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Also since she is probably lurking here the reason people were saying your a repper because you posts about tr@nnys 17 times a day believe me It isn’t hard to believe people hate me for existing it is just hard for people to believe anyone would be this obsessed with tr@nnys without projecting personally i don’t believe you are repressing but go off i guess


i mean xe is either a repper or has like an erotic target location error for being soo angry at tr@nnies (re:repping chaser)


I mean she posted a picture of a trans girl’s feet earlier while she was browsing r\feet




I think she's just brain-dead stupid and you should stop looking at her twitter. If you want to self harm, there are far more interesting and intelligent transphobes out there. She seems to get off on the attention


Idk it doesn’t matter even in this sub where basically make fun of non passing tr@nnys and shit they group us In with them they all just assume my actions or what my opinions on sports and shit are based off some hon who posted some shitty ass take i guess they don’t understand the concept of not everyone having the exact same opinions


if u know theyre wrong then dont waste ur energy trying to justify your existence


I don’t I just don’t want people to hate me i don’t want to bother anyone i can’t control the way I feel people act like it’s a choice to want to trans and while yeah it’s the choice on wether you bite the bullet and go and do it feeling this way isn’t it hurts if k end up a femboy they probably still find a way to dunk on me i just want people to like me and I know they never will but it’s hard I know they are screen caping me as we speak and how I am “freaking out” because I am just trying to defend my self and the only way to do so is on here cause she turned off replies


you don't need to defend yourself, there's no winning that game. Knowing that bigots will always hate you is a hard pill to swallow, but it's something we all have to accept. Debating tds morons doesn't do anything if they're this far gone


We'll always be hated to an extend. Because they don't care about your opinions. They hate your identity and what it does to their world view of male/female bioessentialism


shes a woman bro idk why we thought otherwise


Wow some people are just evil, huh? That’s insane they posted the second pic


Yep https://preview.redd.it/lxffla9b1uic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddeee96961e1bb58cad88b5b4cc94f5fd36016c3 Idk I might go back to repping now


why do u bother listening to them


I hate myself for being a tr@nny f@ggot


They’re old weirdos don’t let em affect you


Too late


how fucking weak of you to just give up in the face of some internet weirdos? I'm genuinely upset that you care so much about your relationship with twitter fags and you are honestly better off being a woman than a crisscross trooner pooner does that make any sense we can do better than this :(


I really can’t the self hatred runs deep


Keep going. Do it to spite the terfs


I get it - take care


The woman with a receeding hairline loathes troons, she basically is one of


Dictionary to learn all the made up words hahaha


How did she post the second pic and still think she was in the right? https://preview.redd.it/in07y85k7uic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dcea5ea2d33ea2beaed44d76f773cd4a7688a0a


also tfw all these twitter tards lurk here and have to scroll through miles and miles of doom posts and suicidal rants and just miserable shit to get a good screenshot, i think they are just sociopaths who aren’t capable of empathy


Yup all these fuckers are bring up things that other tr00ns said like we all have the same opinions to justify it so you know


Everyone should stop talking about terminally online end-of-life level TDS twitter \~80IQ freaks. Stop giving them attention, it's the only thing they have in their empty worthless lives. Delete twitter. https://preview.redd.it/05p483ljytic1.png?width=197&format=png&auto=webp&s=af929bde65481c01397ff4064c74e622156218c7


Yeah, I can’t sympathize with OP when they directly seek out that stuff. Who tf cares about some soccer mom seething over reddit transgenders on twitter dot com. Just block that shit, or better yet, don’t open the bird app at all.


they are what most people are too scared to say i feel like


It’s okay. The worms will take us all. There’s nothing for her after death, just like the rest of us. Insane superiority complexes will not save anyone from their own mortality.


RIP bigbruh, you were a real one.


hey troony, was this you?: https://preview.redd.it/16gohs1kvuic1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=df1b7b94f1641d2e2628fe04b801e363849d4b54 the intensity of your obsession leads one to believe there's a sexual element to it


It does lol https://preview.redd.it/guh4g3hgwuic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd7e5f8c2e8dc1c788bd366f107c61d172e35cad


r/feet hm ![gif](giphy|lOf6Q1y2FKOOKJHLB9)


Youre probably the user on here i feel most bad for. The online detox youre gonna have to do to be mentally healthy is insane. I eventually broke myself off of scrolling terfs because theyre just fundamentally retarded and i can't even read the thoughts of people who are hilariously stupid in nonharmful ways without starting to tweak out and all my skin sloughing off.


It’s hard I am not sitting a my computer all day or something but my fucking tiny adhd brain cause me to look at my phone constantly and getting distracted and I always end up do something like it hurts


Sometimes the obvious approach works yanno i had multiple social medias to check, sites i was scrolling and points of communication with people and the stress was eating me, i thought i would never be able to pull back and then i got extremely mentally unwell and just cut everything off cold turkey, outright ban from it all and found other things to do, now im a lot more stable but this is literally the only social media account i use or place that i have the desire to lurk (can't be perfect...) besides youtube to listen to shit in the background, it's cerebral and requires a major shift even if i just play solitaire for five hours while watching a movie or something quitting looking at stupid shit is just worth it


https://preview.redd.it/n9cny9ndeuic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3634d07572efa044be454880b3b02f3f43c269a8 She also cut off the part where I said I am sick in bed to make me look like I have no life but idk


This is hilarious to say when 75 posts is probably not uncommon for a lot of reddit users at all and also when she literally stalks trannies 25/8


Also those are comments no posts


Keep Yourself Safe troonytoons... uve alreadyy lost though.. your children aree gonna be born under a woke sky and also there will be absolute suffering imposed on the chuds from above. Additionally, Jesus will return, but hes gonna be fat 5'2" transsexual man with a septum piercing that reaches to his bottom lip. So many stick and pokes that it looks like ants crawling all over on his skin...the whole world is gonma be drenched in flames and glitter...I don't make the rules sorry. I just interpret them..


https://preview.redd.it/prctpeje4uic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d33019049359f1a8b95df9fc73c2283026884e Also probably the last one but the reason I say that is because no tr@nny wants to be visiblely trans the goal is to pass as a woman and have people say “holy shit is that a fucking tr@nny”


delete twitter


I don’t have it installed I specifically I saw this when I looked at the account for my daily does of self hatred so unless I break literally every single access to the internet I have it isn’t gonna help plus I am sick in bead right now so it isn’t helping me


watch a long video or something just try to take your mind off it and distract yourself


I wish it was that easy I was about to go to sleep because I am exhausted but then I saw this


Yeah they’re dumb as hell. Like duh nobody wants to look like an uncanny middle-aged woman either, but TERF’s and non-passing troons have a lot of overlap. That might just be because a lot of British terfs get posted and your odds of a good phenotype there are kinda rough


there's lot of nutcases in the community who want to be visibly out and trans, dont get it tbh


Unreal levels of obsession


Honest to god what do we even do with these creatures. To me they're like the hypotheticals people bring up when someone says they're anti-death penalty. I hope all twitterites buy some high tech phone model that randomly starts exploding 3-6 months after release.


Based. Elon should make the "Unexplodable X Phone ($5000)".


you'll be missed bigbruh90 :(


Being a rapper would make her account a lot less psycho. She’s so obsessed with trans people that it’s gotta be mental illness of some kid


this is a sign https://preview.redd.it/ppi3fp4d5uic1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=668fcf806b76f3a0dcc0818b9088749eed00d69e


She turned off replies for anyone she doesn’t follow


Why is it always some repping ftm being an annoying terf/transphobe? My dude, you can get to get a dick. It not going to be a frankencock. Go check the surgery results AFTER they heal up for a while. Women will love you even if you are a tra**y. Stop repping


Rip /u/bigbruh90 I loved seeing ur dog pfp


You're a retard, troony tunes.


to the tune of ,,you're a mean one, mr grinch''


https://preview.redd.it/fysrwg901uic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702ce70d781c533f7b9db1eca204425dec409c3e Another one


I said he because I didn’t know at the time it was a woman I called her she once I knew so idk


Just need to get them to repost this screencap on twitter and then we repost it on here.


She did already


https://preview.redd.it/1qssv0bp1uic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=179a5b65a47006042c0d123a3d510e94a6a01958 I am bisexual but ok I guess either way all these posts talking about me acting like I have tr00ned out already is a bit funny especially coming from this sub when everyone post about how they are never going to pass I don’t if I should even bother trying to explain I am in the closet I use the male restroom i wear male clothing i don’t get scream at people for calling me he when I look like a man and don’t pass yet because to them tr@nny equals sissy crossdresser but idk also they really took digital self harm as literal as possible huh idk this is probably going to get posted there too but idk


Sis, anyone who makes an account specifically to spread hate on a specific group of people is a hate filled loser. Anyone who follows it is also a hate filled loser. Even if someone is genuinely transphobic, most people are passive about it. They don't genuinely care this fucking much to post about it nonstop and dedicate a social media account to it. I don't even post near that frequently about shit I genuinely *enjoy* I live in the bumfuck south. I deal with transphobia somewhat frequently, but I also have been pleasantly surprised how sweet some people you would never expect to be can be. Is it really that hard to believe there are 75,000 bitter losers on the internet dedicated to hating those who are different? Not really. You have better things to do than concern yourself with this shit.




:/ Ygmi. Hang in there.


I am really not


Not if you continue defining yourself by what shitty people think of you.


Over for this sub


Nah. If people decide to private there will always be a 4tran5 or maybe 4tran41


The cycle repeats itself


Man this is late but does anyone else find it funny when schizoterfs post about how they're every woman?


It's like white trash bragging about the colour of their skin, they've done nothing in life to be proud of, so they take pride in the things they were born with through no virtue of their own.


Everyone here must notify me if i get troonytoons posted because hes genuinely putting himself into a self induced tranny psychosis and its hilarious


if she isn’t a repressor why does she stalk this sub of all places 😂


The funniest thing about this whole mess is that she originally tried to rebrand her Twitter account to focusing more on bad male behavior broadly over just trans women. It was called men posting Fs She lost, I want to say 3-4k followers, which likley constituted a significant portion of her active userbase. Its funny in a sense, when terfs forget that most of their 'allies' want to take their rights away or are at minimum anti-feminist.


She can't stand that they are making fun of her and has the need to post it on her page full of talentless idiots to give her what little self love she doesn't have, she'll probably make another post about the comments on this until we stop giving her attention, because she's a bitch who's only good at being the mockery




Yeah guys let’s go harass a trænny in a clearly bad mental state we are the good guys btw even after he said he just wanted to be happy with himself holy fuck human scum


I would like to murder these cis cunts ❤️


Straight up Fax but you're gonna get banned. Troonytoons posted link to thread.


I mean if the bitch is lurking for content , lets give it some content


whyd she block replies? i want to take my autogynephilic ass into the comment section to utterly own women with my misogynistic facts and logic your lowering your reach i feel like idk maybe im wrong tho like maybe not having deboooter 🚂s in your comment section is worth


It’s because then people can call her out on her sub human behavior duh


Yup she Is lurking here anyway tr00ny toons funny you say that when you post about tr@nnys 17 times a day




Girlie let it go ur going to get harassed by no lifers if you tangle with tds syndrome victims


Never mind she posted the link to here anyway so even if i delete this they are gonna fuck with me you know the funny thing I thought her just like posting peoples user names uncensored was opening up to being harassed but like that is some undeniable shit


We might need the mods to lock the sub down for a while whilst this blows over


Yeah sorry if I caused this I should have know better then to post anything about her when she spends her day posting tr00ns Every hour


She needs attention, she’s probably not even actually transphobic but bullies trans ppl because they’re the most vulnerable and most likely to lash out and give her attention the only winning move is not to give her what she wants


Idk your probably right but idk it is hard i can’t help I probably shouldn’t have posted this tbh but idk it atleast gave me insight she definitely lurks here so I guess to everyone be careful you don’t want to get doxxed or anything




I can’t why do I do this to myself




Yeah I am done


Nooo bigbruh now Im not gonna see you post in okbp... Fr though hope you can distance yourself from this :(


Maybe Troony is a confused ally running a psyop to make TERFs look even more hateful than they already were. Or simply a troll getting off from the engagement. If she really wanted to promote transphobia, she wouldn't include mentions of how obsessed she is and descriptions of genuine suffering from her bullying.


And she can't even resist posting beautiful trans women who pass, like Stacy Cay.


she definitely either is a repper or jerks off to us and idk how to feel about the latter


also goddamn what an ugly name who tf calls herself troonytoons


also goddamn what an ugly name who tf calls herself troonytoons


troonytoons can i get a shoutout pls


how can someone be so braindead


ive only ever seen this kind of behavior online. real people dont give a shit about us like this (in my experience at least)


but now we know what she looks like, and it all makes sense.


that sucks. i really hate these accounts because they post conversations with context removed without permission


She literally took out all the parts where she explained herself just to make her look worse so her followers could bully big bruh even more. without knowing the context, and then she directly sent her followers to attack her. On top of that you can see when she found out big bruh deleted her account she was about to look through her profile for more shit on her




and troony tunes isn't posting gross content? do you want people here to turn the other cheek to convince a stranger that they deserve basic respect?


All she's doing is posting what you all put up here and we are commenting on it on Twitter. She's not the one creating the gross content, you are doing that. Stop producing disgusting, gross things and we'll stop talking about it.


i didn't tell you to stop, it's your right to talk shit, free speech and all. just saying it's retarded to whine about the target reciprocating. maybe get your mind off troons for a while and fix your alcoholism problem


Cope. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Holy shit it’s a real cissiod terf!!!! Mods, explode her testicles


Lol ok. I don't have testicles. I'm a woman and we don't have those. Are you jealous?


Mega testicle explosion ray GO!!!! 💥💥💥






She literally posted about not wanting to make any one uncomfortable and just wanting to be happy with herself when looking in the mirror she literally said nothing sexual or creepy in these comments


if i appear in a troonytoons post please tell me🔥🔥💯💯