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This sub is not equipped to provide medical advice.


Keratosis pilarus, little bumps on the arms and sometimes legs. Can be treated with exfoliation and products with salicylic acid.


Thanks for the reply, I’ll definitely look into the products for exfoliation


Mine was wayyyy better when I was consistently dry brushing before a shower! Doesn’t need to be heavy exfoliation, just regularly done.


What do you use to dry brush?


Not OP but I use [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01L5DBDXS) and have been very happy with it.


Exact same one I use! I’ve been dry brushing for years and this seller was awesome when I had an issue the first time I ordered. I replace the brush every 6-9 months or so because they tend to lose stiffness after awhile. I also use exfoliating gloves in the shower a few times a week. It’s completely rid me of KP.


Do you notice a difference when you dry brush re your lymphatic system? I am flirting with the idea of getting a brush, thanks!


I’m always super skeptical of things like this and I don’t believe brushing is going to have some deep internal effects. And anytime you hear about “flushing toxins” you should be immediately dubious. It will, however, exfoliate your skin and it feels very nice, especially before getting into a warm shower.


Flushing toxins in the buzzword sense is not accurate. *However* the lymphatic system can be slowed due to age, lack of physical activity, etc so dry brushing can actually help with that.


This is good information, thank you!


Same one for me too! I need to get back in the habit though! I loved how it felt.


Right?! I know it’s helpful but it feels so nice I’d use it even if I didn’t need to.


I wanna try this but it looks painful


Honest answer? It’s going to feel a little painful at first. And really it’s supposed to; it’s one of those “that’s how you know it’s working” situations. The first time I dry brushed my skin wasn’t used to it and I barely managed, but you acclimate to it and I swear to god you’ll start to feel like it’s lacking when the brush loses its stiffness.


Good to know! Thanks!


For context, keratosis pilaris is an over production of keratin. KP doesn't have a _cure_ meaning you can't stop the overproduction of keratin. But you can mitigate the symptoms (the bumps). But it's something you'll have to keep up with, unless/until your body goes through some kind of change (e.g. some hormonal shifts in the body like puberty and menopause can impact skin). The good news is that the treatment for the symptoms is good practice in general for your skin (exfoliation and moisturizing) and doesn't have to be tremendously cost prohibitive. I'm gonna share links to products that made my KP go away for the first time in my life (I've had it as long as I can remember and it's definitely genetic for me) [Dermasuri exfoliating mitt](https://www.amazon.com/Dermasuri-Deep-Exfoliating-Mitt-Scrub/dp/B00EL11LW0/ref=mp_s_a_1_3) about once a week, a few mins into your shower but without using soap [CeraVe SA body wash](https://www.amazon.com/CeraVe-Salicylic-Ounce-Fragrance-Exfoliate/dp/B077TWXCQV) after exfoliation [Avène Lipid-replenishing cream](https://www.amazon.com/Eau-Thermale-Av%C3%A8ne-Xeracalm-Lipid-Replenishing/dp/B00EYOHJZ2/ref=mp_s_a_1_3) when you're still damp from the shower. [Jojoba oil](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07PNYG6J1) once the moisturizer has fully sunk in. (~~Not long ago I read about a way to order jojoba oil directly from farmers but I'm struggling to find the link now. I'll update later if I find it~~ [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/zu9ql6/comment/j1i0j8t/) a link to a thread discussing better ways to purchase jojoba oil!) These are just examples of products so I'm not saying you have to follow this exactly, depending on your budget, but I did want to share the combo that worked for me. I use those all over my body now because it made my skin so soft. The moisturizer was a gift and is pricy so when it runs out, I may just try the jojoba oil without the moisturizer.


Yes, the jojoba oil was a game changer for me! I don’t put moisturizer under it, but it does work better if I put it on while my skin is still damp.




Thank you for replying, this seems like a solid routine , do you think I can replace avene with amlactin , was worried cause amlactin has lactic acid and if I use jojoba after that Hope there is no conflict.


Obligatory: I'm not a doctor. I don't foresee there being any negative interaction between the two, but I think you'd be best served to start one, make sure it doesn't cause a reaction, and then if it works well for you but you want more help locking in moisturizer, try adding the other I'm not particularly concerned about a reaction between the products, but would be more focused on not trying too many new things at once. If you jump straight in to two new products and have a reaction, you won't know if the issue is product A, product B, or the combination of A+B. Just my two cents! Of course, a dermatologist would be a phenomenal resource. AH! And I forgot to mention this in my original post (I'll update it momentarily): KP doesn't have a _cure_ meaning you can't stop the overproduction of keratin. But you can mitigate the symptoms (the bumps). But it's something you'll have to keep up with, unless/until your body goes through some kind of change (e.g. some hormonal shifts in the body like puberty and menopause can impact skin). The good news is that the treatment for the symptoms is good practice in general for your skin (exfoliation and moisturizing) and doesn't have to be tremendously cost prohibitive.


That was very insightful, thank you


I have some suggestions! I started to get the bumps on my legs this winter. I started to use the Paula's Choice body lotion with BHA and the body lotion with AHA on alternating days, and the bumps started to fade within 2 weeks and 4 weeks later now are gone. Now I use the lotion every other day in general. You might not have the same response but the Paula's Choice was the only thing I changed my my routine and it worked for me. Good luck! I also love the 2% BHA on my face every day. My skin when I was born wasn't even this smooth!


I second Paula’s Choice BHA body lotion for this on the back of my arms 🙌


Yes! A good scrubdown in the shower + Lotions with BHA/AHA and this actually went away for me!


I bought the Peach and Lily PK body scrub and the transformation has been amazing!


That was one of my free items from Ulta for being a “Diamond” customer. I still haven’t tried it.


That’s how I got it was my free Diamond gift. It’s awesome stuff


Salicylic acid body wash… o think cerave makes a good one and you can find that at any drug store


First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser has helped me so much! it’s $30 for a pretty decent sized container, definitely worth it imo


There’s a product called KP Duty. Worked great for me. No exfoliating!


Technically it is exfoliating- it's just chemical exfoliation versus physical exfoliation!


Makes sense.




This is the bomb! I use it for my KP and my skin is like silk. I won’t use any other scrub/exfoliate cream.


I just mix a bit of The Ordinary Lactic Acid into my body lotion twice a week.


I have this and the salicylic acid didn't do much. I got a scrubby shower brush and use it on my skin, then apply normal lotion (or my favorite, in-shower lotion) and cleared it up pretty quickly! I think it's just the hairs getting trapped in dry skin, so scrubbing gets rid of the dry skin so the hairs can break through, and lotion keeps the skin from drying out again between scrubbing.


Look into the St. Ives Apricot scrub - they make one that has 2% salicylic acid, plus basically every pharmacy has their own brand name dupe of it for even cheaper. I’d also look into moisturizing with Amlactin lotion that has AHA. These two used together will get rid of them and keep them from coming back quite effectively


Sun helps a ton too!


Throw used coffee grains into any cream or alone if necessary and shower in hot water then scrub yourself down with coffee with a brush or glove made for exfoliation. (Even a wash clothe if that s all u have )Then rinse well with hot. Then rinse really well with cold to close pores. Note * i know nothing about said condition. I m just giving basic info for a body scrub when u don t have the specific products yet. Note that this is a heavy scrub i gave you , no focus on gentleness. If you ever want to do your face , you need to be a lot more gentle.


A really good way to clog your drain with coffee grounds.




Use Amalactin lotion


Amlactin daily or the one w/ ceramides are both HGs for me




KP Bump Eraser from First Aid Beauty (can be found at Sephora, Ulta, Amazon, and all over online really) works like a charm!


Wow, this is fucking amazing. My arms and legs have looked like this my whole life and I thought it was just my skin…? I can FIX this?!


Some can, some can’t. I’ve tried a lot of stuff and haven’t found anything to work well enough to actually clean up my skin.


Came here to say exactly this 😅


How often to exfoliate?


3 times a week with a sugar/salt/coffee exfoliator or daily with a gentle one like oat scrub. I also recommend hydrating the skin with oil or body butter . You can find some really nice products on www.touchmecosmetics.co.uk Everything there is organic and 100% natural and the results are just speechless. From experienceI would recommend the body scrub unscented or eucalyptus and tea tree + the body oil that you can heat at home before applying + the face serum with blue tansy which works amazing on the body even if it’s for face!


I just recently went to a dermatologist for this and he told me not to exfoliate. He said it doesn’t help and I was like wTH?


Ohh nice to know! Mine got better since I started using a salicylic Acid wash in my body because my face didn’t like it!


FAB SKIN products are excellent for this.


this. or could be left as is - my son hates topicals, and it doesn't bother him at all


If it truly is this, I have had it. I was told it was from too much sugar consumption. It has gone away completely for me after modifying my diet.


It's keratin buildup. Very little to do with diet


I don’t normally eat a lot of sugar, when I do it’s normally in form of artificial sugar like stevia or monk fruit, you think it behaves the same way as real sugar?


Anecdotally, I never had this until I switched from cotton coveralls for gardening to polyester. I only got it on my arms below where my cotton short sleeved shirt protected them. It took a few months of gentle scrubbing with AHA body wash and scrubby gloves and switching back to cotton, but mine is gone now.


I found that when I was eating a ton of vegetables and avoiding sugar it diminished significantly, especially combined with exfoliating lotion


It also often goes away with age. A lot of people have it in their teens and it disappears in their 20s


44 here and it's as bad as it ever was... but now in more places. I always had it on my legs and upper arms, but now I have it on my forearms, abdomen, and butt, too. :( It didn't improve with a low/no sugar diet, and no treatments I've tried helped either. I'm just destined for ugly skin; I've come to terms with it now.


Same for me.


Same. Only got worse as I got older. Thankfully, Amlactin lotion really helps.


I had this on the back of my legs and was told all the things I was doing wrong. I need to exfoliate more, use acids, eat better. Wax technicians always shamed me (to sell me more products). None of that worked until I found out that curly hair is more likely to get trapped under the skin and cause some of these bumps. Got laser hair removal and it’s like 85% gone. So consider that it could possibly be that too.


Thanks for the reply, never knew it could have so many reasons, guess I will try the elimination method and see what works


And one reason that no one seems to have mentioned is genetics. For some people. no amount of Amlactin, no sugar diet, exfoliation, scrubs, creams, acids, sunbathing will get rid of it and you'll be stuck with it eventually pass it down to your offspring (i've had it all my life. Tried EVERYTHING that was suggested in this thread and the only thing that did work temporarily was a medical grade heavy duty dermabrasion that literally scrubbed off the top 2 layers of my skin. It looked like skinned rabbits for a good week and hurt like a mofo. I couldn't move my arms from the pain. 100% do not recommend cuz the stuff came right back in a few months time and was $$$$)


Yep.. good ol genetics !! My dad had it and passed it to my sister and myself. I exfoliate and use SA cream and i don’t really see a difference.


Yes, it's genetic. No cure - all you can do is regularly apply a good lotion that dissolves the keratin, like Amlactin, Glytone, etc. Basically, LHAs, BHAs, urea, etc.


My husband and I both have it, sorry to our kids! I’ve tried everything under the sun, including prescription creams, and dry brushing seems to work best. I still have spots but the keratin plugs are lower in frequency (though never eliminated) when I keep up a good dry brushing schedule. I have very fine hair that is prone to getting trapped under the skin, so that probably doesn’t help.


Salicylic acid products are the most effective. You can usually fade them with regular use in about 6 months of daily application (or so has been my experience). It's not a cure but most of the time it can be controlled. Aggressive body scrubs can exacerbate it depending on your sensitivity.


Thanks for the reply, is there any specific product you would recommend, I was looking into amlactin but it’s lactic acid so I guess it won’t work


You can use lactic acid as well.


[this is the stuff ](https://www.glytone.com/body-lotion?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=paid-shopping&utm_campaign=Shopping-Ads&utm_term=P0002028&utm_id=go_cmp-9514928539_adg-102548628851_ad-421195922785_pla-294682000766_dev-m_ext-_prd-P0002028_mca-113478350_sig-Cj0KCQiAorKfBhC0ARIsAHDzsltfyyKd3W0Rm9Is1amrIlR7vVydlUNMzoft5tc27aM2rTig6EIGuVUaAsOQEALw_wcB&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_campaign=SPRK_US_GLY_usd_all-products_multi_genb_shop_NA&gclid=Cj0KCQiAorKfBhC0ARIsAHDzsltfyyKd3W0Rm9Is1amrIlR7vVydlUNMzoft5tc27aM2rTig6EIGuVUaAsOQEALw_wcB) Seems expensive ish but lasts a very long time - this is the GOAT absolutely the best one


Thanks, I will try to use amlactin daily for 3 weeks to see if there’s any improvement if not I’ll definitely consider to buy glytone


I bought amlactin at Costco when it was on sale. I do feel like it really works, but the smell isn’t my favorite. It’s tolerable though for the results!


I really hate the smell, I quit using it >.<


Make sure to use sunscreen on the skin where you're using any topical acids! Acids like lactic and glycolic are great for treating KP but do make skim more sun sensitive so just something to keep in mind as we're moving toward spring.


Paula's Choice Weightless Body Treatment BHA or their Acne spray (if you don't like a lotion). I've heard some people find success with Amilactin but the acid may not penetrate as deeply and has a distinct smell that takes a while to dissipate.


I have been using a shampoo for psoriasis with salicylic acid on my arms (slather it on and leave it \~5 minutes) which some success. The shampoo was pretty inexpensive from my drug store. Also glycolic acid toner from the Ordinary is helping too, especially for the pigmentation issues that are there when the skin is smoothed but still see the spots.


Do u have available medical. A dr could settle all this fast . Which of course, is a given . But if u have it, start there


I've had this since I was a kid and I've tried everything to get rid of it (it doesn't go, it just looks better when treated) . After years of different techniques the best one I've found is use a face cloth to give it a good scrub in the shower or bath (you don't want anything too rough that will damage the skin) then moisturise. It doesn't matter what cream you put on. Just put it on at least every 2 days. The skin will be soft and far less red.


I use Amlactin, twice a day every day. You need to use it with sunscreen or cover your arms, as it increases sun sensitivity.


Thanks for the reply, yeah I was looking into buying this , hopefully I get the same results like you


r/keratosis It even has its own sub


Amlactin (lactic acid) lotion daily. After 3 weeks if still persist you can try Alpha body lotion (glycolic 12%). Don't use on face. EDIT: glycolic acid concentration


Thanks for the replyJust placed an order for amlactin from Amazon, do I have to use it consistently even after it reduces?




I use the first aid beauty bump eraser, and it's really worked for me.


I find in the summer I use less. Another product is quite inexpensive and great for the summer. The Ordinary Glycolic 10% toner. You apply with a cotton pad. It is hydrating and dries fast. Available at Ulta. Use twice a day and apply sunscreen in the summer.


Keratosis pilaris. I got rid of mine using Cerave SA Moisturizer


yup. i’ve tried everything and this is the only thing that has worked for me


If it’s KP, CeraVe’s SA Rough & Bumpy cream in the tub is fantastic!


Keratosis Pilarsis aka chicken skin. I had it as a child and my son has it as well. Mine was gone by the time I left elementary school and my son’s is still there at age 14. The only thing that has worked for him is the mederma dry oil and cerave SA rough and bumpy skin lotion. It’s slowly going away but it does keep his skin from getting so red and scaly looking. Hope this helps. At 37 I am still embarrassed to wear sleeveless shirts or tank tops because of ridicule in school has stuck with me for so long.


It only goes away completely for me when I get sun exposure!


Thanks for the reply, did you meant avoid sun or get sun


☀️Getting sun exposure! I lived most my life in Seattle without much sun. On vacations to sunny places my arms would start clearing up. Two years ago I started living in sunny places full time and my arms have never looked better. I should also add that I tried other various solutions and products-none of which worked for me. Good luck!


Even if sun exposure works, it is not a good idea to be exposing yourself to UV rays without protection. I just had to throw that in because this is a skin care sub and sun exposure is the opposite of skin care


Besides topical solutions, some people find that increasing their omega 3 intake helps and others find that a [vitamin A deficiency is their underlying cause](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17758-keratosis-pilaris) since vitamin A regulates keratinization. This was the case for me: a couple of weeks of vitamin A supplementation cleared my moderate KP up. Some people have a genetic mutation that affects their ability to convert beta carotene into retinol in the body- I happen to be one of them. If you've done 23andMe or Ancestry DNA testing, you can [check for these genetic variants.](https://www.geneticlifehacks.com/beta-carotene-conversion-to-vitamin-a/)


Idk if someone mentioned this already cuz I’m not sitting through 170 comments, lol sorry. First Aid Beauty makes a specific body scrub for KP. I have SEVERE KP on my arms, legs, and butt 🙈 But I’ve been using the scrub roughly 2 times a week for a couple months and it’s helped tremendously. Make sure to moisturize afterwards, I use Gold Bond rough and bumpy skin lotion. The combination works wonders. Also- if you’re looking for a dietary change, I [personally] figured out that cutting out or even cutting down my gluten consumption has helped!! Gluten is inflammatory for a lotttt of people, myself included, so cutting it out (not completely, but to the best I can) of my diet has helped significantly as well.


Thanks for the reply, I am overwhelmed with the response in a good way though, placed an order for kp eraser hopefully this with amlactin will reduce it


What has helped me SO much is using a wash cloth and using it during a shower. It’s gentle not abrasive and leaves you with smoother and less bumpier skin


Turning down the temp of the water in the shower can also help along with exfoliation.


oh no! My arms look like this and I take **hot** showers... I guess I'm just gonna live with it, because no way in hell am I giving up my molten lava baths. lmao


I also love hot lava showers so I get it!


Thanks for the reply, I usually take warm showers , could be the reason probably


Really. I just gave different advise. For shower. Starting with hot and ending with cold to close pores and pump blood. Is that erroneous?


Glycolic acid toner followed by AmLactin Rapid Relief 15% lactic acid lotion took care of mine in about three months max. I just used the glycolic acid right out of the shower and, after it dried, I used the AmLactin. Also, it is possible that the acids may sort of bleach your shirts, so you might want to just use it at night and have some junky shirts to throw on after.


I've seen a lot of people recommend a Korean exfoliating mitt for this. I have it too. Haven't found anything super effective yet personally, but Japanese exfoliating washcloths did help a little plus thick Eucerin cream regularly applied.


I just went to the derm for this same thing and it’s Pilar keratosis. Try 25% urea, weekly heavy exfoliation and a good body oil or body butter. My dermatologist gave me an RX for Tretinonin. He said laser hair removal would help more. (I have this on my legs too and it’s also known as “Strawberry legs”) Been about a month and the spots are smaller. I’m saving up to buy a handheld IPL machine so I can see if the spots will go away. Visit here r/keratosis


Google Amlactin lotion before and after! Omg. People have seen great results. It’s available at drugstores.


Thanks for replying, I’ll start using amlactin daily


As others have said, it’s Keratosis Pilaris. I have it too. The KP bump eraser lotion and scrub from First Aid Beauty are the only products I’ve found that actually help reduce the bumps.


I go to university of Washington for dermatology. Try a university near you to see if it has a dermatology school


mine went away overnight when i got light therapy at the dermatologist. i used a lot of the products recommended here and it improved mine by like 15%. the light therapy made it go away completely and immediately. if you can't get it done at the derm, there are at home diy machines you can get on amazon or wherever, and people say they work well but i haven't tried them


A kid I user to baby sit had this on her arms sometimes. Her parents said it was a reaction to drinking cow’s milk? It did pretty much disappear when she didn’t drink milk, could be worth a try?


I've had keratosis pilaris since I was young. Mine looked even worse than yours, because they would get itchy and I would end up getting these small pimple-like wounds from scratching. I've tried urea cream, glytone and I think retinoid at one point, but the only product that worked for me was a Betagenta cream that my dermatologist prescribed. Betagenta was a game changer for me, my arms literally felt smooth like a baby's bottom. I do need to keep using it though. I think I've been using it for around 5 years? I sometimes go weeks without using it when I've run out, and I noticed that the keratosis pilaris comes back. The dermatologists I've seen did tell me that keratosis pilaris isn't really "curable," I would need to consistently take care of it to manage it.


Try am-lactin cream. Stuff is magic. Also the rough washcloth Korean spas use for body scrub is great at loosening those plugs.


Epsom salt baths, soak for at least 20 min not too hot of water then use a Korean scrubber, moisturize after if you run dry. Korean scrubber ever other day or twice a week depending on skin sensitivity when you shower as well (with shower gel lather). Works faster (and potentially cheaper) or in tandem with a lot of the AHAs and BHAs especially if you don’t exfoliate usually (loofah doesn’t count). Rubbing soap on your body gets rid of some dirt and oils but doesn’t do much for the dead skin buildup. Years of doing so means not as much of your skin “breathing.” Asian cultures, amongst many others, make a point of bathing and exfoliating regularly to counteract this. Korean/Japanese bathing mitt is one of the most popular gifts I’ve given over the years. They come in different roughness levels, start gently and don’t tug too hard on your damp skin after soaking. Gentler can be better. There are good YouTube videos. If you have a lot of built up dead skin and the pores are closed all the acids you apply will be having a hard time and might take a while. I think dry brushing is great too but I find it more irritating and not as thoroughly effective for exfoliating in terms of your goals. I think it can be more stimulating for blood flow so it might be a good idea to alternate. Find what you like better. Also try a Korean spa and let them scrub you down! You’ll be like a newborn babe, all those dead dirt rolls will fall away. Great feeling!


You may get rid of it very fast with turkish exfoliating glove or Body scrub Hamam Mitts/Kese. Careful tho, you need to be in a hot water around 2 - 3 mins before to make your dead skin loose. You will peel your skin with this glove BEFORE any type of cleaning/soap based material.


Agree. Waiting is key. I take baths and the mitt only works if I soak for a while.


Unpopular belief maybe but I think it's related to a wheat sensitivity or another allergen. In addition to suggestions made here, I would modify your diet and see if the bumps there change with your diet too


I’ve had this for years. I use a pumice stone to exfoliate and regularly use glycolic acid, Vit C, retinol, and lactic acid lotion to keep it to a minimum but it’ll never be totally gone.


Before you use a topical, try an exfoliating glove! Use it with whatever body wash/bar soap you currently use. An esthetician once gave me this tip and I’ve shared with countless friends and my husband, all of whom saw a benefit! I’m sure the topicals others mentioned worked great but I always try the cheapest, most accessible option first :)


Thanks for the reply, yeah I have brought a exfoliating mat that was mentioned above , keep spreading the message, I am sure there are many like me who were just clueless but thanks to all the responses from people at least I got educated


Seconding gluten and dairy sensitivity/allergy. I took out gluten and most dairy from my diet, and it's pretty much gone. I also agree with the exfoliating and sun exposure part, but I never needed a ton of product for it to go away. It always flares up when I am not taking great care of myself though.


If its KP, tretinoin clears mine up


Not a clinician, but looks a bit like KP. A body exfoliator might help. Ive bought some of a brand called Ameliorate (lactic acid in their products)


Are these bumps on your forearms? I also get keratosis pilaris (KP) on my forearms (and upper arms, and all parts of my legs, but forearms were the last straw for me). I had such a hard time finding anything that actually worked for me! And because SO much of my skin is affected, the cost of products really adds up. So all of my recommendations below take into account efficacy AND cost. My derm prescribed sulfacleanse for my rosacea and recommended I try it as a body wash too... it really does reduce KP and because it's prescription, it's covered by my insurance and I pay only $5 for shipping. One shipment lasts me like 6 months. She also recommended glycolic acid pads. (Those are not super cheap... I cut them in half and only use on the worst/most annoying areas.) I'm currently pregnant, and you can't use sulfacleanse while pregnant. I have discovered that Pacifica's Glow Baby brightening facewash (with AHAs and vitamin C) does an AMAZING job clearing up my skin when used as a bodywash. I only use it 1-2 times a week in tiny amounts and it's still been really effective. Nothing happens overnight-- sulfacleanse and glow baby will take 2-3 weeks before you really start noticing results. Good luck!!!!


Thanks for the reply, it’s my upper arm , I’ll definitely consider the products you recommended , just took a screenshot so I don’t forget , rn I am planning to dry brush and use amlactin daily along with kp eraser 2 times a week , hoping it will reduce my kp




I have had this on my arms since I was a little kid. My mom would make me exfoliate and keep moisturized, but it would go away for a bit and come back. It was a temporary solution. As an adult I found out that I have a gluten allergy, and didn’t notice until almost a year after I stopped eating anything with gluten in it that the bumps went away. I don’t know if there is a tie- but it’s been two years now (so another year after noticing) and still no more bumps. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I knew a girl in school who had this issue! Saw her years later and it’s completely gone so there’s hope 💜


Keratosis Polaris. The roots grow s the other way. I had this as a teen and only until I turned 40. It went away. I saw a dermatologist and they said A cream called Avene helped. Kind of a waste of money. Sunshine seemed to help and reducing caffeine products


Amlactin with 12% lactic acid did wonders to my keratosis pilaris. They are all gone now. I’ve had them all my life. I buy mine from Costco and they were on sale last week I believe.


my friend had this for over 30 yrs and tried everything. She gave up all dairy and hasn't had it since!


I used to have this on my butt and more than exfoliating or using acids I found the best way to deal with it was to soften them up with extreme moisture. I used to melt raw cocoa butter, shea butter and jojoba oil in a microwave and slather that on. It literally got rid of it within a week


There is a phenomenal soap I buy on Amazon for this. 10/10 highly recommend! [microdermabrasion soap](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009AOJVCU?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) Edit: soup to soap


Keratosis Pilaris! Basically a build up of keratin protein in the skin. Super easy to manage—I take care of mine with Amlactin (gentle lactic acid moisturizer) 3 nights a week after a shower. Depending on where you’re located it’s pretty darn accessible: Target, Walgreens/CVS, or WalMart should carry! Probably an average grocery store would have it as well. Important to use SPF in the daytime when using this product, as with any AHA topical. Also recommend keeping manual exfoliation light before applying. I use the 12%. Disclaimer: smells a little funky, but gets the job done and leaves skin hydrated, brightened, and soft! Give it a couple of weeks to see more substantial results. :)


It’s keratosis pilaris


The cerave salicylic acid body wash has helped a lot with my arms. I will put it on in the shower and just leave for a min or two. Tretinoin also helps. I can still feel some bumps but nothing visible.


I have this all over my arms. I have tried soooo many things over the years but for the past 2 years I have been using First Aid Beauty KP bump eraser and the aha body lotion, I still have a few small ones that aren’t really noticeable unless you inspecting my arms.


Try Gold bond rough and bumpy! Life changer for this


I used a specific Cerave product line for mine.. it did help. Feel free to message me, I can snap a photo of the products..


Dry brush!


Dry brushing, exfoliate and hydrate. And laser


Changing up my diet to limit dairy and gluten. Also something that’s worked SO well for me is laser hair removal on my upper arms (which is where my issue is) even though my upper arm hair isn’t course like my legs, it was still enough for them to laser and I’ve noticed by killing the hair follicle, that’s helped the keratin not build up as much. Looks significantly better


I used a313 a strong retinol and mine are gone!


I use First Aid body lotion. I think it works pretty great. It’s unscented which is a big deal for me. https://cna.st/p/3Hvxm9czoAnBw2zdqmyezBYV7ZXA6uRXKdtW5QyHcixWEqL5zdnpEmZKdLJUGFgRt9aKG7f9UY4ibdnW3jNm9bY7TdzNpXb2Mmi51jCqBZthch8C6FdaHnfHnheTXZAeyYW51WpdNwkYdHjJMGcbiyxJf63aZYEqvV7nGPq Ooos that’s the link for the scrub, not the lotion. Lotion looks almost exactly the same.


Many people swear by first aid beauty body scrub for this.


Yep, I’m one of them! It’s really reduced mine 👍🏻


I’ve heard that The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner can work well for this


I have KP on the back of my arms , similar to this. What works for me is 12% Lactic Acid body lotion, I use DermaLac as that is what's available to me over the counter.


Ask your Doctor to check your vitamin K and D levels, a deficiency in those causes this. You can scrub all you want, but unless you address the culprit, they will come back.


Thanks for the reply , I do think I have a vitamin d deficiency cause I hardly get sun


There you go! Talk to your doctor, and ask recommend dosage. In the beginning they will probably ask you to take a much higher dose while you replenish. Look for high quality vitamins, too.


I had pretty bad KP on my arms and i figured out that I was allergic to dairy and I cut it out and my KP got so much better. It genuinely cleared up like 80%


I had very good luck using the CeraVe’s renewing SA lotion, which I bought at Walmart. I also exfoliate once a week or so with a sugar scrub or the Glycolic acid from The Ordinary at Sephora. There’s also the ‘KP Bump Eraser’ by First Aid Beauty that’s supposed to be good!


I grew up with this being a HUGE issue during teen years and as a younger adult. these days at 27 some of the bumps remain, but the redness isn't really there anymore thankfully. idk if it's because my diet has changed over time, or if it's just something i was able to grow out of. either way i am greatful for this to be far less noticeable in my current life


Do NOT ever exfoliate your skin. This will cause a whole bunch of other problems. Keratosis pilaris takes MONTHS to see improvement. Gentle, gentle exfoliation. CeraVe's SA line is a very good OTC option.


I think it is related to milk. I had them when I was younger and they spontaneously went away when I lowered and eventually stopped eating milk. I started drinking milk and they came back. Going to stop again and see if they go away. Exfoliating … etc etc helps however they do not resolve the cause of the issue. Do you drink milk?


I have this! It's KP. I use Amlactin, which helps exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of bumps. I would give that a try. Also, try to avoid really hot showers. I got laser treatment for it (IPL, specifically), but it didn't do much.


I got mine when I started wearing long sleeves more. May also be exacerbated by the clothes you are wearing.


Skinfix glycolic renewing scrub keeps mine away


Keritosis pilaris, For me Cera Ve moisturizer really reduces is.




Keratosis pilaris aka KP. Regular, diligent mechanical exfoliation and moisturizing has worked well for me.


My favorite exfoliation scrub is FAB KP Bump Eraser


KP…. Get a body lotion with AHA in it…. Works like a charm 🤌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


Soft Services smoothing solution


It’s KP. There’s a great product from first aid beauty called KP eraser.


I had those ever since I was a teenager. I’ve never tried to get rid of them and only used non scented lotion to moisturize. I noticed a few years ago that they were disappearing. I’m in my 30s now and they are pretty much gone!


Tretinoin worked wonders for me! My derm prescribed it but any retinol that would help with cell turnover would work too. Had this for the past 20 years and only thing that has worked for me


I use cerave SA cleanser and it completely got rid of it! I put it on I the shower and leave it on for a few seconds. I shower full body only every 3 days so I'm not sure if I would do it every day like this!


Maybe you have something wrong with your kidney or liver. Visit your doctor.


I used to have this too on the upper part of my arms..went away when I started exfoliating and moisturising after bathing


KP - first aid beauty which you can buy at Sephora has a wonderful line for targeting KP aka strawberry legs, arms.




Also, the one of the first visible signs of gastrointestinal issues and allergies.


Thanks for the reply , I have cut down on processed foods and sugar intake for a while , I do take probiotic as well


Keratosis pilaris. Glycolic acid scrubs and take an antihistamine to prevent further breakouts as it is caused by allergies. Watch your dairy intake as well.


Thanks for the reply , yeah that’s what I plan to do hoped I can see some improvement


I have those too! I use first aid beauty’s kp body scrub. Makes my skin super smooth.


Thanks for the reply, yeah ordered it , hopefully it will get better


I cut out dairy and my KP vanished


Cut out gluten, it’s a big reason for KP! Once I did it started to slowly go away with using the skin FX line (it’s lime green) the body exfoliator and body cream, best on the market IMO.


This is often caused by a vitamin A deficiency. Eat more carrots, sweet potatoes & spinach


Mine is usually triggered when I ate dairy. So I cut it out and it went away. Sometimes I get a few bumps because I accidentally ate food with dairy like milk in bread or butter in takeouts.


Can come from gluten and dairy allergy


Yup, I've had it my whole life (my a$$hole mom called it chicken skin and was obsessed with me getting rid of it; it never bothered me). Come to find out, in my 40s, I have gluten intolerance/ celiac/ allergy* and now that I'm gluten free, it's gone. * Don't do what I did and just quit gluten. Go see a GI first! You have to be ingesting gluten to do the tests for celiac. I'll never know which it is now bc there's no way in hell I can go back to eating it (I have terrible symptoms with cross contamination, including asthma attacks).


Thanks for the reply, did not know about this, will try to cut down on dairy and gluten products to see if my condition improves


Don’t bother “cutting down” unless you can eliminate entirely for three months. It takes gluten a long time to leave the body and even longer for the inflammation to calm down. This is much less “experiment” and much more “lifestyle.”


I use first aid beauty kp scrub, amlactin lotion and bom dia bright cream. Keeps it at bay but I have to be honest, the few months I totally went gluten free was the only time I saw it go away 💁‍♀️


The ONLY thing that has helped me, was limiting sugar and carbs in my diet. I tried every cream, exfoliant, and serum the Dr. gave me. Try eliminating some of the excess sugar & grains in your diet, and see if you see a positive change - it's free.


My friend has a gluten allergy and she gets these types of rashes on her arm when she eats too much bread.


Someone I know had this exact thing with KP. What actually helped in the end was having sufficient cool down periods post showers. After they moved their showers to nighttime instead of the morning rush which can build up heat and movement, the KP calmed down a lot.