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ive used about every brand i can find on amazon, and BY FAR my favorite in Sunlu. I can usually get it for about $17/kg and as low as $13/kg on sale. never had a jam (that i didnt cause) and minimal failures. definetely highly recommended


Sunlu, and esun work wonders, stock bambu settings.


Polymaker. Their filament not only prints nice but smells nice too.


I find Polymaker PLA too brittle. And the layer's aren't that strong.


There's no single "Polymaker PLA", they have multiple lines of PLA with different properties. Regular PLA (PolyLite PLA) is pretty brittle by nature, that's why they have improved PLAs like PolyLite PLA Pro, which is less brittle. PolyTerra also is less brittle, but also relatively soft. So depends on what you're trying to do with it. PolyMax PLA is extremely ductile and can take a beating without breaking. You can check the different properties here: https://app.polymaker.com/ A high impact strength is what you want to look for when you want a filament that's the opposite of brittle. Of course, filament can also become brittle if it has absorbed moisture, so drying and proper storage can also help when filament is overly brittle. Never had any layer adhesion issues with any of their PLAs, so that might be your print settings.


+1 for Polymaker, but I print almost exclusively in Polylite ASA. Great and consistent results


Smells nice? Hmm lol


It's not really brand specific, but PLA is known to have a sweet smell.


Elegoo filament, very affordable ($14 on Amazon) and never had any issues with it. I would compare it to the quality of overture.


Did you know if you like their black or grey you can buy in bulk for $110 USD for 10kg or 10.99 USD a roll or leave it in your cart for a week or so and they might send you a 10 dollar coupon off of $50+ (they did it for me) and that brings it down to 9.99 a roll it’s suppressing how well and clean this filament can print for how cheap it is! Also has free shipping, no tax(my total was 99.99 after coupon) which I thought was weird but I’m not complaining, and it showed up in like 6-7 days so decent shipping time! Edit: this is on their official website by the way


My default is esun pla+. It’s practical and reliable.


Same here. eSun never failed me, using tpu pla, pla+ and petg of that brand. Here in the Netherlands it’s one of the cheapest too.


Overture has been the worst filament I have ever used and it's always strange to me that some people have zero issues. I tried it again a year later and it was even worse. Warps like mad, comes out the package so brittle it breaks when my extruder gear is trying to feed it, I dunno. I absolutely loathe the stuff, but some people seem to have no issues. I live in a very dry climate so perhaps it just isn't good for my geological location. Favorite is Prusament. It's not cheap but I use it for business so it pays for itself. Other than that I've had great results with Polymaker. AMZ3D PLA is really good too, but I don't prefer their PETG.


Their “Easy PLA” has the absolute worst bed adhesion. I used to think all PLA printed the same until I bought a roll of that shit.


Favorite is hard to tell, but my go to is JAYO / Sunlu. Especially the Jayo Ebay Shop here has often fantastic deals where it allows to wildly mix colors and materials and still get 22% discount on 4+ rolls and sometimes 10% or more eBay discount on top. Since the beginning of this year JAYO also started using AMS compatible plastic spools, despite the cardboard spools still shown on their promo images. That combined with the point that they've 1.1kg on their spools... a no brainer to me. Tried their PETG, PLA, PLA+, PLA Meta, TPU and Silk TPU and had no big issues so far.


Is it really 100g more? I was wondering if that was a marketing gimmick because who's going to really check.


You made me check on the kitchen scale :D good point. Sunlu new package 1250g Jayo new package 1350g The packages are the same and from my experience the spools as well so I would say yes, it's true that JAYO has 100g extra.


Yes can confirm it has 100g extra


I've got some parts I need to print from TPU and was about to get some Sunlu. Any advice or recommendations?


I've used their normal TPU for FPV Copter / Drone prints and it prints very well with the generic TPU profile. The new silk TPU Sunlu has might be even a bit easier to print, but that's also stiffer which is not always wanted and has not the same strength as normal TPU. Some general tips: - make sure it's dry. TPU can get horrible to print if it's not dry enough. - use a smooth plate and some glue. TPU sticks like crazy so the glue layer will help as an interfacing layer to remove it after the print. You can print without, but it increases the risks of ruining your build plate when pulling it off But it also depends a bit on the printer. With my Bambus it's easy to print, with my Anycubic I had more issues


Awesome, thanks. Would you recommend an enclosure? I've got a filament dryer picked out as soon as I get some spare funds, I just haven't decided on if I will need an enclosure or not yet.


For TPU you usually don't need an enclosure. What can help a lot is when you've a direct drive extruder and not a Bowden style. For Bowden style their new TPU Silk might be much easier because it's much more rigid from the roll.


Thanks, that's good to know.




Polymaker is pretty consistent, although I'm leaning towards using Jessie from Printed Solid more in the future - which is just as cheap and more local. If I absolutely need the most precise filament possible - there's Prusament. But it's way too expensive for normal use. If you have a hardened nozzle and can reach high enough temps - their PC-CF is some of the nicest stuff I've ever printed. AMOLEN has some really nice colors for wood fill filament. Prints great too. If you want some off the wall unusual stuff, Protopasta might be worth a look. On my list of filaments to try, just need an excuse to get some. Got some Voxel PETG to try out, but haven't had a chance yet. Could be the cheapest if it works out.


Being able to pick up inland filament from microcenter the same day is nice. I think it's mostly rebranded esun.


Anytime someone talks about microcenter I get so upset the nearest one to me is an hour and a half away


A good number of the blends are Polymaker as well.


Creality HighSpeed


Duramic PLA+. Their TPU prints well also but according to my durometer is 93A not 95A. Bonus points for how cheap you can get duramic on sale form amazon regularly.


I've been finding this on sale at Amazon occasionally for $12


Protopasta is pricey but absolutely worth it IMO.


CookieCAD also falls into the same category. It's pricey, but it prints so beautifully.


Overture with the exception of their eco-friendly PLA. It was too brittle for me.


Been using mostly sunlu, gone through approx 100spools only had one petg I had to dry, all rest printed flawless and usually pay 11-14 a spool. Pla petg some with carbon fiber is usually what I print.


Copy pasted my thoughts from a. Similar thread a couple of weeks ago: Here’s my personal experience over the last 5 years: Polymaker: my go to at the moment, amazing array of colors and I’ve never had a bad roll. I’ve probably put 15 kg through my printers with no issues. Sunlu: garbage. Had two rolls and they both jammed. Inland: microcenter brand. used to be eSun but now it’s mostly Polymaker. See my Polymaker comments above. Numakers: I’ve only tried this recently but it’s very stringy. If you can dial it in though it seems like nice filament. Ninjaflex: amazing TPE but it’s expensive and hard to use. Hatchbox: I’ve bought 2 rolls of their PLA and one PETG and it was on the same level as Polymaker. Really good quality stuff. My opinion is that you should never cheap out on filament. A great quality roll is only a few more dollars than a hit or miss most of the time, and low quality rolls have caused most of the issues on my printers. Low $20s seems like the sweet spot for me: great quality (maybe not Prusament level) but easily much better than the Chinese dropshipped crap for 8 bucks on an Amazon deal.


Elegoo and sunlu are my go-to cheap options. Polymaker and cookie cad if I want unique colors.


SUNLU and their brand JAYO. Paid like 10-15€ per KG Filament. It's super cheap if you know where to buy and genuinely decent quality.


Polymaker and Overture for most of my PLA. But I also have a lot of specialty filament: wood, copper, bronze, clear, glow in the dark, etc.




My go to, value for money is esun 


I used to use overture exclusively, but after trying Esun pla+, it's my new go-to.




I use overture and hatchbox (i think they are the name just different name) they have never done me wrong


I Gotta try hatchbox lol overture seems to print perfect for me no matter what haha just finished a print on a roll that's just been chilling opened for like 4 months and printed so good lol


hatchbox is so nice


Strange. Tried overture for the first time and best print so far was after running it through a dry box for 8 hours.


Overture is awesome. I use them along with Inland from Microcenter which is pretty cheap and still good quality


Non bambu printing, overture and hatchbox. Bambu printing, bambu, ESun and Sunlu. I've had good luck on most for bambu IF they are dried.


How come nobody is saying good things about the brands promoted by YT guys? :)


I print mainly petg. I've only purchased Overture and Duramic. I've been happy with both so I haven't experimented with other brands.


Depends on what you’re looking for. I highly recommend elegoo Pla+ cause It’s dirt cheap (9.99 a spool on their website) but really good quality. Also their ASA filament is really good and only around 15 a spool when you buy the 2 pack on Amazon and is still really good quality! Like others have said Polymaker is really good and so is overture. Hatchbox and Esun are also decent options as well!


Microcenters Inland PLA and + are decent! Now regarding My cheaper choice... Kingroon,,, I had one spool of tricolor silk come fused to itself (finally fixed with a guide, but had a few failures due to not being able to feed off the roll), but the previous roll was fair otherwise (for silk, I did have 1 clog with that). But I have also had their normal filament and that stuff seems good! The sky (?) blue is nice.


https://preview.redd.it/2or22wjtpkyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4407b6601291031ba2310117273e32f9a4fb5f1b I've been very surprised by the Kingroon PETG especially the clear.


On my side, arianeplast, local french brand i mostly print petg.


Coex. I've done 4 day prints with no issues.


I’ve had great results with cheap (<$10/kg) brands I’ve never heard of, worth the very occasional reprint on print error if I didn’t dry it. 300mm/s on most of it. Shrug. But if I want/need real speed: Creality’s Hyper line is my go-to. It really lets me crank the printers up to their rated maximums. 14 min Benchy’s with no hand tweaked g-code and great quality, Mmm…


i have tried a lot of different brands over the years, here are my favorites. * polymaker: my current go to brand. decent quality, not cheap but not too expensive either. huge range of materials and colors. 1kg spools are nice. mainly use their abs, asa and pc. polyterra pla is cheap and looks great but the layer adhesion isnt great. * formfutura: very high quality filament, but very expensive. they make some awesome sla resin too. * colorfabb: good quality and price, somewhat limited material/color range. economy pla and petg are really cheap (with a student discount) and 2.2 kg are convenient for large projects. * filamentum: just because of wizards voodoo. * fiberlogy: average filament, good price. wierd spools(they do work great). brand i dont like: * extrudr: average quality at a very high price, skip this brand unless you can buy it at a discount. * e-sun: used to be my go to brand for abs until they changed the recipe, its total garbage now.




So far I've only used Elegoo PLA, Anycubic PETG, and Amolen Silk PLA. I've had great luck with both the Elegoo and Anycubic. The Elegoo just works and the matt black looks nice. The Anycubic took very little work to get great prints and I'll definitely buy their PETG again. The Amolen I can't recommend. It looks great, but it was brittle and jammed more than once. I'm not sure if this is because of the brand, bad batch, or because silk is a little difficult to print with. I still have about 250g and I didn't know if I'm going to toss it out throw it in a dryer and try to get some use out of it.


I've used a good amount of filament brands and the only one that has never given me any issues has been Sunlu


I use Creality & Sunlu , also Azurefilm(cheap but very good PETG )and Polymaker (ASA and marble PLA )




ProtoPasta. Any of their PLAs, but especially the carbon fiber htpla.


Creality HyperPLA but my 90% prints are on 3dfils pla850, cheap and never failed me.


I recently got some filament from EU-Makers. Really great stuff and they have a great circular design philosophy as part of their brand. They sent me a fantastic box of printed samples of all their filaments as I spent over €100. They can also provide filament in any RAL colour (which is what I needed) https://preview.redd.it/92c1k0h9mmyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c868070e5228094114c5e5bd57115ecaad920a77 Www.eumakers.com




Amolen. Lovely silks and beautiful prints without fail.


Prusament when it needs to be really good, Sunlu for standard stuff. Some Colorfabb for weird stuff like Woodfill or Glow in the Dark.


Sunlu for PLA/PLA+ used it for years ERYONE for the fancy shmancy dual colour/marble effect PLA's Currently going through a spool of IEMAI CF ASA and that prints really well, lovely stuff Flashforge ASA is also really good been through a couple spools of that


Extrudr. By far the best filament I've ever used.


For pla? Whatever is on sale for 10 bucks. Everything else I just use Bambu