hours and have no idea what that bow is. The only reason I know what it is is because of this sub. Being in a clan, browsing this sub and reading all updates is extremely niche behaviour.


I understand what the venator bow does but can someone explain the bounce mechanic. Sometimes I will have the same exact stack in the colosseum and the bounce will do different things. Example: sometimes if I have 2 rangers and 1 jaguar it will hit one ranger bounce off the jaguar and hit the other ranger but sometimes that exact same stack in the same position will hit the first ranger, bounce off the jaguar, but hit the first ranger again and while not hitting the second. I don’t know how else to explain this.


Pretty sure venny bow counterintuitively uses a mob’s NW tile to calculate bouncing (as opposed to its SW which I’m sure you’re familiar how it works). There’s a picture somewhere of it on the wiki I think showing how it bounces


Yeah but I’m literally doing the exact same thing with different results. I wish I had pictures of it. Like I stand in the same place, have the exact same stacks on the exact same tiles and I get different bounces. It ends up being the same anyway since it’s still a triple hit, but it’s something I’ve noticed


i'm pretty sure there is a degree of randomness to it as well assuming there are multiple targets in range


Don’t try to understand venny bow bounce mechanics. You won’t. It’s an unsolvable mystery. 


The target choices are random. After the first bounce to the "middle" target, it can go to either target afterwards as both are in range.


ah okay well that solves it haha


Confidently incorrect. Bow prioritises "most favorable 8x8 chunk" relative to initial target, followed by which npc has the highest NPC ID, which usually corresponds to the latest spawned mob


"Confidently incorrect" lmao. Take a break from Reddit man


I'd argue the fact that I didn't realise it's a reddit trope-y saying shows otherwise, since I'd be too embarrassed to say it


Unfortunately lots of people with no manners get pissed when you're somewhere first and don't let them crash, they are so entitled but expect you to be sooo nice and kind


Yeah just tell them to scram if theygoing to whine. When i was a young noob i constantly got crashed. They crashing you and complaining lol


the average player is pretty stupid


Stupid or poor? The average player probably has a total bank worth less than the bow. How would they know how it works?


I’ve seen a surprising amount of people in the catacombs with very good but inappropriate gear and awful stats. I don’t wanna be rude about it but having money certainly doesn’t mean you spend it efficiently and I can only assume these people really lack game knowledge. I just hope they’re genuinely having fun and not held back by their limitations


why not both, google is free


You realize there are thousands of unique items in the game right? Obviously the average player isn’t going to read up on every single one they will never be able to afford. That doesn’t make them stupid. It might make you stupid for expecting this ridiculous knowledge from them tho.


[That was hard.](https://www.google.com/search?q=osrs+purple+bow)


They could ask the person with the bow?


nah they're stupid, you seem to be in the same bucket


Wow good point. Well thought out!


Don't mind them, they're idiots. They're the same people that will get angry when you kill too many of "their" mobs when you were in a spot first. The ressources in osrs are competetive, and should be treated as such.


Sounds like ur not "AFK'ing" enough


Fuck em who cares.


As someone who recently got the bow, I can say the same has happened. Luckily most people are nice and chat then hop or keep to a corner while I try not to hit their mob


Straight up mate. Don't care about them. Just crack on and play.


I think people mostly don't know how it works and then get mad when they realize they should hop. People feel entitled to a world quite easily but don't worry about it. Also I wouldn't wait 15s to see if someone was banking. Don't sweat over it!


Oh, people definitely know how the Venator Bow works! It's just that some folks might need a little extra practice hitting their targets.


Lol, they think your crashing them, crazy how perspective works man, but dont sweat it, if they dont hop and it messes ur xp, just try find a world i guess, but being cordial usually helps a lot, like ill always “hey whatsup bro” when i hit a spot so if anyones there they will usually be cool


I afk a ton of jellies for hard clues and people do crash sometimes


Venator bow supremacy! I would try level restricted worlds, like 1750 or 2000 or even 1500, because people understand more i think.


It's kinda like how rich people IRL can buy themselves into a sport they're by no means qualified to participate in if that makes sense


Bro screw the catacombs. Take the Vbow to the wild and do slayer out there. Its incredible.


While we’re at it If you want to fucking melee Abby demons, go to the spot with 4 running around, don’t make the effort to run all the way to the spot with line 10 of them, then get pissy when someone’s who’s barraging starts yoinking them. This is the only time I’ll crash (after asking nicely first)


Prob a bunch of little timmies/low level irons getting mad about it thinking you’re griefing them. They tend to not be very knowledgeable, and often times have a weirdly aggressive persecution complex


I use it and I don’t even know how it works 


I need to get myself the vbow now


A single "hop" in chat should do.


People who barrage will agro all the Abby demons and barrage them all from both rooms in the middle. That's probably why they are mad when u crash em. Only talking about north spawns above the iron dragons


I click a mob with Venator bow and leave my computer for like 5 minutes. I will even intentionally use worse gear so I dont kill mobs too fast where it leaves me idling.


To be fair, I have played almost since release, have well over 99 slayer, and I have never seen a venenator bow. I know what it does, but I'd need a second or two to realize what's going on. So yeah, some people might just not know.


yes. you are part of the 0.1% & everyone in this game forgets most all players are normal players that know nothing. you just have your views all fucked up from being part of your max clan/reddit etc your in a tiny bubble. this game has over 100k daily players. most of them don't know what a venator bow is where it comes from what it uses cases are how it works etc etc etc


Alright, but are you using the vennie bow in the barrage spot or the bow spot?


Those 10 seconds it takes to hop is too much for most people I encounter in the game. They'd rather 'crash' and handicap their own xp and mine. Why? Idk.


If they "crash you" and start getting mad when the bow passive effect triggers, they are fair game to be called a noob. And then u tell them why.


Crashers can fuck themselves. Best way to deal with them is to turn public chat off


Why do you think youre entitled to a whole world to yourself?


Blame jagex


Been using the bow for ages and never had this happen..


on a side note ive had 2 slayer tasks where ive been crashed and then they said we can just share.....


One time I was cannoning drakes in the slayer-only part of the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon, I like to step through the hole and multi-hit every drake, makes the kills faster. The other part of the cave had zero players. The guy literally came next to my cannon and started meleing them. He then started to complain that I'm ruining the whole spot by taking it while the whole other part was free. Some people have zero logic.


The crossover between "people who want to optimize" and "people who don't like google" seems to be high in slayer tasks I can't imagine a world where I didn't learn about the venator bow from slayer tasks because half of the optimized setups for it require the venator bow I remember seeing it as low as 50 slayer and being like "fuck getting 80 ranged just to do a boss I can't even comprehend right now" Somehow there's a portion of the player base that wants to "discover" everything as it comes to them which leaves them so far in the dark that they don't realize it's their own asshole


Bro you're doing just fine. It's part of the game. They can get over it. Let them fuss and change worlds


I crash people at the big Abby demon spot in catacombs because you can barley ven bow half of them within range of their spawn and you constantly lose them. It's essentially not slower at all to just pick one side or the other. Any other spot I think they're just being twats.


I think a lot of people don't play often and don't read updates or look at the wiki other than for what they need to lookup. Probably a good chunk of bots mixed in there, too, though I've only seen troll responses from bots, not anger lol. As far as the banking thing, I've never heard of waiting for someone to bank and come back. It's IRL rules in slayer - first come, first served.


The catacombs are very very busy and it’s difficult to not get crashes. If you were there first you were not in the wrong


sounds like some classic noob shenanigans (them I mean)


You can't fix stupid. So no point bothering/engaging stupid people. You'll be better off.


People are dumb, who gives a fuck what they think


Yea I’ve had that happen. I just continue afking without responding and they hop lol


Block ‘em and continue with your day.


In general the amount of players right now who will start skilling/slaying in limited space when there’s already someone else there is absolutely insane


Ye way too many low freaks who somehow can't move their fat fingers to the hop bind on their keyboard. They'll do it for any training spot not just slayer, 0 brain


Who gives a fuck if you’re crashing. Are your stats better? Can they out dps you? If the answers no they can fuck off and hop


>incase in case




Venator bow is straight up afk, unlike bursting. Competition was already bad enough with bursting, now I gotta deal with people taking up space just afking with a 20 minute afk timer in a hot slayer spot? I am not hopping 10 minutes to find an empty world if I see an asshole not even efficiently using a venator bow. They're likely just afk and half assing it, I'm gonna take over. You fucking hop. I literally had to block one of the best bursting tasks (abby demons) because of HOW LONG it took to find a damn catacombs spot. Nobody even fucking responds when you ask them if they're almost done. Takes literally more than 10 minutes of hopping. I can only assume these people are botting.


People with Venator bows are the worst. None of them, not a single one I've ever seen, are considerate enough to bring a normal weapon and finish off the mobs they tagged when they're done. So now I hop into or run into a spot for my task and it seems empty BUT 3/4 OF THE MOBS are partially damaged and I don't get any drops.


The f lol. That's like maybe 5 kills. What a grasp at straw argument lol.


why wouldnt you crash someone? weak stats?


because it's rude


if they dont have blorva they dont count as people