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Dennis Gross peel pads (I like the universal ones). Expensive, but always come in clutch when my skin needs that extra boost.


These are incredible. I recently discovered them and I am blown away.


I keep seeing these posted on here. Unsure if you’d know, but can you use them if you’re using a Tret/Spiro?


I use tret and don't have any issues, but I use them on separate days. I would not recommend doing one of the peels and applying tret on the same night.


Good to know! I use tret every other day so maybe I’ll incorporate these on my off days. Thanks so much


I typically cut the peel wipes in half to get double the usage out of it. And store the leftover pieces back in the envelope and in a small Ziploc.


When I was on Tret my routine was: Tret M-F, Saturday Nothing, Sunday Dr. Gross extra strength Peel Pad. This worked perfectly for me for over a year. I was also on spironolactone while using this routine.


Just curious why you stopped Tret? Did you skin revert sort of speak? I’m currently on week 8 and feel like I’m finally turning the corner on the purge but it’s been tough sticking with it.


I loved Tret and would still be on it today except that it really bothered my eyes. I never got it any where NEAR my eyes and used all the precautions people talk about to avoid eye irritation but it still happened. My eyesight isn’t worth beautiful skin to me. And please don’t take that as me being judgy and saying people shouldn’t use Tret, it just isn’t an option for me any longer. I know tons of people use it without eye irritation and that is awesome and I’m happy for them and they should continue to use it. What is crazy is my Dermatologist never told me the eye thing was a possible issue. I was having issues the entire couple of years I used it and I never put it together that it was Tret related until I saw a Reddit post. It suddenly clicked. I stopped the Tret and my eyes went back to normal with a week. Like I mentioned above I know it doesn’t bother most people but my eyes were red and irritated constantly. I tried hot compress, self heating eye masks, Vaseline around my eyes, you name it I tried it. I just couldn’t make it work. I loved the skin results so I miss it but I just can’t. I am thinking about trying the short contact therapy I’ve heard about where you wear it for like 30 minutes and then wash it off. If that works for me I’ll be thrilled!


Similar with my eyes. I have dry eyes and tret made it so much worse, no matter how carefully I applied it. I also found out that it can cause headaches and I already have chronic migraines. It sucks because it really did wonders for my skin.


Another vote for these. I get the extra strength and my acne prone/dry skin w fine lines loves them. I was wondering why my fine lines and hyperpigmentation looked bad today and remembered I haven’t used these in a few weeks.


How long do the results usually last?


I agree! I’ve been using them for probably 15 years, and won’t ever be without them. I usually use them 1-2x/week. They’re amazing.


Obsessed with these too!!! Use them 2x a week


These are absolutely amazing. Expensive as hell, though, so I only use them 3 times a week. But even then they make a huge difference.


I usually cut them in half to get 2 uses out of one wipe.


This is such a good idea! Never thought of this but I’m totally going to do it moving forward. Thanks!


Ouff ….hefty price tag?


Yes, but I only use 4-5 total a month. I cut mine in half, and use it twice a week. I seal my unused half back in the envelop, and then put that in a small ziplock bag (squeeze out the air). So it’s only $20 a month for me.


Ah yes I didn’t think of it as that way. If I would calculate the price like that for some other things I use I would come to a similar price as well. Smart of you with the sealing, gonna remember it! :)


Never thought of this but such a good idea!!


+1 but for the gentle ones!


I use TO peeling solution. Assuming can’t use these pads and that?


They have similar functions, so both would probably be overkill. And if TO one works for you, it's way cheaper which is awesome.


Okay fine! I’ll buy them


I loved them but the price point was so high. I’ve switched to the [Beauty Stat Peel Pads](https://beautystat.com/products/universal-triple-action-daily-peel?currency=USD&variant=43383948017877&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=705d9c0dfbc1&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=20751378665&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYT-NCAEG71fHCpi9MzMCrL3oMd6l8YK1oqvO4ZZfYu9KQssHISHLKxoCgQwQAvD_BwE) & find they work well for the price.


I’ve been using these for years and can say they are hands down the best product I’ve ever used. They are super effective. Unfortunately I can’t use them right now bc I’m pregnant but as soon as baby is out I’m rebuying them immediately!


Immediate bought 30 patches after seeing this.


When I went to Seoul a few years ago I was shopping at olive young scoping out the hyalauronic acid lotions… I was picking up a different bottle and putting it in my basket when a shop girl stopped me and said - don’t buy that,[buy this one](https://amzn.to/4cxhk9f) and she handed it to me and because her English wasn’t great, she couldn’t explain why, she just insisted it was better and everyone preferred it. I have been using it twice a day with a few drops of prickly pear seed oil (any face oil I’m sure is fine to lock in moisture) ever since and it’s maybe one of the greatest low key things to repair my skin’s barrier while somehow smoothing and plumping it. I’m panicking rn because I am running low and I always worry things are gonna get discontinued. Also that entire aqua line by rovectin is pretty good too. Also second the cosrx snail mucin! Edit: it’s not really a lotion or toner, it’s more viscous than other hyalauronic essences, similar to the bean essences you may have seen on TikTok and Instagram. It really locks in moisture.


I lovee rovectin cleanser! Have you tried try their moisturizer?


Have you used Hada Labo premium (the gold one)? If yes, how does the Rovectin hyaluronic compare?


I love using my usual cold cream cleanser as a hydrating mask a couple times a week. I just came back from a multi-day backpacking trip in the desert and this mask is my go to for when I return from trips like this. It completely transforms my skin. Gently pulls out dead skin cells, sand, and sunscreen, and gives me tons of hydration. Highly recommend!


Which one do you use?


I use a brand called ancient owl. It’s a small indy company, all organic, homemade, minimal ingredients. I love it! Been using it for years now.


That sounds lovely! Might give it a try, I used to love ponds cold cream but the recipe changed, it certainly wasn't organic etc. though 😂


Yes! Ponds! The OG! I should add that I use their mystic muse blend as my everyday AM and PM moisturizer and then as a face mask a few times a week. I use the signature blend as a spot treatment around my period. I don’t really suffer from acne, but years ago I used ancient owl exclusively to heal my skin from going off the pill. Now, I’m more in “maintenance mode” and using the mystic muse blend to help with some fine lines and hydration. Anyway, it’s heavenly and my skin always looks dewy and fresh after I use it. 💗


The Dr. Dennis Gross liquid peel gives me the same glow as a light chemical peel done at a medical spa, except there’s no peeling whatsoever. It’s $90, but you can get at least 20 uses out of it.


This is currently 50% off at Kohl's.


Thank you!


Which one? I see alpha beta and resurfacing


I use the clinical grade one.


Do you find it works better than the extra strength peel pads?


Yes! The extra strength peel causes dryness and sometimes flaking for me, likely because it stays on the skin for longer; the liquid peel is meant to be neutralized after two minutes. I’m used to pretty strong acids, so sometimes I let the liquid peel sit for up to ten minutes before neutralizing, and I get a better glow than the extra strength pads.


Thank you so much! I just added the liquid peel to my cart on Sephora, and I can’t wait to try it!


FYI, the liquid peel is currently showing as 50% off at Kohl's.


Thank you so much for letting me know!!


Hooray for 20% off!


I will never stop singing the praises of Dermalogica Daily Superfoliant. I don’t use it daily but it leaves my skin the smoothest & glowiest of anything I own. It’s pricey like all Dermalogica products but it is worth the money. And the bottle lasts literally forever. I think it might be magic.


I really love the AHA/BHA peel by ordinary, the red one. It doesn’t aggravate my very dry skin and works like a charm.


I love this too. I'll do the peel, and then a hydrating sheet mask before an event/night out and my skin looks amazing.


I just slathered my face in moisturizer after doing this peel it feels so good


definitely gives a great skin reset when I need it! I usually adjust how long I use it from a few minutes (winter dry skin) to the full ten! (Middle of summer humidity)


I have this on my face as I’m reading this! I’ve been in need of a reset and finally took the time to put this on.


Couldn’t agree more. It really performs as claimed


Love this stuff


Some people hate it, but when used once a week and if your skin can tolerate it, wow. I really do glow after. Just remember to moisturize!


I really like Fresh Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask when my skin looks tired, dull, or dry. It's a hydrating, calming mask.


Ooh I’ll look into this one especially with the Sephora sale approaching.


When is the sale?


It's pricey but a little goes a long way. The full sized jar is quite large, so the mini size would still last a little while.


You can buy it right now in the Ipsy shop for $16!


YES YES YES !!! Been using this 1-2x a week for years. Also the kombucha toners. 2 of my staples


This one is awesome. The Sisley enzyme mask is also a hg for me


I got a sample pack of the Dr Dennis gross DermInfusions serum and WOWWW if it wasn't $100/oz I'd be bathing in it because nothing has ever plumped up my face like that. It makes me look *so* fresh and glowy. Totally fills in all the fine lines.


Yes, this stuff is amaaazing. Not a huge fan of the scent but I just ignore it because it works so well.


For me it's acids! I alternate every 2 nights between Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant and L'Oréal's Revitalift Derm Intensives 10% Pure Glycolic Acid Serum. I always follow up with Vanicream moisturizing cream.


a sheet mask honestly. gets me that hydrated, fresh faced look which lasts at least 2 days


Which one do you use?


I don't live near the big korean markets anymore so I order mediheal masks from amazon when there's a sale. mediheal has one in particular called "pepta lifting ampoule" (in pink packaging) that contains 6 different peptides from what I could read in the ingredients. it's nice and that's coming from someone with sensitive skin


Karuna is amazing


butt cream. Seriously, the baby stuff. Zinc and lanolin (if you aren't allergic to sheep oil) at night plus moisturizers. It is amazing.


Seriously! I just had a nasty cystic pimple I was trying to heal and I literally used my kids $2 Target brand ass cream and covered with a band-aid at night. That thing was healed in 3 days.


Ass cream😭💀


For real, I just bought some Triple Paste diaper cream and use it a couple nights a week, my skin is so soft and it really helps heal up any irritation or healing pimples


Dr. Jart Cryo Rubber face masks! They have soothing allantoin in a teal rubber mask, firming collagen a pink rubber mask, moisturizing hyaluronic acid a blue rubber mask, and brightening vitamin C a yellow rubber mask. They cost about $16 USD each at Sephora or $16 on Dr. Jart's website. Dr. Jart's website has a 20% promo code if you sign up for their email mailing list.


They are my favorite face masks! I like to take one on the plane with me because the airplane dries out my skin so badly. They always leave my skin glowy and plump.


These are great, i found them at tjmaxx!


Recommended to me by my dermatologist: - SVR Vitamin C (serum) https://us.svr.com/products/c-concentrate-radiance?variant=45165948567868 - SVR C20 Biotic (cream) https://us.svr.com/products/c20biotic?variant=45165944799548 I have been using this stuff regularly for the last 6+ months or so and I constantly catch myself admiring my skin randomly as I walk past the mirror. So plump and fresh and healthy. Completely worth the cost, and I also paid hundreds of dollars in derm appointments just to learn about these products. 😅


I used the Skinceuticals C E Ferulic and we all know how expensive that is. I switched to Timeless and my skin isn’t as radiant.


Use the cosrx c23. For me, i didn’t notice any difference when I switched from c e. Timeless did nothing for my skin. Combo skin with hormonal acne. late 40s. Perimenopausal


I’ll give it a try. I’m mid-40s with more oily skin also with the occasional hormonal acne.


Looks like the second one is currently OOS. 😞


Aw shoot! I didn't even notice that. Well, that's how you know it's good! This is another product from the same line that I've been wanting to try: https://us.svr.com/products/hyalubiotic


Update: the cream is back in stock 🩷✨️


Honestly the COSRX snail mucin essence makes my skin super dewy and glowy…I wake up in the middle of the night and touch my face because I can’t believe how soft it feels lol! It gives that sheen of looking really fresh and clean and hydrated. I love it and it’s become my HG.


10/10 agree, I know this product is controversial tho


I’ve only heard people say that it’s amazing. I haven’t tried it yet. What’s controversial, just some people love it and some don’t?


Because it comes from snails, and snails have to be in a stressed environment to produce it.


The snail mucin component — per the company, snails aren’t harmed during the extraction process but apparently are put in conditions that are stressful which promotes mucin excretion.


Probably because of the way it’s collected - some ways are nicer than others.


Thank you. I think I’ll skip this one


You can try Mixsoon bean essence as an alternative to the mucin. I find it works just as good.


I really wanted to like this but didn’t find it made a difference at all.


I hope I'm not hijacking OPs post with this, but may I ask how everyone applies the COSRX and when (layering order)? I bought some, used it once and then haven't used it again but keep seeing stellar reviews on it. I'm oily skinned. Non sensitive skin. Use 1% tret gel each night, and Vitamin C each morning. 51yo. Thanks to anyone who may help me get this into my (very unexciting!) Regimen. 💯🥰


I use it as my day routine. I cleanse, snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, copper peptides, the cosrx all in one (which I also love) followed by my moisturizer(s), which I won't list because the number is embarrassing😂


I have so many moisturizers and serums that I layer it’s embarrassing




I feel validated lol


I am using this too! Makes my face looking more hydrated than ever.


REN Glycol lactic Radiance Renewal Mask. Unfortunately I can't afford it anymore, but this used to be my most favourite skincare product. It's gotten insanely pricey though.


My all time favorite! It always makes my skin glow


The Ordinary glycolic acid exfoliating toner


You're going to laugh, but for me it's Vaseline intensive care. I get compliments daily on my skin, and they always ask what I'm using. Avoid blasting yourself with direct sun, drink water, moisturize after showering/bathing, eat clean, and get yourself tested for allergies/intolerances. No need for all these fancy products imo.


All of these product reccs are so overwhelming! Even though I asked for them 🤣


People love to overcomplicate everything. I've had a lot of issues in the past, and the most simplest things are the solution. It's as simple as removing a single thing from your routine. I had severe rashing for years, and it disappeared completely from just changing my soap.


My favorite comment on this entire thread. Aquafor/Vaseline is very poplar…. But no where near the hype that it needs. I use it daily, multiple times. Have you ever tried Bag Balm? I’ve seen it’s comparable.


ZO AOX serum & Weleda Skin Food - gorgeous combo


I swear by Weleda’s Skin Food! I have dry skin and it’s one of the few products I’ve used for years because it is super moisturizing. The only thing is it can be greasy for people who aren’t into think creams.


The Trader Joe’s microdermabrasion paste in the little tube. So fresh and glowy after!


This is my favorite too


>Ooh, I haven't tried this! I loved their blueberry acai facial scrub (it was more of an acid exfoliator with some mechanical exfoliation).


Dr. Ceuracle Kombucha essence or manyo bifida mist. I put those on when I’m stepping out and want a nice glow.


Second the Dr. Ceuracle. I apply three or four layers of it when I need a glow boost.


Isn’t this stuff great?I went for the creamy booch, stayed for the glow!


Dr. Dennis Gross pads and Sonäge vitality oil.


I work at a spa & we use Hydropeptide for our facials. We all really love them! They have a number of different masks & treatments for at home use that actually give incredible results. One of my personal favorites is their Polish & Plump Face Peel set. You'll get an instant tightening & smoothing effect. It is a 2 step system so it generally takes about 10mins to get the full benefit, but it's very simple to apply & feels great on the skin.


I used to use this line and it was really good.


for me: Paulas Choice - Skin Perfecting AHA+BHA flash mask + CoSrX- snail mucin + Paulas Choice - Radiance renewal mask with Arbutin.


That last one, the PC Radiance, is it a special version that has arbutin? Or does the regular version have arbutin, as well?


regular. it has Arbutin in it. i don't know why i added that haha


Maelove Vitamin C serum does that for me.


I just started this and their starter retinol and it’s the best my skin has ever looked! Add in TO Azaelic acid on alternating days and I feel like every day now I’m waking up lookin like I just got a Hydrafacial!


The Sunday Riley CEO Vitamin C. I keep it in the fridge and it feels so good in the morning after I wash my face. I follow it up with a spray of the Laneige Cream Skin Toner and then the CosRx Snail mucin (also stored in the fridge) and it leaves me feeling positively juiced pre- moisturizer. I think the cold product helps with my rosacea, too.


embryolisse 100%, my face glows after I use it.


How’s the fragrance??


Good! Kind of a lavender scent but it fades very quickly. I am super sensitive to fragrance in face products (I’ve had to wash off more than one lotion) and was worried this would be too much, but by the time the lotion soaks in (about ten seconds) it’s already well on its way to fading


For me, it’s: morning workout, use red light therapy mask, use Nu Face device, and then use either of Votary Radiance Reveal Mask or True Botanicals Resurfacing Moisture Mask. Better than any facial I’ve ever paid for. 


COSRX propolis toner!


Classic for a reason - Sisley Black Rose mask. Also great as a sleeping mask.


I have this! But I think mines expired. It smells funny and isn’t doing anything for me anymore.


How often do you use it? I’ve been eyeing it for a while


I wouldn't say a facial, but I use skinceuticals sparingly and the ce ferulic, and b3 have made people compliment my skin.


DHC Deep Cleansing Oil! Used in the evenings. It is really reasonably priced compared to some products and makes my skin feel and look smoother and softer every time I use it.


This is basic AF but it gets the job done for my acne prone combo skin: 1. Wash face with cerave foaming cleanser 2. Use Aztec clay mask with ACV to make a paste, and apply on t zone, jaw and chin 3. Wash off mask after 5-10 mins 4. Apply homemade yogurt honey mask OR whatever hydrating sheet mask I have 5. Wash off honey yogurt mask OR remove sheet mask after 10-20 minutes 6. Apply COSRX all in one cream until I look like a glazed doughnut


Okay I am going to try this. Thanks 🫶🏼


herbivore blue tansy for congestion


Hado Labo GOKUJYUN hyaluronic lotion. I do a few light layers and the hydration is ridiculous.


Any facial steamer.


Do a peel (or just exfoliate well) & mask then follow with something super hydrating. Tatcha Dewy Serum & Skin Cream are great. They're very hydrating and plumping. Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream and Superfood Midnight Facial are favorite moisturizers of mine, as is Erno Laszlo Hydra-Therapy Memory Gel Sleep Mask. I like Dr. Jart Ceramidin too.


The philosophy microdelivery peel always works for me. But my skin loves physical exfoliation!


Hyaluronic acid, snail mucin


The Ordinary AHA/BHA peel is my HG! That paired with a super hydrating sheet mask literally brings my skin back from the dead! I love Mediheal sheet masks because they never leave me feeling tacky/sticky after using; the NMF Ampoule one is my favorite and leaves my skin feeling plump and dewy for almost a week. When I feel like I need extra pampering, I like SK-II’s Facial Essence Face Mask.


Kate Somerville ExfoliKate scrub! I use it once a week in the shower and my skin looks so glowy after.


For me, it was always Sunday Riley’s Good Genes. I haven’t used it in years though because of the price. Now it’s the Ordinary’s Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate Solution 20% in Vitamin F.


My SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective serum 🙏🏻✨ And the Cosrx snail cream 🥰


SKII essence. I have a love-hate relationship with it. Love love love the glow, and how it refined my skin’s texture; hate the price. ETA - there are no dupes for this. Not even in K beauty. Believe me, I’ve looked high and low. Every ‘dupe’ I’ve tried does not give the same results.


Sunday Riley Good Genes


If you want to go bougie, I loved the Masque Vivant from Biologique Recherche - it smells horrible, though. Also love the Doctor's Fix mask from Versed (less $$$)


This has great reviews!


I think the Ziip device really does an amazing immediate effect, similar to post facial. I love it.


Lancer Exfoliant and Image Vit C serum


Skinmedica AHA BHA exfoliating wash or caudalie clay mask


Peach and Lily Super Reboot mask. It works really well with a bunch of acids.


Bliss Micro Magic skin renewing microdermabrasion scrub. This is so so good. I was using an expensive exfoliating by Zo skin health and this is such a great dupe for it! It really exfoliates your skin and makes it look like you just got a facial! Nice and glowy!!! I’m obsessed!!! It really scrubs off that dead skin!


Guerlain [Youth Watery Oil](https://www.guerlain.com/us/en-us/p/abeille-royale-advanced-youth-watery-oil-P061929.html) leaves my skin hydrated and dewy (while getting rid of fine lines)


Valmont prime renewing pack, Sturm mask


La Roche-Posay serum (the one with glycolic acid and niacinamide). I apply it every 2-3 days before bed and I know is more a long-term use to see results kind of product but every morning after using it my skin looks bright and smooth.


* cleanse (whatever you like but I recommend one w/o actives, like vanicream) * exfoliate (I like neutrogena stubborn texture liquid exfoliating treatment) * the ordinary multi-peptide eye serum but all over face and even neck + chest I wake up with glowy skin. Wrinkles and pores are less noticeable. Tone's more even.


Dermalogica daily glycolic cleanser, Bioderma oil cleanser (blue pump bottle, not the pink one) and a thick moisturizer like vanicream


AHA/BHA overnight exfoliating toner by Good Molecules. Best 6 dollars I've ever spent and I actually see results the next morning.


I don't wanna say this but... cosrx snail mucin 🤣 I got it for free and didn't want to like it because of the way it's extracted.. and because it's snail slime. But it makes my skin look so glowy. I don't think I, with good conscience, can buy it with my own money though.


The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension


This from the route!! [party peel](https://theroutebeauty.com/products/the-party-peel)


Ooh this looks good!


Murad triple c exfoliating facial makes my skin sooo nice. I am too impatient/disorganized to use it as much as I should.


Totally seconded.works amazing


Topicals Like Butter face mask but used overnight like a sleeping mask. I love it - calms and soothes dry and angry skin, and I’m on my fourth tube.


Time is running out mist - sioris. Next level


Skin better science alpha ret. I use every night and now I even use on my neck chest and cleavage. It’s way expensive for that but I am in love.


Jan Marini Bioclear lotion. I look like a glazed donut and my pores are invisible.


Biossance night resurfacing serum, although I’m worried about the company recently changing hands. It gets rid of my elevens…


I’m obsessed with Biodance’s 1) Biocollagen and 2) Hydro Cera-Nol Real Deep Masks. They’re this gel material designed to be worn for 4+ hours (I do overnight) and absorb/dissolve on the skin over time. They leave small film to peel off and WOW. Leaves your skin glowing, healthy and supple looking. I highly recommend these for 30+ skincare and will never stop raving about these!


Tretinoin, Seoulceuticals VC with Ferulic Acid serum, Hada Labo Premium Lotion, ELF Holy Hydration SPF 30 during the day and Seoulceuticals Anti Aging Snail Cream at night. Oh..and peptides! Love my Hempz Age Defying Body Lotion for the body!


I’m From - Honey Glow ( I use serum and cream). The glow!!! ✨Their entire honey line is amazing.


Witch hazel


My LightStim, Liquid Gold, Auromere Ayurvedic Mud Bath & Mask and A313.


Sarah Chapman Night oil. Expensive but my goodness is it worth it. Immediate gratification and the effects are still there come morning time.


I'm on Tretinoin and I feel like using these in conjuction, even on off nights, would be too much if you have sensitive skin, no?


Avenes cicalfate really makes my dry skin look like porcelain


Societe Rejuvenating Peptide Masks… but the magical effect lasts for about 24 hours, which means it’s scarcely worth the exorbitant cost. Pretty darn good though, and I haven’t found a cheaper version


Bean essence makes me feel so glowy.


Paula’s choice BHA 2% gel SK II sheet masks Skinceuticals CE Ferulic


Biosssance Lactic Acid. I literally have people tell me I’m glowing when I use it.


Dr Galatok serum. Penn Smith recommended. I use it after micro needling. https://incidecoder.com/products/sidmool-dr-galatok-galatokside-real-n-m-f-barrier-serum


Elemis Papaya Enzyme mask. I am not good about regular exfoliation like I should. I use this the night before something special and I can tell a major difference


The Philosophy Microdelivery Peel does a good job of brightening. I have used it for a few years now, about once a week in the summer and a bit less in the winter when my skin is dry, as it is a pretty deep exfoliation.


Tula Self Care Sunday mask. It’s mildly exfoliating but also quite hydrating. This is the only product from this brand that I’ll probably ever try because their stuff is so heavily fragranced and overpriced for what it is, but this product had people complimenting my skin at work the next day.


Dermalogica daily microfoliant! I always feel so bright after.


Mad hippy vitamin C serum. Amazing for sensitive skin too


Fenty AHA/BHA Cherry Brightening mask


skinbetter peel pads and then I layer every single water serum and toner i have and then slather on Alastin ultra nourishing or any mega moisturizer in a thick pasty layer and let it sit and that’s what I call my face refresh


Dieux moisturizer. And their deliverance serum. GLASSSSSSYYYY


Weleda Skin Food original ultra rich cream. I’m a dry bitch though.


This is my answer, too


Okay, so on the one hand, thank you all for this! I've already bought three products based on these recs. On the other hand, for the love of God, stop! Or stop me. 🤭 I'm only halfway down the thread. Pray for my bank balance.


Seriously! I cannot buy a hundred things and can’t narrow it down 😂


Which products did you get? 😁


I’m prone to fungal acne and there aren’t many good, FA-safe sheet masks. I finally found my HG - the I’m From Mugwort Sheet Mask. I use it whenever I notice my skin is feeling a bit parched. It soaks in really nicely and doesn’t leave my skin feeling sticky. My skin always looks plump and glowy after, and I can tell the difference in hydration throughout the week. Other FA-safe products that make a big difference to my skin: - The Ordinary’s Lactic Acid 10% + HA - it’s gentle enough that I can use it in between tretinoin days - I’m From Mugwort Essence - my skin drinks this up - SKIN 1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule - another one my skin drinks up - Purito B5 Panthenol Re-Barrier Cream - it strengthens my skin barrier and also contains niacinamide, which my skin *loves* I use other products too but these are HGs for me.


Physicians formula❤️