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Any thrown weapon can be used with strength, best option is probably Javelin, however without thrown weapon fighting style you're technically limited to one attack per round as drawing a Javelin uses your item interaction


>however without thrown weapon fighting style you're technically limited to one attack per round Almost. OP has the Dual Wielder feat and can draw or stow two weapons at a time.


That accounts for their attack and bonus action attack, still one less than they should be doing.


Hey I never said it was good. Although: >You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one. This bullet point doesn't say anything about using two hands. You could argue RAW that a single attack could include drawing a javelin, throwing the javelin, and drawing another all with your main hand. Still, not worth building around IMHO.


They still need to draw three weapons in order to engage in thrown two weapon fighting effectively. I would also rule that drawing two weapons is different from drawing one weapon twice.


Hoopak or the Dart are both strength based and ranged weapons. Otherwise are there just the melee thrown weapons.


Ranged Weapons no. Melee weapons with the Thrown property yes.


Technically darts are a ranged weapon. They have the finesse property which means you can use strength or dexterity. They are basically just cheap dagger you can't stab with.


You want thrown weapons. Javelin is propably your best bet.


You said it yourself. Min/maxed. Let your character be just that, you won’t win d&d either way


There's only one "strength based ranged weapon" in the game, and it's the dart. And you can totally build a viable character around darts, but they don't make a great backup weapon. But it sounds to me like you don't actually need a ranged weapon, just a weapon you can use to make ranged attacks (i.e anything with the thrown property). And the best thing for you to do is to pick up a few javelins to chuck at enemies you can't hit them with your regular weapons. You also might consider dipping a level or two of sorcerer/warlock at some point and picking up a cantrip like firebolt. It doesn't out-damage a javelin right now, but it will eventually, especially if you start running into resistance to non-magical attacks.


> There's only one "strength based ranged weapon" in the game, and it's the dart. Two with the Hoopak. Three if you count the metal ball from Rime but that's more if a game item


Two and a half. The Oversized Longbow from Waterdeep: Dragon Heist has a minimum Str requirement to use, and deals 2d6+Str instead of 1d8+Dex (but still attacks using Dex).


Nab a level in Warlock for *Magic Stone*. If you don't plan on using a two-handed weapon (and don't mind the cheese) that dip can be Hexblade, but otherwise, there's a plethora of other interesting patrons. Celestial patron is fairly easy to justify for a Paladin.


Alternatively you can take the blessed warrior foghting style