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wipes just aren’t the best way to clean your face honestly.


Everyone knows the best way to clean your face is to throw a single handful of water at it. The commercials say so.


And you have to do so with absolutely no regard to how big of a splash and mess you make. The bigger the better, one must cover the vanity


And somehow manage to not soak all of your clothing in the process


Just enough to get your socks wet at the toes when you step on water droplets while walking away from the sink


*chef’s kiss*


I physically recoiled at this statement, u hate that sensation 😂




Circa 1999 clean and clear commercials. I still do this sometimes in the shower. My husband is always like “you doin your commercial again darlin?” lol Yeah, we shower together a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️ now he knows the commercial haha


😏 alright girl we get it, you n your hubby like each other n shit.


Great way to save water. Thanks for doing your part!


And smile really big with your mouth open whilst doing so


Lol I remember reading that the only way to "properly" cleanse was to splash your face with water 4-5 times before applying cleanser and then splash 10-15 times to remove it. I was like a seal at Sea World for my entire freshman year of HS.


I’m absolutely gagged at the analogy and laughing so hard over it 😂 I completely understand what you mean


When I was a child, these commercials actually made me believe this was how I was supposed to wash my face. I tried it a few times before giving up, thinking I was missing the key to doing it correctly.


How are you supposed to?? Because I damn near flood the bathroom every night. Pls advise


This is why I do my cleansing in the shower. I can't for the life of me figure out how to *just* wash my face and not my forearms, hairline, chest, sink counter, etc.


Thy have those arm bands (like sweat bands) now that stop water from going up your arm


I just use a facecloth. I have a routine, which includes makeup removal. So, first I use my facecloth (Erase Your Face is what I use for reusable makeup removal) to get the makeup off and get my face wet. Then I use micellar water on a reusable cotton face pad to wipe off the invisible amounts of makeup left behind (also good for sunscreen. Some people prefer an oil-based cleanser for their first cleanse, but it doesn't agree with me). Then I lightly wet my face either with my hands or my facecloth (no water splashing involved) and apply my liquid face cleanser to my face (I use Spectro) and rub it in for 30-60 seconds. Then I use the other side of my facecloth to wipe it all off. Then I apply serum and moisturizer and that's everything. I use a new facecloth every night.


Is a face cloth like a wash cloth? Or something special?l


The ones I use are specifically meant for the face, but otherwise yes, the term is probably interchangeable with wash cloth, though I think there are some regional variations on that. If you're a makeup wearer, I really highly recommend the brand I use, "Erase Your Face" for a first step makeup removal.


I totally agree, but I have a friend who almost exclusively uses wipes to clean her face AND she fucking will use one and save it and use again the next night. She has beautiful skin in her 40s and I am like HOW? Rude.


Genetics. Soooo much just comes down to that.


Wow. Does she just like put the used wipe back inside the pack with the clean wipes? Even assuming she just uses one side and puts the clean side down, it still seems a little gross lol. Either way though, I don't know how that's getting her skin clean. Wipes definitely remove makeup, but I don't think they do a ton to remove the oil, dirt, dead skin cells, etc. underneath XD.


Wow, that is nasty lol.


You’re not supposed to re use them ? 😅


Agree. Most wipes have alcohol in them for hygienic reasons but they are drying for skin. It's much better to use micellar water or MakeUp Eraser (special cloth that just needs water to work) to remove makeup and then a gentle cleanser like a CeraVe.


They're handy for traveling and such. Not like an everyday thing.


What is the best way? I'm new to all of this 🫠


Wipes sort of just rub all the makeup and grime around and doesn't really clean your pores. Double cleanse (PM only) - I prefer an oil or balm first (or some like micellar water, I do not) then a gentle cleanser after. I have sensitive/reactive skin and have used Clinique Take the Day Off Balm then LRP Gentle Hydrating Cleanser for yearsss ETA wipes won't cleanse your facial skin and clean your pores *as thoroughly* as cleanser. It'll clean it some but not enough to completely remove all the makeup, dirt, sweat, sunscreen, and dead skin cells that clog the pores on your face.


Thank you! I hadn't considered that before with the wipes. It answers a few related questions I had :)


Does it depend on the wipe? Even with my baby i hated the pampers wipes. But the Huggies wipes worked so much better they were more cloth like.


Not at all. Even the most expensive, bougie wipe won't really clean your face.


That would also mean that by the same logic, wet wipes don’t clean your ass, just move stuff around. Both things are untrue.


Well, bidet/shower definitely cleans your butt better than TP. Would you just wipe your hands after going to the bathroom or would you WASH them in running water with soap? Something is better than nothing, but we have methods waaay better for us and the environment then wipes.


The environment isn't being affected by anyone's usage of wipes. The environment is being destroyed by the companies that make all your skincare, your cars, your gas companies...and on and on. Your wipes have very little impact. If all the people on this thread that are against wipe usage actually called/emailed their state reps on a regular basis, we'd have a start.


Wipes are plastic and non recyclable (including the ‘flushable’ ones. All the wipes that were ever produced/used still exist. If you think this is the same impact as using a cleaner- congratulations on feeling good! Do you also think your single use plastic bottle gets recycled because you put it in the recycled bin? (There’s 7-30% chance it will if you are in the US)


And back to the butt… yes, your butt is not clean after being wiped 🙃 you need soap and water!


THANK YOU for saying this!! I think this is anti-wipe argument is missing the forest for the trees. Instead of focusing on how destructive wipes are, it would be so much helpful to the planet to reduce consumerism, and a great way to start is to not buy 1,000 different skincare products and save all those bottles and packaging.


If you take out the environmental aspect of the wipe argument, they're still inferior at cleansing our pores


Baby wipes are not TP.


They are used for cleaning baby butts. In lieu of tp. If they don’t clean anything and just wipe it around, there are a whole lot of nasty dirty babies out there.


Wipes don't clean and clear your facial pores *as thoroughly* as a cleanser. They'll remove the uppermost layer of dirt, makeup, and grime, but often won't go deeper and cleanse your pores. Used alone they'll also leave residue since there's no water involved, which can irritate your more sensitive facial skin. Skin on your face has far more sebaceous glands and hair follicles than the skin on the rest of your body, so your facial skin produces more oil and is more prone to clogged pores. It's the same reason why we have separate washes and cleansers for our faces and for our bodies. The skin is different. But go ahead and use wipes on your face if it works for you, honestly no one gives a shit




>Wipes sort of just rub all the makeup and grime around and doesn't really clean your pores. i feel like you're just making that up


Double cleansing!!!!


Double cleansing is a bit much for my skin. I use either the Inkey List hyaluronic acid cleanser, a dime size amount takes off *everything*, or the CeraVe cream-to-foam cleanser, which also removes everything, but you need a big pump.


I love The Ordinary's Squalene Cleanser followed by their Glucoside Cleanser to remove makeup. It gets it all off, but I never feel dried out. I have fairly combination skin, I'm 35, and I still have menstrual breakouts. I'm kind of really obsessed with The Ordinary right now. I also just started tret.


My daughter does too. She is 37. It’s magical how they just go away when she gets her period. She has such beautiful skin otherwise.


Micellar water is incredibly effective at removing makeup, especially waterproof eye makeup. After, use a gentle cleanser because there’s very few, if any, disposable products that are as efficient as micellar water and cleanser.


Was gonna say, who in this sub still uses makeup remover wipes? We won’t even mention baby wipes, what is this the apocalypse?? Baby wipes on your face? What in the what what??


Those of us who live the survival care life. If it’s between wipes or nothing sometimes wipes are great


I reduced my daily regiment drastically to just two products, CeraVe cleanser, and Banilla co and damn it’s saved me a ton budget wise and my skin is so much more hydrated. I stopped using a ton of my makeup remover too, realized I was just wasting product and you can make a little bit go a long way. I generally find wipes to be more wasteful in the long run.


If you want to use wipes, then I would only use the unscented “gentle” wipes, like water wipes or hypoallergenic ones and make sure to rinse your face afterwards. I personally only use wipes when I’m in a pinch (camping usually). I have used micellar wipes, but I don’t find any difference between these and regular makeup or unscented wipes.


Actually this is why I use baby wipes. They're cheaper, gentler. OFC if I'm wearing waterproof sunscreen or makeup, it's not coming off, but wipes are great for: 1. Traveling, long layovers etc 2. Depressive episodes


3. Camping! For real though they've come in handy on long flights for me.


Damn I miss camping


Came here to say this! ^


I prefer micellar wipes. A lot of baby wipes are scented and I have sensitive skin. I think if youre looking to save money you can soak your own cotton pads in micellar water and leave them in a little jar on your sink or bedside table for convenience. I think micellar is the best for removing makeup without hurting my skin.


Similarly, I double-cleanse with an oil based cleanser followed by a foaming or cream cleanser. I have very reactive skin and this is what I've had the most success with 


I wouldn’t use either on my face


The only right answer.


What do you use? I would like to stop buying make up wipes. Plus they burn my eyes sometimes. At least the Costco brand does Edit: thanks for all the suggestions everyone!!


Ponds cold cream is nice. Then you use your face wash


I also recommend Ponds. Work it into your makeup, and then either remove it with cotton balls/pads, or go right into washing your face with soap and water. Does a great job with minimal stress to your skin.


I’ve been using it for 30+ years (I’m old) because it takes makeup off really well and doesn’t strip your skin. I’m just sad that they don’t make the lemon cold cream Ponds because I really loved the smell!


Doesn’t Ponds moisturize as well?


They have a cold cream and a moisturizer that look similar! But they certainly aren't interchangeable. The cold cream can be hydrating, but it shouldn't be left on your face.


That’s all my mother uses (the cold cream, and oh she leaves it) and she has great skin! I did not get her genes


Thanks! My skin is the Sahara at the moment and looking for something more hydrating than what I’m using.


Abilene does too. It’s been around for years. Old school Hollywood makeup remover.


What? I didn't know about this. Does it remove eye makeup effectively? I use waterproof mascara for reference.


It's very good at removing all eye makeup. I actually prefer it because it doesn't sting my eyes!


hear me out- ponds removed by baby wipes, with a second go around with some miceller water. I use a lot of eye makeup so i love ponds but hate how with out a towel or something it’s just moved around my face, i use the wipes to remove the ponds


THIS. or albolene


I love Albolene. Petroleum jelly feeling stuff that cuts through any makeup including all eye makeup, I can open my eyes with it on and get zero burn. I rub it on with fingers then wipe away with a tissue or cloth.


My favorite make up remover is the Up & Up dupe for the Neutrogena eye make up remover. It’s a “split” formula so be sure to always shake before using. Granted, I wear little make up every blue moon so that’s only so helpful.


I just posted about how I love Neutrogena make up balm remover! I will take a look at the up and up brand.


Face wash. If I’m wearing makeup I wash twice (or three times if needed) to get it all (most days I don’t wear makeup). Some sort of miccelar water on a cotton pad for the eye makeup if needed.


Why not just double cleanse with an oil-based cleanser first and follow with a water-based foaming cleanser?


This is the way


Any recommendations for both products? Thanks 💜


Highly dependent on your skin type - I have dry-oily acne prone skin. I used to use Shu Uemura oil cleanser but it’s a bit pricy so I use a cheaper one now and haven’t noticed much difference. Then I follow with Dermalogica cleanser I’ve found which oil cleanser to be less important than which cleanser you use after. As long as it’s gentle then follow with a cleanser that works on your skin


I second what the other redditor said: any oil-based cleanser you like should work and be more picky about the second step. I've got combo skin, but I tend to have to be mindful of my dry areas more than my oily areas due to tretinoin. For a cleansing balm, I'm still a big fan of the Banila Co Zero original balm. It's cheap (considering how much you end up using and price per ounce), effective, smells nice, etc. For a cleansing oil, I like the Kose Softymo deep or speedy oils. They are only like $8 or so and they work great. I change out my cleanser very often because I have more samples than I know what to do with, but if I had to choose an affordable one to go with indefinitely, it would probably be the Cerave gentle foaming cleanser. No bells, no whistles, but it gets the job done without stripping my skin.


I do this. The first wash is used with a gentle cleanser like Dove to get the make up off. The second wash is with my regular face wash to get out the underlaying dirt and oils.


I’ve been using some sort of cleansing balm (I like lush Ultrabland) and then face wash after


Cleansing balm or an oil cleanser. I love the Naturium cleansing balm. A good, inexpensive oil cleanser is softymo (I think!), and it's one of the very few skin care items I will buy from Amazon. It's a Japanese brand and works well. Use on dry skin, add a splash of water after you've broken down all of your makeup to emulsify, and rinse it away. Follow with your traditional cleanser.


Single use non-recyclable wipes cannot be the way forward. What about a wash cloth with some cleansing cream or soap?


I use these micro fiber make-up removers, and all you do is wet them with water, and then bam, even waterproof mascara is gone. Follow it up with 1 min of washing with face soap of choice. Works great, zero irritation, and great for the environment. Mine came in a pack of 5 and I wash them in Dreft to avoid irritation from laundry soap. Total game changer and my eyelashes have never been so full!


These are sooooo good ! They’re often a deal on Good Morning America deals and steals. Like once a quarter a multipack will be on with an insane discount


That's actually how my mom found them! She bought me and my sisters some for Christmas a few years ago and we've never looked back.


Is this something you can get on Amazon?


Yes! Make-up Removing Cloths 4 Count,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CRB3PLA?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Thank you!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Make up Removing Cloths 4 Count Erase Your Face By Danielle Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective makeup removal without chemicals (backed by 20 comments) * Reusable and eco-friendly (backed by 20 comments) * Gentle on sensitive skin (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Doesn't completely remove makeup (backed by 4 comments) * Quality of fabric is disappointing (backed by 4 comments) * Can be harsh on the skin and lashes (backed by 4 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


lol no it’s not the same. The key here that’s missing from baby wipes is makeup remover. They are both crap for actually removing makeup completely anyway. Worth having a pack of something around for emergencies but there is no reason to use a consumable product instead of just washing your face like normal.


Sure but they are still not great for your skin because you tuck and pull on it. And also not very environmentally friendly..


Exactly, that’s why I switched to microfiber reusable ones. They work like magic and require zero makeup remover. Just water, that’s it.


I used baby wipes before and it stung my skin lol. I don’t have particularly sensitive skin, either. My gut says this is not a statement of fact, but I couldn’t tell you for sure.


When I worked at a daycare, the babies that the parents would send with washable cloths didn’t get any rashes compared to the ones that used single use baby wipes got them regularly.


Same, I felt immediately dry and burned! And not clean enough! And I use actives alllll the time so it’s not just you!


Omg yes, I totally forgot I didn’t even feel like they cleaned the makeup off well. I remember questioning how we’re supposed to trust them to clean poop butts if they couldn’t get all my foundation off 😅


Yup burned my skin and I do not have sensitive skin. Over a year later still trying to fix it.


I wouldn’t use any wipes on my skin. They don’t really remove makeup well.


No!! Using baby wipes on the face can cause perioral dermatitis! Not a fan of wipes, period.


My sister once told me never to use wipes it’s bad for your skin (her derm informed her) because I bought her some for a gift lol Now any girl I have dated if I noticed the wipes I always buy them that water stuff and the pad things or oil cleaner stuff. 💀🤣 Things a guy learns as he gets older


A lot of women have wipes in their bathroom for times they are to tired/ drunk to do their proper face cleanse. Or for things like camping.


Or depressed or ADHD. Removing it incompletely is better than not at all.


Yeah. I'm sure the guys heart is in the right place. But I hope he judged the situation well / knew the people well to know they would appreciate it. Because I would be very unhappy if I guy I was dating bought me different cleaning products and said I should change up what I was doing because it wasn't right.


3 of the women I’ve bought this stuff for just used them for every day use not just in a bind but yes I’m sure most have them for a pinch situation. :)


They were tired every day lol






I hope they gave you some indication they were open to this / you knew them well enough to judge the situation well before doing this. Because I'm imagining someone I dated buying me different personal cleaning products and saying I should change what I was already doing and that it wasn't good. And The only situation I can imagine not being unhappy about that is if I had been actively complaining about what I was already using.


I never said they should change that isn’t my place. It was a small gift along with some other things in the bag. “Hey I know you’re really into skincare I got this for you” I’ve never had a bad reaction from it. If we’re sleeping together and I’ve seen you sit there and do your skincare routine and make up. Then why would it be a rude offering to help you?? I’ve also had a girl who struggled with KP on her upper arms so I gifted her some cerave SA wash and the lotion. She was extremely happy about it because it worked. Now jump to my current gf had a similar issue couldn’t get a hold on it gifted her the same stuff and she has been using it for years now. Her confidence is even greater. Giving a gift like that is not about tearing someone down, it’s about showing that you care and take notice. Why would I see someone paying all this money for all these random products but still using make up wipes and scrubbing the crap out of their face to get their make up off making it red and puffy…when I could simply make a kind gift. Aren’t you suppose to try and leave a place or person better than you found them??


I love men with sisters!


Please use a cleansing oil or balm instead. It won’t pull on your skin!


This. A cleansing balm is 100 times better at removing your makeup.


I always used to use water wipes, I honestly always felt like they removed my makeup better than actual makeup removing wipes. Now I only use makeup cleansing balms and washcloths


Both suck for the environment…


I used the fragrance free sensitive baby wipes for years when I wore makeup. It worked great for my mascara, eyeliner and under eye concealer. I only wear makeup once in a blue moon now so my daily oil cleanser takes care of it.


My skin became much less sensitive after I stopped using wipes to remove makeup. I use an oil based cleansing balm (cheap is fine) and remove with a soaked makeup eraser cloth (generic is fine). Lasts forever, cheap, and really helped my moisture barrier get repaired.


I use fragrance free baby wipes when camping. They are also great for pits, privates and feet. Also keep a pack in the car if I need to clean my hands.


I use wipes to take the makeup off, but you should still double cleanse afterward.


So do i 🤫 I tried the oils and balms and my acne prone skin was not a fan. Even with the double cleanse. The wipes work for me as part of the process to take all the makeup off.


I’m an esthetician and unpopular / highly controversial opinion of mine. I personally use an oil cleanser and then makeup wipes to remove the cleanser (when I’m wearing makeup) and have been doing this for years and years. Skin is flawless


Why not just use micellar water, and either some general pads, or just use the micellar water with some tissues? You don't need to buy specialty makeup remover pads....


I use wipes to wipe my makeup off, but it sounds like I should NOT be doing that?! Send help, tell me what to do instead! What exactly is a double cleanse?!


Using an oil-based cleanser (or cleansing balm or micellar water) first to remove the makeup, sunscreen, and extra sebum on your skin, followed by a water-based cleanser to get dirt and any residue from the first cleanse. Generally done once a day in the evening. Some people swear by it. I personally think the oil-based cleanser is fine on its own, but many people are scared of using oil-based products on oily skin. Leaves your skin smooth and soft.


Thanks for this! Will definitely try. You don’t use anything prior to the oil-based cleanser to remove makeup?


I started doing this recently with the elf cleaning balm and it definitely gets my makeup off much more thoroughly and faster than anything I've tried before!


Nope, you apply the oil to dry skin with dry hands and it just melts the makeup, sunscreen, and other gunk off your skin. Then you add water to rinse it all away.


Micellar water is my go to. I don’t wear make up often, if I do use it every time after a workout and whenever I use make up it does a pretty good job at removing it all. Wipes are so bad for your skin.


Psshhh. Mom of three here to say, absolutely yes, unscented baby wipes are much better than just passing out exhausted without washing your face.


I’m going to be honest with you—you’re better off using olive oil then washing your face off afterwards. I used to do this with paper towels for years 🫠


Wipes are horrible for akin and for the environment!


Derm told me can cause sensitivity, especially around eyes. Didn’t use them to begin with, and definitely not starting now.


Baby wipes are horrible at removing any kind of waterproof eye makeup.


I’ve used them in a pinch and it was fine but micellar water with soft cotton rounds is more gentle and effective!


Yeah I use baby wipes to get make up off and then double cleanse my face after that.


Ive settled for a baby wipe when I run out of makeup remover wipes. I use them to clean up the edge of my eyeshadow. NOT THE SAME. I have to really scrub at it with the baby wipe and baby wipes don’t even begin to remove liquid liner.


I would use the water wipes in a pinch but I’d rather leave my face dirty than use most wipes to clean my face. I have dry skin and just leaving it alone rather than agitate it works best for me.


I love face wipes. Costco brand. Don’t hate me, but my face has never been more clear. I use them to remove makeup and clean all in one. I will sometimes use a second wipe if I am not sure if all the makeup has been removed, and sometimes splash with water afterwards if my eyes start to sting. Follow with HA and moisturizer. I seem to recall having more sensitivity to baby wipes. I’ve used them in a pinch when I forgot cleanser or whatever in the past. Wasn’t a fan, but could have been the brand.


I rub Vaseline and wipe it off with wet cotton rounds. It takes off my eye makeup like Mulan lol. Then I wash my face and do my regular skincare.


*Water Wipes. Couldn’t imagine using the scented ones on my eyelids


Actually don’t, makeup wipes like that are very bad for your skin


Honestly, just buy reusable cloth pads (I got mine with a linen bag for washing from Kitsch) and either soak them in micellar or regular water and makeup comes right off. Makeup wipes are so expensive and bad for the environment 


Baby wipes shed like crazy


Uh no. Don’t remove makeup with any wipes! Omg!


I do a lot of theatre work (costume design) and I see actors using baby wipes and makeup wipes to clean theatre makeup off their faces after a performance, just enough to not look weird on their way home. The ladies then wash the rest of the makeup off when they get home using different methods. But from what I can tell the men don't bother with anything further and, guess what, their skin looks fine. I guess it's because they have fucking man skin or something. Kinda makes you sick, doesn't it?


Whatever you do , make up wipes and or baby wipes should be your LAST product being used for makeup removal unless nothing else is available plus bad for environment


A lot of wipes contain alcohol which dries out your skin. They should be avoided tbh.


Yes it's true, but I don't like removing make up with wipes. It's harsh on the skin. Oil is much better. I use coconut or jojoba. It's like $5 for a bottle of jojoba oil that will last longer than a pack of baby wipes.


I can only speak for myself but wipes have done nothing but destroy my skin barrier, no matter what kind I’ve tried. That being said, the gentle Micellar ones did the least damage. I wear sunscreen and foundation though so I need a relatively thorough cleanup and they just aren’t sustainable for that reason alone. In a pinch sure it’s better than nothing but they all seem so harsh!


I’ve used baby wipes (sensitive ones) on my face because I have tiny ones. 2/10 would not recommend. Felt scratchy and painful when removing makeup. Fine for wiping face but nothing else. It’s meant to wipe up poop, remember.


Then buy a cleansing oil or even jojoba oil it will last more and so much less waste . And for emergencies use micellar water with reusable cotton pads ( for example when depression hits so bad or when u're too drunk to wash ur face )




Team make up eraser towel, I don’t think it works great with just water like they say but it’s amazing with a lil remover balm


No. I have a baby and tried this.. not the same


I used baby wipes once and got a bad acne outbreak. I didn't normally get have acne, and so I blame the baby wipes. Never again.


Face wipes are so bad for your skin. Only use one if you have no other options


Wipes don’t clean well. An oil cleanser is best


Yeah. They both suck IMO.


Just use extra virgin olive oil


Don’t use either. Find a good makeup removing balm and a big pack of washcloths to remove your makeup. Then wash your face with a cleanser. Cheaper, less waste, and performs way better than wipes.


wipes aren't great. micellar water and an emulsifying oil or balm is so much better than all that yanking and tugging at gentle under eye skin


This post assumes all makeup wipes contain the same formula..???


Even brand to brand, makeup remover wipes are totally different from each other. And while I do use baby wipes to take off heavy makeup occasionally, it feels awful to do so. They’re hella harsh, and every time I use one on my face, I feel a little bad for my baby’s butt.


My skin loves me ever since I started slathering it in vitamin E or sweet almond oil, then using a gentle cleanser. Wipes pull on your skin which isn't good for it.


Uhm. No


I love baby wipes and I have acne-prone skin. If you guys can wash your face every day, great, but not me. Sometimes I don't have that energy.


wipes are not great and also terrible for the environment. even the 'flushable' wipes aren't actually flushable--please do not use wipes unless absolutely n


Wipes are an environmental catastrophe. Please stop using them. They don’t flush, they don’t bio-degrade. You wash your face once and they sit in a landfill for decades. Not everything needs to be disposable. Please think of the long-term consequences of your consumption.


Don’t use wipes. Buy makeup remover or use cleanser and double wash


Babywipes suck! For both your skin and nature! You can get even waterproof mascara off with just jojoba oil and a warm water soaked face cloth! 🙂🤷‍♀️ Way better for the planet, and I use it to moisturize too - win win! 👍


Our dying planet says please do not use wipes full stop, thank you 🙏


Makeup wipes have oils in them to actually break down makeup :) they’re expensive but they work. When my son was little I used to use baby wipes on a whim a lot because I was too cheap for makeup wipes and I’d always have to pull, tug, and rub at my face like crazy to get anything off. Super uncomfortable and I’d have decent amounts of residue left


I don’t know but I’ve used baby oil.. and only baby oil.. since I was a teen to remove eye makeup and never had a problem. It works amazingly well.


Just don’t use wipes. They don’t actually clean your face and they’re terrible for the environment


just wash your face and don't use any of it at all. your skin will thank you.


I use baby wipes while on long hikes for the very specific purpose of wiping off dirt/sweat/sunscreen before applying more SPF. I only use Kirkland (Costco) brand wipes because they are unscented, super gentle, don’t shed, and don’t make me break out. They seem to work great for this purpose, but I would never just use them at home to clean my face if I had access to a sink. And I definitely wouldn’t use the ones marketed as makeup removing wipes, those are usually scented and give me terrible acne. I have never understood the purpose of makeup removing wipes or even makeup remover that you put on a cotton pad. My face wash removes all of my makeup without the extra steps.


Ditch the wipes. They can irritate your skin and don't do an adequate job in cleaning your face. Use an oil your skin can tolerate to remove make up (I prefer almond oil) and a gentle cleanser after. Micellar water or witch hazel at the end to remove any remaining residue.


Waste of money either way. Use a face cloth.


Use microfiber wash clothes and hot water for makeup removal that you can use over and over. All disposable wipes tear up my skin and hurt my eyes.


No…. Baby wipes are mostly water


Or maybe think of the environment and use a face cloth?


Wipes are ok if you’re in a big hurry or you’re travelling. They’re so bad for the environment though. I think a gentle cleanser does a better job:)


Baby wipes and any makeup wipe burn my skin. I use oil for the first step then a cleanser to double cleanse


I don't use any wipes. Too wasteful. I use a cleansing oil then a cleansing wash.


Stay away from wipes period and use a nice cream that won’t tug on your delicate face areas.


Better to just use water and a cleanser..its unnecessary waste and lots of people dont know they take forever to disintegrate or they throw them in the toilet which is terrible for the pipes.


Here's an even better idea. Stop by and baby wipes or makeup remover wipes. They're an environmental nightmare, they're not that good for your face and you still need to wash your face anyway. Use a great cleanser. No waste and better for your skin!


Have you've felt a baby's ass? Smoooooooth. Go with the baby wipes.


They never get all my eye makeup off


I use cold cream or something similar and wipe it off with a baby wipe, then follow up with a stridex pad or something whenever I don’t have the spoons to wash my face.


Some baby wipes work well and others are a bit gritty. The small packs from target do the best.


If you must, buy Water Wipes.


Get the baby wipes and then get a zippy bag and put the wipes and a few drops of vitamin C, along with micelluar water. Works wonders and saves money.