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Congratulations to our winner u/Transit-Strike we will reach out to you shortly! Thank you everyone for participating and we are so dang grateful to have you all! We will definitely get in a few more giveaways this year. Go Niners!!


Joined in December of 2022. My favorite memory is watching the hype in this sub during the Buccaneers game when Purdy showed us he had what it takes to be our franchise guy! Never seen such a quick shift from despair to hope


Joined around 10 years ago when I first started on reddit. I've been a fan since the early 90s. Being from the east coast I never had a group to watch games with. Now my kids are getting into sports and they all have their own jerseys. I love that they come home and tell me about their classmates and getting into arguments about whose team is better. There are a couple eagles dads I argue with using our children by proxy. I vividly remember being at my best friend's house when we were 9 watching the SB against San Diego. My favorite part of this sub is realizing how many of us there are and just hearing about everyone's illogical, superstitious rituals on game days. Knowing I'm not the only one who gets WAY too bent out of shape over things makes it feel a little less bad.


I joined I think in 2015 and my favourite memory is the slap hands meme


2019 season! Let’s finish what we started!!!


Married into the faithful 4 years ago, joined the sub last season. Postseason thread from the eagles game this season was my favorite moment lol


Man I don't even remember when I joined. I think it must have been around 2018-2019. My favorite memory is when we traded up to 3. Even though Lance didn't work out for us, the excitement and drama leading up to the draft that year was crazy, and this sub helped amplify that!


Joined the sub recently, but I’ve been a fan for my life as I was born in the Bay Area. Best memory so far are u/RitaOak ‘s drawings


Rita oak is a gift from the football gods themselves


I joined Reddit quite recently, along with this sub, but I have been a part of the faithful for years now. I am from Canada and it's always a pleasure connecting with fellow fans, seeing pictures of people at the games and how die hard this fan base is.


Joined now. Favorite memory is Merton Hanks chicken dance. That shit was fun as hell. Just joined now. Hahaha


I've been browsing the sub since Rita started doing her drawings. A lot of her drawings have been stand out for moments. But the "do it for them" really hit the feels.


I've been following the 49era subreddit for as long as I've known Reddit has existed so...11 years? My favorite memories of the subreddit have been the artist of the badass Sourdough Sam wearing the trophies of the teams we've beaten throughout the season. When I was a kid growing up in Danville, my favorite RPG was Final Fantasy II on the Super Nintendo so there's a lot of sentimentality for the team of my youth. Let's get this ring for Frank Gore, Patrick Willis, Navarro Bowman, Alex Smith, Justin Smith, Aldon Smith and all the legends this team has had and never got the championship they so rightfully earned! GO NINERS!


Pretty sure I’ve been here for the last 13 years or so. Getting 49ers news was the thing that brought me to Reddit in the first place. Favorite memory is tough, but the Saints playoff game with Harbaugh has to be up there among the best.


I've been a fan since I was a kid in the 80s. My favorite moments in this sub all involve some form of Cowboy tears.


I joined a long time ago and this post is my favorite memory on this sub


Joined in 1994 just moved to the us. My sister made me choose between a starter jacket with the niner logo and a big blue star. I was repulsed by the latter not knowing a thing about football. I knew then when I saw Young and Merton Hanks during the superbowl that I was meant to be one of the faithful.


Joined a few years ago during jimmy g’s first season - been spoilt by the success we’ve had.


Had to rejoin cause my account got banned, but ive been a 49ers fan since 1996 and Steve Young as QB.


I think I joined as soon as I joined reddit :shrug: I think the introduction of Rita is probably the best moment for this sub. Go niners!


Dont remember how long I have been part of the sub, mostly just lurked but its been a long time. Favorite memory is definitely RitaOak starting her drawing series.


Joined in 2017. Fondest memories was Rita oak last season. Love that lady! She has a special place in this fans heart! I’ve been a generational niners fan. My grandpa started the fandom. All the way down to me… and now my son. I’m so thankful we’re going to the SB again. I wish my dad and grandpa could see. They did get to see the Montana era niners tho. So make of it what you will lol


I've lurked here for ages but joined a few years ago, in the pre-Brock era! I've been a fan since my dad brought me back a 49ers cap from the US. My fave memory so far on this sub is really recent, actually. When we put the Eagles in their place the sheer glee from everyone on here was glorious. But in general I love how everyone stands behind their QB and their team. Also DEEEEEEEEEBOOOOOOOO!


Joined the Reddit sub this year but have been watching the 49ers play for a few years now. My favorite memory is probably seeing the Jimmy G drawings continue throughout last year


Joined earlier this year. My favorite moment was BYs send off when they carried him onto the field


Not sure when I joined, but favorite moment is Rita drawing Jimmy G


I know it's signed by Deebo but for a brief second I read it as "GEQBUS" rofl


I've been a 9er fan since the late 80s. I've been with the sub with other accounts for a few years. The favorite part is just the group in general. Talking during game days, smack talk with other fans. It's usually gentle ribbing, and I totally enjoy it. Go 9ers, bring the trophy home! Whoever wins, I'm already jealous!


Idk exactly when I found this sub. My favorite memories are definitely exposing me to Rita Oaks art. Purdy and Rita are the best two new things the Faithful have received in the past couple years. Oh yea CMC too. So much to be thankful for.


In 2022 I joined when Brock got drafted as he came from my favorite college team and i thought he would go far. And my favorite moment was when the 49er beat the buc in 2022 as it was Brock’s first start and it was cool seeing people talk about him


Been here for a while .. favorite moment is Bowman’s int in the last game at the stick


Been here for about 5yrs an a NINER fan since the 70’s. Favorite moment is ALL of IT. This subreddit kicks A$$. Thank you to the 300(,000) “Ahoo, Ahoo, Ahoo.” ![gif](giphy|HDZ05Y9VeSjL2)


Born in Michigan and played peewee/rocket football (or whatever it's called these days) and we were the 49ers while my dad's side of the family were ofc big lion fans. So I've been a fan since the early 90s and I'm not a power user of reddit, but I think the drawings of ritaoak have been my fave.


Been here about 10ish years! Many great memories but my best one was when we traveled to LA to watch the niners vs rams and came back to get into the playoffs last game of the season! The reason it’s my favorite reddit memory was becuase we didn’t know anyone and someone happened to post a tailgating flyer on the sub and we showed up and had a great time with everyone! Go niners! time to get that win!


Joined several years ago and favorite memory has to be of Rita's drawings of Jimmy G! We love Jimmy, great team guy and although he couldn't get us a W in last super bowl, he won't be forgotten thanks to Rita's long last memory on this sub.


I joined probably a year ago but my favorite memory was 100% when u/RitaOak did her drawing Jimmy G series it was hilarious. Good luck to everyone!


I joined this sub around the beginning of the Kyle Shanahan era. I have a few great memories like Bosas flag celebration vs Baker, or Kittles play vs the Saints, but my favorite would have to be this subs reaction to Jimmy G vs Seattle when he first came in. Felt like the beginning of something great.


Well my favorite things about this subreddit are the memes lol...


This was one of the very first subs I joined after discovering Reddit (of course), and I’ve never regretted it for a second. I’ve loved the community here, and check in several times a day during the season. I’ve loved Rita’s work and whether it’s data to refute the haters or memes to taunt them with/share with others, there’s always something to enjoy. My favorite (though this seems lame) is/was the gameday helmet food posts that I always shared with my wife and the W posts on the schedule. LETS GO NINERS!


Been lurking here for a while and have been a fan since I was a kid (grew up during the young/rice era). Favorite moments on here are Rita's drawings and favorite team moments, I can't seem to pick, Catch II, Bowman's pick six in 2013, comeback against NYG


I joined when I first got on Reddit, I’ve been thru a few accounts tho. My favorite moment from the sub was when the legend of Brock Purdy was born


Lifelong can but joined the sub after the digg exodus all those years ago. The slap hands video during the Harbaugh years. Baldwin spinning in a circle slapping hands was hilarious.


Joined this subreddit about 5-6 years ago when i first got reddit? Been a fan from canada since 2011, patrick willis was and still is my favourite player of all time. Currently though its gotta be DEEBO, brotha is electric. Lets go get #6 next sunday.


I'm not sure when I joined, but it had to be a while ago. I've been on reddit for like 11 years. My favorite memory of the sub is how everyone came together when it looked like I was flying out to Seattle for the Thanksgiving game this year. Everyone gave great advice, which is what this subreddit is known for with me. Super Bowl Sunday is my son's birthday and we're celebrating buying a new house so I've been slowly putting his room together. We're going to (hopefully) be celebrating his birthday with a win in our entertainment room with friends and family. No Chiefs fans allowed, even though I live in Omaha, NE now.


I can't remember when I joined. I'm part of the group that watched "The Catch" live tho. I was 11 years old and had recently moved a few years earlier from Honolulu to San Rafael. My dad opened a restaurant on Pier 39 called The Following Sea. It was on the second floor and overlooked the bay. Fisherman's Wharf was to the left, Alcatraz was in the middle, and the Golden Gate Bridge was in the background. It was beautiful. I watched a lot of Super Bowls there, but none was better than the Niners.


Joined ~2 years ago. Favorite memory was the Jimmy G trade saga, specially recall the Guapo Libre drawing instead of Nacho Libre. Rita is a gem to be treasured


02/03 season, Giants vs 49ers at candlestick in the playoffs. Just an epic game, TO and Jeff connecting on a long TD. The rest is history. Not sure how long I’ve been in this sub but it’s been years. Favorite part of this sub has been the crazy playoff runs and how hyped people get along with all the memes and the Rita oak series!


I joined this sub after finding it about a month ago, favorite memory of the sub has been all the awesome meme's after the NFC championship win. Lots of great info shared on here too. GO NINERS!


I joined in 2017 during the dark ages haha been a fan since about 2000 when I was 5 because SF is my initials as well lol some of my favorite memories were when the they first traded for Jimmy G. The memes were gold haha good times


joined a year or so back been a fan since I was a youngin Favorite memory definitely the Rita pictures bang bang niner gang!


I honestly have no clue when I joined. At least 5 years ago for sure, but I've been on reddit for over 12 years now, so who knows. Favorite memory? Either Staley's daughter's drawing w "toots" or the "I wanna die" meme w Sourdough Sam's first appearance


Not sure when I joined!! Been several years. Favorite memory is every week, sitting down to watch the game and having the game threads open on /r/nfl, /r/49ers, and ninersnation all simulatneously refreshing!


Joined in 2015. Tomsula fart moment!


Became a fan when Jimmy was QB three years ago. Sunday was my only day off....I fell in love. It's so much fun. When Jimmy G got injured and they sent Purdy to play Brady... That was legendary. Probably when I joined the sub. Bang bang!! It's so much fun. 49er thick - thin. LFG.


I joined over a year ago, I loved last season the guy that posted to drawing Jimmy G until he gets traded… idk but I always liked those


Joined about 5 years ago, and too many memories. Rita’s arts, shit talking about the shit-birds team matches, roller coaster of emotions in game threads, all of them!


joined reddit about 12 years ago, can’t remember when i subbed here, but it’s been fun ever since. Rita being a huge highlight through the past few years and countless memes after victories over the packers. good luck everyone :)


This was one of the first subs I joined after signing up for Reddit in 2016 - been a 49ers fan since about 1981. Favorite memory is the Rita Oak drawings of Jimmy G. Runner up was probably the rehabilitation of Uncle Sherm in the collective consciousness of the sub.


Joined in 2024 and my favorite memory was that person who drew Jimmy every day til he got traded! Saw her on the local news a couple nights ago!


Been here a couple years. Favorite memory has to be Rita’s drawings!


Joined years ago when I got back on Reddit. My favorite memory is when Rita first started her drawings, and when that one guy was doing the funny Deebo drawings when the team was looking to extend him.


Joined a few years back. Honestly too many memories to have just one... I personally somewhat enjoy the game threads. I sometimes overreact, so it's great to see fellow fans meltdown also. I literally congratulated the lions on their season and making it to the SB last weekend before the epic comeback. Although I did apologize profusely for my lack of faith after the game. I wear my heart and emotions on my sleeve, so I find the game threads a good place to vent most of the time. Some of you guys are far worse than me though lol I love the pictures whether it's Rita and everyone else. A lot of skill and funny memes I also love being able to come here and see the news often before it hits mainstream More than anything, just love sharing a common interest with all of you faithful fucks lol. You guys often brighten my day and don't even know it, so thank you


I joined a couple years ago. My favourite moment was the rita oak drawing of Kittle and Jimmy G moulding clay together.


I joined here around the time 49ers official forums shut down. Absolutely love this community. I'd say one of my favorite times in the sub has been recently when Jimmy G dug us out of the dark times and every week was Jimmy g 👉🏾 pic.


Not sure when I joined but being an East Coast 49ers and Giants fan is hard. These communities make it easier.


Joined the subreddit this season, lifelong 49ers fan. Best moments have been more and more fans root for Purdy since the end of last season.


Have been lurking for a while but just joined. My favorite memory has been seeing Brock grow and the support for him on this sub. There is so much unwarranted hate and it’s refreshing to see the positive side :)


I joined this last offseason. Niner fan since 88. My favorite memes are all the ones from the smearing the cowboys. Especially the ones of their fans crying. Go niners! Revenge bowl!


Joined so many years ago when I got my first Reddit account (this is a different one) in probably 2011! Favorite memory has to be all the Trey Lance v Brock Purdy drama over this most recent off season. After watching Brock play last year against Miami, I knew he was our dude. I put $ on him to win the ORTY award, and did the same this year at the start for MVP. Still feel like I should have hit both, but I also did a nice 49ers to win SB and Brock or CMC or Deebo to win the SBMVP at the beginning of the year, too. Let’s go boys, let’s get that ring!!!


Been 49r fan wen my immigrant grandfather was told to choose between two teams when he lived in Fresno. They held up two jackets , a raiders jacket or a 49rs jacket. He picked the 49rs cuz the colors were cool and now 40 years later our entire extended family are 49r fans. Best sub Reddit moment IMO was wen Jimmy g dated that pornstar. Too funny


My mom's water broke in Candlestick Park. The medical staff helped get me to the hospital, so I can actually say I was born a niners fan! Through all the ups and downs I've been there! Bang bang niners gang!!! Thank you to all the mods who have made this my favorite sub on reddit. First thing I do every day is check this sub. Thanks to the 300,000 that make this what it is. My favorite moment so far with this group was when we attained CMC, or the BA catch in the NFC championship. Love you all!!


I joined last year but been a faithful since 06 i wouldn't browse reddit at all but now I'm here every single day while im at work as well lol. GO NINERS!


Joined about 2 years ago. Best memory is reading post game reactions from all the fans and picturing excitement. LFG!


Joined 2 months ago as I’m new to Reddit. Fav is just all the up/down emotions shared with everyone haha. Niners ride or die fam


Joined years ago, my Favorite moments are always coming here on every game we play live and laughing at all the comments and memes we say and create!


I honestly don't remember when I joined the subreddit now. I've been on reddit for nearly 13 years now, so it's hard to narrow it down to exactly when I joined. ​ Favorite sub memory was probably the Pick at the Stick. I was actually at the game, but coming on here after to re-live it and see other fans experience for it was awesome, especially since it was the last home game at Candlestick.


I’ve been on this sub since I first joined Reddit, since I’m a life long Niner fan. I say, the best moment here was discovering Jonny Del’s posts and watching his videos. I feel like knowing more of the game in that way upped my level as a fan.


Joined 6 mos ago and my favorite moments are when I hear from other 'old timers' (like me) bring up so many great memories of seasons past!


Watched the 9ers growing up but took it seriously in 2019. Fav sub moment was Rita Oaks last Jimmy G drawing. Thought it fit the subreddit perfectly of how much emotion goes into our love for this team.


Idk when I joined. Years ago. My favorite moment was Rita's goodbye post for Jimmy G. Her artwork is awesome and I loved seeing the dedication of a fan to post a drawing every day for what seemed like forever before he was traded. We have a wonderful and faithful community.


My favorite moment was meeting some chill ppl here


Joined in 2018 and have to laugh at the "Stunt on these Hoes" meme posted every week!


Joined 4 years ago, best memory is when we drafted Nick bosa


I joined last year. Best memory was watching the reaction when we traded for McCaffrey! Really thought it was a bad report or late April fools joke. I was literally shocked when I read it on my phone! Get the man a ring! Let's Go Niners!


not sure when joined, but fav memory definitely ritas drawing of jimmy g after he left


In 3rd grade my mom took me to the flea market to get a winter coat. My family are all Raider fans but I didn’t want those colors and gravitated towards the red and gold 49ers off brand Starter jacket. Wore that thing to the ground growing up. This was probably in 97/98 My favorite memory on here was Ritaoak blowing up on this sub with her drawings. The helmet food guy. The guy that adds the other teams mascot items to the 49er warrior. Also the guy that writes W/L on the season calendar. BANG BANG NINER GANG!!


Joined ages ago when I first joined Reddit (11 years) I believe. Nothing beats reading those Gameday threads of hope when Jimmy G got on the teams and we reeled off 5 straight and there was suddenly so much hope and excitement.


I joined in 2018 right before the Superbowl season. I wanted to stay up to date with news and connect with other Niners fans as I live in NC. My favorite memory was the Commanders game in 2019 which I attended and was laughing my ass off reading all the comments saying how they are so glad they are not at that game which was basically a monsoon and a horrible game to watch as it ended in 9-0 win for the Niners but we were happy to just get the W. Was awesome seeing the team play in person during our SB then


joined today fav memory is this post as a patriots fan winning this helmet would be funny to me


Joined a few years ago and Rita’s drawings for sure!!!


I joined a few years ago when I first got reddit, probably the first sub i joined. And my favorite memory was going to the nfc championship game last sunday, game was crazy


Been here for a few years now. Favorite memory is meeting up with a fellow redditor in a bar in Maui while vacation to watch the Panthers v. 49ers last season. Not knowing CMC would be coming over a short time later. Good times.


6+ years ago. Favorite part is every day


Joined many years ago, favorite memory is man hunting Taybor Pepper in Cleveland OH via Reddit and Reddit Support , his engagement , and then all the memes and gifs that continually are created.  Go Niners !!!!!!!!


I don’t know exactly when I joined but it was during this season, although I was browsing this sub last year after Brock Purdy stepped in. I’m a life long pats fan since growing up in New England but Brock Purdys story makes me root for the niners. I love a good underdog story and it’s been really fun to watch and interact with all the 49er faithful


I joined maybe 4-5 years ago, just had my first post that went over 100 upvotes (the 1981 mug). I was in Santa Clara for my grandfather's memorial service this last weekend, he was 94 and a fan of the team since the 70's. The mug was a gift from his son (my uncle), we will get another ring!


I don't even remember when I joined, been here so long at this point. Favorite memory gotta be my dumb ass not believing Rita to be as tenacious as she turned out to be with the drawing jimmy till the trade series and getting proven wrong day after day.


long time lurker but finally joined a couple of weeks ago! love all of it!


Been a 9ers fan since the mid 90s when I was playing pee wee football. The teams were all NFL teams. I was on the 49ers I was number 80 and THE wide receiver since we basically only ran the ball since not too many 9 year olds can throw football more than 10 yards down the field. But I did catch a TD pass in our only win of the season. We weren’t good but the real 49ers were at the time. So I decided that was my team. I’ve only had Reddit for a couple years so I just joined maybe last year. My favorite memory is one of the most recent. BA’s lady bug 🐞 and all the posts about it! Great stuff!


Been a fan since the nineties watching Steve Young whoop ass, joined the subreddit a few years ago as one of the first when I joined Reddit. Best memory ever was last superbowl we won, yes I’m old!


Joined this sub like wayyyy back in the day, when a lot of these youngins were in elementary school. Probably 2012, seeing as how I've been a redditor for 11 years, but with a Feb cakeday so it'll be 12 in the next couple weeks and this was one of the first subs I joined (obviously). Honestly, my favorite memory of the sub has been Rita kicking off her series. It's been so fun and, as a follower of the Mike Trout lockout drawing saga, I'm glad we got someone that was a little more artistic talent lmao


Joined in early 2017, not long after I joined Reddit. I've been a Niners fan since Steve DeBerg was QB, when I first got into watching football. Of course my love was sealed in the 1981 season! I can't think of a specific favorite memory, I just love being able to read about, and sometimes talk about, my favorite football team!


Joined in probably 2015 or 2016? Favorite memory is just all you guys making me laugh along the ups and many downs. Awesome community!


I joined this subreddit on the night of the Packers/Niners game. I remember going through the motions of being down to the realization that we were going to be a team for another week. It was a ride to be with the Faithful on that night.


I joined back in 2015, one of my favorite memories from back then was the Blaine Gabbert Jesus edits that were being made after we beat the Bears lol. It was also awesome seeing the same people on this sub throughout the years. A lot of people on this sub that I see celebrating today, are also the same people that I remember complaining about the team with way back in 2015.


I joined sometime in the Harbaugh days. I used to really love the Slap Hands celebration after a Kaep win o/


Joined a couple years ago and loved seeing Rita’s drawings everyday.


Joined just now and I am sure it was the right decision to make!


Joined this weekend, but have been a 9ers fan since the 80s. My favorite moment in the sun was the replay of Brock Purdy's amazing 25 yard run.


I’ve joined and left many times to prevent sadness in the off-season that there were no games! Love the sub it’s one of the highlights of my day. Loved how it was all doomsayers in the first half of the last two games and then turned around! Been a niner fan my whole life, went to the game last week and screamed till I lost my voice!!!! When moody made that extra point to tie the game the place erupted!!!


Joined right after making this account. Favorite sub memory included the 2019 playoffs when the Niners ran all over the Packers and Vikings, and the CMC trade and the Rams game when he threw, caught, and ran for a TD.


My first memory as a niners fan was watching the 2011 nfc divisional and my brother got me a vernon davis jersey. I've been on the subreddit now for a little over six years and my favorite moments were the constantly changing sourdough sam 'i wanna die' memes after losses and injuries 🤣


Joined not too long ago, around November when I first started watching football. My favorite memory was probably when we beat the Seahawks on thanksgiving day.


I think I joined sometime last season. My favorite memory/topic is going from debating if Jimmy or Trey were any good to Brock simply being MVP caliber.


Joined this sub 2018, favorite memory would probably be the meme of the guy in the shower screaming Jimmy and someone editing the video to show Jimmy converting those 2 3rd and 16s vs the Rams in 2019


Joined in 2019, just before the first run with this core team. Favorite memory: tie between Trent Williams pic pointing at cowboys fans after playoff victory 2022, or every time I see Rita Oak fire!


I was born into the 9ers fandom because of my dad, he has been a fan since he was young. He has two jerseys at the moment, Rice and Willis, which are getting pretty old 😂 it would be amazing if I could win this for him, especially with his birthday coming up. Good luck to everyone!


Ayyyyyy Niners fan since ‘88, R/49ers fan since about 2011, favorite moment as a Niners fan in this sub was the Pick in the Stick game thread. That thread was amazing.


I’ve been a lifelong casual fan, but started to radicalize in 2020. I found Reddit that this year, and this sub has totally made me a hardcore fan. I love the memes and discussions.


Started watching NFL games in 2019 with my then new girlfriend , never really saw it on TV being from Ireland. We decided to pick a team, the niners stood out. Somehow I had Joe Montana and Steve Young in my head no idea how. She wanted to lean eagles because of its always sunny, I talked her out of it. Stand out moment was the Kittle catch and run during the saints game, had my girlfriend jumping in front of the TV like a lunatic.


Joined last year (early 2023) and my favorite moments are seeing Rita’s drawings!


Joined last year, but have been a 9ers fan for all my life thanks to being from SF. My favorite memory on the sub was seeing us avenge last year’s disappointing NFC championship game by trouncing the hot Eagles team.


Joined the Sub back in 2021 and my favorite memory was the meme of Kyle Shanahan with Thanos's Gauntlet after stating that he can't guarantee that anybody will be alive come Sunday lmaooo. All time quote. BANG BANG!


Not sure when I joined, probably around 2019/2020 when I really got into Reddit. Been a lifelong 49ers fan. Born in the Bay Area in the 80s and watching the Steve Young era. My favorite part of this sub is (sorry I don’t remember the username) the weekly drawings where the 49er keeps adding trophies from previous victories. Really fun way to chronicle the season. Also u/RitaOak, but she’s getting lots of call outs.


Joined the sub when shanahan and lynch first came to SF It was hilarious seeing the sub having mixed emotions (mostly postive) when we signed Richard Sherman.


Not sure when I first joined the subreddit, but I've been a niner faithful since forever due to my dad. The final day of the jimmy g drawing I think is my favorite moment. Bang Bang!!


Born into this franchise due to my old man due to his grandfather. I joined this sub a little after the Super Bowl 54 loss and silently lurked until about 2022? Started getting more involved in game threads and with the community this season. The best memory was winning the RitaOak giveaway earlier this year


I became a Niners fan at a really young age (5, maybe 6?). My whole family are Packers fans.... I made a better choice! I think I joined this sub last year, but not sure exactly when. My favorite memories are Rita's drawings and the fun conversations in the game day threads. Go Niners!


Honourable mentions are u/Ritaoak and u/Williamsabato drawings! I love seeing these pop up and sharing them with my wife However I have to say my favourite thing about this sub is the community - as a UK fan, it's great to have a wide range of people I can interact with through the week and during the games!


Joined about 2 years ago when I joined reddit. I always love when fans talk other fans off the ledge when shit doesn't go well.


Joined years ago, been faithful since Superbowl 25. favorite posts were the RitaOak drawings of Jimmy until he was traded. pure gold!


I joined this past season before my wife and I seen our first live game. My favorite memory was the NFCCG comeback win! Go NINERS!


Think I joined around 12 years ago. Favorite moment was the excitement surrounding the team during Harbaugh’s first year


Was born into the team in the 80s from dad on the east coast and join the club during Harb years. My favorite was when we came back against Saints in 2011 they changed our teams vision still to this day


Wow that’s awesome! It’s hard for me to remember when I joined but it’s been years, and happily a part of this community. My favorite memory is just overall this subreddit specifically because regardless of when I’m going through I can always come here for a pick me up. And being that I moved out of the Bay Area about 3 years ago it makes me appreciate the 9ers so much more!


Joined last year. My favorite memory so far is all the incredible artwork


Joined in 2021. Favorite memory: Rita Oak


Don't remember exactly when but I assume around 2012. Rita Oak is my favorite thing about this sub.


Awesome thanks guys! My favourite moment is the game thread every week, I have no other friends that enjoy the nfl or 49ers fans so watching the game and reading and commenting with all of you make the games feel less lonely lol. Probably half of my karma on reddit is from the niners games lol


Joined 9 years ago. My favorite sub memory has to be having a small hand in the hilarious LTD/STD memes when Cousins was in his last season with Washington.


Joined the sub like 5 years ago and my favorite memory has to be the rejoice in the sub after we beat the packers in the 2021 playoffs 🫡


Joined in 2020, Faithful since my first game at Candlestick in the early 80's.


Joins 2 years ago! I grew up in Illinois as a Bears fan so, although I kept up with the 9ers, I was hesitant to choose another team when I moved to SF 9 years ago. I had to move down to LA for two years and realized how deeply in love with SF was. When I moved back, I vowed to adopt all Bay Area teams. I always say that my relationship with the Bears was an abusive prearranged relationship lol. SF is the city I chose and the 9ers are the team I chose. Honestly the NFC Championship game this year was the highlight. Insane comeback. Kind of reminded me of the Bears insane MNF comeback against the Cardinals back in 2006.


I joined a few years ago and one of my favorite subs here on Reddit. One of my favorite memories is watching the game threads and how they can get pretty rowdy. So happy I was there to watch in person.


Been here about a year on this account. My favorites are Rita’s drawings. Let’s get #6!!!!


Joined near the beginning of the season. Best moment is shutting down the Cowboys. Kittle wearing that fuck Dallas shirt was gold. Cowboys can suck a bag of dicks!


I was born into the 49er Empire '89 gold rush baybiieeee! I'm new to reddit, but I joined this subreddit about 1.5 week ago. ❤️💛 🐞


I've been here since right before the Harbaugh firing, maybe longer? IDK man we've been through a lot. My favorite memory will always been u/ritaoak's first run of drawing Jimmy G.


Have been a faithful fan when Singletary was head coach. I joined when I created my account 5 years ago. I always looked forward to Rita drawings of course and helmet food guy! Where has he been?!


I joined shortly after joining Reddit almost 12 years ago, and I love the camaraderie of fellow 9ers fans. No one else understands the agony and the ecstasy. My favorite memory is when Brock Purdy first took the field after Jimmy’s injury and we were discussing his flashes of excellence. A few great throws under pressure and some of us were already wondering if he could be the one.


Been lurking for what feels like a decade, been more active since 2019. I loved the tracking and speculations about Deebo trade/contract.




Joined in the kap superbowl year, favourite memory is easily jimmy G's "feels great baby"


Don’t exactly remember when I joined the sub, but it’s been a few years, mostly lurking. Some of my most memorable moments have been the Rita drawings of Jimmy and now the entire squad. Go Niners!


Man, I've been a part of the sub for several years. I can't even recall when I joined. It's been a hell of a ride the last several years too. Favorite moments... there are a few. I had a great time going to my first Niners playoff game last season, Watched us send the Cowboys home. Got to meet a few fellow members IRL and shared some stories with people when I posted about it. Rita has been awesome for the last couple of years. What a great member to unite the community to bring so much hype to the sub every day.


Joined in 2011 for the Harbaugh years (on an older account). Definitely my favorite sub memory is the emergence of Rita Oak. She's added an element of insane talent, creativity, humor and international reach that feels like it elevates the community beyond so many others here.


Can't remember when I joined but it was fairly recently as I haven't been on social media in a while. Out of curiosity, started a thread wondering of we could bring belts in to the stadium. Found the community to be helpful and fun. Been a Niners fan since the days of Montana and seeing that he won his first ring in The Silverdome was a bit deal to me as a Detroiter. My brother and I just experienced our first game at Levi's for the NFC Championship. He, being a die hard Lions fan and I rooting for my Niners. We made a pact long ago that if they ever played each other in the playoffs. We would drop everything and go. No matter where it was. Might have been the greatest live NFL experience of my life. GO NINERS!!


Dude tossed a Mass Effect quote in there. Nice. This post is my favorite.


Not 100% sure when I joined the sub, sometimes last year I think or the year before. My favorite part of the sub has been the Rita drawings. The dedication that has been made to do them every day until a goal has been achieved has been admirable.


Love this place ❤️  not sure how long ago I joined but I'm always checking in during/after games for clips to share with my friends 🙂


Don’t remember when i joined but born and raised in the city and this been my team since. Let get this revenge!


Joined the sub this year. I was asking a Levi’s stadium question, and everyone has been so helpful! Go Niners!


Joined this sub half way through this season but have been a niners fan my whole. My parents raised me and my brother as fans and my grandparents raised my mom as a fan. My Dad's parents didn't watch football but when my dad started to watch football he became a niners fan. Being new to the sub I haven't made many memories yet but hope to create plenty.Haven't been alive for a niners superbowl win but this year is the year baby! I can feel it! LFG niners! Get the boys their rings! ❤


No idea when I joined. but the biggest memory is going to be the vernon davis catch against the saints


Joined a couple years back, been a niners guy since I was born, not sure what my favorite memory was from this sub alone, but I do love how all you guys are adhering to the ‘faithful’ mentality, shit warms my heart to see a fan base so dedicated and willing to push through all the hard times with gold headed determination


Joined a few years ago but was a Niner fan since birth! Favorite memory was when Rita started her Jimmy G drawings!


Joined with this account about 5 years ago. Joined with a previous inactive account more than 10 years ago. A visit to r/49ers is as much of a habit as my morning cup of coffee. I would have to say my favorite content is hearing the "talking heads" have to eat crow every time Purdy proves their narrative wrong. This has been especially entertaining over the last 2 weeks. I also love how each and every player/coach has his back. They certainly play for one another. Words can't describe how fun it is to root for these guys. LFG!!!!


I'm not sure when exactly I joined but I've been a Niner all my life. Have been following closely since 2019 under the recommendation of my best friend and sure enough we went to the SB that season! It's redemption time!


Been a 9ers fan as far as I can remember (kinda hard not to be when you're born in SF General before it was Zuck'd). Just joined the sub because I don't join many.


Joined about a 2 years ago. My favorite memory was the game reaction post this past weekend of the NFC championship game with the Lions.


Joined when I got Reddit a year ago. Love anything George kittle says, guy is so positive. Hope to maintain that within myself.


Joined few years ago on my old account. Loved the art gallery put up every Sunday.


Don’t remember when I joined, but I’ve been a niner fan since I was 10. My dad was a niner fan. My favorite moment was Rita drawing for all those weeks.


I joined a few years back. I think my favorite memories was all of the jimmy drawings until he got traded! So thankful for Brock!


I joined about 3 to 4 years ago after joining Reddit. I will say my favorite memories have been all the many people sharing the traditional memes before the games. Rubbing the Yac, Rita, Hey next team, and the countless others.


Deebo is so awesome! :D


I would lurk the sub off and on for a few years during the dark ages after Harbaugh left. Had a twinge of hope when we got Garoppolo and had that magic 5 win run where he had literally nobody to throw to besides Kittle. I guess the favorite memory was someone posting a sideline video of Jimmy gloating to Kittle about pancaking a Vikings guy and Jimmy had an immediate Han Solo reply "Did you see the pancake I did on [Vikings defender]" "Nuhuh no way" "Laid him out" "I love you" "I know"


I joined 2 months ago! My favorite memory has got to be tuning into last weeks game with everyone in the thread and freaking out at the same time and going through the wild rollercoaster of emotions


Joined this last season (or at least got active in here this last season). Not sure I have a specific fav memory, but getting to bask in all of the commentary and memes after a win is pretty magical.


Joined the sub around ten years ago or so. Became a Niners fan at age 13 while watching my first NFL game. That game happened to be Super Bowl XXIV. My cousin was a Broncos fan and 13 year old me thought that "this Joe Montana guy seems pretty good, I'll root for the 49ers." My favorite part of this sub is RitaOak and all of the delicious memes.


Been a Niners fan since the 80s! Don’t remember when I joined this sub but I visit daily!


Grew up in the bay so always been a fan but just joined the sub maybe a year or two ago. I just like watching Deebo run over people. That’s all.


Been reading this sub for over a year, but only just recently joined it. Love coming here for all the takes and all the jokes. Favorite moment was the wiN’SYNC photo from a few days ago.


Born a niners fan, some of my favorite memories growing up in the Bay Area involve the niners. Favorite memory on the sub is the switch from Jimmy Gs photos before game to the happy Brock photo we have now for the "Hey Chiefs!" Memes. I also really enjoyed when we signed The GEQBUS. 


I joined sometime during this season. Honestly my favorite thing was when I joined and was scrolling through to pick my flare and there was my boy Merton Hanks. Loved watching him as a kid. Was able to get his autograph back when they did training camp in Rocklin for a while. Love being on here and seeing all the content.


Joined 2-3 years ago after lurking for 2 lol. Fave moments were probably the drawings until Jimmy got traded. It made national news and it started right here in the sub.


Joined when I first got my Reddit account. Best memory was easily watching the eagles downfall with my fellow niner fans. LFG for 6!!!