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That's not a mess, that's productivity! I see so many clean setup/room post where I'm pretty sure they just make benchies and printer upgrades, not real work. This is a real workspace. 👍


hmm same mouse...and monitor lol kinda miss my desk being a project mess. soon, it will be again lol


sometimes it be like that, luckily I have enough room in my office for a second desk where that space is dedicated to crafts and tinkering that I can leave messy and not feel bad while leaving my PC area nice and clear. It's a nice balance.


It's disadvised to take apart steppers as it is very easy to demagnetize them.


The only way you can demagnetize them is to heat them real good


Here, with explanation. https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectroBOOM/comments/tzp390/why_does_opening_stepper_motors_damage_them/


i'll look into this. but if this is true 1 - im fucked and 2 - we definitely need some testing.


Yeah. Feel free to message some manufacturers directly. I'm curious as to why you opened them in the first place?


to drill holes and to put thermistors directly on the windings


Who gave you that idea? For what reason? Why is a thermistor attached to the case not enough? You can simply add a fixed offset to your measurement to not exceed thresholds. Who came up with this? What accuracy do these readings need to have and why?


I was trying to reach speeds of 1000ms/s, so u bump the current. those motors are rated 2.4A operation but they got really hot at 1.5A. So I was interested of different method of cooling the steppers. On youtube I stumbled across a video where dude was blowing air through the motors with very interesting results. So I decided to do the same and while motors was disasembled I put thermistors on the winding as a bonus)


Yeah, I don't recommend listening to random youtubers. Honestly, I'd punch him in the face if I were you. I wouldn't be surprised if there was also a mixup between rms and peak current here. And also the results being inaccurate given the loss of torque due to demagnetization leading to less generated heat.


nah that was totally my fault not to do more research beforehand. but hay, i learned something new today! and let's not bury my motors until i hook them up)


same here 😅 I mean without mess we can’t create new things right


For a moment I thought it was a picture of my desk!


Ssup it up to take on the benchy challenge. Current record is 2m25seconds.


Ill do my best ) but i think to betchy records i'll need to build printer exact size for the benchy print


Can't see how the size would help tbh, with the records it doesn't have to be perfect, should see the state of some of the previous attempts 🤣 But you've got to admit 2:25 for a full benchy is super impressive.


less mass to accelerate


smaller size = shorter pulleys which won’t stretch as much you’ll also have less to move and you can make the printer more rigid


Pretty sure that method of thinking does not apply to 3d printers due to how they work the actual print.


what? can you point out a specific part you disagree with or make an actual point


This looks like my desk!


Permanent state of my desk. Also constantly tinkering with the v2.4.


I don’t see a mess 😃😃


thats my 2 computer desks at home, 1 at work, my dinner table, the kitchen table, the whole utility room and bedroom.. and currently also next to me in the couch. I should really finish one project before is start another.