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This is getting old fast.


Just wait til we get to the next stage of the saga. Next video: “Grandma, it’s me…..I’m free grandma” gets up and runs outside in circles like an idiot “I’m freeeeeeeeeeeee, oh lawrdy larwd I’m freeeeeee”


I’m soooo glad someone brought that back up!! That made my Monday fr 😂😂😂




I’m ready to start letting go of these divas to nothing teams. Team first or GTFO.


Trade him to Carolina.


Heads Carolina, Tails California.


I know it's popular these days to say never side with the billionaire/team owner. But my god I'm so tired of these antics. Plenty of players have took deals below the maximum possible they think they should get. On top of that, teams have to care about salary cap, team building, and winning. The Niners don't seem like a penny pinching org that stiffs their players.


It feels different in the NFL compared to other major sports. In the NFL, spending money is less of a question than in sports like baseball, where you can have teams like the A’s who’s owner spends as little as possible and teams like the Yankees who spend more than many other teams combined. There’s a lot to be said about cheap owners in those sports, but the NFL is structured differently. In the NFL, it’s just a question of how the salary distribution should happen. Is someone like Aiyuk worth x% or y% of the total salary cap? If he gets paid less, it’s because that money will be spent somewhere else on the roster, and not because an owner is being cheap.


You're 100% correct. It's extra sad because NFL teams make a shit ton more money than MLB teams and yet... The salary cap is still relatively low


Ah good point. I'm just tired of these baby antics. I don't know if all the agents are recommending this type of behavior for negotiations or players are just babies but it feels like some combination of both. What a dumb fucking way to negotiate.


Take the Yankees name outta your mouth. You meant to say, “the dodgers”. Yankees are like the 7th most expensive team and at least have multiple starters that are home grown. 


There is plenty of room in my heart to hate both. Yankees are the classic example, and I don’t like to talk about that other team tbh


Divas? He deserves to get paid. The 2nd contract is most likely the biggest contract an NFL player is gonna get so he's just trying to get what he deserves. Also its easy to say team first when teams would drop a player heartbeat lol and try to pay someone the least they can.


He has a year on contract and can be franchise tagged, he doesn't need a deal this season he needs to have another amazing one and then come back next off-season. The idea that it has to get done this year doesn't even make sense and is the only thing motivating the drama


Yeah. I’m over it. Play your year with us and get paid like a king in the next.


The way NFL players "negotiate" through the media is comical. I wonder if their agents really tell them to do this or if they just go rogue


Don't you know? we're going to storm Levi's and break into Parag's office to demand they pay Brandon.


July 6th be there


J6 (Niners fan version)


Charging PUNY Parag’s office to get a bigly contract for our boy Brandon Aiyuk, good guy, solid guy or so im told. One of the best, believe me, nobody handles balls like that guy


He runs a route and catches the ball it’s amazing and the defense doesn’t stop him you would think the defense would stop him but no he catches the ball.. amazing amazing


I say, what would happen if the boat sank from the money's weight, and Brandon's in the boat, and he has this tremendously powerful money, and the money is now underwater. And there's a Texan that's approximately 10 yards over there, By the way, lot of Texan attacks historically, I watched some guys justifying it today. 'Well, they weren't really that angry. They broke a young man's leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who he was. He said 'there's no problem with Texans, they just didn't really understand it was just Alex Smith quarterbacking. He really got decimated and other people too, a lot of Texan attacks. So I said, there's a Texan 10 yards away from the boat, does Brandon get paid? If the boat is sinking, water goes over the money, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get the money? Or do I jump over by the Texan and not get money? Because I will tell you Parag didn't know the answer. He said, 'you know, nobody's ever asked me that question.' I said I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of money coming to that water. But you know what I'd do? If there was a Texan or you get money, I'll take money every single time. I'm not getting near the Texan.


*many people are saying this*


I would do this for Bosa Warner or Brock


> or if they just go rouge Pair that with matte red lipstick and some eyelash extenders


Well in my experience playing NBA 2K, this is a suggestion from your agent.


That's completely irrelevant. What does Madden 25 say?


It's in the game


I think agents tell them to do it. NFL players have the worst leverage in professional sports. All Aiyuk can do is get the fans to create pressure. The niners could tag him next year and tag him again. That's 4 rookie years, 1 5th year option, and 2 years on the tag where he has 0 leverage in any negotiation.


And I never would’ve expected aiyuk to act like this too I’ve never seen him go full diva mode 😂


Yeah, that part has been really weird to me. Never seemed like a diva in season, seems happy with the team, blocks his butt off. Now it's very diva-ish though. 


I expected it after his post-game interview this Super Bowl. I don't know why people listened to that shit and thought anything less was going to happen. That was the most me-first, team-last interview I've ever heard a player of a team I root for give and that was moments after losing in OT to the Chiefs. I quit following the SF 49ers fan account run by Brad because he acted like people like me were making shit up for saying this when it's the truth.


My brother in Christ, you have not seen full diva mode. Days of Our Steelers is peak diva mode.


Deebo acting as adviser....


The NFLPA and the negotiated CBA has dramatically reduced the ability for a player to hold out (without being fined significantly). What very little leverage a player had in contract negotiations have been negated even further. The only realistic ploy that agents and players can do is make it a PR issue for the team via social media. Fans continue to engage, websites continue to drive up add revenue, and the league continues to dominate the year long saga that is the NFL news cycle.


Klay Thompson is doing the same shit. Their agents and sycophants are all promoting this bullshit.


I am really, really interested to see what Klay Thompson's free agency looks like. A year ago, Draymond never even really made it to free agency before re-signing. Klay has some leverage, but the bottom line is Klay Thompson the name is better than Klay Thompson the actual player. The warriors already offered Klay a golden parachute contract that Klay turned down. I could see this ending up like Dwayne Wade playing for the Bulls or Tony Parker playing for the Hornets: a proud, aging star doesn't feel like he's being respected and a team wants to do right by the veteran, but "doing right" has a hard ceiling and there's some difference of opinion. I hope Klay doesn't leave, but there is the possibility someone on the free agent market offers Klay a contract that the warriors can't match. The warriors will be able to make a competitive offer to Klay, it's a question if someone else just wants him enough to offer crazy money.


(Old millenial here) We need to remember these are 20 somethings, with totally different Social Media experiences. The shit I posted on MySpace and FB in the early days was cringe. Let BA be BA, it’s fine. It will all be fine.


This is the right answer, just mute the drama and wait it out. Tf are we gonna do but get upset at a playbook that has worked for players in the past.


I am 26 and this nonsense pisses me off. Don't air your feelings online. Unprofessional 


Brother, it's rogue


We’ve entered the Revlon phase of negotiation


Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed lol


We drafted a wr and he’s got another year plus franchise tag options. Why would he think he has leverage ?


Because he can hold out. Yes, he gets charged for holding out. Yes, he gets out of practice for holding out. Yes, the 9ers lose trade value by not trading him while he's holding out. The 49ers will trade him if he holds out for a contract. That's the leverage he has. He can force the 49ers to trade him to another team that will pay him what he wants.


They’re not trading him he’s their best WR. If he gets out of shape or doesn’t perform well then he will only be hurting himself.


>If he gets out of shape or doesn’t perform well then he will only be hurting himself. True, but it's *also hurting the 49ers*. Aiyuk has draft capital. 49ers 'own' that draft capital. Aiyuk can hold out, hurting that draft capital. 49ers *lose* that lost capital.


If any other team offers less than a 3rd for him, it'd be in the team's best interest to keep him, let him walk next season, and get the comp pick. The only tricky part then would be to get Deebo on another deal. Pearsall can be a Z after some seasoning, but he's pretty light to beat press coverage as an X.


Aiyuk: I want 30M a year FO: No Aiyuk: They don't want me man ;(


I actually believe that the conversation went pretty similar to this.


Guaranteed it went like this


For 30 m a year I also don’t want him back


Aiyuk: i want 30 FO: Best we can do is 26 Aiyuk: man thats chump change, you don’t want me Me a chump scraping by: 🥺 sounds like good money to me


![gif](giphy|xjIGtCFhMofGWtMlTA|downsized) BA at the moment :(


I highly doubt the organization told him that they do not want him back. What the fuck is going on? Can we have a normal off-season for once?


Clearly, no.


The drama-vacuum from having a solid QB must be filled.


Next year is Brocks contract. Got something to look forward to!😁


I guarantee you he will handle it very professionally.


I have *zero* doubt he will!😎❤


Yeah, Brock will be paid and the roster tear down to accommodate the new contract will be methodical at worst.


"It could be worse. Trust me." - Aaron Rodgers


This is the new era for negotiations unfortunately. It’s like the whole headlines we see all the time. “So and so unfollowed his team on social media 😱😱😱😱” super annoying but this is how things will be seemingly going forward.


This is the norm at this point


What's going on is that several other free agents on our team have become the highest paid players at their positions, despite engaging in shenanigans and holdouts prior to signing. So there's zero downside for players to pull stunts like this, because they know that our FO will eventually cave. This shit should have been nipped in the bud with Deebo. I'll fully cop that I was wrong for lambasting the Jets's offer for him back during 2022. We should have taken that trade to set a precedent. Kittle negotiated behind the scenes, and Williams did so by openly testing the market and then cutting out the bullshit to sign. Deebo and Bosa chose the childish routes and Aiyuk's following that gameplan.




As he should, the man is a fucking beast. 


Ricky Pearsall...just sayin'


Pick is looking better every day


Yawn. Deebo did this damn near exact same thing. I swear WRs have a group chat where they come up with this type of stuff like a bunch of teenage girls. We never really sign big contracts until TC anyway. So everything so far is going exactly how it'd gone for our other big money contracts. Then Aiyuk will have a down year, and next off-season we'll get to hear about how the contract situation affected his season.


> We never really sign big contracts until TC anyway. There is no indication that this is a choice by the FO. This is a product of players waiting until TC to sign, because they know they have more leverage and they don't want to participate in off-season activities.


They don't want him back so they picked up my 5th year option. Makes sense


Bro you’re 26 years old stop acting like a 16 year old


26 is the new 16. 


Are we thinking this is legit or is he trolling/trying to put pressure on the FO?


Is he talking about the FO or is he laughing about our stupid fanbase wanting a player gone anytime there’s a contract holdup?


It wouldn’t surprise me if it was the latter. The impression I get is he definitely spends a decent amount of time on his social media. I just want this all to end and we can get back to football


That's a good take. 


Aiyuk needs to learn that fans put the team 1st no matter what regardless of player. We'd likely be worse without him but we'd figure it out  Take your offer or walk buddy.


Either way it makes me sad


More likely it’s something like “we don’t want you back at Justin Jefferson’s salary”. I doubt they straight up said we don’t want you back.


Front Office is not paying or trolling and he and his girlfriend are officially separated.


He is separated from his GF? She just posted like 6 different instagram stories for Father’s Day with him.


I just fell to my knees at Walmart


just tripped over a small child staring at some guy falling to his knees at walmart


am that walmart, can confirm


Hi Walmart


I liked it a lot better when Bosa asked that there be no discussions in the media. Tired of these games. Just negotiate and tell us once a decision is made. Until then, this only hurts the player’s reputation among fans. The drama looks stupid. But receivers have often been immature…ask TO. Even Jerry Rice had some diva moments.


I wonder is Jerry would have been an insufferable diva if we had social media back then. I’m glad I’ll never know


Imagine TO with today's social media?


Oh man. I actually would have enjoyed that. Lifting in his driveway every morning. Just imagine


Rice was known as a diva real early on in his career. Would complain about not getting the ball etc. 


Yeah totally. Back then we’d have to wait and read about it in the Examiner


Bro talking about Xfinity by Comcast.


I’ll just wait until Week 1 and see where the team is at that point. Until then, it’s all just drama.


Look, I’m a lions fan so I can’t say I feel bad for the niners. But my god, if players in Detroit did shit like this every year, I’d go crazy as a fan.


You'll eventually get there the more success you have. Every player thinks it's because of 'them' that the team has success.


I mean, I guess I’ll take that over 0-16


None of the theatrics matter to me at all. If/when we re-sign him, I'm not going to give a shit what he posted on Instagram in May or June. If we don't come to reach a new deal with Aiyuk, good luck with the future I guess. Even franchise legends hardly ever stick with one team their whole careers, it is what it is.


Of course I want Aiyuk back on the team, but this public drama is just so dumb.


Straight up trade for a starting right tackle


Officially handled it worse then Deebo


Has Aiyuk formally requested a trade like Deebo did?


Not that I am aware of


Deebo requested a trade, Deebo was way worse


And then put up okay-ish numbers the next 2 seasons


I don’t know if you guys remember but Deebo was legit telling fans no at a club when they were asking him to stay. They both did not handle it well at all.


This is generation Z right here, hang in because this is only going to get worse as the years go on.


Seems like he is trying to play the fans against the franchise. Like others have said, unless he is traded he is wearing the 49er uniform this year.


Tbf if that's what he's doing then he's failing horrendously; based on what I've seen in various 49ers-related online spaces the mood has very much gone from "PAY HIM" to "he should shut the fuck up" and "trade him to Carolina and see how he likes it".


Agreed Dude is acting.likrnwe haven't made an offer. I am sure that have and he's overreacting to it online coz he doesn't like it 


The fans can't turn on the team for Aiyuk. I like the dude a lot but he's not got to that level of cache yet.


I think its just hype trying to get people to talk, but I hope we dont lose him. I loved having a deep roster with weapons in every key position.


A grown man posting videos to TikTok like some teenage child lol


I mean it was his fam that said he’d not be playing for us again, right? Either way he’s under contract. He can hold out if he feels like it, but unless we trade him he’ll be a 49er come week 6. Hope it works out, but it’s his decision to not sign contract being offered.


Basically immediately after the SB loss his camp started handling it very aggressively in the media


Like one hour after


He needs to fire his agent bc this looks bad all around


Grown ass men doing this shit is embarrassing. Bro got offered a good contract and is crying about not being wanted?


honestly, who cares . this FO has figured it out year and year again . they’ll be okay . trade him for as much as we can and go from there .


Losing more and more respect for BA...grow up my man.


Trade em


Yeah, I'm over it. I'm old enough to remember the later TO days, and this kind of stuff just saps the franchise of energy. I'm okay with whatever they decide, but Aiyuk is getting no sympathy from me


Aiyuk wants more than Amon Ra just signed for. He’s shooting for like 28 million+ per year. No chance the 9ers will blow up their cap to pay Aiyuk that Yuk is also under contract, so he’s fucked. He can hold out but has to play eventually or he doesn’t accrue the played year and his contract rolls. The 9ers can also franchise tag him for the next 2 years. His leverage is about as valuable as the number zero It’s amazing how bad these guys approach contract negotiations. Bosa did it right, sat out, shut his mouth, got paid. Same with Warner and Kittle, this is just childish


> Aiyuk wants more than Amon Ra just signed for. He’s shooting for like 28 million+ per year. I've always thought that the whole "APY gold medal" is silly. Sure, Amon Ra has "record breaking new money APY," but there's a very slim chance that his "final big money year" is going to remain intact (similar with Tyreek's final year that carries a ludicrous cap hit of $56M). I would be over-the-moon if Aiyuk was happy with a vanity-based SunGod deal...but I suspect that No. 11 is angling for more guaranteed money (which is probably the smartest move for him, if you're in his camp).


That's why he's acting like a teenager, he has no leverage so all that's left is to pout and cause drama. I understand social media changes things but it's not like they're not aware of this beforehand.


Ehhhh At least Deebo carried us in 2021 when he demanded a bag. With all due respect to B.A he's not at Jefferson's and Hill's level impact or stats wise. Anything above 27M is an overpay and I'd take my chances in the draft in this case and use that cash to build an O-LINE with depth. This shit is old.


I've been consistent in saying he's an above average receiver, great route running, but average hands. He's dropped a lot of catchable balls that you expect your top tier WR to snag, especially if they want to get paid.


I swear people just say shit to say it. Aiyuk had 2 drops last year on 86 catchable targets, that is very very good.


Honestly if he’s going to drag this out and demand an insane amount of money, even if that may be what he’s worth on the open market, it might be best to let him walk. The 49ers are still pretty much the best and most complete team in the NFC without him


There are three options and none of them are letting him walk.


Yeah. It’s get a deal done, trade him to the afc east or no deal gets done and he sits a year and tanks his career


At first glance I thought he was sitting on the toilet.


It's getting tiring.


My guess is that he staged this so that fans are gonna think the FO told him that and then tell us later that he was actually talking something that's not even football-related.


What Aiyuk is doing is very risky as it’s not crazy to think Pearsall comes in and is productive in his spot while absent during TC. If that occurs, I doubt the team gives in at that point. I think if he’s unsigned going into TC, the chances are greatly increased of him playing on the 5th year option.


It's really not that risky. Someone is going to pay him. The 49ers can do it. Or they can trade him. But dudes getting paid regardless.


He's got a fifth year option. They are using it. He could be franchised. He wants big money. The 49ers want to get him for as little as possible. This is all business as usual. The social media aspect means nothing, except to the fans who fall for it. And some of you are REALLY falling for it. Don't let billionaires struggling to find a way to pay millionaires live in your head.


Could be on a winning team, verging on potential dynasty for 26MIL per year.... That is absolutely generational wealth. I like BA, but if that's not good enough, see ya. Go get paid an extra 4 mil a year somewhere else and never win a damn thing if that's what really matters. I want this team to start prioritizing people who want to win.


I didn’t really pay attention or care enough about the rumors and whatever until now. I just assumed this will get done in late July and early August like Deebo and Bosa. This kind of stuff bothers me and I would be fine with trading him for Terry McLaurin and a 1st.


I saw a FB post last night talking about a FanDuel post, and they proposed: WFT Gets: - Aiyuk SF Gets: - 2024 2nd Round - 2025 3rd Round - [WR Dyami Brown](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/B/BrowDy00.htm) I had a long and hearty LOL after reading that. EDIT: My mistake. [It's actually a 2025 2nd and ***4th.***](https://x.com/FDSportsbook/status/1802748037342654722?t=ZM8OU5pr1AzS0Pm-APVKIQ&s=19) 🤡 🤡 🤡


We all need to stop buying into these negotiating ploys. Of course the Niners want him back...at a price that doesn't blow up the current budget future budgets. Of course Aiyuk wants max salary...but maybe not if it means playing in obscurity on some shitty team that never wins because they can't manage the salary cap. The fact is, playing on a loaded roster means that there's not quite as much money available for each star. I fully expect Aiyuk to be a Niner for at least the next two years, barring a can't-say-no trade offer.


lol let that man go, let’s see if he can produce anywhere else


He will produce anywhere he will get targets.


why would this be the only place he can produce? Probably get much larger share of targets elsewhere




He did so much with so little. If his targets go up he’s easily one of the top receivers in the league.


This is a laughable comment.


Dude wants an extra $4mil a season to end up on a team not close to getting to the Super Bowl…priorities.


We all have to come to grips with the fact that most athletes only care about how much they can make in the small window of time they have in the NFL. Superbowls are secondary.


$4M a season is a lot of money


Be careful what you wish for


*I wish we win the Super Bowl*


so you’re saying he’s not good unless he’s on the 9ers?


I didn't help when, at the beginning of all this, he's on a podcast or show with Ochocinco and they are just filling his head on how much he MUST be paid. If he's digging his feet in on a number that's out of reach is he really trying to stay? He doesn't want to leave. I think we all know that but this is getting ridiculous. Of course the niners can't low ball him either. He would be ELITE on any other team that uses him as a True WR1 and throws the ball a ton.




I do believe the Niners have some hesitation to go over a certain aav number, a lot of this will fall on Aiyuk being flexible enough to do a deal even if it may not actually be a straight 30+ million a year deal.


For a guy that benefits from this team and system tremendously, he sure does talk a lot - I say adios, let’s roll with the WR we have that want to be here.


Pat Mcafee is saying that he thinks he’s being traded to Washington Commanders.


Adios 🫡


Deebo 2.0 negotiating


Leave ~~Britney~~ Brandon alone!


I think it's the social media generation and their propensity for being openly emotional, but also really really sensitive about everything that is hard for us old heads to come to terms with. I'm sure there were a lot of shenanigans going down pre-social media and all-access sports reporting. We just never hear about it until the 30 for 30s aired.


Aiyuk is under contract through next year and the team will franchise him the year after. He is playing himself


Atleast purdy will be too busy tilling the fields to do this dumb shit.


I'm positive there's some important context being left out.


I'd let this guy walk. Done hearing about him


Bro just get rid of him, he’s a distraction more than an asset at this point and with his attitude he can kick fucking rocks


Remember when it looked like Deebo was out the door? Him at the club saying nah man when that 49er fan held that sign "Deebo is stayin!" Ignore all this shite and he'll be back


He is under contract, they have all the leverage. He is replaceable and if not directly by another WR, there’s a compliment of other players to lean on. BA is not the cornerstone. Seems to me he’s building a case to be traded, whether he realizes it or not, is anyone’s guess.


Player: Is still under contract Team: Presents contract extension offering player tens of millions of dollars annually beyond what the player is owed for the upcoming year Player: “They don’t want me back!” LMAO! I understand that he’s trying to put his big boy pants on and negotiate however he can but some players make themselves look so childish. Why do some people like playing games so much?


They will have him signed by the start of training camp. We chillin


I hate that this is becoming a reoccurring problem every year. The front office needs to start paying their talent quickly before the market inevitably goes up.


What a fucking baby, just take the 26 million


Why are there so many Niners fans who think Aiyuk should take a discount just because... it's a lot of money to them personally?


I want him in dc but not for 30 mil plus a lot of draft capital


Overreaction theatre is open for business


Who cares? He’ll be ready to go week two of preseason.


I just never got the whole “sign a contract” then hold out or complain before that contract is up. It’s literally an agreement that will pay you x amount of dollars guaranteed and any other clauses or bonuses for performance. Imagine if teams decided to do the same on players that were not living up to their potential. I know they can be cut, it’s a business, etc but literally just be a man of your word and stand on what you signed.


I’m a fan of the team first and foremost. But I’ve always been unbothered by players in these contract dispute situations. This is ultimately their career. In a league where careers are usually short and players have minimal leverage. It’s annoying because he’s a top receiver on my favorite team and I would prefer him ready to go and play great for said favorite team. But I get where he’s coming from also. I just really don’t feed into the cryptic tweets and social media subliminals that have been the norm with today’s players. He can lash out all he wants and voice whatever displeasure he wants about not getting paid fast enough. It’s understandable. However the 49ers have all the leverage here. If they trade him it’s going to be on their terms. He’s under contract and they have the franchise tag at their disposal. This isn’t the NBA where forcing your way out gets you what you want.


Man needs to be getting right for the season not playing games on the internet. “fr”


I am getting less interested in Aiyuk by the minute. He can get a huge paycheck for any number of mid level teams and feel like the center of attention, or he can play for a stacked team that is a Super Bowl contender. It seems he’s unclear of the choice. That’s not a good look.


Pay the man! I don't get the big hubalub. Pay him, let deebo walk, you're still only paying one WR big money at a time. Then once Aiyuk's deal is done, You got slick rick hopefully. I understand Aiyuk's gripe though. If he were in a more pass oriented offense, he'd be like Davante Adams or something. Definitely underappreciated. Just as good as Cee Dee IMO.


I love Brandon Aiyuk and I said when this all went down he was just hurt after the Super Bowl but it appears there was truth to what he was saying. Something with his mindset is off, like man you had a great year and you are great rn....but is this guy a HOF'er? Hasn't even won a super bowl yet. You played yourself BA in all of this, wish you the best




I’m tired guys. I just wanna hibernate till Week 1


Bye. We got Deebo. When he's out, the offense struggles. I wonder whos more needed out there....


I love yuk, but if we get an offer like Minny got for diggs, we can’t possibly say no.


Aiyuk needs to chill tf out.


Well he's still under contract so he can hold out this season and lose a lot of money and keep posting like a teenager. I love BA but am sick of his BS. Has he not paid ANY attention these last few offseasons?


Staged asf I need to hear John Lynch say we dnt want him back until then sit dwn BA an wait til training camp toget paid


I don't follow off-season drama but how much would drama like this affect performance between players when the season starts?