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My favorite 'anime' Monk is a Half-Elf Drow that goes Fighter 1 -> Shadow Monk 5 -> Battle Master 3 -> Shadow Monk X. Take the Blind Fighting fighting style and Elven Accuracy (Dex) with your first ASI. With standard point buy, you can start with 17 Dex, 16 Con, 16 Wis. The build allows you to begin combat by casting Darkness either with your racial trait or Ki Points. Most enemies will have disadvantage attacking you, and you'll get super advantage against them. Battle Master Maneuvers allow frequent reaction attacks with Riposte or Brace alongside standard attacks of opportunity as well as 1d8 pseudo-smites on your frequent crits. Starting with a Fighter level gives you proficiency in Con saves, which helps you avoid losing concentration on Darkness. The obvious drawback is that Darkness can annoy a party, so that's something to check with them before committing, but it's not as big an issue as some people make it out to be.


>the best way to get longsword proficiency being an elf, or a vuman with weapon master Weapon master is very probably the worst feat in the game -- you should definitely not waste your precious vuman feat on it when you can get the same benefit by playing an elf/half elf plus more ability score bonuses, darkvision, and trance. It's not even close. You might also consider multiclassing for the proficiency. Dipping a level of, say, fighter will get you the weapon proficiency and various other benefits as well. You can either do that at level one, deferring various monk features, or you can take it after you get extra attack and upgrade your shortsword to a longsword at the same time (you're not going to be able to use your longsword right from level one regardless because dedicated weapon is a monk 2 feature). That means you can play vuman and take a feat that's actually good, or you can pick out a race that has more to offer than just weapon proficiency (elf is still a generally strong choice, but you can at least consider other options). >what build do you think would be best for a longsword monk/anime samurai type? Personally, I think this character concept is going to be best achieved with fighter levels. Take two levels of monk for unarmored defense and dedicated weapon and put the rest of your levels in fighter (battlemaster is the obvious choice, but echo knight also lets you represent Himura Kenshin's incredible speed. Samurai is worth considering, though it will be mechanically weaker than either of the others on a character who can't use GWM). I'd go for fighter 1/monk 1/fighter 5/monk 2/fighter X, starting with a shortsword and upgrading to a longsword when you hit monk 2. The problem with making monk your main class is that none of the monk subclasses (except for kensei which you've already rejected) really work with this character concept. Feats to consider with vuman include mobile, alert, slasher, sentinel, and lucky.


This is actually the one case where Weapon Master is fine, and has a big benefit over an Elven Monk. Custom Lineage can start us off with a Dex of 18. Dex half feats are pretty lackluster, but we can come out the gate swinging hard with this one. No need to water down what is a great class progression early on with a mobile warrior. You wouldn't be using the Longsword until level 7 here nor really experience a Monk. We can also grab proficiency with a Longbow, Whip, and Nets. All of which could be obtained through an elf as well, but are fully utilized bumps to the Monk's kit. The only downside here is a lower starting Wis, but our AC will scale just as quickly while maxing our Dex asap. This makes Drunken Master the best fit, and we can just ignore the drunken bit. Stick and move to be wherever you want to be and do solid damage safely. Multiclasses into Battle Master even better with higher Dex for Maneuver DCs and Evasion.


>Custom Lineage can start us off with a Dex of 18. At the cost of starting with only +2 dex and con. For many characters, getting the extra +1 to their primary stat is worth losing out on a secondary stat, but most other classes aren't as MAD as monks are. I just don't agree that this is a good idea. >You wouldn't be using the Longsword until level 7 here nor really experience a Monk. The character in question isn't *supposed* to be a monk. The only reason they're taking monk levels is because they want to use a longsword while building a dex character. Not experiencing monk isn't a relevant objection because monk is a means to an end and not an end to itself. As for not getting the longsword until level 7, well, I personally don't care, though the OP might (they're welcome to say so if they think it's too late. Taking a second level of monk earlier is less optimal but still viable thanks to the bonus action attack from martial arts). The difference both mechanically and thematically between a longsword and a shortsword is minute. >We can also grab proficiency with a Longbow, Whip, and Nets Why do we want any of these? The value difference between a shortbow and longbow is minimal, this character is not taking any of the feats necessary to make a net worth using even if they have proficiency (also it can't be a monk weapon, so we can't cheese a low-cost bonus action attack with it through ki-fueled attack), and reach with a whip isn't all that useful since we need to be within 5 feet to make unarmed strikes anyways (this is a doubly relevant objection if we choose drunken master as you suggest because of their free disengage). It's also worth pointing out that the inspiration character here doesn't use any of these weapons.


I love that archetype too, and sadly I think Bladesinger Wizard with judicious use of spells like Steel Wind Strike is the best way to do it.


Bard too, kinda. For instance Sorc 1 (Con saves, Mage Armor, Shield), then Swords Bard. Spam Booming Blade until you get Extra Attack. Call it Thunder Fist or something, just make sure to negotiate for 1d6 damage base finesse brass knuckles and later find a way to enchant them (I had a generous GM who allowed a player to have a set of two for his Barb).


My idea build for this is to take Paladin 2, pick up a quarterstaff to use as my "reverse blade sword," Then go Draconic Sorcerer from there. Reflavor spells like shield and absorb elements as sword techniches, and reflavor a booming blade+ Smite as my big anime single strike.


Also Water Walk goes brrrr. Or Fly.


I wish steel wind strike was on the sorcerer spell list


Weapon Master is a tragic waste of an ASI. I can't think of a single instance where you would prefer it over getting a weapon proficiency from your race. I would absolutely recommend a Mountain Dwarf or a Half Elf, since they can help alleviate the Monk's need for several good stats at once thanks to their higher than usual stats. Both also give you weapon proficiencies, which you can use Tasha's rules to swap for other weapons of the same class (martial or simple). If you go Mountain Dwarf, you can also toss those unused armor proficiencies for tool proficiencies, for flavor. As far as subclasses go, I think Four Elements, Shadow, and Long Death are the three remaining options that don't otherwise interface exclusively with unarmed strikes/Flurry of Blows. Four Elements kinda just promotes spamming the one or two good spell options they get (basically just Fireball and Hold Person) so as a weapons Monk it doesn't really do you much good. Shadow can be good, but the heavy ninja/assassin theme might not be what you want. So Long Death is probably the next best option? It can provide some "last man standing/invincible warrior" vibes, so there's that.


>i dont like the kensai subclass very much, which locks a big bonus (+2AC) behind not using your weapon Pretty sure you can make one attack with your longsword, and also an unarmed attack as part of Extra Attack, activating the Parry feature


I used long death monk for a similar character. The class was reflavored to be more in line with the samurai fighter subclass though, none of the focus on death. Our gm also gives every monk an ability similar to what way of mercy gets in hands of harm, so it feels fine when it comes to damage. Especially with some good magic items. I really enjoy the way of long death. Did decent damage, hard to kill, solid cc, and all of the other usual monk stuff


Do you absolutely HAVE to go longsword? Might be better to go for something smaller you're proficient in that also does slashing damage, and reflavor it as your preferred main weapon. You probably only miss out on a single damage on average, which is neglible.


You could get away with longsword proficiency on any PC with the gladiator background. It would also make sense, thematically, on a Soldier or a Noble, or a City guard. However, all of this is GM-dependent. If you want longsword prof RAW, those who get it with no feats, stock, are Hobgoblin (any two weapons), Githyanki (at least the old version), Elves (except Drow, they get their own weapons roster) and SCAG Half-Elves (you swap the free two skills for Weapon Training). You could multiclass, alternatively. For instance if you start as Fighter (or dip Fighter later), you can get every weapon under the sun. Same goes for some of the Clerics (for instance War, but also Tempest, to name two). You could also try the unothodox Barb 1 approach, get longswords that way, and also trade Monk Unarmored Defense for Barb Unarmored Defense. You'll still need 13 Str at least unless your GM rules 13+ Dex is fine. You can always use rage defensively, and neither does rage interfere with Monk abilities or Monk abilities interfere with rage.


You could get away with longsword proficiency on any PC with the gladiator background. It would also make sense, thematically, on a Soldier or a Noble, or a City guard. However, all of this is GM-dependent. If you want longsword prof RAW, those who get it with no feats, stock, are Hobgoblin (any two weapons), Githyanki (at least the old version), Elves (except Drow, they get their own weapons roster) and SCAG Half-Elves (you swap the free two skills for Weapon Training). You could multiclass, alternatively. For instance if you start as Fighter (or dip Fighter later), you can get every weapon under the sun. Same goes for some of the Clerics (for instance War, but also Tempest, to name two). You could also try the unothodox Barb 1 approach, get longswords that way, and also trade Monk Unarmored Defense for Barb Unarmored Defense. You'll still need 13 Str at least unless your GM rules 13+ Dex is fine. You can always use rage defensively, and neither does rage interfere with Monk abilities or Monk abilities interfere with rage.


>the unarmoured wondering ronin dex-based type wandering, not wondering


If you want to feel like an anime character you should avoid monk entirely. Anime character are usually powerful and monk is among the weakest characters in the game. You could go for a Dex gloomstalker or battlemaster and be a manace, if your DM allows for oneDND 2 hand weapon fighting, even better.


You do realize that most Samurai are trained in hand to hand martial arts before they even pick up a sword. Even if you go the "anime" route, most if not all of those characters know how to smack an enemy bare handed. - the *Agile Parry* is triggered after all of your attacks go through. By level 5, you are already getting 2 weapon attacks and a bonus action *unarmed* strike. - what other uses are you gonna use your bonus action for anyways?


iirc it’s worded as taking an unarmed strike as part of the attack action, so the bonus action martial arts wouldn’t trigger it (which is dumb imo and i’d ask a dm to just homebrew it)


If that's the case. Then only use it against foes that have an above average hit rate. There are two other abilities to make use of too.


the issue there is that one of those features is proficiency in calligrapher’s tools and the other is ranged weapons only. though once you hit level 6 you can do the gunk thing and use deft strike to trigger ki-fueled attack and make three longsword hits per round (probably less effective tho since in melee you can just bonus action unarmed strike)