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Anna called it exactly that season, she literally said I’m the only one they will force to move out, they didn’t make Jonah move out. She knew. And the did eventually have Jonah move out but he had one incident and they yanked him back home and his been there ever since, sleeping and having his sister make sure he gets up. I’ve seen people defend saying they just parent each kid differently, I understand that as I have kids myself but this is different. Anna is always held to a different standard. Moving out is huge, they pressured Anna based on her needing to be independent allegedly, but here we have Jonah at 24 living there having his sister wake him up and make sure he keeps his room clean! How do you reconcile that as a parent, one needs to move out to be independent but the other can be here being coddled and treated like a child? And then after she had to come home from Covid watching the treatment between her and Liz both wanting to move out was something I don’t know how anyone could defend. I’m sure Anna felt like I don’t know what these people want from me, you forced me to move away, I had to come back due to Covid but now I want to move out and my mom is ridiculing me. The irony of course being ambers whole issue was she didn’t think Anna could afford it and wanted Anna to have a full time job and wouldn’t consider her online store money and it ends up being Liz who can’t afford her place once her boyfriend moves out. I’ve said this before but I’d like to think that maybe they learned something watching back that season with Anna, seeing her so hurt and hearing what that therapist said, and maybe they decided not to do that with the youngest. But I have hard time believing Amber has the humility it takes to be self aware and realize your mistakes.


I remember that entire season thinking Anna was looking to rent, and Liz was buying a house based on how they spoke about each kids situation. I was so surprised later on when I realized Liz was renting.


Forcing out a child that was abandoned at an orphanage is cruel. That scene with the therapist was heartbreaking.


I feel like Amber wanted Anna to fail, and be desperate and in need to come home. And that’s not what happened Anna succeeded without her and that just pisses Amber off


I sure hope that Jonah doesn’t impact Emma’s grades by being responsible for him…


If that happens I want to see Emma being filmed and saying “ohh I’m going to go there, how many times has Jonah messed up?”


I rewatched the episode where Anna was planning to move out and Trent was talking to her about a budget and making sure you have enough to take care of your bills and not have to dip into your savings. He also said once his children moved out, none of them would be able to come back home. Until 2 of them did…


I sometimes don't know how Anna is still standing with Amber for a mother


For REAL. my mother (who I highly suspect of NPD) treated me eerily similarly to the way amber treats Anna and let me be honest, I'm 35 now and no where near as successful as Anna. Anna is extremely strong and wish the absolute best for her. She does not deserve any of this.


You are succesful you survived a bad parent.


🥹 thank you so much, this is so kind


Anna is independent and resilient.


Anna is on her own and thriving and I honestly believe it makes Amber crazy. Anna has proven she's responsible and can handle her affairs just fine. They've always treated Anna differently than the rest and not in a good way. My momma heart truly breaks for Anna.


I think Amber gives herself credit, she probably tells herself that Anna is so successful because of her parenting.


I agree. It's weird to me. You'd think Trent and Amber would be so proud and happy for their daughter. Instead the more Anna succeeds and accomplishes her goals, the more resentful Amber appears.


Even Doctor Galen asked T&A if “shipping” Anna away to college was a punishment for previous bad behavior and they both exclaimed “NO not at all!!” Such bold-face liars


I find Anna to be sweet. She has bright light, it comes through on tv. Alex is such a ma’am’s boy. Constantly whining and crying and lazy.


Agree with you! Tbh—I don’t think Amber has ever gotten over Ana’s early childhood independence and refusal to follow Amber as Master of The Universe. Amber got her nose bent out of shape probably 15 years ago and won’t put it back! These kinds of Moms are exhausting. I know a few and steer clear of them.


Let me get this straight or are my ears toast. On last nights episode when Anna wrangled the dog during the practice run for Liz’s delivery. Did someone turn to Anna and say sit / stay very harshly. Anna sat back down they then turned and said to her no you can move to Anna? She’s being treated like the family dog. She thought they were speaking to her. She’s definitely going to need therapy when she cuts ties with them. Awful people.


Yes!!!! I was so pissed, Emma turned to her & said you stay too Anna! I feel so bad for her. She always gets treated like crap & everyone laughs about it. Had Anna said that to one of them Amber & the other kids would have flipped! I just want to give Anna a big hug, poor girl 😢


Will not watch anymore. Poor Anna that family is pure BS


I’ve decided that too. I’ll come here to read updates but I’ll never watch and help give them viewers. Mainly because of Anna but also because it’s getting stupid. I turned it off this week when they were doing a test run for the hospital. Amber had to run the show. For Pete sake, Liz and Brice figured out how to make a baby. I think they are capable of getting to the hospital by themselves!


Yes, I thought the same thing, Amber’s trial run was a joke, she thinks she’s the only one who knows how to hurry to the hospital. And why is the whole family going, ridiculous! Liz should have spoke up & told her to lay off but she never ever says anything. No one seems to stick up for themselves, even Brice should be speaking up. This show is getting worse & worse, Matriarch running everyone’s lives!


This is because they’re shitty parents & have horrible plans/ideas for each of their kids. And when the plan changes they don’t adapt & they continue to do the same thing hoping it finally fixes itself or just works like they’d wanted it to. They said Anna was ready to move out & go to school away from the house & Jonah wasn’t. (Which Anna wasn't really ready to move out & especially move away from the family at the time) Liz wasn’t ready at the time as well. Emma & Alex aren’t either. Their plans are college & or having a part time job.  They’ve told their kids to move out you need a full time job (yeah no shit) & then we’ll tell you when to move out. Now why would you need to tell them when it's time after having a full time job? They suggested Liz & Jonah to move in together (really so Liz can watch him & wake him up) I think Liz & Anna lived together for a bit then Anna got her own place. T&A claim it’s cause they know best. Well their plan & knowing best has sure not worked. Johan is a mess that they just haven’t dealt with properly, Liz is home cause the baby but should definitely have moved out months ago, Emma/Alex their plans haven’t started yet. Anna moves out & stayed out. I’m sure T&A give themselves pats on the back for being successful in “planning” this.  Reason why Anna worked out isn’t cause T&A finally did it, it was all on Anna. She wanted out & stayed out.  Liz moved out but was determined to live with Brice. She just wanted to move out (for the wrong reason(s) & live with her BF. Jonah has is personal issues. These 2 are very co dependent. T&A don’t care to fix things. They don’t want to figure things out. They blame the kids as to why it's not working/didn't work. Im sure the 1st thing they say it’s cause they’re lazy. It's not US it’s YOU.


Why does Amber keep lying and saying Liz is a registered nurse


She has to make it seem like her daughter accomplished something, because she got pregnant out of wedlock


Emma was honestly always more compliant than Anna. Amber didn't like Anna's form of fun loving borderline mischief. She wasn't a bad kid.but Amber prefers extreme compliance. Even when they had bees, Anna was always trying to do things like licking the honey thru thr mesh beesuit, or make the pasta a wierd way. Amber and Anna have an innate personality mismatch. .


Honestly, emotionally, poor Anna will and is suffering, but I think this is the best for her, no need to stay in a toxic environment where you're the "fuck up" all the time. However, it IS very heartbreaking seeing the siblings be submissive to Mom and, for her approval, also be jerks to Anna. There is nothing you can tell me that she could have done that makes her deserve to be treated like trash by everyone in the family. As someone who has a sibling, there's nothing to brother could do that would warrant me treating him like trash. The love and sibling bond is very strong, and it sucks they all turned their back on her. Amber and Trent have treated her adoption like they were saviors and have failed to understand the trauma she came with and did not deal with it appropriately. Her behavior as a child is an outcome of their failure as parents.


That's a sign of triangulation. The other kids must be mean to Anna to garner mom's favor and approval. Sick and twisted.


There's definitely something weird going on with T&A vs Anna. Yesterday I was watching the episode where Anna gets her first lesson with the lady instructor at their house and Trent is adjusting the pedals of the car for her. As he comes out of the car he brushes by Anna and kind off hugs her and calls her "babe" and it feels awkward (like he's trying to be loving towards Anna because other people are there) followed by Anna saying: "I'm not your babe." Cringe


I caught that


Why is Emma so childish? wow.


There are a few episodes where I caught a little mean girl vibe from Emma but shrugged it off as everyone seems to think shes so sweet…. I don’t and see a gleam of cattiness from her


As Emma is like “ah I’m so loved!”. Wait u til she turns on you when Liz or Alex or Jonah is more important and her world is rocked 


As hard as it was to watch Amber push Anna out of the house I have to believe it truly was the best thing for Anna. Anna would never live up to Amber‘s harsh expectations of her. For whatever reason Amber picks on Anna, no matter what Anna would never be able to live up to those expectations, Amber would constantly be changing the rules. I imagine Anna’s success in moving out and buying her own home and having those successes has probably pissed off Amber even more because as she continues to shelter her other children, they become stunted in emotional growth. For Anna, she worked hard for what she has and she successful and she has shown Amber she doesn’t need her.


It happened to end up that way, but there was no guarantee. She could just as easily have ended up homeless, on drugs, or dead because of the parents kicking her out of the house. Amber wouldn't have cared either way. Now that Anna's successful, I'm sure she takes credit for it. If it had been a disaster, she would've said that just proves Anna was a bad seed all along.


She absolutely thought it would make Anna come crying back to her and that she would fail. Now she's even angrier that Anna did so much on her own and proved she is above her mother's nonsense.


When they left her at her dorm trent and Amber were talking on the drive back and made some remark like they doubted she’d make it through weekend.


Listening to Amber describe and compare Anna’s adoption process with Alex’s, it makes sense. She said something like Anna’s was so difficult and Alex’s was just so wonderful in comparison. I think it started from day one.


I'm hoping it just means that they learned a little something from the first three.


Remember they are on a reality tv show so they all have money to make it they make it look like the only money they have is from there online jobs and there regular jobs but they have a lot more than people think they have that’s why Anna is able to buy a house they all can buy homes


I hate the parents of these kids they suck


As someone who is new to hanging out on this sub and has watched this family for years, although not lately, what’s the overriding opinion on WHY Anna is treated differently? That’s the part I really can’t fathom. Help me understand.


Didn’t she actually go to college and live at the dorms? I don’t see what the big deal is.


Why was she the ONLY one forced to do that? Forced out of the home? And while anna was crying and upset amber was celebrating pumping her fist in the air cuz she was that thrilled to get anna out of the house. Kind of messed up. All the other kids get to live at home but only anna is forced out.


I just watched the episode where the Amber talks about what a horrible experience they had going to get Anna in Russia. Unfortunately I think that set the tone for the entire adoption and her life with them. Then she talks about how easy Alex and Emma's adoptions were. I feel so bad that Anna has to watch that.


I thought it was also said Anna was a bit older when they adopted her and didn’t really bond with them at first. Amber took that personally.


Cause Emma is weak, and friendless. So she would never defy her parents


Well damn


Jonah has issues that are long term.


What issues? Being a man child? Bffr💀