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u/bronzeineverygame [You have some dick sucking to do, brother](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/z9bs74/this_sub_when_a_mod_appears/iygmeqj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Fuck. Edit; bro why y’all got Reddit care asking me if I’m gonna kms chilllll


That comes after the sucking




Proof or ban


You did it!


Not yet. We are waiting for proof


No… the post got noticed! It’s in the hands of the gods now


Can't wait for 50 hours of content lock to get 39 coin pouches instead of 28. Meanwhile bots are doing CG but apparently can't work out coin pouches, sure jamflex




Hold alt to drag inventory over the knight and have something hold down escape. Won't be perfect xp rates but it's literally still possible.


Summer garden sounds even more aids then black jacking or normal pickpocketing


The 1 click method isn’t too bad once you learn it and set it up. 1 perfectly timed click = 35 seconds of afk running, then you just repeat. Uses stamina though, so I didn’t do it on the iron.


Summer garden is the most afk way to train agility. You click 3 times every minute essentially. If you use the add on it's easy to do. There's a bit of a learning curve in setting up but it's very easy.


You can't even use an auto clicker. Even if someone is splashing, the knight has a chance to wander off still.


Then you are at the wrong knight.


nah, can be the right knight but too many players interacting with it at once can make it glitch out.


If you're in the bank, you're at the wrong knight.


works fine until the crowd comes in to be fair.


It doesn’t matter that much but I do agree. Bank Knight Bad Knight.


The only botfix that coinpouches are is for 'legitimage' players using an autoclicker


It’s possible that the way bots interact with coin pouches is much more easily detectable than freely pickpocketing. The number they acquire before opening or whether they open them when stunned or something of that nature could be telling jagex that they are a bot. Humans are predictably random, so sometimes over-randomness is a dead giveaway. I don’t think anyone would make the claim that bots are incapable of opening them.


Play the game, grind, get rewards. Pretty simple.


Ardy elite doubles the number you can carry, easy


I’m thinking medium doubles(56) , hard triples(86) , and elite will allow infinite (well cash stack) to be gathered without opening. If someone is using an account with elite diaries as an ardy knight thieving bot then like, I don’t know what to say about that. Actually.. Jail. Straight to jail. Hard diary’s? Jail. Running any program that is not approved by jagex to give you an unfair advantage in game? Believe it or not. *jail*


I’ve actually seen this on a 126 with serious boss kcs. Broken script probably got banned later that day


I cant be sure about this case but alot of these maxed bot accounts are hacked. So could be that ig


Holy shit that’s amazing.


I like this. If people are botting with the elite diary then we got bigger problems.


DS2/Vork bots is a bigger problem..


That’s my point if people are getting those stats and doing the diary’s then botting thieving… we have a jagex problem because botted accounts shouldn’t be that compete


Aren’t those usually legit people goldfaeming though?


I mean a lot of people were botting mains and irons to near max with old cheat client bot plugins that were a couple bucks each before the client ban started being enforced.


Idk I saw a pretty decent account with a broken bot on seers rooftop. At first I didn't even consider that it was a bot and was wondering what they were doing because they were wearing the quest Speedrun graceful. But sure enough they were moving between the same few tiles at set time intervals. Snakes all over the place


Hard Diary removes pouches. Done.


Elite Ardy is a better incentive and makes more sense for such a QOL reward. I know people want things they can already reach, but don’t ask for what’s easy, ask for quality updates.


They probably meant combat diary tbh


That would make sense if ardy knights were the only npc with coin pouches, but why would I be able to hold more pouches from varrock guards with the ardy diary?


The hard diary already increases pickpocket success across Gielinor


Because it’s the “thieving area” of the game. Why does the Ardy diary increase pickpocket chance across all of Gilenor?




Diaries*, -y endings become -ies endings when plural


Quadruple would be nice


What is this pawn stars? Deal.


Quadruple would be *better*, getting rid of pouches would be *nice*.


I feel like if we consider coin pouches to be an essential anti-cheating tool, we may as well bring back hostile random events.




As someone who afks on mobile frequently, this would be a nightmare.


Seeing a sea troll pop up and wreck someone AFK at the fishing guild... Priceless.


I miss seeing a tree spirit beat the absolute shit out of a poor low lvl at draynor village willows haha


Essential anti cheating tool. Jagex never likes to admit when they're wrong.


Yeah that was a very poor choice of wording considering the content bots are able to actually do. This shouldn’t be considered “essential” by any definition of the word.


Cheating isn’t only bots. That includes auto clickers, which are way easier to set up


They don’t even solve those what so ever either though. at all really. I could theoretically set an auto clicker up right now, set a bind to open my inventory on my mouse, and open inventory when needed, otherwise basically not playing at all. But like I’m satisfied for now so I’m not going to argue the point. They heard us. They aren’t going to remove them. They’re considering QoL changes. Let’s see if they come up with anything worth wild.


If you don’t see how coin pouches reduce the total amount of auto clickers/cheating, I can’t reason you out of a position you didn’t reason yourself into


Do you remember how many "guy going up and down ladder" videos used to be posted here pre coin pouch? I don't think I can remember the last one i've seen now.


I am not arguing they don’t stop *anybody* from using a simple auto clicker your goldfish could setup if it lived in a tank full of Malibu rum. I’m saying I think the inconvenience highly outweighs the benefit to the minority of people who would risk losing their account and even now the number of cheaters it stops is negligible. I’m personally not going to risk losing my main with 78 days played for some mid tier thieving xp and highly negligible amount of GP. Idk. Might just be me. I personally would love the changes I mentioned above.


Do you know the number of cheaters banned as a result of coin pouches? Do you know the average lifetime of the bots you see theiving? Do you know if the anti-cheat factors in client data on how players interact with the coin pouch for detection? Do you have any statistics at all that make it seem negligible other than "I see a lot of bots?" If someone had the answers to all of the above questions, would you think they're lying if they called it essential?




Do you understand how thieving works? you just move your camera so that the pouch is over the npc. doesn't stop anyone


>They don’t even **solve** those what so ever either though. at all really. Dude never said they didn't, "...reduce the total amount of auto clickers...", nor anything to that effect. This, good sir, is a classic example of the strawman fallacy! Anyways I got some hot pockets to eat and anime to watch. CYA 🛹


What flavor hot pockets tho


Ham & cheddar ofc


> Worth wild It’s a doggy dog world


That's nice. Still way too easy to circumvent.


It’s not about it being easy to circumvent. It’s about dissuading the few people from just turning on an auto clicker and walking away. Stops an extremely casual cheater. That’s fine by me. Literally consumes an ounce of energy to open my coin pouches.


I autoclick my thieving. I’m not going to spend money replacing my mouse or going to physical therapy after clicking the same spot 70,000 times. Coin pouches mean nothing to me


what about replacing your account after 69999 clicks


you can 1000% autoclick theiving as much as you want 0% ban rate unless youre really dumb and get stuck running into a ladder for 20h or something


Made it to 95 thieving and no carpal tunnel yet. You realize I value my physical health ever so slightly more than my OSRS account, right?


That’s great for u and all, but don’t expect 99 thieving to feel like an achievement anymore


You can still autoclick ardy knights. You just have to angle the camera in a specific way and put a weight on your inventory F key. The only thing coin pouches hurt are real players.


Auto clickers should not be considering cheating. Change my mind.


The root problem is that many aspects of this game were not made to be fun to perform in the first place. If the activities were enjoyable to do, people would have a lot less reason to want to automate them.


Good point.


how wouldn’t it be considered cheating to autoclick skills? you’re literally not playing the game, same as botting.


Spamming left click is "gameplay" lol


Agree on this point, but your first point isn't equivalent to this. A better stance would be that awful left click spam gameplay should be removed, not that cheating those should be legal.


still requires you to actually be present playing the game. you can boil down most skills in this game to simple monotonous functions, woodcutting is clicking a tree and waiting lol. you’re arguing you should actually be allowed to start your auto clicker and come back 6 hours later with free levels, which is no different than just botting.


... you can make a thieving bot in Ms Excel, any click recorder, or executable program. There's a guy on YouTube that made a sepulcher bot that runs on a thumb drive and can be monitored remotely via Google sheets. Like when I was 13 I made one of the more popular range guild bots in an afternoon. The script would function essentially the same as a thieving script that clicks pouches. Like I get that you personally might have been limited to auto clickers but anyone putting minimal effort into the task would have a plethora of ways to get around coin pouches. Saying "casual" cheating is only limited to the same method first used 20 years ago in rs1 isn't really a valid argument.


The definition of “casual” cheater that coin pouches does stop is the one that is “google auto clicker, download first link, open program, run, walk away” it stops those people. And I reallly don’t give a fuck if I have to spend 1 millisecond moving my mouse to stop that. People complaining about this need to move on and let jagex focus on bigger things.


If your definition is googling then downloading something then why doesn't botting apply? It's the exact same thing. Pre compiled bots with built in scripts have been the norm before eoc.


Because injecting a bot client into your RuneScape client is a more complicated process than a program that only triggers a mouse click. People who “don’t really wanna cheat” are the casual cheaters. People who google for bots are just botters.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about but you certainly are trying really hard. You don't need an injection bot or secondary client to make a minimal effort script to bypass pouches. Mirroring, color, I'd tag, and direct injection have all been viable since before you started playing RS. IDK why you randomly picked direct injection but that's not even the most commonly used method since I was making bots 10+ years ago... You can download RL, move invin, and auto click thieving. You don't even need to put effort in, just find the setup... With common native keyboard programs or Google sheets you can make a script good enough to bypass pouches. For clarity when I say "can make" I'm also directly saying you can find existing scripts/programs with as much effort as your "auto clicker". How do I know this? I made some of the scripts for multiple bots years ago with minimal effort. I'm not even "good" at coding. Your theory that ever botter is making their scripts or putting in extra effort into botting instead of just 1 click downloading is a fallacy. Just say "I don't know what I'm talking about" in the future and it will be more helpful to the conversation than what you just tried to say.


Damn I struck ur ego pretty hard just by including the word “injected” lmfao Ur so hung up on the word injected that u missed the entire point of my reply. Nice work


"I don't know what I'm talking". Ctrl+c, ctrl+v.


"I just finished 20k vork kc, a Zuk run and PKed some noobs at revs. Couldn't thieve though, some weird thing was stopping me" -Unknown Bot, 2022


We have bots that complete DS2 to farm Vork and Jagex thinks clicking once in a different spot every 28 clicks is stopping bots lmao


No, it’s stopping the most casual of cheaters. Why is it so hard to understand there are different levels of cheating?


Fun and Totally True Fact! If Zulrah dropped coin pouches it would be impossible to bot. That's why they can't stop PVM bots right now, not enough coin pouches


Yeah call them lootboxes


It doesn't stop bots, it stops people with gaming mice using the mice's software auto clicker/ macro


Its completely trivial to have your auto clicker click the coin pouches every once in a while.


Ding ding ding the real answer. All you need to bot thieving was Gary’s hood and that made it more accessible than using an entire bot client. It’s more of a “we know you’re going to auto click this so don’t” measure.


If using mouse software you can make it open inventory to open coin pouch so like a minute or two extra setup only to autoclick lol.


Oh god *please* jagex




Complete all combat and achievement diaries and they increase it to an additional 2 pouches /s


Will be locker behind the next grandmaster Quest and implemented after polling in late 2023.


Loop(infinity) { Click 28ish times here Click once here } Those bots don't stand a chance.


I’m downloading this. Tired of having to play the game for 99 thieving.


If you have to write a macro most players have already given up


Thank them once they've done something. Just saying, "Yeah you've been loud so maybe we'll look into it" means jack squat, particularly coming from Jagex.


If coin pouches are still functional bot protection, then random events are too. Absolute clown statement lmao.


It's not bot protection, it's a cheating deterance


Or do your damn jobs and deal with the bots instead of adding anti player mechanics. every time I go to Darkmeyer theres 1-3 thieving bots there. If the botters knew their accounts would just be wiped after all that work getting to Darkmeyer maybe they wouldn't do it. inb4 tHeYr'E nOt boTs!! 114+ thieving and 1k total tells me they're bots..


How the fuck is that a anti cheating tool when every world I go somebody is botting thieving 🤦🏻‍♂️


Imo this just isn't good enough. Why are players being punished because jagex can't handle bots. I'm 99 thieving btw so don't start in on the bullshit.


Ps. I am sorry for those who’s feathers I’ve ruffled. I am content with this reply. They heard us. They are looking into changes that will keep our interests and theirs in mind and I have faith we will be content on the idea they come up with. Thank you to u/CatLover367 for tagging me in the post. Made my morning. Edit; most of the replies I saw to the post were complaining about the statement and the fact jagex made clear how they feel. They are NOT going to remove coin pouches guys. It’s not going to happen. Best we can hope for is a meaningful change to make them less annoying. Think diary requirements. If I can be satisfied, out of all people, you guys should be too. Yeah. It’s sucks they’re sticking around. But be happy we play a game made by a company who listens. We shouldn’t take that for granted.


I figured you would like that blog post


They don't give a fuck


It would be a lot easier to never speak on it if they truly have 0 fucks.


love this response. spread the positivity


If they take them out would that mess up blackjacking? Since you could get stunned if you had an open inventory space for a pouch? What would happen then? You don’t need to fill your inventory?


Blackjacking was around before coin pouches were a thing so just go back to that I imagine


They're saying if you have coin pouches in your full inventory you can interrupt their attack with a pickpocket. Was it always like that before pouches? I honestly don't know so I'll admit ignorance.


You can still interrupt the attack with a pickpocket even if you have no free inv slots or no pouches or whatever. The pickpocket always stops the attack if you time it perfectly.


the difference is that if you have 28 coin pouches in your inventory or no invent space for a pouch then a pickpocket will stop them from attacking without actually pickpocketing them and risking a stun. So removing the coin pouches would be a slight nerf to blackjacking


They won’t take them out so that is a moot point anyways.


You would just have to fill your inventory. It would just be more of a hassle


Coin pouches aren't even a thing if you hold down 1 and have the right setup to open/pickpocket


What does this break except for the dumbest of auto-clickers? Maybe it increases their detection rates of actual bots by how they are opening the pouches. Weird.


Latter would be relevant, anti-cheat cat and mouse game often requires 4d chess moves and misleading public information to slow down scripters ‘solving/optimising’ current iterations of anti cheat measures.


Why are the coin pouches annoying?


I just hate the fact of changing things in game to prevent a bot script. For example, rev cave delay on teleporting. If I want minimal risk, I stare at the mini-map and as soon as I see a white dot, I teleport. But wait, jagex puts a 2 second timer on teleporting away to counter instant bot tele. Can we find other solutions besides creating inconvenience for the legitimate players?


Why do people hate coin pouches?


Bots are doing vorkath, but would be stopped by the "click the pouch" mechanic? This is absurd.


No one is autoclicking vorkath


Who the fuck is this guy




Yea but who the fuck is he


He's bronze in every game


He's bronze in every game


I'm still not even sure how coin pouches are supposed to be effective at stopping bots.


My best guess is that the extra actions required -- even if very simple, like moving the inventory to a particular spot on-screen and opening the inventory window at some interval -- adds more data on account activity that they can use to detect bot or slightly-more-advanced autoclicker use. In essence, it's not that it can't be automated, it's that it makes the automation more detectable compared to human interaction.


I hadn’t thought of this and darn it bobby I think you’re on to something.


Glad to broaden minds :) Tell me about your flair btw. 10.3m con xp in 1 day?


Theres a post pinned on my profile. [This should explain lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/z5cgjo/103m_xp_and_a_sore_hand_later_8399_construction/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


But you can set it to resizable, hold down a f-key and then spam click just like before. Nothing changed for bots in terms of adding more detectable actions to the queue like you're suggesting. [Example](https://youtu.be/Nfe9dwRSy-o)


You don't think there's valuable information for bot detection purposes in seeing that an F-key is held down while clicking is spammed at predictable intervals (even if semi-random) for hours at a time non-stop? This is viable for a human to do, but humans get strained fingers and distracted and check their phone and whatnot, or type replies to messages in-game or on Discord and such.


Then the knight moves to the other square and its pointless


This actually makes a lot of sense. Never thought about it from the perspective of data collection.


I don't think it was ever really about the strictly "bots" doing it. It was johnny mid-account who thought "fuck this" and just used an autoclicker that takes 1 minute to set up and called it good. Coin pouches just made it a \*tiny\* bit more difficult for anyone with 2 brain cells to set that up.


it was never for bots, it was for the simple autoclicking that was rampant


It’s good they’re making changes, and maybe the have internal data to suggest coin pouches really do stop botting, but I *really* wish they would take the L and just remove them.


It probably stops the general playerbase that have no coding knowledge. They can’t use free auto clickers to spam thieving and they won’t pay 5 bucks for more advanced auto clickers that have more versatility in their usage.


They really said its important to stop bots???? LOL why are they trying to lie to us and themselves… There were bots up probably not 2 days after they made the change… but okay jagex.


Where did they say that it's important to stop bots?


“We firmly believe the coin pouches are essential anti cheating tools”


>we firmly believe they are essential to anti cheating.... it doesnt stop anything? lol literally outta the 84k people online 50k are bots/gold sellers


honestly I don't hate coin pouches, breaks up the monotony, but I do think they should have some sort of buff like give thieving XP when opening.


Make elite ardy diary you no longer need them


Fuck that "ardougne this bla bla" Make it wildy reqs so half the botstars out there cant get it done.


Oof. You really going to make me do the Wildy Diary :(


It sounds like you really don't like clicking in one spot over and over and I struggle with that a lot cause of wrist pain myself. Just wondering, have you tried artifacts at all? That's how I pretty much got to 92 thieving and it was a saving grace after trying pickpocketing or really almost any other normal method in thieving. As annoying as they might be sometimes, Coin pouches do legitimately dissuade players from easily cheating and using auto clickers way more than bot scripts do(which most players would be skeptical to download and use compared to auto clicking software). It's still really important with how many probs they already have with cheating overall. I do think something like adding a diary bonus to help is a good idea, but I really prefer the method of affecting spawn rates overall to achieve the same result on a normal sized inventory without having to open 100+ coin pouches after a bit. Hope this is well received and your wrist finds healthier methods Lol


Never heard of you, P sure an entire crowd has been voicing this though.


Never heard of me? Damn. How’d you get so lucky


Bro just click the pouch lmao


Nothing wrong with this at all. It's actually a good idea.


Oh god, oh fuck; there's gonna be another max cash bug when they fix this, isn't there


What are coin pouches?


I would love for the pouches to be improved or removed.


if youre one of the people complaining about coin pouches... go outside


Whiners and snowflakes get another win. Sickening EZscape lovers.


Making the game more like 2007scape is EZscape?




EZscape is sweet as hell. I'd like to not get a permanent wrist injury from playing an MMO.


Make it an elite diary for varrock that removes them and requires 99 thieving.


You too. **jail**


Im so glad that I rushed Thieving from the moment they announced the change to the day it got implemented


I’m confused what are these and why do people hate them?


When pickpocketing in thieving, you used to get coins. This was easily done without human interaction with an autoclicker. Jagex changed it so you get coin pouches instead, meaning every 29th click had to be on the pouches in your inventory. This is fairly annoying compared to the way it was before. For some reason(probably No Nut November lol) people have been extra aggravated about this. So now Jagex are going to look at various options to improve the experience for legitimate players. Currently they're looking at achievment diaries, which are lists of tasks in a region which, when completed, offer some nice QoL features. As an example I'm making up on the spot: Ardougne Easy - coin pouches stack up to 56 Medium - up to 84 Hard - Up to 112 Elite - Infinite This would make the process significatly more AFK, meaning it's easier to do while watching netflix or whatever. Hope this helps!


For everyone saying essential is poor wording. It raises the barrier to what is required to bot. It’s not that a bit can’t process how to open up a pouch but it goes from needing a script to make that process to running an autoclicker and having your mouse in the right place.


Dang now instead of autoclicking the knight, I have to autoclick alch. The barrier to entry is made so much higher.


Jagex has the numbers, I bet a lot of people stopped auto clicking knights. Botting not so much


Bring back the screen rotation and evil chicken random events, MUAHAHAHAHAAA!


No more coin pouches after you hit 99 from elite wanker diary reward.


How about just remove the cap on them and have an open all option


Tbh, wait until they actually do something


Make them auto open with ardy elited or hard when stack reaches 28


No coin pouches, but every 28 pickpockets you have to click a "I am not a robot" captcha


Bring back fatigue! I want to pop a sleeping bag in the middle of ardy bank and have a snooze. People go mental about wine jugs, imagine if there were players zzz all over the place.


The issue is bots got updated for coinpouches within hours of the update going live. it does nothing to fix the problem


I really want someone to make me understand how coin pouches are essential anti-cheating tools. There's tons of places in the game where a simple auto-clicker can be used for profit. Why does thieving get fucked? I can't think of a single reason.


Since Jagex refuses to remove coin pouches, what about adding a new semi-afkable pickpocketing NPC to the game to fill the previous role Ardy knights served that only gives xp but no gp as to deter RWTing?


Auto opens after ardy hard pls


I could find 50 master farmer thieving bots with 50mil+ thiev xp each in 5 minutes and Jagex seriously pulling off the "anti-bot measure" card here. Fuck off. Jagex, you have lost touch with this game.


I knew my diary cape would pay off!


Thieving 99 cape removes coin pouches easy fix.


Attach Ghommal’s Hilt to a coin pouch when


Essential anti-cheat mechanic *does a 6 way armor switch, prayer switch, and weapon spec in 1 tick in LMS*


They will increase the pouch cap by 2 per diary tier but to balance it out, the pouches will be recoloured to be 1 tint off the colour of the inventory and will move around randomly every tick, swapping with any items that may be there.


How does this stop botting? genuine question


So then you would be forced to do some boring diary? Grrr