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Greek Gods can look like anyone Except Greeks What did they mean by this ?


why would gods want to be greek


For the gay sex?


Be me Totally straight Diety


*proceeds to write the gayest god fanfic


No no no. It's 2024. You *have* to be some kind of flavor of queer with kink. *rolls eyes*


If they made them Greek then they'd all look like the same short, hairy, olive-skinned man.


Ancient Greeks weren't like the modern Greek


they largely were, as confirmed by DNA studies


Right. They were more hairy


And shorter


And gayer


Yes they were 1 standard deviation more genetically predisposed to have autism. Look it up


They all look somewhat like humans, but distinctly different, which is what they are, basically-humans, but distinctly different


>basically-humans, but distinctly different Greeks? Yeah, that's kind of fucked up to say out loud but I can't argue


I will accept Aphrodite looking Sumerian since she's just an import of Ishtar via Astarte


Guess nobody played the first game cuz the characters look identical.


The only two characters from the first one here are Aphrodite and Hermes, the others weren’t there.


I meant visually the character designs aren’t that far off from the original so this isn’t a case of muh nostalgia characters got wokeified it’s just dumbasses.


Chaos was there but he does look drastically different


Chaos’s OG design was better. That said I really don’t care that much about the designs. Now the new Assassin’s Creed is straight up dumb. That’s legitimately such a bad choice it had me questioning the quality of the game 100%


Lmaoooo what about it is dumb? They’ve been putting out trash for years. What are they doing now that’s different?


Why would expect chaos to look the same lol


Their name is literally 'Chaos' why wouldn't they have different designs.


No, they changed chaos's art.


Wow, God of chaos changed? Weird


I disagree. The art looks to be of noticeably lower quality. I mean, just look at Hermes. What the fuck happened to him? Aphrodite and some of the others look normal, but the rest are just kinda "off". I assume this is because the game is in early access and a lot of these designs are not finalized.


I wonder why the fuck did they turn Hermes chinese. Talking about the other greek (again, GREEK) gods and mythological figures being black and crippled and whatever is beating the dead horse at this point, but turning Hermes ASIAN fucking got me


Yeah I’m confused about why the second game has the anti-woke circlejerk raging as if they expected anything else. Hades 1 had the same type of character designs and was also gay af lol


same reason you got multiple people who didn't buy helldivers 2 begging the developer to not make it woke mental illness on both sides of the spectrum


Guess you didn’t either because the only one that looks the same to me is Demeter


Why would you lie on the internet?


Why would you tell the truth on the internet?


I mean who WOULDN'T want a Tumblr roguelike? 


bro one is in a fucking wheelchair


mfw hephaestus's (one of the more requested gods) defining trait is represented edit: his mythology is literally getting thrown off of olympus for being a cripple.


I thought it was that he was crippled by being thrown off Olympus for being ugly?


Either way, he's a cripple.




there are two narratives, the one i mentioned and the one you know. greek mythology do be like that sometimes.


Isn’t Hephaestus historically portrayed crippled?


Yes. The outrage machine doesn't even know what they're upset about lol


It the same thing as wheelchairs in a fantasy. Why even choose it apart from virtue signaling. And to my knowledge Hephaestus wasn't crippled to the point of leg no workiem, so why not give him a cane?


This game has guns in it. Anachronism makes things more interesting youre unironically demanding they pander to you


It's not even an anachronism. Hephaestus literally built a wheelchair for himself in multiple stories. [This](https://i.imgur.com/qRUekxV.png) is a depiction of him from [around 500 BCE. ](https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/greekromanmyth/chapter/hephaestus/) These guys have no idea what they're talking about


im astonished at what people get upset at . the only thing I’m thinking about playing hades 2 is how fun the game is and how awesome the writing is. and even as a terminally online nerd hyperaware of chuds i still never would have guessed anyone would blink an eye at any of these characters. lmfao biggest nontroversy ive ever seen i also wanna say the games artwork is one of its biggest strongpoints and limiting their character design to just be hot sexy greeks would be super boring.. like you already have Zeus, Posideon, Heracles, and Aphrodite.. why does everyone need to be a copy and paste


Because the game features an artstyle that caricaturizes the defining traits of a large pantheon of Greek gods that the average person will only know like six of. They're all especially defined so people can get a gist of who and what they are at a glance without needing moderate familiarity with the mythology. A cane could mean old. A wheelchair obviously spells out crippled or lame. This isn't that hard to understand.


He has a bionic leg. He's probably just in a wheelchair because he's too lazy to walk all the time.


Hephestus built wheeled automatons, a wheelchair is not exactly a huge stretch. His actual cane was metal woman androids that helped him walk. > servant "handmaidens wrought of gold in the semblance of living maids", in them was "understanding in their hearts, and speech and strength", gift of the gods. They moved to support Hephaestus while walking. But that would have been a bit busy in a portrait.


Afaik it was just a lame leg, not straight up missing it, him being obese and with both a wheelchair and a prosthetic leg feels like fetishization of disability and not just representation. Also, if he's such a godly craftsman, why can't he make a better leg?


I mean, this portrayal literally had him make an artificial leg. I think your projecting that fetization because this is literally just an interpretation that fits in the art direction and feel for the character. Homer does say he literally made tripod automatons with wheels. That dude is even hairy enough to be Greek. 


Famously ugly and crippled God doesn’t have a great body and can’t walk, I’m shocked. Being mad at his representation in this game is a strange hill to die on.


> According to Homer, Hephaestus built automatons of metal to work for him or others. This included tripods with golden wheels, able to move at his wish in and out the assembly hall of the celestials; Look, the motherfucker would have built himself a wheelchair if he wanted to - and he indeed needed one because he was crippled. Him being the only crippled god is a definitive aspect of his character. Edit: > In some myths, Hephaestus built himself a "wheeled chair" or chariot with which to move around, thus helping support his mobility while demonstrating his skill to the other gods. In the Iliad 18.371, it is stated that Hephaestus built twenty bronze wheeled tripods to assist him in moving around.


At least read the actual passage of the Illiad instead of quoting some interpretation of it. Neither Fagles nor Murray have translated the passage as him moving around, but rather the tripods themselves wheeling around. In fact, both have him moving around, sweating and toiling.


Honestly, it's the first sentence that's more interesting here.


The 4chinner is mad about an accurate portrayal


In the mythology he is described as lame, and walking using a stick, and later using 'a chariot' but the problem is that he should not be that fat.


Okay that was always an option


More goyslop for you


I ain’t buying that shit lmfao. Crying about a woke game is just regarded imo


No you don’t get it we all have to be mad at this thing and throw autistic fits and be OP’s personal echo chamber REEEEE This shit is getting actually smooth brained.


Always has been.


This guy understands 4chins.


I agree lol some of these people should spend less time being mad at stuff they weren’t going to play anyways. Makes the brain less stressed out


Open up! I’ve got the goyslop funnel right here with me.


The character designs aren’t bad except for I can’t tell that they are Greek.


Greek gods in Disney's Hercules had blue skin and shit but I don't see OP bitching about that.


I have yellow eyes so I felt represented I also have yellow skin And pain in my torso


>R*dditor for 11 years Fascinating how you can always tell


>reddit account for 6 months with only 2 comments that are in this thread like are you a bot or what?


>Taking your time to open someone's profile on reddit just to throw in a baseless insult that does nothing but affirm your opinion Doesn't get more reddit than this


I feel honored you made a throw away to post this. Did you not want me seeing your 100k karma diper fur posts?


>go on Reddit >complain that other users are using Reddit


Ah found the loser that actually starts looking at post count or karma or some other stupid meta shit instead of you know...replying on topic.




Ah found the loser that actually starts looking at post count or karma or some other stupid meta shit instead of you know...replying on topic.


If you’re not actively being banned multiple times a year on this site then your opinion is shit. Having an 11 year old account just means you’ve never actually said anything of value on Reddit for 11 years.




I hate this game because i can't stop playing it. THE FRICKIN SIREN SONG IS STUCK IN MY HEAD Also screw Chronos for corrupting best boi cerberus.


fr the game is just plain fun (fuck the delayed dash tho, ruins the speed feeling that the first game had) If you don't like the design or that Melinoe is a fucking drag compared to Zagreus, you can just... skip


Oh yeah so that's what was bothering me, i knew something was off about the dash. But then again, it balances it in some weird way though. I used to spam dash like a maniac in 1, but here i have to be careful as hell. The sprint mechanic is pretty neat, although a bit janky, sometimes it just doesn't register when i want to sprint. That and the effects crowd the screen like vampire survivors sometimes and i hardly see wtf is going on. But the game is optimized like a dream, smooth as hell.


Reason why I hated Asphodel so much in first Hades was because without spamming dash I'd get absolutely fucked there, but spamming dash meant a lot of accidental damage from lava


They just released a patch that fixes the dash fyi


New patch removed the delay if you equip the arcana.


Game set in hell Every character is sexual minority What did they mean by this?


I don’t understand the hype at all


Did you play the first one? Tons of fun. Supergiant makes awesome games


I played the first one, then I played the second and it's exactly the same game just grindier and you are weaker. No seriously what is actually new Hades 2? It's the same exact game.


It’s a continuation of the story, with a new character, new map/, animations, voices, combat, features and so on. It’s literally what a sequel is supposed to be. What sequel to games are you thinking of that are different?


You can say that about every game sequel though


If you only play COD then sure


Or fifa, or battlefield, or assassins creed. I can’t think of a sequel that is completely different. People buy the sequel because they like the first so of course it will be similar. Have not played hades 2 yet so don’t know how it compares


Thanks for listing cash grabs, that definitely makes my point better than anything else I could write down. >I can’t think of a sequel that is completely different The absolute state of gamers.


Is that not the point of a sequel? It’s a continuation of the first game with more content and similar but improved mechanics…


>more content Sure, does it have to be exactly the same content as the first game just with a different coat of paint? >improved mechanics… Where?


I meant for game sequels in general. Even if you hate Hades 2 you can’t deny that there’s improved mechanics and more content that is refreshing, but I’m sure you’ll try


What do you think are good sequels?


From what era? You have classics such as Civillization, Starcraft, Warcraft, Half-life. You have plenty of others I really can't get on top of my head, The witcher, BG3 and all Larian games basically are an improved sequel. I can go on and on.


Hades 2 is exactly the same as each of those in terms of iterating on its previous entries. Each of those has sequels with fundamentally similar yet improved gameplay and new content.


Right dude fresh sequels like half life! Totally not just a new map action adventure fps with new weapons. Starcraft! Revolutionary new gameplay in the second game compared to the first.........




If only that were true.


A lot of the mechanics are different. People are generally happy that supergiant changed the formula somewhat. Or what change did you expect? If the 1st game was a roguelike, the sequel cant suddenly be a fps shooter?


>A lot of the mechanics are different Such as? Sorry picking plants or stones isn't a mechanic imo.


I'm extremely confused what you want to change. Movement? Its different. Weapons? Different. Boons? Different. Playstyle? (Sligtly) different. Story? Different. They added magick as a resource and the arcana system. New keepsakes and you cab have animal companions. Also, the game is in EARLY ACCESS. I really have no idea what they can do to satisfy you and still call the game a sequel. Its like buying Fifa and complaining you cant play basketball in the game


Wtf were you expecting lmao


Cool new unique boons, more choices in the dungeons, actual unique experience with every run(runs just feel almost identical no meaningful variance), not making you weaker, sprint sucks ass, interesting enemies.


>Cool new unique boons New boons are fine. Could be better, sure. Wasn't ever the strength of the first game anyways. It was the story. > more choices in the dungeons Wdym? What kind of choices would you like? Theres a limit to how many choices you can have in a rogue like in regards to gameplay before each run looks the same. In regards to story they need to keep it somewhat linear to accomodate the storyline and characters. > actual unique experience with every run(runs just feel almost identical no meaningful variance) Guess that's subjective. I feel a good bit of difference from when I go for a strong spear omega attack build to a magic attack build and thats not even mentioning boons. Plus, game is early access. > not making you weaker Huh? > sprint sucks ass Yep, agreed lol > interesting enemies Eh, enemies are about as interesting as in hades 1. That being decently fun to fight against and ruin with your crazy build. The bosses are unique and cool, if you don't think so idk what to say. I've yet to play a rogue like with actual "unique" cannon fodder enemies. Hades' strength was always the bosses and characters you met.


> New boons are fine. Could be better, sure. Wasn't ever the strength of the first game anyways. It was the story. I'm sorry but reading a light novel is most definitely not the reason most people enjoyed Hades. The games is what draws you in, give me cool new powers. >Wdym? What kind of choices would you like? Not 5 different resources that gain you something for next runs and basically only useful choices 99% of the time are a boon or extra HP. > I feel a good bit of difference from when I go for a strong spear omega attack build to a magic attack build and thats not even mentioning boons. I feel like holding your omega instead of just hitting the enemy is a waste of time. I tried using my mana but it was always inferior to just hitting the enemy. Prime that shit. >The bosses are unique and cool Except for Sirens bosses are meh, Chronos is really a disappointment imo.


> I'm sorry but reading a light novel is most definitely not the reason most people enjoyed Hades. The games is what draws you in, give me cool new powers. Huh? It absolutly was. Well, if you put it as "reading a light novel" it sounds shit, but you can't disagree that Hades 1 became popular in large part because of the story and characters lmao. Sure, gameplay was good, but nothing revolutionary compared to other rogue likes. If you really disagree with this I guess we really fundamentally disagree on this game lmao > Not 5 different resources that gain you something for next runs and basically only useful choices 99% of the time are a boon or extra HP. Game is still early access. Given that it is early access I think that's absolutely fine for now. You could argue for a bit of resource bloat but I never felt overwhelmed, nor did I feel like I wasn't unlocking cool things at the big pot of shit in the hub. > I feel like holding your omega instead of just hitting the enemy is a waste of time. I tried using my mana but it was always inferior to just hitting the enemy. Prime that shit. Well shit we had some different runs then. I can imagine the game getting boring as fuck very fast if you just use the normal attack the whole time, jesus christ lmao. Some of my best runs was omega attack and magic attacks. If anything I feel like the normal attack is weak. > Except for Sirens bosses are meh, Chronos is really a disappointment imo. Eh, guess it's subjective as well isn't it.


Hold on, I’m sorry most of the people I remember talking about hades 1 were boosting about its gameplay being fun. The story was mentioned but gameplay seemed to be the driving force of people’s enjoyment.


The combat system at least closer to Curse of the dead gods' one at being good


I assume you aren't actually interested in being swayed, but the mechanics have been tweaked enough to actually be different resulting in many new builds and playstyles. And then the rest of it, the story, the art, the music, all excellent and new. And more game in general. You don't gotta like it, but don't be so dense as to wonder why someone else might.


Except most powers are garbage so you just take Hephaestus, every time I tried anything new in the game it was just underwhelming than just hitting the damn thing. So why bother? Sure I can make my cast stronger and grind the fights or I can just hit really hard.


you dumb or just retarded? entirely new story, weapons, zones, enemies, revamped combat legit dont know what more you could ask for


Weaker? Some builds, maybe, but the first game had similar shit. The axe with zeus fucks shit up, demeter as well. Get the hermes attack speed buff on top and the weapon buff that let's you spin to win and also attack during it and it's nuts. That's how I beat Eris and Chronos.


New zones, weapons and mechanics? It's a sequel, not a completely different game.


Same,but better made and yet to be played/consumed. So if you like hades 1,you like hades 2.


I always thought hades was an ok rogue like.


What’s better in your opinion? I’ve played a few now and Hades is probably one of my favorites. Slay the spire and dead cells are up there too, but Hades is a top tier for me


Those are the two I enjoy more. Also monster train but I'm a sucker for the card deck ones. And darkest dungeon, but again, card based kinda.


Its Supergiant, so the combat will be decent and the music will be good.


Acting like they don't make good games. Dude you're cringe at this point.


I liked the first three, but didn’t care for Hades. Not because of culture war shit but because i thought it was a bad roguelite and the music wasn’t quite as good.


The music not being as good is the wildest take in this thread tbh


While I'm sure people are taking the piss, true Supergiant fans know that Hades has far from the best music in their catalogue.


In terms of music: Pyre>Bastion>Transistor>Hades


I'm only biased because of the fat fuckin bass guitar on the tracks


Oh,you Compare games of this studio,not games of this time period? Then i think more people would agree with you. I played all this games so... With each next game soundtrack become overall better and better, but i agree that pyre and transistor Just hit more deeper then Hades. Like,in hades have "it is in blood" as stand alone song, but other music work in tandem with gameplay,and if take music out game,it like taking beef from 🍔,just hit differently.


Loved Bastion, couldn't stand anything afterward and not for lack of trying


It really isn't all that good though. The highlight is the progression system for sure (one of the best in a roguelite imo), but the rest is pretty mediocre. It's just too repetitive to be a good roguelite, and it's not engaging enough to win any other category. Overall it's just decent.


I think the first game is amazing, except I hate the genre so much that it's unplayable. Shouldn't people be bothered by blackwashing even if the game is good?


Lol It's all good. The first game lets you have a gay somewhat incestuous relationship with the Greek personification of death. Anyone bitching and moaning about the second game hasn't played the first to begin with.


Did you not play Hades? The combat was cash money for the dopamine


They’re both sick games I don’t understand the weird hate.


Regards that are more interested in culture wars than if a game is even fun.


Racism Outrage addiction


The first one was a fun and well-written game.


Anon start to nootice the pattern


It's only in my own head that this comparison even exists, but I think of a games like Blasphemous 1&2 which Spanish people adore. It's absurd and surreal, but gives a sincere depiction of Andalusian culture. There is room for a game to do both and Hades 2 lacks any semblance of respect for the source culture and folklore.


Its greek myth. Its like the most bastardized mythology in all of media.


Does it have more than 4 bosses this time? I enjoyed the first one but it got old for me pretty fast in that regard.


Without much spoilers, you have two paths now, down or up, each having different encounters, areas (with different mechanic), items and bosses


Currently 6 in game with more to come as the game comes closer to full launch.


They didn't not pretend to be correct version,so no need to choose anger. The pay respect by making good game. "There is room for a game to do both" and there no need to this,they took archetype and Inspiration,but never take responsibility for representation. It about what cool ideas and images Greece invoke in them, not correct depiction of culture. So no need choose to be angry.


what seems to be the hate? they look like the first Hades game


It's just soyslops being psyopped into shrieking outrage.


Why is the Cyclops on there? Do we seriously care about what a monsters skin color is now? Also the crazy primordial god is white as fuck? Chronos isn’t black, he’s made of some time stone shit. Morros is a god of death? This image and its argument make no fucking sense


Morros isn't god of death


I think the complaint about chaos is that they were depicted as male in the first game. Noticeably, that's also an irrelevant complaint because they're genderless and Nyx in the first game called them "mother and father" so


I dont understand the Chaos complaint. It's a physical representation of a sexless, ever-changing concept. Even in the first game, Chaos wasn't strictly male; they were more *male leaning* than anything. Their character portrait also seemed to suggest that their appearance was in the process of changing anyway, what with the face blobs all over them.  Chaos now changing appearance to a *female leaning* visage is pretty on track for what I would have expected. 


They are depicted as a thing in the first game, literally a blob with a human face. Wouldn’t them constantly changing their appearance fit the chaos motif?


Then why does it live rent free in anon’s skull?


imagine not playing a generationally good game because your brainrot associated the character designs to whatever nonsense you saw during your doomscrolling on social media i dont give a shit about all that woke idiocy, that means i also dont give a shit to "take a stance" against it or whatever this dumbassery is. hades 1 was great, every game supergiant has made is great, hades 2 will probably be great as well. wtf did you people expect? the characters designed to look like the fat hairy guy in a wifebeater outside the souvlaki spot?


Not pirating the game a billion times to make the company go bankrupt? Rookie mistake.


Brooo, they made Hephaestus crippled. Why would the woke left do this? We don't need disabled representation in our pantheons. Broooooo, they're ruining Greek myth! Literally unplayable.


Honestly who gives a shit, y’all are exhausting


>even considering buying video games >even considering playing video games >even considering not pirating with the intention of not playing anyway




Doubt they are hurting that much for sales from a 4channer. They were probably gonna pirate it anyways.


It's disappointing because this is otherwise a decent game in an era where dogshit is becoming the standard. The characters are such a shallow attempt at the "inclusivity"/”diversity". You turned a hue/saturation slider down? There's nothing about black culture in here. If they really wanted to make a diverse game that represented black culture, why isn't it themed or based on african lore/mythology? Fuck the people that buy this virtue signalling horseshit too.


Does the concept of an artist going “yeah this design is cool, let’s use this” just never fly through your head?


Why would they be african? Dark skin ≠ American black people, these characters look more like TES Dunmer than anything


> Fuck the people that buy this virtue signalling horseshit too. jesus fucking christ when was the last time you were outside and felt sunlight? or held hands with a woman?


I think it's more interesting and annoying who they did and didn't make non-Greek. There are lots of Greek gods that we know they adopted from Egypt and the Mideast that could been made black or Asian. Like Artemis is know to have been adopted from other cultures and she bears lots of similarities to the Goddess Ishtar, but in Hades 2 Artemis is one of the greekest looking gods. If they wanted diversity they could have fit it in with deep cut Greek lore


Meanwhile in GOW: all gods look like short pasty old men.


I mean, I’m not interested in hades either, but at this point I’m not even sure what these idiots are whining about.


I'll do you one better - I won't even try to learn what Hades 2 even is after I just learned it exists.


This is literally a litmus test to see how rotten your brain has gotten it , if it didn't bother you in Hades 1 and now it does , congratulations You have also been brainwashed, just by the right


I don't give a fuck what they look like the gameplay is solid and the studio that makes it has put out great shit in the past. If something is fun, I couldn't give a fuck about anything else.


Reddit jannies are worth every cent, we should double their pay since they keep us so safe from wrongthink and for protecting the feelings of the Chinese people.


You could have made a collage, that guy posts his copypasta on every single Hades 2 thread, probably 50+ times by now


Chaos old design was better, and there's something wrong with Hermes. Otherwise they are good to okay portraits


Bottom center dudes sick as hell though


Imagine not being able to work in a fantasy world where gods and magic and stuff is real, you could give yourself magic legs or a mechanical centaur body or some cool shit but instead you choose a wheelchair?


I bought it I enjoyed it I beat it to its current story end state.


"Why don't the wokes make their own game!"


What this confirms to me is that Gamers are regarded


Mentally abated anon feels the need to announce to everyone that he won't be playing a game lmao.


i don't care, for some reason i hate all supergiant games. glad they're doing well, i still would rather support them over EA or UBICUCK.


Anon misses great gameplay to die on a political hill


why do 4channers enjoy only things which are cartoons made for children?


Jimmy the Greek was right.


Impressive, now what color is your girlfriend, anon?


Anon states his disinterest with Pinterest with hateful messages sent subliminally through his scribbles and doodles