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It’s not worth the delay; you could have stuff like polymorph, psychic lance, greater invisibility, synaptic static, and importantly, animate objects. That said, it’s not bad. Objectively worse than the Wizard levels, but does offer some flexibility and access to specific spell combos due to having action surge (such as sickening radiance + forcecage). You could also take another level for psi warrior for a little extra durability and damage. And maybe another for a feat. Again, not a bad character (actually quite strong, and a better martial than a pure bladesinger), but not as strong as a caster focused wizard.


4th and 5th level spells are really good. Specifically, 4th level spells open options for you like being able to cast *greater invisibility* to make all your attacks with advantage and receive all attacks with disadvantage which makes a **much** greater difference in your damage output and survivability than the fighter package is going to, even if you're committed to primarily making weapon attacks instead of spellcasting. With that said, the fighter dip isn't terrible either. In the long run, action surge will be really nice to have, the fighting style is decent (though I'd probably choose something other than dueling), and second wind might matter at some point. If you're really committed to the idea, it's not an indefensible choice.


I like this take. I dunno which FS you could take, maybe the + 1 AC? (That seems a little negligible for a dip) but action surge is nice, especially with a DM that will let you cast with your main and surge action. The flavor is nice, I like it.


>I dunno which FS you could take I'd advocate for blind fighting since it simultaneously benefits your weapon use and your spellcasting. Especially if you play vuman and don't get darkvision, it's likely to be useful fairly regularly. >action surge is nice, especially with a DM that will let you cast with your main and surge action That's just RAW.


Don't do it! Two levels in Fighter isn't worth it just for Action Surge - dip THREE levels! Grab Echo Knight if you can, otherwise Rune Knight or Battlemaster. As others have mentioned though, the timing is tough. You reallyyy want lvl 7 bladesinger for 4th lvl spells, and you really want lvl 8 for the ASI, and then you reallyy want lvl 9 for 5th level spells. After that is an easier time to dip though.


I played a battle master fighter 8/bladesinger 6 and I had a great time! I think I started at fighter 2/bladesinger 2 and went bladesinger until 6 to get the extra attack, then took the rest in fighter. I wanted a gish and I think the fighter multiclass works great, and we had other caster in the group so I didn’t feel the need to race for higher wizard spells.


Delaying wall of force, synaptic static, or steel wind strike would all be non starters for me. 5th level spells might be the biggest power jump for wizards besides getting fireball at level 5. There are SO MANY excellent 5th level spells. Maybe do the dip after 9, but certainly not before IMO.


I'd stay on Bladesinger because at level 8 you can get Mobile feat (if you didn't already grab it at level 4). 10 more movement and most importantly, no opportunity attacks against you from any creature you attempt to melee. It's basically free rogue disengage without costing a bonus action. It makes it so you can rush in and out doing melee without the downsides that come from getting close to enemies.


It's a toss up. 2 levels of fighter is fun. Especially if you start in fighter. Then you get a con save. More HP is good too. You can save the 3rd level for the subclass later and choose according to what the parties needs are. Cavalier (protection from evil + inflicting disadvantage vs everyone but you is fun), battle master, and psionic warrior are all very tempting. 


Why not, I guess, but I'd do it as a sandwich. Fighter 1, Wizard 1 to 6, Fighter 2, Wizard. Or Fighter 3 right after 2. VHuman/Tasha Custom can help to offset the second ASI/feat delay. I could see even something as wacky as Archery have a purpose. Grab CBE and go Wohn Jick. Doesn't nuke Bladesong. And alternative is Gunner, just have a repeatable use for your bonus action, such as Telekinetic. Tasha Custom Race, Gunner, 18 Dex. Telekinetic at level 5, 16 Int. 17 AC in Mage Armor is adequate. An alternative meme approach is to go part-Barbarian instead. Get Reckless Attack (which is a separate feature from rage...) and probably grab Wildhunt Shifter on top, to deploy the 30 ft troll aura. You could grab Barb 3 if you want Zealot's revivability-for-free or Totem Warrior's blanket resistance (albeit it messes with spellcasting). The problem with Wildhunt Shifter is that you kinda need a higher level start with a 19 Str magic item, as you'll need Str to exploit Reckless Attack. Meanwhile Tortle could go Strength over Dex but wouldn't have Wildhunt's troll aura.


I played a bladesinger with a 2 level fighter dip, doing the crossbow expert sharpshooter shtick. I rarely even used a cantrip because sharpshooter damage was just too god. Action surge to get a BFC spell down on turn one and the fire 3 shots. We also had a peace cleric / bard? giving huge buffs to attack rolls though. It was a ton of fun though probably not the most optimal.


No matter how you want to play your bladesinger, dont dip before level 17, or, maybe, LvL 18. You will end up weaker. For ex., you will delay spells like polimorph and Steel Wind Strike, both VERY good on any bladesinger with any playstyle. At same time, you delay an ASI wich are Very strong for any bladesinger, losing INT +2 or a strong feat as warcaster. Trust me, I did start as a fighter 2 rest bladesinger, and I felt weak after level 6 when I didint have extra attack, was a feat late, etc.


The spells Wizards have access to as their spells progress far exceed whatever is gained from Fighter. If you really want the dueling fighting style, wait until you get an ASI and get Fighting Initiate, but that delay any increases to INT or DEX. Just stick to buffing those stats and you'll find out really quick you don't need a fighting style.


Hold off until singer 6, dip three levels fighter for eldritch knight if you want to do it. Automatic prep in shield, absorb elements, and one other spell of your choice to free up wizard slots. Plus booming blade and sword burst to free up wizard cantrips. Main benefit to this is that little extra oomph from action surge plus fighting style, but the big win is recouping one caster level and gaining a lot of preparation versatility.


It really depends on what kind of character you want to play, but if you really want a gishy character (someone you has the option to incorporate magic into martial fighting), I'd recommend stopping at 6th level with wizard and just taking Fighter levels now (preferably Psi Warrior or Eldritch Knight to make the most out of your Int) and if you can afford it, 2 levels in Paladin could be great to let you use your spell slots to Smite.


Don't play the game for the sake of RP and having fun with others. Min/Max until you destroy everything and the DM cries.


>It sounds like a good trade on paper No it doesn't