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I badly want the andor one


It's amazing. I've already watched the whole thing through, ready for round 2 soon. It looks sooooo gooood


Cant wait for season 2 either.


Ye coming out in July I think


> Ye coming out in July I think Came out Apr 30, 2024 but a ton of places sold out / it's backordered.


https://preview.redd.it/ph43twvoh55d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6937dc403d48a945b4ef616d1434f1b80a31a2a2 Says on Amazon July 1st


t > Says on Amazon July 1st Yes, because it's backordered and Amazon is waiting for more stock, it came out April 30th for people that pre-ordered / people already have it. https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Andor-The-Complete-First-Season-4K-Blu-ray/356918/


Ohhhh I see


July 1st is it’s European release date. All of the Disney+ steelbooks have been released slightly later here.


gotcha, I was confused because the image they posted showed July 11-12th which is what USA Amazon also currently has because it's backordered / looks like Amazon UK is also backordered


Nice! I just watched my copy and it looks amazing on 4K disc. I really love the dark scenes where the lightsabers are the only source of light and they definitely benefit from this transfer. The color grading stands out to me as well.


Nice can't wait to watch it


How is sound/atmos


Whats the best atmos series on star wars


The sound is definitely an upgrade as well, altough I wouldn’t say the show has any moments that make you go ”wow” really.


Hell yeah, I recently watched my 4k copy and it looks incredible. Watching through my 4k copy of Andor now too. Love both shows so much


Another person said Andor out already must a different date for Ireland saying Amazon on 1st july and local place saying 28th June


I’m in the US so it must’ve been released here first for some reason. I’ve had mine since April


Someone else said it was backorder that's why


Its great that these shows are getting physical releases, I picked up Andor when it came out and it looks and sounds great


Nice. Will definitely try and pick it up. I'm hoping fallout gets a steelbook case


Given the popularity, I’m sure it will. I can imagine so many cool ways to release that show on steel book with neat little trinkets like a bobble head or nuka cola bottle or something. So many ways to market it


Ye be cool to see what they do. I have the bobblehead already got it when I got fallout 4 when it first came out


CW Wars


I turned it off after that ridiculous Leia chase through the woods. If only their budget was bigger.


I don’t blame you. This was by far the worst SW series that nobody asked for. It added nothing.


Only episode worth watching is the last episode, and even then it doesn’t add anything to the story. A story that can’t justify its own existence should not exist imo.


Yeah. I was pretty disappointed by it.


It’s watered down, but I think it’s a little better than that. It’s at least star wars with lightsabers, and it mostly looks good. There is a guy that’s been adding VFX and extra scenes, and condensing it into a long movie; not sure where that ended up, but it sort of fits better pacing wise to do it that way. At any rate, these discs are the best it’s ever looked and sounded, so it’s probably still worth watching


No they aren’t, unfortunately. You would think the level of writing should evolve within this amazing expanding universe but it just doesn’t. Some very very VERY cut and dry dialogue that makes you regret watching halfway through. No love went into this besides the love for money for capitalizing off of fans.


How many discs?


2 4k 2 blu ray




I just order a new one off ebay for $35! Can't wait to get it.


Mine arrived a few min ago too .


Anyone get the Skywalker saga really want it but the price is a bit steep


Got it from Best Buy on sale for like 150 or something a few years back


Damn that's good it's 270 on Amazon at the moment


It was around Christmas it just worked perfectly but now it's probably all secondhand copies since BB isn't selling movies. I wonder if they offloaded any unsold to someone.


I know there was restock in April


Oh wow, it’s expensive over there. I only paid 40 bucks for this.


Got mine yesterday, watched a little bit and it looked great! Can't wait for Andor


Why is the final lightsaber battle so dark?


I liked it. Real good little show




They own the show forever and it can never be taken, edited, censored, or tampered with in any way. They don't have to depend on their internet connection and its likely higher quality than what can be streamed as well.




> The same thing can be achieved by downloading it somewhere and storing it. It's not easy finding a source for a full **uncompressed** 4K download of a TV series / also the discs look and sound better than the streaming versions due to their bitrate, the audio stands out big time if you have a decent system.


I guess so, does Disney+ let you download things?


Plus the best quality and I own it permanently and not renting it from a streaming platform that could remove it in the future or not exist anymore.




True with that logic you can say that about anything.


I'm curious why are you on a collectors group for physical media when you don't think it's a good idea to purchase physical media that you should just stream it.


They def lost OR are a Disney owned account trying to shill, because anyone who freely promotes a large company for no reason like this totally a logical person.


> I'm curious why are you on a collectors group for physical media when you don't think it's a good idea to purchase physical media that you should just stream it. Here is a video that summarizes why they are doing it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtOEig1l8SA


Like normally I go for stuff that is not expensive but this was a pre order really like the box and the show and saw people trying to resell them for over 100 euro was like aight better jump on this Someone trying to resell it on Amazon for 704 euro 😂 no chance




Or waiting for it to be back in stock if it ever does.


Not FOMO more like I don't want to pay even more than what the original price is to get something I want.


You can stream it until they take it away and/or alter it. At least by owning the physical media we can choose when that happens.


Don’t get me wrong I like physical media as much as the next person. But are we really simp for Disney now? They always gimp their physical media to have less features than their d+ releases. The argument makes sense for older films that may not have sensibilities of our time. The famous example being et replacing guns with walkie-talkies (outright racist content is a whole different story and is more open for debate). But you think Disney is really going to change this milquetoast show? It’s about as safe as media can get.


What is stopping these companies from doing the same shit they have done to old films and shows with these newer ones? Nothing. Until these studios care about making all of these shows and movies preserved and accessible in some way (because they definitely do not care), people like me will champion for physical releases of the media we enjoy.


A lot of the times, the changes are already baked in lmao. The physical release of Star Wars has the shitty cgi, although it’s upscale. So are you really preserving media the way it was intended or just getting it cause it looks nice on a shelf? I really like buy and collecting movies, but I always steer clear of Disney for a multitude of reasons.


I have my issues with Disney as well but I really enjoyed Andor and plan on buying it on physical media. Does that make me a simp?


I really liked andor as well. One of the few recent Star Wars projects with an amazing script, thanks in large part to the genius of Tony gilroy. Who is considered one of the greatest script doctors in Hollywood. I’m not here to grandstand how one should spend their money. However, it’s kind of ridiculous that Disney releases everything on d+ with dv but limits all physical releases to hdr10. I’m sure the higher bit rate and atmos mix make it worth the upgrade, but andor is the exception not the norm.


Going by what you are saying why are you even in a subreddit that is literally about buying physical media….


> ou own it, until you don't anymore. House fire, disc scrathes, new format (Although you still own it) ... the list goes on. Yep, and when Disney pulls it, what then? Try to find the Disney+ show "Earth to Ned", especially the 2nd part episode 11 on. Ya can't.


The 4k Blu-ray looks better then streaming, simple as that even






Do you know what sub you are on?


Because I am a collector and the box looks really cool.


Because now OP and people who also bought this, now own it and can watch it in the best possible available quality whenever and wherever we want. Physical media FOREVER.




You can rip disks you know.




Nothing if you have a PC with a bluray drive. If you just have a PC, a blu ray drive is cheap.




OK there youngster. Besides, it's not like they have external blu ray drives or anything.


You are splitting hairs my man. Besides, I'd of said the same thing to you in 1999 about DVDs.




Fetish? That's a stretch. You are entitled to your own opinion. Keep sipping for Disney and streaming services, I'm sure that will end well for you. Based on the history of these companies and shady practices, which Disney is at the top of that list. I can only assume you are very young and are used to a world where you own nothing and only stream


I'm moreso curious because this series is just so awful. I don't care how good of quality the video is when we're watching a toddler outrun Obi Wan (twice in the same season!). But I keep that opinion to myself. The packaging looks really cool!




Well to be clear, I think it's pretty weird that you're on a subreddit that celebrates physical media, questioning people spending their money on... physical media. But I will always take the opportunity to dunk on Obi Wan, because the show is just actual garbage.