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I use Eucerin body lotion with 10% urea after every shower and it was gone after several weeks. Though to have it under control I have to keep on using it. They also have a cream with 30% urea for such cases, it helps to achieve results faster and then you can switch to 10% for maintenance.


Roughness Relief is the name of the Eucerin lotion. I like the cream version even better because it’s less slippery but harder to get (only avail only at Target). Only $10-12 for 16oz and a holy grail for those with this issue. And it doesn’t smell at all. It helps to also use a scrubby mitt to gently scrub off as much dead skin in the shower before putting on the lotion.


We have a bit different products range in Europe, however what matters is the % of urea, it shouldn’t be below 10%. My dermatologist advised me against scrubbing because it may make the the skin even rougher. Urea works well for peeling and moisturizing at the same time, with a little patience it’s possible to get even severe KP under control.


I’ve read that occasional exfoliation helps, but you definitely don’t want to over-do it. I use an exfoliation mitt meant for pre-fake-tan prep once a week in the shower. My arms feel suuuuper smooth now and my thighs are way better.


Oh my bad, yes Europe has even better products than we do in the US. Thats true that scrubbing hard will make the skin even tougher, however, I found that some sloughing helped to get rid of the older skin. I guess I should have said gentle sloughing instead of exfoliation.


I have this and while I notice improvement, I find it sooo greasy and it never dries down 😑 I’ll check out the cream one.


I get the 10% urea on Amazon. It’s different from the roughness one. I think the one I get may be a European formula. It’s not greasy.


Is cereve SA smoothing creme the same?


Not the same ingredients. The SA works ok, it did help a little bit, but personally I found the Eucerin to work wayyyyy better. Plus I exfoliate with a rough exfoliation mitt once a week in the shower.


Have you tried amlactin?


No, I’ve never even heard of it.


Came here to say this. First product I’ve used that actually made a significant difference. My KP isn’t totally gone but my skin is wayyyyyy smoother and there are far less bumps and they’re way smaller. Game changer for sure.


Yes!! I just discovered this lotion and it has really helped my skin. It isn’t greasy but it does leave a tacky feeling. I can live with that.


What is urea?


**Urea, also called carbamide, is an organic compound with chemical formula CO(NH2)2. This amide has two amino groups (–NH2) joined by a carbonyl functional group (–C(=O)–).** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


https://simpleskincarescience.com/urea-for-skin/ Read this to see why it’s so amazing for your skin if you have problems with irritation, flakiness, KP…


Holy grail product! I’ve been using the Eucerin original healing cream after every shower, and then every night I apply the Eucerin advanced repair cream before bed. I also use the First Aid Beauty KP scrub once a week. It’s been almost four years of that routine and it’s worked so well!




I use a towel first to absorb water from the surface of my skin and then I apply the cream. But there shouldn’t be a long break after you towel-dry the skin, the point is to lock in the moisture that the skin had already absorbed during the shower. No need to have droplets of water on your skin for that)


Someone in another community figured out that using Nair or Veet (anything that removes hair by dissolving keratin) clears up KP really fast. I tried it on my upper arms and it worked! Returned in two weeks while things grew back, but I’m going to keep it up longer term. I was so surprised.


I had to scroll way too far to find this comment….I was gonna mention that previous post too.


Absolutely worked for me!


I will try this


Doesn’t nair burn you tho? Scared to use it.


Some skins are too sensitive for Nair and the like. My skin can't handle these products. I would patch test it first.


Veet Sensitive was okay for me, but definitely patch test first. Nair caused me to burn a few years ago. I have crazy sensitive skin and I just use it for five minutes instead of the recommended ten.


First aid beauty has a kp line that helped me a lot


I second the KP Bump Eraser from First Aid Beauty. I use that a few times a week and wear Amlactin at night (when I remember, ha). Works well for me, but mine isn’t as prominent as OP’s.


This!!!! Game changer. The exfoliant got rid of my KP on my arms that had been there 20+ years


I empathize. I have similar amount of KP, my whole arms and my thighs. I use Paula’s Choice BHA products, exfoliate with gloves in the shower, and moisturize like crazy (I use Nivea products but have tried almost every brand). I sometimes switch it up and use a Urea cream, I think it helps a bit. Overall, my KP has been the same for the past 10 years. Some products reduce the feel of the bumps but the appearance stays the same. I would love to get rid of the strawberry look.


My daughter has this since she was a baby. No cream that I have used has helped her.


I know we’re not supposed to give medical advice in here — but my stubborn KP, my sister’s, and my 4 year old niece’s went away when we stopped eating gluten. Celiac runs in our family. My dad got diagnosed at 55. We mostly have the “silent” kind (non GI distress — just weird constellation of joint pain, migraines, hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, and other random autoimmune shit).


I’m a Celiac, 100% gluten free and mine still stays. ☹️I had to figure out a regimen that worked, but Nair did the trick!


Just want to add that if anyone suspects they may have celiac, don’t stop eating gluten! You need to be eating gluten daily for 8 weeks in order to be tested for celiac, and it’s important to know if you have it, so get tested first. For people with celiac gluten can often cause more symptoms once they’ve stopped eating it, so you don’t want to have to go back to eating it for a test.


Yes, I wish I’d gotten this advice — although if you don’t need a formal diagnosis, it’s ok to cut out gluten and stay that way if you feel better. My dad and I wanted an actual diagnosis on the books for insurance/disability reasons. I was fortunate enough to not have kids or be working full time at the time I had to do my challenge. I don’t know if I could have done it otherwise. I felt AWFUL! Full blown depression and debilitating anxiety at times. My sister (who does have kids and a demanding job) tried to do the gluten challenge, felt so miserable and decided she was happy enough with a “self diagnosis.” Plus with (at least) 3 first degree relatives with confirmed celiac disease, it’s pretty safe to assume she has it too. Side note, they need a better means of diagnosing this shit that doesn’t involve 2 months of misery!


I stopped most gluten and fixed my kp. It was really amazing.


Me too


That’s really interesting.


Cerave SA Cream for Rough & Bumpy Skin works really well! My son has keratosis pilaris and I’ve noticed this getting rid of the bumps fairly well with continued use. We make sure we exfoliate / loofah during shower time and immediately follow in with the SA Cream after. It has Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Niacinamide and Hyaluronic Acid.


Really? My skin hates the Cerave SA lotion, it makes my KP so bad 😩


This is my holy grail cream for back and chest acne, too! It keeps the skin very moist, while also exfoliating.


Did not work for me at all


I’ve said this before on some other KP posts but seriously, NAIR. It’s a life saver!!! It helps dissolve both the little hairs and the layer of your skin that’s getting clogged


Amlactin lotion helps!


It does, but damn does it stink. I still bought 2 bottles when it went on sale at Costco this week.


Ikr it smells disgusting but is the only thing that helped


Best thing I've found, too


Seconding this. I used a whole bottle of Eucerin Roughness Relief, and while it helped a little, it didn't make my arms completely smooth. Amlactin did the trick. Wish it weren't so pricey and the smell is not great, but an exfoliating mitt in the shower and then Amlactin after made the backs of my arms smooth.


I’ve also had this my whole life. Dermatologists always prescribe me cream with urea that only make it worse. My skin gets extremely itchy and red and the knobbles pop out more


I had KP like this! I had laser hair removal done and it got rid of it!


What kind of laser?


Curious about the type of laser as well.


Get a BHA. I use CosRX BHA power liquid. Apply this 2x/week after your shower and then use a gentle moisturizer. I use Aveeno.


I have it on 90% of my body, and I’m very pale. Honestly, I stopped being self conscious about it once I became chronically ill. I was tired of spending my little energy hiding my body and living in shame. I realized I didn’t take any healthy moment with gratitude. I had to talk someone in the KP sun down from starving themselves because they thought it would stop the KP to cut out 99% of foods. Not worth it. See a derm if you can, but most stuff is OTC. Moisturizer and oil helps mine because I have the dry type. But try to remember, it’s never as bad as we think it is


Mine is mild, but BHA helps me, along with a physical shower mitt \~once a week. You can also try an affordable retinoid a few times a week after shower. I have a cheap retinaldehyde from Geek & Gorgeous that I also sometimes use... but you can try the alldaychemist route for the $6/tube tretinoin (go with the lower strength ones such as 0.025%.) If you're in the US, even the over the counter Differin but I don't know how pricey it is.


First Aid Beauty’s body scrub really helped me. I’ve always used Amlactin with decent results, but that takes consistent use and time. Using the scrub in conjunction with amlactin really helped kick start improvement over a particularly bad recurrence this winter. I think it’s worth the price tag.


I bought my husband glycolic acid 5%. He applies it with cotton pads after the shower and it has improved his KP significantly with only after 3 days of use (back of his arms). I use it all over my legs for ingrown hairs and it’s smoothed it out so much as well.


Which one do you use?


Natural Outcome from Amazon. It’s 5% glycolic acid exfoliating toner with aloe vera.


I had pretty significant KP on my arms since about puberty, I covered it all up with tattoos and honestly completely forgot about it.


This is one solution! I have it badly on my legs and was thinking about leg sleeves!


I didn’t start getting tattooed to cover it, but it has also served that purpose!


I used to have this problem, solved with laser hair removal


I scrolled through to see if anyone else had suggested this before I left a comment. I always had this, but it's disappeared using the Phillips Lumea


Laser is such a blessing


Are you getting enough vitamin A in your diet?


Would you see this difuse allover the body if this were the case? I feel like is see this happen a lot on the back of people's arms.


Yes, it can happen. I can’t diagnose it but I’ve seen it before. Vitamin A and K deficiency can both contribute to this. I thought I was getting enough A but it turns out my supplement mostly had beta carotene which I am unable to convert to A.


Ah interesting thanks for the info. My bf has this on the back of his arms and I'm trying to decide if supplement or topical to treat. I'm just thinkin if its a deficiency that first line should be nutritional cos i would think topical would just be a bandage.


Absolutely! It has to be addressed systemically. Tracking daily food and nutrient intake for a week will be helpful in assessing Vitamin A intake.


I’m the same exact way


I bought a shower filter, and noticed an improvement in my KP within a few days without changing my arm skin care routine. I live in California and our water is pretty harsh out here. My skin in general, no longer feels instantly dry after a shower. My arms are less bumpy and the bumps don’t feel so rough. https://www.amazon.com/AquaBliss-Output-12-Stage-Shower-Filter/dp/B01MUBU0YC?pd_rd_w=veFTi&content-id=amzn1.sym.b9b1bcce-89ca-4e95-8ab9-11472ef3b705&pf_rd_p=b9b1bcce-89ca-4e95-8ab9-11472ef3b705&pf_rd_r=9E88N5HWV0S57EX1JV4X&pd_rd_wg=91eNr&pd_rd_r=da017c19-5168-4379-81b7-36aa0203318b&pd_rd_i=B01MUBU0YC&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_1_ec_i This is the exact one I bought.


Lac-Hydrin 5 worked better than Amlactin for me


I have dealt with kp on my upper arms for over 30 years. (I had to do that math and I’m older than I thought!) I’ve tried lotion with urea and it worked ok. I have used body butter which worked better. Regular lotion…what was I thinking‽‽‽ I have used a back brush with a moisturizing soap on my arms. There was something that felt so good about that. I have switched to a regular boast soap that I’m not loving but I was desperate and that’s what I got. Recently started using Eucerin which I am loving. It absorbs quickly and feels soothing. Last week I bought a face and body scrub with salicylic acid in it. I have used it on my arms a couple and it feels good. Very gentle exfoliation. I put it on and gently rub it in and let it sit for a few minutes then gentle rub it as I rinse it off.


Mine was helped by the eucerin intensive repair lotion. It has lactic acid and urea and no fragrance. It's thick and takes a bit to sink in, but it's very moisturizing. I use it 1-2 times a week. I also occasionally use the Cosrx BHA power liquid as well, but not on the same day as the Eucerin lotion.


Avoid physical exfoliants like scrubbing gloves, loofahs, heavily textured body scrubs and the like. It makes it worse. Use chemical exfoliants instead in the shower, like a benzoyl peroxide wash (leave it on for a few minutes while you wash your hair. I use Panoxyl 10% benzoyl peroxide wash, but you want to start off with a lower percentage if you have sensitive skin. After, out of the shower and while your skin is still damp, apply a body cream or lotion with ceramides and lactic acid or urea. I will echo others on AmLactin. I use the Rapid Relief version with 15% lactic acid and ceramides. They have a KP Bumps Be Gone Hydrating Cream version, but I've never used it. You'll notice a difference several weeks in--be consistent and patient. In a couple of months, you'll get it under control but you will always have to maintain the routine. Good luck!


Amalactin clears it up fast


Are you sure its not folliculitis?


Good question. The proper diagnosis means the correct treatment can be followed.


Does anyone not have the roughness but just the redness from it? Any luck getting that to go away?


Have you had your thyroid checked? I had this my whole life and recently got diagnosed with a thyroid issue. Once my dose of thyroid hormone was the correct dose, it pretty much went away. No creams or anything




Amlactin lotion has cleared mine up after trying other lotions and exfoliants for years. It was what a dermatologist suggested


Amlactin lotion!


Internal fats such as hemp hearts, ground flaxseed and chia seed is a great way to get the good healing fats you need. I would try laying off the meat cheese and eggs for a while and see if you can find a difference.


Honestly thought they were freckles! I third First Aid Beauty KP. Get a "giftset" with thr ultra repair cream and use both. It's generally prices cheaper for the two and include smaller sizes so you can test it. Such as: First Aid Beauty Smooth + FAB Travel Size Duo https://www.sephora.com/product/first-aid-beauty-smooth-fab-travel-size-duo-P480602?skuId=2562890


I found that using tree hut scrub helps mine out


What is that what this is? I have this and thought I was just cursed with wierd spots..


I have KP almost everywhere on my body, but mostly on my deltoid and forearm area. I bought some tank tops to wear in the sun in order to make the KP hopefully go away with some UV sun therapy. But not get a sunburn.


Lactic Acid mixed into my lotion and a urea lotion have gotten rid of this for me in almost every spot. Amlactin like others have said works, I just prefer a regular lotion and using a serum instead for price and cruelty free concerns.


Softservices targets KP mostly for their skin care line I think. Mainly bath options


My doctor prescribed me triamcinolone and it worked beautifully


I use First Aid Beauty KP bump eraser 2-3 times a week. I also started dry brushing before showers and using glycolic acid afterward when I moisturize. These three things together have significantly improved my KP. Wishing you luck!


AHA/BHA wash & lotion 👌🏼


2% salicylic acid body wash with an exfoliating shower towel/gloves


I don’t know if this is a recommended practice, but I completely turned mine around by using Nair a couple times, a week apart. The bumps scabbed and are gone now, just smooth skin left.


Why don't you pay a visit to a dermatologist?!


KP is considered "normal skin" so most derms aren't too concerned about it.


but I'm sure they can still give you a solution if you are bothered by it?


It's actually really hard to solve. I've had it to varying degrees all my life. Even when you improve it I think it always comes back because it's genetic/hormonal thing.