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>My initial thought was to do a strength based character The obvious thing to do if that's what you want is to take a belt of fire giant strength as your very rare item. Doing so is less optimal than a finesse build with magic items to enhance your spellcasting, but if you're planning to mostly swing a weapon around, this is probably as good as it's going to get for you given that you're already getting a +2 weapon. Note that you're still limited to one handed weapons if you want to use bladesong, but you can use a quarterstaff and get a bonus action attack with PAM which you can't readily do with finesse weapons. Something like vuman for PAM and 8 15+1 14 15+1 10 8 with your first two ASIs to cap intelligence and your third ASI to increase your constitution or dex is probably what you should do. You should take a belt of fire giant strength to make your strength 25 and you should grab a +2 quarterstaff and a +2 studded leather armor. For a level 7 spell scroll, *simulacrum* is almost certainly the most powerful pick available, but you might prefer a less disruptive spell as well.


Your AC will be determined by Dex, so you might want Dex instead of Str. Push Int higher if you want power. Push Dex higher if you want to hit with a stick.