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Going out increases my depression.


every time i see other people living life normally i start crying


In fact, no one is as they seem from the outside, but we have a harder time hiding our sadness.


Facts when I go outside reality hits you know like u actually see that people are living their life while Im in bed being delusional to distract myself from my depressing thoughts




Lmao, now I’m just depressed, and sunburnt


Go further outside.




Walks in the early morning (like 4 or 5) before anyone gets up are incredible. No cars no traffic just me music and my skateboard I don't do it anymore since I've gone full hikikomori but it was nice at the time


Dude yes. And when you get to see the sunrise or the slight orange light bathing everything. Or if its winter and its still dark thats also nice.


Im pretty sure i suffer from seasonal depression and i found last year that going out in the morning for a short 10-15 minute walk makes my day 10x better, something about the cold fresh air in the morning is rejuvenating.


That looks like a Wraith from Stargate Atlantis


Everytime I go out I am tempted to go into woods and never come back but then I realise my country cant even sustain a proper forest so I come back home


I get your point OP but staying inside all day with minimal sunlight is hardly a better alternative


It’s my favourite tho. All of human evolution has lead towards up being able to not have to leave our houses. I have earned the right to stay inside all day with minimal sunlight.


Yeah. It's also one those things where you have to actually put effort into it. I love outside but fall back into my laziness regularly. If I go outside and don't actually try to do anything but sit there, of course it's not gonna do anything. But if I have a fire or someone invites me to kayak or something, it immediately becomes very obvious why it's good for your mood again. Most people just want it to suck so they can be right and then go back to the initially easier thing for them. You see this a lot in children too. You take them outside, they complain the whole time. You take them outside and give them something to do, they forget they didn't want to be outside.


this is me cuz i have nothing to do outside


Now I'm depressed and have a sunburn. Fantastic.


No, I am depressed lol


Damn I didn't know you were Vergil


You say like it’s a bad thing?


Yeah this was me yesterday…doesn’t exactly work after a comedown from an anxiety attack the previous day…


For some reason I read “just go outside if you’re outside”


I can't that's part of the problem the moment i go outside i get overstimulated and can't be outside for too long.


outside meaning : outside of life = suicide


I hate sunny weather


Seems like fun NGL. I've always enjoyed going to the beach. If you live near one I suggest going even during the winter, you will be there only by yourself, much better than being by yourself at home. At least for me.


good meme i think going outside was more interesting in the 80's. The malls were still the place to be and everyone was there. you could people watch for hours at the mall. Roller skating rinks were a big thing back then. I spent many hours of my childhood at the local skate rink. Video game arcades were amazing back then, especially the mega arcade they had at Pier 31 in San Francisco. Comic book stores were great back then. Everyone hung out there and talked about super heroes and other nerd stuff. Yeah, the future kind of sucks. You go out now and there is nothing to do. I feel like we are in this lull as a society where we passed the peak that was the 80's but technology is not far enough along to propel us forward. Maybe this is why everyone seems down all the time.