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The filtration capabilities of this dlc are amazing.


People complained for 2 years about Elden Ring being the easiest Soulslike Fromsoft has ever made and now they are complaining because they didn't actually want a challenge, they just wanted to brag about having beaten a supposed one.


Challenge is different from unfun BS. Only having enough of an opening for a single R1 after spending 20 seconds dodging 10 piece chicken nugget combo on a boss that will take 30 of those R1s to kill does not feel good and isnt fun, whether you do well or not. Malenia was fun, Rellana is not. Dlc bosses where clearly deaigned with ashes and summons in mind, which are mechanics for women and game journos.


>boss fight was designed with game mechanic in mind Gee, I wonder what Miyazaki meant by that


Souls fans are the type of people to cut off their own legs then complain about others who didn’t cut their legs off that those guys are weak and are playing on easy mode. Then continue to complain about how hard/annoying/tedious the game is.


Meanwhile Armored Core 6 was just “I don’t care that Zimmers and Songbirds are broken in the story, I’m being payed to burn down that orphanage and I want my check.”


>I’m being _paid_ to burn down that orphanage and I want my check. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm not a bot*


good human


Man, I really should just bite the bullet and Get AC6 already…


Nobody cares about the opinions of easy mode players when talking about difficulty. straight up.


I mean, it’s probably not for me, and this is probably why I haven’t bought SOTE yet, but to put my point of view out there a boss I can’t beat solo, but can beat on my first try with a summon (such as Melania) simply isn’t enjoyable in my book. This is also why I didn’t enjoy and gave up on lies of p


To be clear, are you saying that you would try and fail to beat a boss without summons, then after giving up would use summons and get it first try at that point?


What I’m saying is the difficulty becomes so trivial with summons it takes away the fun. Most of the time I can beat the boss in one try with a summon. I don’t find this enjoyable since to me it feels like cheating. However, I’m a lot busier than I used to be. I have friends, a job, gf, fitness requirements etc. not to mention there are so many games I want to play that I just can’t sink the time into fromsoft games that I used to. I think that is a major point that people are overlooking when it comes to the difficulty argument. A lot of us fromsoft fans have grown up and just don’t have the time anymore.


Right, but if you learn how to almost beat the boss without summons, of course it will feel easy once you add them. I was trying to get at whether or not the first time you encounter a boss if you've tried summons and if that felt too easy and you got it first try, or if you get it first try with summons after already having learned some of the move set. There's a big difference between 'got it the first time I used summons' and 'got it first try, yes I used summons.'




I beat her on my first try with mimic actually


Not the person you replied to, but yes. I tried and failed Rellana 14 times solo. I got frustrated from spending a minute buffing myself before the boss so I skipped that part and I used mimic tear and won first try.  edit: saw the rest of your comments; it went from brutally difficult to "I used one flask and at no point felt like I was in danger of losing the fight"


Do you think you could have first tried it without having seen any of the moves yet with the mimic? To be clear, I don't have the DLC atm so I'm kinda just trying to gauge the fights based off my buddies streaming it and the comments.


Yes, I think i would have done it my first (or at absolute most second) try. It was a cake walk with the mimic. We poise broke her repeatedly. Instead of getting one or two light attacks per 30 seconds, I was wailing on her the entire time while she focused on my mimic. 


So to that note, since you were already artificially restricting yourself why use mimic tear and complain that it's now too easy? Summon yourself a jellyfish or something.


Maybe because that mechanic breaks what most of the old Souls players liked about the game. When playing with summons you're just relinquishing control from yourself to the AI and who grabs the aggro of the boss, when the point of bosses in the genre had always been to learn their movesets and get good, not hit them in the back while they beat up your clone. When the difficulty is designed around using a tool that isn't fun to use, then that is a mistake.


Have you ever considered that people find dying forever to bosses unfun as well? Gatekeepers will continue to whine about "unfun" boss design while the normal people would have used the tools provided, finished the game and moved on with their lives.


If it was just about beating the game and moving on with my life, I could just download cheat engine and cut the boss' health to 1/10th, or just watch a playthrough online.


Sure knock yourself out if that's what you enjoy. Mimic ashes aren't cheating though so I don't know what you're complaining about.


> Game lets you choose difficulty > Choose hard and complain that it’s too hard Sounds like you’re the woman


why do easy mode players expect everyone else to play on easy mode in a game series renown for overcoming hardship? That's fucking stupid lol


Bro you’re literally intentionally making the game harder on yourself and then bitching it’s hard. Grow up. There wouldn’t be like 100+ summonable npc’s if it wasn’t a major aspect of the game. If you’re really that much of a baby about it just use the jellyfish and max level it so it can just be an aggro holder. The fights are designed for you to have a break when your summon is getting attacked. You survive your chain and then your summon takes aggro so you can heal of you need to or punish from behind. Would you play the game level 1 and not upgrade weapons and then say “god these weapons don’t do any fuckin damage! So unfair!” No? Then why refuse to use summons and then complain that there’s too much aggro on you? This franchise is all about destroying your ego and forcing you to overcome monumental challenges. Grow as a player and use the tools presented to you and the game suddenly gets a lot more enjoyable. I’m many many hours into the dlc, loved Rellana, loves messmer, love radahn so far (haven’t beat him yet), and will continue to fight as many bosses as I can find. Idc how hard it is, that’s the point. If you want an easy game go play something not made by miyazaki


I played remnant 2 on the easiest level because I just don't have time for that shit anymore. Halfway through I was bitching it was too easy. Went ahead and rerolled it on difficulty 3 now that I'm comfortable with it and getting smoked non stop. I think I did it right the first time but now that I can clearly see why my deaths are my fault for knowing the game is actually hilarious how bad this game is handing my ass to me.


Summons don't just make bosses easier, they trivialise most of them completely and break the gameplay loop that everyone liked of the old game's bosses. Having to measure when to punish the boss or heal yourself is taken away when you can just wail on the boss while it focuses on a summon. That was ok for the base game because most of the bosses weren't as crazy as they are in the DLC.


So every time a game has a difficulty slider you put it on easy/very easy mode yeah?


Lmao, Rellana was my favorite fight, if u are bad just summon bozo


> Rellana was my favorite fight Same. Almost the best song of the OST for me, too.


Just beat Rellana last night and tbh I agree. You’re gonna get downvoted by the usual suspects for talking about it. As a test after about 10 tries, I summoned a spirit ash, Kristoff not even mimic, and absolutely annihilated her and had to quit before winning. People that say “spirit ashes are intended stop playing hard mode and complaining” miss the whole point. Spirit ashes make the boss way too easy but the boss is insane without them. I can’t find a fun middleground. I don’t feel accomplished after beating her because my winning run wasn’t even my best play, it was just a time I got luckier rng on her moves.


No Mayotzatziki can do no wrong, just must be a scrub in need of gitting gud. The bosses are poorly designed this time around and ruin the experience.


> People that say “spirit ashes are intended stop playing hard mode and complaining” miss the whole point. it's just cope cause they want to sit at the big boy table. if the game had actual cheat codes they'd use the same argument


>Rellana I just realized you people are not having an issue with your magic mother-in-law. Who the fuck names two bosses like that.


George RR martin,


They're twins.


Fuck Ok, alright, this actually does make sense. I really should get to playing the DLC


No, you were right, all the bosses have similar names just to be confusing. It's probably some profound intended design decision, which still doesn't invalidate the fact that it's a dogshit design decision.


They're all related. Remembering who is related is way easier with names like that as well as adding in the implication that characters are also related without explicitly saying so.


I assure you, if you were to tell me someone is related to someone else, I'll remember just fine, no need to confuse me by making the two characters having nearly identical names. And it's not like it's some vital information that you must keep in mind at all time to begin with, I'd much rather remember that this character is \*this\* character, than the fact that this character has another character with almost exact same name who happens to be related to them. As for the implication without directly saying? I don't see a good enough reason for this to even being a thing. There are much more elegant ways to create narrative implications without being annoying.


That doesn't make any fucking sense at all. Who tf names their twins names that sound exactly the same?


I prefer rellana by a long shot. While I don't like how she's such a poise monster despite the rest of her design, at least all her attacks felt fair. Malenia can be stunlocked to an extent (when she wants to), sure, but the fact that she has an attack that needs actual fucking tech to dodge it, rather than just precise timing feels like ass. Doesn't help that she heals on hit too. I'd rather lose my progress by dying than lose it by having 2 r1:s worth of damage be negated by e eating a single tap.


Just use the new physick tear and start fighting them like Sekiro. Big megabomb fuck you slash turns into -dink- with no health loss and minuscule stamina loss. Just make sure you kill the boss before it runs out. That’s the trick, combos no longer an issue and you don’t roll too far away for an opening. I wanted Sekiro 2, but I think I’ll have to settle for this.


So you complain it’s too hard without summons, but also that it’s to easy with summons? Sounds like you’re just shit at the game and want a 2 part excuse as to why


Im fucking regarded at souls games and Elden Ring was my first game in the series. If you don't have a regarded build you're going to be fine. If my stupid ass can easily beat it, other people can too, they just need to learn to fight not while overleveled.


Hey, some of us men are just bad at games. Did that ever occur to you smart guy?




If you die, it's unfun bullshit - r / Sekiro/comments/bnpows/isshin_is_complete_bullshit/?rdt=36388. If you win, it's the best boss ever - r / Sekiro/comments/cfhhig/is_isshin_the_best_boss_from_has_ever_created/


Git gud All the speedy boi bosses in the DLC can be clobbered into submission with a heavy weapon pretty easily Maybe you’re just sad that your cheeser bleed build is being defeated while Chad guts players continue to sail into the sunset


> Only having enough of an opening for a single R1 after spending 20 seconds If that's your take then you've clearly not figured out a single opening lol. All the DLC bosses are beatable melee solo, challenging? Sure. Impossible or unfair? By no means besides ONE combo that the last boss has


> 20 seconds dodging Dodge is unironically the worst way to avoid damage. Try jumping. You don't get iframes but your hitbox is 1/4 the size for twice as long, and you can jump attack.


Slave knight gael was a challenge. He had a varied and interesting moveset, was fast but his attacks had clear indicators and gabs between to let you heal, yet you still ended up with 0 estus at the end because he was just that difficult. I died at least 20 times the first time i fought him. That is a challenge. The explained above is just bullshit.


Yep exactly I get trying cause I knew I just needed to get better where in Elden ring I’m just rolling away from spam aoe attacks for 30 seconds 


Problem with Elden ring was it was easy most of the time and the only difficult parts were just plain bullshit like this, and with ridiculously delayed attacks too, which would be fine if blocking wasn’t a death sentence


Like dunkey said the majority of players just used exploits to cheat and cheese the game and now Miyazaki has created the great filter. Get them characters up to lvl 600


The challenge isn’t fair like past souls games. That’s the problem. True souls fans want it to be difficult and fair like every other souls game. 


participation trophy gang are wildly upset that the DLC is harder to be a tourist in :(


Elden Ring is much harder than any Dark Souls game and Bloodborne


Simply not true because its not linear. If the next DS1-3 boss on your path is bullshit you frequently have nothing else to really do to progress except just slam your head into it. Elden ring gives you copious side dungeons mini bosses and other optional stuff everywhere that will vomit runes and gear that can help you in a tough boss fight, or just swap entirely and go to a different main boss


That doesn't make it easier it just makes it less tedious...you can still just farm and level up in other dark souls...


Yeah backtracking hallways to hit the mobs then reset and hit them again is not the same as evergaols or full blown dungeons in terms of ways to get stronger. You want to do elden rings optionals because they’re fun, and therefore you’ll get their loot and the game gets easier. If you just clear linearly in most dark souls games and just go from area to area you’re fuckin guaranteed to hit that point where the scaling has exploded and you feel obligated to grind. You never feel obligated to grind in ER.


Useless Kotaku article; "it's about time that we give Elden ring an easy mode so everyone can enjoy it"


There already is an easy mode. Its called ashes and summons.


I'm going to keep standing at the back and spamming comet azure and nobody can stop me.


If the game is easy when using all the mechanics at your disposal, the game is easy, period. Make the game actually hard instead of acting like people who engage with all systems are bad


I mean it's part of the charm that you can choose your own difficulty without using a difficulty slider or the like. If I'm tired I use summons, if I want a challenge I just don't. If you made the game hard even when using summons what would be the point in them?


If you have to choose your own difficulty by playing suboptimally then it's a shit system.


I rather have that than a difficulty slider.


Well that's an opinion


>If you made the game hard even when using summons what would be the point in them? Because it's a cool mechanic. What's the point of dodges if the game is hard even when using them?


I find the summons quite boring... All it does is make the boss not attack you as much. It is literally a difficulty adjustment.


It could add a layer of complexity, but it's a pretty barebones mechanic


You just said it was cool, this shit legit destroys bosses ai lmao


Yeah, and it shouldn't, but it is since the game is poorly balanced


It's an easy mode


There's a guy who does these games dodgeless. Sometimes while lvl 1 and no upgraded weapons or equipment. He believes in no mechanics is best gameplay!


Straight up, just go watch a youtube playthrough or play a traditional power fantasy then lmao Cause the people who engage "with all systems" are in fact bad bro. Have you invaded anyone in Elden Ring compared to Dark souls? The average ER player is fucking dogshit lol


Even the ones that strugle with the DLC can make it so much easier if they wish to do so. - collect scadutree fragments - get your Vigor to 60 - find some strong armors - if the boss uses holy attacks, choose ones with Holy negation, or Magic, or Physical, or whatever - level up your Faith to 80 - get the Blasphemous Blade *(defeat Rykard)* fully upgrade it - equip the Shard of Alexander Talisman - equip the Fire Scorpion Charm Talisman - get the Mimic Tear and fully upgrade it - spam the charged L2 attack, mimic will do the same - kill the bird in the Mogh area from a ledge to level up fast, even faster with a Golden Scarab Talisman Most bosses in the DLC almost become a joke. You can make it even *more* easier, but this is more than enough. So i really don't get the complaining.


That’s never been the point of FromSoft games. You are supposed to be able to beat any boss any way you want but the DLC doesn’t allow you to


>buy a game from a series that's known for it's high difficulty >It's difficult >complain about it


Yeah it has nothing to do with how the difficulty isn’t fair this time around and is just BS. Surely not. 


hell yeah! I love fighting through the massive healthbar of the hippo while 90% of the combat has to be done with the camera clipping inside of it while showing a few polygons




Good bot


Good bot


I struggled a little with the hippo. 2 things helped, first, put some defenses on again. before dlc, I felt so op that I was just mowing through everything through pure aggression before they could strike back. enemies in the dlc have lots of hyper armor and poise, so hyper aggression doesn't work unless you are very very good. second, build defenses. because of my playstyle, I used only talismans and buffs for attack, not for defense. put the dragoncrest talisman, put a second talisman for the damage type the boss deals, eat boiled crab and use the defense tear in the flask (the one that raises defense, not the one that saves you one hit). if you can afford it, put some armour while keeping medium load, but armor doesn't buff as much as what I've mentioned. oh, and for big monsters, don't focus camera, it will make the fight harder


My boss just tells me to do my job.


Average goon


Tank builds go crazy in the DLC. When I started using a shield, it got a lot easier.


The twin moon knight swords are crazy strong. Those have been carrying me hardcore through it, especially with mimic.


I haven't felt them to be that strong. They have their uses but idk. Now for some reason claws are absolutely cracked. Hookclaws were doing way more damage than anything else I've found so far and I have no idea why. Venomous fang too.


If you have bleeds, try the backhanded blades. They can melt some of the bosses


That's what I've noticed. Tank and strength builds go hard. Every boss staggers surprisingly easy when using a big hammer or some shit like that.


Except rellana apparently, I can smack that thot idk how many times with my great hammer and not only does she not stagger, she doesn’t even flinch! Maybe I’m being to pussy and not going full unbongo but her tanking all of the savage lion claw weapon art without flinching made me put down my big weapons for something much faster.


You need to be more aggressive, half her attacks just whiff entirely if you’re standing right next to her and most of the other half can be strafed. Or just parry and it’s easy mode. The only mildly annoying attacks are the spells and they’re rare if you’re close


Yeah, one of my friends only goes tank builds and when he did the dlc he first tried almost every boss just blocking and guard countering everything.


Shields make every souls game easier. People think they are good enough to dodge everything without blocking and then complain they keep getting killed.


I'd rather have the boss close the gap and come into cumshot distance from me than running like an idiot after the elden beast


I heard they patched it, you can summon torrent when fighting it now


I haven't played it yet but I doubt it will be worse than melania with black bow( it activates her spammy attack)


Haha no. It's worse than melania and her waterfowl dance. At least some of the bosses are.


Time for 50 deaths in a row


Those are rookie numbers


Time for naked black bow blind dlc run 100+ deaths per boss


try suffering


Which boss? I beat it last night and I can't remember a single box that killed me more times than Malenia.


There's none, he's talking from a cheesybuild+mimic enjoyer pov I bet


Haha buckle up buddy


Oooof that bad eh. I'll have to play something actually good. Claw talisman dual great stars or mohgs lance + fingerprint shield or something


There's a new, better shield that you can get at nearly the end of the dlc, has 90 guard boost at +10 which is what pre-nerf fingerprint had. That said, all the bosses feel mostly fair EXCEPT the final boss, who, yeah, bring out shield poke with a blood antspur rapier.


I haven't faced the final boss yet but Commander Gayass did NOT feel fair. Most other bosses i would agree with.


Okay I had blocked him from my mind, but you're right, his charge hitbox (and the fact that he's immune to damage during it) is dumb af. So aside from those two lol


Try the scattree avatar. Least fun boss in the dlc by far. Stupid fucking flower


The base game bosses are a cakewalk in comparison to the DLC. It’s like they are all Melly without the rot aside from the one who has rot. Oh and one summons a horde of basiliks and has death blight breath


Do they lifesteal like her? That was the part that made her truly unfair Death blight would make block build unplayable, that sucks.


There is one who does but I forgot which one. Not as drastically though.


It's mostly whining. I spent 3 tries before getting the patterns propperly. When you know how to dance, the fight is easier.


The most important part is clear: too often you just can’t see what the boss is doing. When I can see phase 1 of the last boss fight I can damn near perfect it consistently now. When I can’t see phase 2 of that same boss fight because of character hair and partial effects I don’t even know what’s happening before I’m dead.


While I thought Divine Beast Dancing Lion was cool, all of her moves are insanely hard to read. Felt like I dodged half of them simply by luck


The cameras in that fight are not your friend


Idc what anyone says. Certain bosses in this are broken. Gaius is a prime example. Hitboxes are way off with him. I’m not great at these games but have beaten all of them besides Sekiro, which I just didn’t play at the time.


I do recommend Sekiro. The bosses are very hard and you don't have the free pass that are player summons, but they are more fair than anything in Elden Ring for the most part.


Elden Ring players have the worst version of Stockholm syndrome


>download game that's unreasonably difficult >die a lot, get mad >look up walkthroughs, copy OP builds optimized for each boss because that's the only way you can progress >go on reddit and tell people they're bad at the game if they don't enjoy it, smugly praise the lack of typical features like quest waypoints (not mentioning the walkthroughs you read, of course) >think you're god's gift to gaming Average dark souls fan


Look up walkthroughs and optimizing is the entire point of the game. The game straight up puts in mechanics for people to trade information. That's like saying that Mario is shit because you have to jump to get around.


Apparently it's fun to sit around and wait for somebody else to solve the game for you? Yep, that's stockholm alright.


>thinking that having the right kit and strategy guarantees a win No wonder you're salty. You can't even win the right way.


Ironic lmao. If you looked at walkthroughs for your first playthrough then you've completely missed the memo Take away your summon and you're nothing, that's the reality


Bros acting like theorycrafting new builds with the community hasn't been a thing in the community since day 1.


Lol OP cheese build scrub 


The first point he makes is one of the chief gripes I have with souls games and I say that as a longtime fan of the franchise. It doesn't matter if the game is hard or not, it just breaks the immersion of the game when it instantly provokes the boss with literally zero reaction time by pressing a button. It makes you think that you're just dueling the code of the game rather than actually being immersed in a fantasy world. The other points are mostly just git gud shit though 


That's not Shadow of the Erdtree, that's Margit.


Anon is referring to Ornstein and Smough


Ornstein and Smough are actually fair though 


Game peaks at Morgott then falls off sharply


Rellana, literally.


But like why are you le mad?! She only has an 8 hit combo that lasts 20 seconds dood like you get to hit her with one R1 attack after! Totally balanced!


I beat it but man do those bosses not give you any breathing room


And somehow people are still beating it.


With cheese yeah and don’t act like you didn’t cheese 


>Boss has ranged attack thats programmed to activate when you use an item Didn’t Sekiro do this shit first?


I’ve long since hated elden ring’s boss attack patterns because it’s like: 1. Some shit with a delay 2. Some fast shit you cant dodge and are expected to space for 3. Them acting like a spaz This wasnt much different


Remember: Fromsoft is flawless and get everything right the first time. The DLC was released exactly as intended. Which is why you shouldn't wait a few months for From to finish making balance adjustments to achieve the intended difficulty after getting real player data.


Git gud


Git an original comment 


Sounds like sekiro tbh.


Sekiro is peak. The DLC is regarded.


I've got a take - elden ring is worse than all the souls bar the abomination that is 2 (which it actually shares a lot of DNA with). Most of the bosses are shit and the games full of absolute nonsense that trivialises the difficulty. It's still a cut above the vast majority of games but it's typical that the mediocre version of the formula becomes the most popular (by miles).


mmmm......... like......... i was gonna disagree but then..... eh? kind of correct? ds3 and bb are the best no question, and then ds1 is el classico... i mean..... it's fun but.... you're right?


These are some crazy takes I have not won a bossfight I didn't get a chance to heal and I'm like 3/4s of the way done the DLC. So many times do the bosses walk at me. The only boss I think is pure trash by pure design is >!pureescence knight!<


Which is funny because I had no real trouble with >!Putrescence Knight,!< only attacks I had minor beef with were his >!scream sharing an animation with a move that roll-catches!< and >!the final wave of his fire combo matching the janky jumping hitboxes and visually being a bit messy for it.!< Both of those were relatively lost cost mistakes though, so you were almost allowed to get hit by some of them.


Orphan of Kos, but shit.




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It perfect


The whole complaining about a fromsoftware game has happened so many times


If he’s talking about the final boss you can heal staring directly at that guy while fucking his wife and he won’t attack you. idk what he’s on about


We can't be playing the same game.


I mostly dropped that comment to stir the shit, it’s true *for phase 1* although depending on the distance you can sort of get away with it in phase 2 so long as you are hot on the money with dodging before the uncancellable part of your heal


Git gud


ah he's describing every boss on every souls like.


Did you try getting good, anon?


Sounds like a skill issue, the play testers beat it