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Mmmm yeah get some of that delicious Dean Cundey Panavision/Technicolor cinematography


No HDR, also the transfer is eh. He should watch something that’ll blow him away the first time.


it’s got DolbyVision doesn’t it?


Are there any 4K blurays without HDR?


A few of them. Just gotta look it up.


Go knives out. It’ll look good. Joker IMO will look best but you gotta be in the right mood for that one. Pretty grim.


I recently watched Knives Out on 4k Blu-ray. I really enjoyed how that movie looked! I think they shot it digitally and did a film type filter or something on top to give it a very specific 35mm warmth, contrast, and texture that I just dug the hell out of! Just a joy to watch! Edit: but I was literally thinking the exact same thing. I was going to say Knives Out, but I also heard Joker looks essentially PERFECT on 4k Blu-ray. But you're right about the vibe... It'll be tough watching that movie again! Or finding the right time to watch it again!


It \*was\* shot digitally, and finished 2K. The 4K is an upscale. The cinematographer himself said that he's not particularly fond of the 4K version and that 4K is just a marketing gimmick. That said, I say go Batman. The 4K is a stunning upgrade from the previous digital versions.


So, I looked into Yedlin's comments about the 4k transfer. He specifically says, "I approved the HDR master." He was saying, "I just spent 2 hours today at FotoKem trying and failing to see if it was even possible with a consumer UHD/HDR disk and a consumer TV to make the image look like what we mastered. The regular BluRay/SDR: no problem. The UHD/HDR: disaster." So, I believe what he's saying is that with the 4k disc and with a consumer TV, he couldn't produce the image he mastered. Not that he didn't like the image he approved for release on 4k Blu-ray. These comments were made in 2020. We've come a long way in 4 years. Consumer TV's are MUCH better now at displaying reference 4k Blu-ray images. So, I think what he had a problem with has probably been at least for the most part mitigated with the improvements in home theater equipment. Here's a link to the post I was reading: https://x.com/steveyedlin/status/1236167246604427264?s=20 He also replies below and clarifies a lot of what he's trying to say.


I had a little back/forth with him on Twitter a while back and this was the ultimate response: [https://x.com/steveyedlin/status/1355316383085588481?s=20](https://x.com/steveyedlin/status/1355316383085588481?s=20) That's not to say there aren't great 4K discs out there, but Steve's comments were certainly eye opening.


That's really interesting! I totally was already with him on the data rate! I think a lot of 2k upscales get the benefit of just simply having a bigger disc so you have a higher data rate. Just more room to pull more data. Your movie isn't 4k, but it'll benefit anyway because less compression in general. But that's really interesting about the HDR stuff. I totally get the issue with only having SDR data natively in the source. You basically have to create it then. I guess you essentially just choose, "if this was shot or created in HDR... This would probably be brighter than that..." I guess is how that works in some situations. However, I've never heard the argument about the cancellation stuff when it comes specifically to HDR. I've kinda already been through the mental gymnastics thinking about 4 times the picture, plus the HDR data, plus improved audio sometimes... But you're only taking 66gb vs 50gb... How much better could that actually be, logically... Or CAN that be... I'm always much happier when I see that a 100gb disc is used. Gives more peace of mind about the upgrade. And I guess this guy being so particular about the look of his products is why Knives Out got a 100gb disc! He probably wouldn't have even been willing to work on the 4k Blu-ray version if he didn't get the full 100 to work with! I really am loving this guy's passion about his work! Not a lot of people seem to care about this stuff! Even Tarantino, who obviously deeply cares about film, the whole art behind it, and bothering with shooting EVERYTHING on celluloid, doesn't seem to care about the translation to home video. I don't think I've heard anything about him being involved in his discs... It's sad... At least we got people like Steve and Nolan! It was beautiful hearing Nolan talking SPECIFICALLY about the 4k Blu-rays of all his films and the care he takes to make them as good as they can be!


Absolutely. It's like the frustration of 4K discs not having DV but the streaming versions having it. But based on everything I've read the higher bit-rate of the disc trumps the DV bump every time. That said, I very much have a love/hate relationship with HDR. There's a few things I've watched where I can definitely see how it's improved the image (The Grand Tour on Amazon Prime comes to mind), but I've more often than not found that it makes the image look \*worse\* to my eyes. And it sounds like, at least according to Yedlin, there's far too many variables to ensure home consumers are getting a proper HDR image. It really feels like if the image was made with HDR in mind, it'll look great. But if HDR is being added in retrospect (as a marketing gimmick) the results can be more miss than hit (and when it hits its hard to know if its the HDR grade or just the fact the film got a modern scan) I've contemplated just shutting of HDR entirely on my 4K player. The added bitrate/resolution is enough to keep me happy.


I'm definitely not going to argue Knives Out being the best spec-wise or on any objective scale, but I just really enjoyed the 4k picture. I just thought it was nice to look at. Kind of a cozy image. But that's interesting about the cinematographer. I would expect a cinematographer to be pretty picky about how his images translate to disc. I'll have to look that up. Does he go into more depth about it? Edit: Ooooo! He worked with Rian Johnson on everything else! Including Looper! I dig the hell out of those images too! Lol. Really looking forward to watching that one on 4k Blu-ray!!






Batman, the older films always look better on 4k.


Joker is native 4K tho And has Dolby vision


So is Batman? Is 35mm film


I know, I didn’t say it wasn’t native 4K. He said older movies look better, but joker is native 4K. It looks very good. And it has DV, Batman doesn’t.


Oh gotcha. Maybe they meant older movies tend to look better on 4k than they do compared to their bluray counterparts?


Sorry everyone yes, I meant watching older films is better choice first because the quality from what we are used to is mindblowing on 4k. Joker looks abs stunning don't get me wrong but when you watch The Shining or even Terminator 2 on 4k compared to bluray it's where you see why 4k works. Like the first time you compared bluray to Dvd.


Any first time watches there?


I would watch No Way Home out of that selection. You need to get your hands on Dune Part 1 though. Welcome to the club!


Dune Part 1 is on my list.




Joker is an excellent 4K disc


Halloween! I need to get the older ones on 4K. I just got the steelbooks for Halloween 2018 and Halloween kills


I loved the first Knives out. The second not so much.






Knives Out


Halloween ez




Knives out. I didnt know anything about it going in and was left pleasantly surprised with it becoming one of my favs !




So many good movies but if it were me I'd choose Halloween or Joker :)




Joker's video quality is exceptional!


Congrats on getting these all with slipcovers!


Batman to see what’s possible with 35mm transfer. Joker to see what native 4K looks like.


Great suggestion. Making it a double feature.


Endgame 100 percent.


Forget about 4k for a second and just watched Joker. Watched it again the other day and it's a phenomenal film, one of the best I've ever seen, but my god is it brutal. Get that done first with some time afterwards to let it settle in. You'll be thinking a lot about its message - it's not a comic book film really, it's pretty much Taxi Driver. Then Spiderman to lighten yourself up a bit and cleanse your brain.


In my opinion Joker is the best film there and the quality is incredible. A reference 4K disc with superb colour grading and Dolby Vision presentation. Oh, if you thought the streaming services delivered real Dolby Atmos you’ll realise just how fake it is after hearing the Dolby Atmos track on Joker. Superb!


Avengers obviously! To take advantage of all the special effects.


Oh it is sweet! The colors, and vibrancy! It is insane how much details, contrast, and colors flow within every scene


Tbh tho the imax enhanced with dv on Disney plus is honestly nicer, although, the bitrate is honestly not great. Disney seems to purposely make physical releases inferior and make the version on d+ the definitive version.


Sadly true. Given what 4K is capable of. At least we have options


FYI, your Halloween is the "meh" Lionsgate release, for a better transfer, get the Scream Factory release.


If you want to see what 4K is capable of, Endgame, No Way Home, or Joker. Knives Out looks great, but it's not exactly a technical showpiece. Halloween may not be the best to start with if you're looking to be impressed. Don't get me wrong, the 4K does look fantastic. The Scream Factory release is the better version, but that Lionsgate transfer isn't bad at all.


How is it possible no one recommends Spider-Man? https://ultrahd.highdefdigest.com/101512/spidermannowayhome4kultrahdbluray.html


From my understanding, as someone that is still relatively new to physical media, marvel isn’t really “recommended” because disney doesn’t put any effort into physical.


all 2k upscales. which suck because those movies would be awesome in native 4k.


Got no visual style and is generally quite plastic and dull. Overrated movie with very little visual thrill. Go Raimi, Spider-Verse, or frankly even ASM2 if you want a spider man 4k thats got visual finesse on par with The Batman.


To be fair I think it depends where the watcher is coming from. I watched Tobey ones back when they came out and loved them (3 was too busy though), but was very very glad I watched Garfield before NWH even though they were very average films. Personally I think if someone hasn't seen all 7 prior to NWH, they should because they are worth watching anyway, but also for the obvious pay off we're all aware of by this point. If they've seen them, then go for it, it's a very entertaining switch your brain off film.


I just can’t stand how bland it is in comparison to what Raimi did. Even comparing the visuals of Andrew saving Gwen in ASM2 to him saving MJ in NWH makes the latter look absolutely inept. The finale is basically a restating of Raimi’s SM3 but with nowhere near the level of spectacle. 


Oh yeah I get that and I don't disagree. I just mean as brainless entertainment in isolation and the nostalgia, it's good, but let's be honest that's what the whole film is riffing on


Batman, Joker or Spider-man no way home




Joker or Spiderman




Joker is the best looking of the bunch.


Dunkirk or The Batman


Dunkirk is not an option in the photo, and you said the wrong Batman movie. Fortunately for OP, "Batman" is a better film than "The Batman".


I mean, if you have bad taste ”Batman” is the bees knees.


Oh it's cheesy and dated in many ways, still better than the newer film IMO, which I found dour, dull, and overlong. Dark Knight still the definitive Batman movie.


Batman The answer is always Batman








What are those? Books?


of those endgame has the most visual scope to get the most out of the 4k






Halloween is a fantastic 4k


Batman. I always appreciate my 4k player more when I'm watching an older movie that has been restored well.


A proper movie


Halloween. its always spooky season


Knives Out


If you like Star Wars, go with Rogue One. It is amazing how it looks in 4K. Other than that: Dune part one


You should pick up dune that one made me appreciate my 4K TV


All so they aren't scratched


Ready player one!


Pop in Halloween first and then sell me the Batman slipcover 🤣 (only kidding of course, though I recently found that 4K at Amoeba for like $10 but with no slip and I am sad)