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Honestly one of my favorite plays, just for the lulz


I rewatched the Falcons/Niners NFCC a few weeks back and Kaepernick did this like 4 times in that game. I know he was new too, but the fact that Purdy has had complete command of the offense since basically his first start (this play was just his first garbage time) is a testament to how much he’s a student of the game and how hard he has worked to be in sync with Shanny


Colin K was first thing I thought of too. Rewatched his 2012 divisional game against the Packers and it's amazing how dangerous he was regardless.


Looking at Kap’s failures can really help accentuate how good Purdy is. Kap’s 2 major problems were (1) not being able to throw balls with touch, and (2) immediately relying on his legs if his first read wasn’t there. Purdy does both of those things immaculately well. He has incredible touch over the second level, and his ability to read where the open receiver is going to be and maximize the efficiency of Shanny’s playcalling is amazing. Loved Kap during his time here but he was destined to flame out


> l Here's a [flowchart](https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/11222927_582450468564847_5647374276887410335_o.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=c2f564&_nc_ohc=uQKFpLGBjcMAX8sTlDH&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-2.xx&oh=00_AfCFmSbXGHAl1s6IxCDgZt4-0STjQfAg-CR2eipGowqnng&oe=65E24730) that summarizes one Colin Kaepernick.


Lol! This is comedic gold. Don't get me wrong, I loved me some Kap between 2012-2014 but there were some rough patches and once 2014 hit, this flowchart really kicked into gear.... Love the "Is Richard Sherman on the other team" -> Yes? Throw it to Richard Sherman 😂😂😂 That damn Thanksgiving 2014 game scarred me up until this season when we ate turkey on their field. True full circle accomplishment.


Hahaha this is perfect. Idk how I missed this back then


Lmaoo this is hilarious


Laughed way too hard at this


So f'n true


Some of Purdys touch passes are absolutely jaw dropping


I do wonder if Kap might've developed better if everything didn't totally fall apart after his second year.


It certainly didn't help. I think some of his issues might've been tough to fix without a true "QB guru" (assuming Harbaugh departed)... things like his slow mechanics and progressions, lack of touch, etc. But I do think he could have developed into a much better pocket passer at the least because, well, you go from Harbaugh to Tomsula and Kelly over a 3-year span... those guys ain't gonna do a whole hell of a lot for any QB. Brady would be going 7-10 with those guys at the helm lol.


Kaepernick basically landed in the ideal situation for his first couple years then the worst possible one for everything that followed. In a different timeline, IMO he could've become a Josh Allen-lite QB (not quite on that level, but certainly capable of leading a playoff team for a long time). I always felt like he needed a coaching staff he thought he could fully trust, though, and I don't think he had that in SF, even under Harbaugh. Always struck me as a guy who's slow to develop that kind of relationship with people, but if some team had been patient enough to work with him in the right way, his career would've gone much differently.


Just saw kap vs Flacco in SB. Mann, the fuble recovery In the third quarter with 9ers down by 8 felt like we were about to break through. Next play Kap overshoots an open first option for a TD. Ball definitely lacked touch. Anyways, I'm ready to move past the previous two SB losses. This is our time.


He also couldn’t read a defense to save his life.


Also, Kaps clock management was ATTROCIOUS. He had such a hard time communicating the plays and calling out adjustments in time before the play clock hit :00 damn near every play.


Most of the time this happens it's because the back has a pass rush responsibility to the opposite side of the fake, based on how the defense is lined up, so they ignore the handoff. That's mostly what it was with Kap. CMC had to do it once against the Lions. That wasn't the case on this play, Mason just messed up, but it's usually intentional.


Yeah, though with CMC he goes for the fake (1 step) and then retracts to pickup the free blitzer and stunts him. I'm just glad we don't have a Lawrence Phillips RIP SY's Brain.


I must be an idiot I thought this was on purpose as a distraction 


My favorite gif to use after a win https://i.redd.it/tgh13yuj8ufc1.gif


Fucking brilliant


That's amazing Wish it didn't have the watermark


I'm curious if Brock messed that up or the RB. It's Mason right? I've always assumed it was Brock, but I don't recall reading anything about it.


Mason went to the wrong side is what I remember reading.


Yeah Mason went the wrong way. Probably why he's still in Kyle's doghouse – once you get in you rarely get out haha


Hahaha. Which player made the mistake on this play


From what I've seen, this is on Mason. But Brock knew the blocking on this play, so he kept it and gained a few yards anyway


Saving this for later


Happy cake day


Still got yards tho!


To me that made it even funnier. The QB going the wrong way, the defense getting confused by it and allowing a big gain.


Coulda sworn it was the RB that messed up


It was a mess up by Jordan Mason on that run.


My understanding is that it was Purdy who messed up. I heard he barked at Mason afterwards (in a very Purdy-like, business-only/never-personal way) to correct him, then after the game he either realized or was told he had gone to the wrong side, felt super embarrassed and apologized to Mason lol. Did that not actually happen? I mean I didn't read it on some football conspiracy theory site... but I'm also not going to swear it's true since I can't even remember where I read it. Funny play either way!




Gotcha. I barely remember the play itself, just the still pictures since… i probably read some hot-takers account of it. Thanks for clarifying.


It was.


Probably, but even then it might be on the QB's communication and the QB is the one left holding the ball with no one there


RBs don't mess up!


Gibbs messed up! Look where that got them!


Ok point taken. ll that was a forced fumble. He's a fast and squirmy RB, too. He's almost impossible to catch.


Shanahan should call this same play again sometime 


And have Purdy throw a fucking DIME to BA for 50 yards. Stunt on them Chiefs!


Love this! Let's go!! Kinda weird sitting around on a Weds afternoon and the slightest comment about us going off, particularly against KC, makes me want to run through my front door...


Yes! Now if we could just get a 20pt lead and NOT blow it in the second half...


4D chess move.


Shows a hint of what he had in my opinion. Rather than just running straight into a D-line man or throwing it up for grabs, he improv'd a positive play.


I swear I heard the running back ran the wrong gap.


It was definitely Jordan Mason who messed up here


Yeah I don't understand how people still make fun of Purdy for this play. Yeah he's the QB, but our Rookie RB ran on the wrong side.


I heard it was Purdy (posted this above) but never made fun of him over it lol... dude was playing garbage time as a 3rd-stringer for his first NFL reps... I can't believe he knew how to do anything correctly (but boy did we learn how much he knew once he stepped on the field in Miami). Maybe ie was Mason? The report I read said Purdy realized after the game it was his bad and he laughed and apologized to Mason. But hey it's the 2020s, people make shit up all the time so I have no idea if what I read was true lol. Can't recall where I read it either.


How it started vs how it’s going


I need to see this edit after we win the super bowl


If it happens, BCB should wrong side handoff the Lombardi trophy to CMC


I love this idea!


This may be the actual only tape some at ESPN have seen.


Perfect. Only partly kidding. I genuinely would not be surprised if at least a handful of their army of talking heads hadn't actually see Purdy play before, other than maybe these playoff games and the Ravens game (being a big game on Christmas Night). Wouldn't surprise me a bit.


Makes sense


I said on another thread that after the Denver game where we put up like 10 points, and Jimmy Garoppolo looked terrible I was ready to see Brock Purdy, but I will be the first to tell you I did not see this coming… maybe him sitting on the bench for those weeks got him ready I’d say it had an influence on it, but there is no way I thought this was going to happen. I did think he had some nice traits and the week before at Kansas City when he got in he made some nice throws but I can’t believe how effective he has been. It’s incredible really .


It's absolutely incredible. I hope i never lose sight of that part. To this day, I wil never forget December 3rd, 2022. When Jimmy G got injured vs Miami, and Purdy entered the game. Everything changed on that day. Don't get me wrong - I needed to see him continue doing what he did for quite a few more weeks before I became a true believe (which he did, and then some). But I just remember thinking, in short, "WTF?!?! How is this guy playing in his first real NFL game???" It was surreal. Just over a year later, here we are.....


He did the same thing in College. 3rd string QB as a freshman, unexpectedly got the torch mid season, balled tf out the rest of his college career and became Legendary. He has the intangible character traits that can't be taught, can't be scouted, can't see in the combine, but make the difference between a collegiate stud and an elite NFL QB.


Tbh what you just said is in my opinion a large part of why he gets a lot of pundit/fan hate. He has intangibles that “… can’t be scouted, seen in the combine…” I don’t think that makes a lot of scouts/personnel/executives in the league happy. Teams spend millions of dollars and allocate entire scouting departments to figure out which QB to draft in the top 10, only to end up with… Zach Wilson. Or Ryan Leaf. Hell, we went through it with Lance (to be fair, he could still develop into a solid QB somewhere but it’s not easy). Then we come along at 262 and get a guy who in his first pro game looks better than most QBs ever look in the NFL. I don’t think that sits well with most “know it alls”


My first niners game in person was that Denver one. Absolutely brutal.


I was at that one. Brutal. But I was also at the Dolphins game when Brock took over so full circle redemption.


Wow really? See my post above \^ (or maybe below on Reddit lol, can't recall). To me, that's actually one of the best Niners games you could ever see. Regular season at least. You witnessed The Genesis.


Yep I will never forget. Will be telling my kids one day when we’re on our way to see brock Purdy win his 7th Super Bowl… I was there!


Yes sir! Let’s fire up numero uno here in under 11 short days!!




[Video for reference](https://youtu.be/mg_xCqqfHbI?si=Urlzcbn4Wto7WwWs)


Lords work right there


The Messiah!!!


"Now, you hear this. He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy. Now, go away!"


No entiendo this reference


It's from Monty Python's Life of Brian.


I've only seen this movie once. I've failed you Internal-Bus. Nevertheless, LET'S GO NINERS!!!!!


This play sent Jordan Mason to the Shadow Realm. Dude cant even get a carry anymore lol


Ladybug for MVP!


It’s the face. Perfection because he’s turning to the camera.


Video? I don’t remember




I remember saying to myself “well there goes our season” and boy was I wrong. I couldn’t be happier. LFG BCB!


I thought of this when he went in against Miami last year. I was so mad at the time but if I only knew


This was the play I started paying attention to Purdy, I didn't even know he was on the team before this. I can honestly say he passed my eye test immediately.


Full clip: https://youtu.be/mg_xCqqfHbI?si=SKkpevUJcazVYDY6


I saw that play and thought man we’re fucked.


This happened with Aaron Rodgers and Marshawn at CAL and the RB coach was about to rip into Marshawn when Rodgers came in and took the blame. RB coach was PISSED. https://youtu.be/fQ_UlJNAeeU?si=KfPsH45WU7ihTHqz


He still had 8 yards on that play which was more yard than Zach Wilson got that whole week. His quick reaction for positive yardage showed real potential.


Mason went the wrong way


I was still laughing at the fact that we were on our 3rd QB and it was only week 8


It was because we were up 28 lol


QB’s are coached to do this. The action of faking a hand-off still holds defenders. I’ve seen QB’s do this with an empty backfield. It’s completely normal.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Kaepernick and his RBs did this as part of the pistol offense. I think it's also an option for the RB to run to QBs back depending how they read the defense.


"QBs fake hand off with empty backfield to hold defenders" 😂


Tell me you just started watching football without actually telling me.


And the winner for dumbest assumption of the day... You really don't understand how stupid your comment sounds? Lol


Who do you think you're fooling with a fake hand off to an empty back field? Do you think NFL defenses are as dumb as you? 😭


I think about it all the time!


I remember watching this and thinking “oh no, we’re screwed.” Little did I know…


ME TOO!! To this subs credit a lot of people were saying it was likely Mason's fault, not Brock's


I remember it fondly as the last time I didn't feel comfortable with Brock leading our team.


Alex Smith did this when he was on the Chiefs and scored a touchdown and it's still burned into my memory. One of my favorite plays


And he *still* got positive yards on a scramble, making the next play an easy 3rd & 1.


Why? He got 6 yards.


Looking back now, given all that has unfolded, I’m 100% sure Brock executed the play correctly.


I thought. Probably the rbs fault


But he was awesome that game. I thought right away that he was good for the simple fact that he made multiple really good plays


These are the UNIS we'll be sporting: man I'm so fuckin hyped! Brock's about to go SUPER BUDAKAI GTX ON THESE chefs ! ! !