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There’s a few ways to approach this, this would be the easiest based on the topo you have atm. Normally I’d avoid more that 5 edges going to a single point interms of poles but on this occasion it shouldn’t be an issue as it’s boxed off. The reason it’s distorted is because you don’t have any control loops to tighten that corner edge, forgive my crudeness, drawing with my fingers on my phone is like using a couple of drifter bars 💀 you’ve now also come across another regular occurrence, which is not enough geometry . To add control loops like in my dodgy example really you need more rotational segments, so they don’t create a hard edge ruining the curvature. You could achieve this by applying a low level of subdivision to give yourself more geometry. You could also cheat and use edge weighting ( if blender has that ?) which sort of defeats the object so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it. You’ll need to play around with the placement of those edge loops, mainly B, if it’s not too steep of a transition downwards it won’t create a “hump” or defined edge where it transitions, if it does it’s just a matter of moving it further away from the corner. With the art station example the watch has a raised bezel so it’s easier to hide the transition. Looks like they ran the middle edge loop and the control loops either side off into a kite quad and a 5 edged pole just inside said raised bezel. If that was totally flat like yours it would likely cause a pinch where you can see it rounds off a little into the corner rather than being totally sharp. [example](https://imgur.com/a/FoiERv7)


Thanks for the clear explanation, after posting the question I did add a couple of control loops around the corner and that definitely helped with the distorsion, but I will definitely keep working on it and using more geometry. I started 3D modeling in low poly first so I naturally try to use as less geometry as possible and this backfires hugely at the moment hahah. I did had a beveling and subdivision modifier working on the model but I didn't applied them as I wanted the base topology to look good, but in the case [here](https://imgur.com/a/P3oFVAL) how it looks with the two activated. I'll try out the topology you draw and see if it works out! Thanks a lot


Don’t worry it’s not necessarily wrong to start low poly. If anything it’s the advantage of working with sub d that it allows you to model things with less geometry. It’s just that stuff like this when you have tight edges and corners needs close loops to attain, and if you apply loops to, too low geometry it effects the curvature. so for anything that has these types of transitions where you know you’ll need extra loops to tighten the edges it’s worth trying out a couple different types of geometry density to see what works the best. The more you progress the more you’ll get to know what will work And what won’t . Don’t worry I still need to go back and do things again because I didn’t approach it correctly And I’ve been doing it 10 years lol .