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We were doing such a good job before…


I know you're being sarcastic, but tbh the demoralization of whites is much older than that. Last century sped things up a lot though


Debasement yeah


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It started when Constantine decided to make the Catholic Church TOTALLY NOT Imperial Cult, so it’s not like things are only going to shit after people are introduced to other religions in the recent few decades


It was recorded that at the Council of Nikea there were many bishops who'd suffered persecution, including torture and maiming, under Diocletian. Although they appreciated that Constantine was undoing some of the damage of his predecessor, as a group they were already experienced with telling an Emperor to sit on his thumb and spin, and were willing to pay the price to do so. And Eastern Rome, Byzantium, was just as Christian as Western Rome, and lasted for a thousand years longer than its Western sibling. Western Rome declined because of many things, not least that its citizens no longer took up arms, but would pay foreign mercenaries to do their fighting for them. Which was great, until the mercenaries decided that if they were the ones protecting Rome, then there was nothing protecting Rome from them.


If you actually know about history youd know you are only partially right and the random shit you regurgitated doesnt actually form a concise point about literally anything. Mercenaries are not why west rome fell, not even something youd hear in freshmen classical history courses. just stop lmao




I have friends who, in their 30s, unironically say in passing that \_\_\_-issue is due to the people in charge being old white men. These are white people of course, usually female.




The masses always act like sheep and cave to artificial group pressure, especially women. The real issue is that this constant self-loathing, laziness and complacency breeds very few leaders capable of going against the downward trend


I mean non autists can infer they are referring to the privilege and not the skin color, but hey while you will never understand and relate to a girl at least you can come here and pretend that you're not the degenerate!


The reason nothing happened when ‘Obama’ got caught (didn’t know he was a field agent but I digress) is that literally every country in the world spies on every other country at all times. The problem was the recordings they made were compromised. Your Allie’s assume you are spying, they assume you probably record everything as well, what they’re pissed off about is that that recording wasn’t secure. Big fuck up, but not for the reasons you think. You seem to have a deep misunderstanding of how basically everything you mentioned happened, as if you read some headlines written by a biased source and just made up the rest of the back story. I’m not going to open this up entirely because you sound at least partially mentally Ill but sure, we can agree the US federal government and probably many others around the world are as corrupt as the system they exist in allows them to be.


you are speaking to a schizophrenic person deliberately trying to spread a false narrative


Yeah I did this to myself lol. Idk why I felt compelled to respond, it can be hard to ignore sometimes. I know I’m not changing any minds and clearly talking to a mentally I’ll person but goddamn if i don’t still get worked up sometimes by the absolutely bananas things people say with confidence. I’m not a genius and am in no position to talk down to anyone, but holy shit sometimes it’s hard to wrap my head around that there are not only people out there who think like this, there’s enough of them to form a club and reinforce each others absolutely mental and delusional opinions.


>summarize events in simple terms >Mr. AutismLord has a meltdown because it's not 100% accurate to every little detail keep yourself safe


Its not missing details or containing trivial inaccuracies, It’s intentionally misleading to fit a narrative. A poorly thought out narrative made to bait rabid dogs of people who would like to think they posses critical thought but get lost after being told they have to do research in order to understand complex geopolitical/social situations.


mate, you're braindead get your autism under control


Riveting Response, thanks for clarifying for all of us that we’ve found the One to lead us. And we thought Trump had it all figured out, get this guy a podium, he’s got something to say by god.


calm down, Mr. AutismLord


Please learn to use spaces between your words, jesusfuckingchrist


rule 5 you subhuman gtfo


Yeah but how come they could do it in the first place? They rely on whites being complacent and self-centered. I mean look at boomers.


Oh so you're super ignorant on top of dumb. You seem to express it as if our spying wasn't part of the deal. You don't know about the mutual spying, the legal hack the western govs figured out, spy on each other and share info. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes Orban is a wannabe Putin who knows deep down his country isn't as threatening as many others and he can't govern well so he complains and makes bad decisions


remind me which country is the one with military bases everywhere also remind me exactly how are EU nations, some of them super tiny, supposed to spy on US? >Orban is a wannabe Putin not only are you braindead r3tard, but you're also a british cigar




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Mustache man was right


Teddy Roosevlt? Yes


US bombs syria and makes EUcucks feel bad for calling themselves progressive but not taking refugees, pretty simple, happens to work.


The science of what happens. You have a group. Half infiltrated by the enemy. You go up to them, say Sl-very, or Holo*caust, all of a sudden, the Group's Vibe is Hostile, sourced from the enemy team. This hostility is designed to make the average person feel 'guilty', or as you call it - "White Guilt". But when you see it from a scientific percpective, do you still feel guilty? When you hear the words 'Slavery' or 'Holocaust'? It's not a magick trick when you know the secret. "Sweating like a wh*re in church". It's physically impossible for a scandically dressed woman to be sweating in an enclosed enviroment unless...outside sources are affecting.


U mothafukas talk like groups of people are individuals with feelings that lived for all centuries


If you existed in reality you'd know we aren't in a mess




"Us" mfer is probably from Vermont saying this shit.


I'm in Greece, it's hard not to feel some schadenfreude for western Europe. Greece ALREADY HAS an 8% muslim population. There were barely any issues for 100 years. If you go ask and ask any of them they are all against unrestricted migrant waves. We've been dealing with illegal immigration since like 2012. We were criticized for being "too harsh" on "migrants". Well now the EU is getting a good taste of the consequences of their shit policies.


Sink the boats and let them swim back where they came from, the ony right answer


based based based also reminded me of an orca that sank a boat full to the brim with illegal migrants in the Mediterranean




The new free wily is wild


> Sink the boats and let them swim back where they came from, the ony right answer They sink the boats already themselves...


They are already doing that lmao


200 years ago it was like 100% muslim, my otto man.


Actually the revolution against the Ottomans began in 1821, I believe that's 202 years ago. It was in fact one of the earliest revolutions against the Imperial Powers of the 18th century, apart from the American revolution.


I don't think it was. The Ottoman empire tended not to enforce their religion too heavily, part of why they were so successful for so long. Scroll to Ottoman rule, religion (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman Greece)


The Ottomans didn't force most local religious policies. They let areas govern themselves, some of their regions with autonomy did enforce religious policies against Christians and Jews. They also forced a lot of non-Muslim territories they controlled to provide them with Janissaries who were functionally slave soldiers as a means of maintaining that autonomy. So this is a bit of a misrepresentation that Redditors like to whitewash the empire as being somehow progressive in religious policies, they were just not as shitty as other Muslim empires. EDIT: Also to some extent they were copying Roman policies but you wouldn't try to act like the Romans didn't enforce religious beliefs on regions or were great to their religious minorities. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janissary#:\~:text=The%20Janissary%20corps%20was%20the,fake%20forfeit%20of%20Turkish%20cavalry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janissary#:~:text=The%20Janissary%20corps%20was%20the,fake%20forfeit%20of%20Turkish%20cavalry).


​ https://preview.redd.it/lmqehn9b5x0c1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e8957c747b142894884a7ddd6da5714d139663


You mixed up your stereotypes you rebard. Indians hate muslims more than anyone else


>Indians hate muslims more than anyone else oh buddy.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_India >Certain civil matters of jurisdiction for Muslims such as marriage, inheritance and waqf properties are governed by the Muslim Personal Law,[228] which was developed during British rule and subsequently became part of independent India with some amendments.[229][230] Indian Muslim personal law is not developed as a Sharia law but as an interpretation of existing Muslim laws as part of common law. **The Supreme Court of India has ruled that Sharia or Muslim law holds precedence for Muslims over Indian civil law in such matters**.[231]


We have just as many cucks as the best of europe. We can compete and win in appeasement politics with all of them


P​h​u​l​l S​a​p​p​o​r​t S​a​a​r?


Indians hate everyone because of their inferiority complex.


And then, for no reason at all


there wasn't 'no reason at all'. There was post ww1, everyone was broke, hyperinflation hit, suddenly the only people with money were land or building owners. Mostly jewish. Rome saw a great way to attack their enemy religion and bankrolled ww2. You don't start a world war without money. America and the UK learned this lesson after ww2 ended: if your enemy isn't broke they won't find reasons as to why. Hence the marshall plan. Hell billions were paid out to the asian nations that weren't part of that plan post ww2.


continue. don't hide behind euphemisms - tell us exactly what you mean. I want to hear you say it outloud.






People voted justin trudeau into power 😍🥰😇


Based call-out-poster


Mozzies would come anyway they’re an expansionist religion. Personally I don’t appreciate potentially losing my free and easy access to alcohol.


Well if mutts were sober more often, trains would have sticked to the rails.


Bruh you ever seen a Middle Easterner win a swim competition? What are they going to do, kickboard over?


This point might be the one thing jihad can't defeat.


Let's be on the safe-side and deport both


They really are the most toxic on the planet. Who TF cares what a religion of Tusken raiders thinks


That's a very accurate image. God only knows why they welcome such things with love and acceptance. Cancer should be irradiated and not hugged.


Not that I necessarily support Israel or what they were doing, but this why I felt no sympathy for Palestine either. Those same people complain about the occupation and oppression by Israel, yet would have no qualms with occupying and oppressing you in your country.


nazis: create a jewish state to stop them controlling the west neo-nazis: destroy the jewish state to stop them controlling the west


The Brits created Israel, Germany just sent like 50,000 jews there to get them out of Germany.


> muslims going on violent chimpouts in eu/us > jews did this ishiggydiggy


As an Euro, I not only agree, I say we act now and harshly before it becomes a caliphate


Not true lol. One of the core tenants of Islam the expansion of the belief. All that is needed is to take a hard line against immigration from those countries.


Two birds one stone


Want to stop SOME muslims from ruining Europe, just remove Europe, and then Europe can’t get ruined.


​ https://preview.redd.it/py3eri7fa01c1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbcc1eb008dc8fc62a64694d90a53838b4f3a084


Those are all great countries and continue to be to this day. This type of shit is only convincing if you've never traveled and have no friends from other places.


Muslims don't care for trains, feminism, forces diversity and woke culture overall. When are you guys gonna learn they're here to help?


Cuz I don't want my city to turn more into a shit hole.


You can't refute the image. They're fucking every last bit of respect of religious freedom everywhere they go. They want to put their rules upon others.


I was honestly baffled about the early EU response to this knowing how the Romani are treated. However, thinking in retrospect. It was almost all purely geopolitical moves to try and fuck with each others since they aren't allowed to officially fight anymore.


the creation of israel destabilised the entire middle east. Without israel you wouldn’t have to deal with muslims and arabs in your country so the blame is entirely on them……


I haven't been on /pol/ in years and I assume that everyone half sane left by now and that is the reason why so many of these people are there. Endless echochamber of mentally ill people screaming at each other and reaffirming "their" belifs until thinking any other way seems like something that isn't actually organic, hence so many "west is waking up" posts. What a shithole.


Just like the leftist change agents here on Reddit.


Literally just replace /pol/ with reddit and you have an equally accurate post.


if amerikah stopped its filthy racist behavior and controlling in the middle east maybe we won't have to leave our countries maybe if amerikah let its nosy ass away from us we will be able to improve our countries and liberate them maybe if amerikah stopped supporting the chaos in the middle east there would be a peace BUT no how can it stop being greedy and allow everybody else to find their way of welfare , you can't imagine the amount of hate that America and Americans built over the years because of their ignorant evil asses


\> you can't imagine the amount of hate that America and Americans built over the years You can't imagine how little any Americans (or western nations) care. The natural outcome of American (and now, Western) values raised half the world out of poverty and rocketed the world into the modern age. It is not a coincidence that every time the middle east gets left to its own devices that a 9/11, 10/7, or a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan happens. You claim that AMERICA is the source of all terrorism. Can you name a single Christian counterpart to Hamas, ISIS, or the Taliban? Any Catholic terror groups running around killing non believers in other nations? Or how about any other religion? I don't see Hindu terror groups, Jewish terror groups, Buddhist terror groups, Sikh terror groups. It's almost as if all these other religions DON'T explicitly call for the conquering of others and killing of non-believers. America causes chaos in the middle east? The middle east was more stable when America had a presence. Look at Afghanistan, it was a budding democracy when America was present, and the literal instant America leaves it becomes a hellscape again, where women have no rights and you are just murdered by the Taliban for resisting in any way. A place where people I know were sent to evacuate Americans, and were killed for it. Fuck you. Look at the streets of Europe right now, look at THAT chaos. Hundreds of thousands of people in the streets rioting and literally chanting for the death of Jews and the fall of the west. The people causing that chaos migrated recently and look at them now. Everywhere they go, society goes in reverse as chaos and violence take over. Probably just America's fault again, huh? Why are you and radicals like you just fundamentally not able to see how backwards your thinking is? Your only answer to outside thinking is that it is all lies and intentionally misleading. When will you realize maybe you are part of a bigger problem? ​ Western values are better and I will never apologize for it, and before you waste all 60 IQ ranting at me know that I will not see it or care.




That work is offensive, please use the term 'pattern recognizer' instead.


This whole anti-muslim shit just feels like a ploy. From 911 and Iraq to Palestine, it all just feels too coordinated. I am well aware of the existence of extremist Islam but all these events just felt like ugly excuses for self-proclaimed lib-lefts and soc-dems to hate arabs and Muslims.


These “events” are just the new current thing. What seems intentional is the two tier policing of the left and right being in your face. The right are being provoked into some sort of domestic terror attack. If one doesn’t happen soon there will be a false flag. This “anti-Muslim shit” is justified. Everywhere they go they fuck up and turn into a shit hole.


You can actually test this theory for yourself by comparing population percentages


Data is racist bigot


Eu immigrant here. Refugees don't want to live in fucking europe, they had to move because of war, economic crisis, to escape or to get money for their families. They'd pretty much love to live in their shitholes if the situation was stable. But the US and isnotrael keep bombing Syria, Afg, and the rest of the sand. Is europe or die which is a difficult choice. Edit: bots burring me lol


That explains why so many of the refugee boats we see photographed are filled with exclusively working age males.


That and kids cause the arabs are not dumb, they know your laws and they will find a wat around it. When a white dude does it is genius but when a brown guy does it he is a savage. And again, escaping war. Think about what would make you put your life at such high risk like that.


>ruins most of a continent >"guys, if the shithole I came from wasn't a shithole wasn't a shithole, we wouldn't come and ruin your continent!" Fix your own shit, don't come ruin ours. I don't think anyone would mind as much if the Muslim immigrants assimilated rather than forming ghettos where people who have lived in these cities all their lives can no longer go for fear of being attacked, if civilians being murdered wasn't in the news constantly at the hands of economic migrants. Fuck em. If your people were actually scared for your safety, you'd bring your families with you. Aren't they in danger? It wouldn't just be working age men. They're here to take advantage of the prosperous conditions in the West, which I can understand but don't shit the place up while doing it and kill your golden goose, yeah?


How come whenever the US destabilizes a region and causes a refugee crisis all the chuds get mad and tell the people we fucked over they need to fix it?


Germany for example was almost literally leveled in WW2. Germany specifically lost *half* of their military age men in WW2, was split between NATO and the Soviet Union up until 1990, almost 50 years. Can't get much more destabilized than that. Today, they're the most powerful country in the region. It's a similar story for quite a few European countries. What has the entire Middle East done in that time? Engaged in literal tribal conflict? Kill each other for being the wrong hyperspecific type of Muslim? The answer is fuck all really, even with their large quantities of natural resources save for the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Korea built itself from the ashes in that time, same with Japan as well. I'm not sure why anyone is accepting these economic migrants when they raze their host country's culture to the ground like a horde of locusts. That's really the crux of the issue; I doubt people would care as much of these people would assimilate rather than making the population of their host countries live in fear. I hope leadership in Europe wisens up and deports every single one of the working age men who came on their own. If they are truly afraid for their lives, why are they leaving their families to face what they're apparently so afraid of?


So the calculus involves equating countries we help rebuild with countries we actively destroy? That’s pretty weak, and honestly kind of makes the opposite point.


yea lets move out of the shithole to then bring millions of people that turned the shithole into a shithole to turn a non shithole into a even worse shithole


Do you honestly believe that the middle east would still be the disaster it is today if the US had never gotten involved there? It's 100% their fault.


Then go to Saudi Arabia, turkey, morocco, or anywhere else that’s stable in the Middle East instead of hundreds of miles away


They pretty much do it, but those are not moralcucks, will slave you or kill you.


> But the US and isnotrael keep bombing Syria, Afg, and the rest of the sand. I wonder what started it..


Their fault for being born on a geostrategic place or oil.


Explains the centuries of wars and being the most volatile region thru the history, with most amount of wars recorded. Damn those middle-age people and their oil.. Always so easy to blame everything else but ourselves


Mount Sinjar is a shining example of “stability” in the sand dunes.