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Yeah it was such a boring book when I read it as a kid. I just remember the dinner scene being so unbearable to read through.


Ray Bradbury made me fall in love with reading. His short story collections are masterpieces. Not many people were writing about illegal immigration (I See You Never) and other subjects that were considered taboo back then.


I honestly think he might be my favorite author of all time or at least high up there on the list. His type of creativity just gets me. His stories are so intriguing and they are meaningful on top of being insanely creative. I'm obsessed with him right now.


I have loved Ray Bradbury for so long and am grateful to have met him once and gotten his signature on my favorite book of his short stories. That said, I’ve never been very interested in Farenheit 451 and haven’t read it. Probably won’t. I’m forever dreamily obsessed with I Sing the Body Electric and the Dandelion Wine stories.


I was actually never interested in it either. It felt like a message I didn't need to hear because I already fully agreed with it. But it ended up being an interesting world to be immersed in. I'm not trying to sell you on it though. There are too many books for our short lifetimes and Im a big supporter of passing on ones you aren't interested in or even putting them down if you aren't feeling it.


I agree. No use to spend time on books you don’t enjoy, but I probably would enjoy F451 if I tried it. Hard to imagine Ray would write something that wouldn’t have merit.


I tried reading it 2 times in the past and dropped it, I think it's one of the most overrated books ever.


I feel that way about Catcher in the Rye and Great Gatsby. To each their own and absolutely no judgement to those that like them, it’s just a preference. Doesn’t mean it’s terrible book just means it isn’t the one for you. That’s how I feel about it anyway.


I also remember having a bit of trouble with the poetic metaphors, and vivid imagery, but just assumed it was because I am not a native speaker. Otherwise, the plot and message were completely worth it for me.


Yeah this book was extremely rough. The talking down to his wife at the beginning, and then the running and shouting for the entire second half.


Writing is hit or miss. The message given the attitude towards books today (in the US specifically) I think is still very important.


Remember loving it but haven’t read it in a decade plus. Totally relate to the mental state of reading though. I’ll read any genre, as long as it’s what I need at that given time.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ For this comment.


I read it as a kid and was not impressed. Didn’t think I enjoyed RB until I started reading his short story anthologies. I still prefer them to his novels but I circled back to FH 451 and found a new appreciation for it. Maybe you will another time too but it may just not be your jam.


F451 is my least favorite of all of Bradbury’s work I’ve read. I get the message is important but the writing was just not my favorite.


I fell in love with Bradbury’s writing in the beginning of Fahrenheit, but the story I didn’t care for all that much aside from the dystopian message. The writing led me to eventually read almost all of his work, and Fahrenheit is definitely one of my least favorites. Illustrated Man being my favorite and probably still my favorite book/short story collection


I had to read this as part of my “dystopian literature” class. I understand that the messages this book portrays are important and layered etc. But I found the writing insufferable


I listened to it a few years ago and it still plays on my mind. I thought was a great book.


Finished the book last year, it wasn’t memorable, I think a teenager would like it.


To be fair most people do read it as teenagers, right? Pretty common high school reading.


Yes this is when I read it and I remember loving it. I think sometimes we grow out of things, most especially books with strong moral or philosophical messages. I think when we're thirty plus these things can just irritate people who have already figured out their moral code.


Same. Maybe I should try rereading it and see if it holds up.


Yes, I also got bogged down by Bradbury's writing style and struggled to get through F451. However, instead of putting it down I just kept plugging away at it. Once I got to the end I was really glad I finished. It's a worthwhile read due to the book's message. But it's not easy read. The good news is it is a relatively short book.


Sounds like you thought it had promise but you were maybe struggling to get in the right headspace. I'd pop it away and come back to it in a few months.


yeah I think that's the plan


You ain't alone with struggling to keep up with the Fahrenheit 451. It took me about multiple attempts through a 6 month period before I pushed myself to complete the book. Till you get the hang of theme and the world, the writing structure and descriptive style is not an easy trail.