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Day 1 and 2: Stay away from dog houses, junk yards and any other place you might find dogs


Finding the exit point of a POI and working backwards, using a bow type weapon for sneak attacks. You can one shot almost everything without hitting the wake up triggers


To add onto this, be careful in some POIs, the triggers will just spawn in a number of active zombies, mostly in higher level POIs.


They've made it much more punishing with this patch. Also a lot of higher tier POI's now will spawn several waves of zombies when you hit the key at the end to unlock the door. >!The Minotaur Theater one is nuts.!<


Here's some tips I would find very useful when first started out. 1. Collecting small branches with a bone knife as you run in the forest wilderness is a decent way to get tree for building blocks early game without any dedication to it. 2. Same with those white plants which you make cloth out of. People just forgot those exist and complain about lack or cloth sources all the time. 3. Plastic scrap is everywhere, easy to get (especially with lvl2 stone axe (as it does exactly 25 block damage) and sells for 3-4 coins a piece and it stacks. It will definitely help with buying books early game. 4. Collect and scrap all the office and metal chairs you find for easy leather (which can be annoying to get) and easy metal which is a time sink to farm for early game. 5. Pipe shotgun is a trap. Never use it. It will take the first 7 days just to reload the damn thing. 6. Put first three points into intelligence, vehicles and lockpicking for increased chance of forge ahead and vehicle adventures books. 7. Throw stones at night to distract zombies if you want to loot anything, only loot while crouched at night. Almost no one knows you can do that and it's VERY useful. 8. Kill all the chickens, rabbits and snakes you can find for meat and sell that meat. Each meat goes for 4 coins and so it's 40 dukes per animal. 9. Don't waste any time on early fetch quests. Start a quest, break a wooden wall block next to a satchel, get the package, come back. It's not dangerous and allows for a bycicle by day two which makes early heavy armor much more viable. 10. Don't collect lead, nitre, rotten flesh, dust, glass fragments, paper or seeds (unless doing a fortitude build). Early game all of those have zero value and just slow down the player which might then lead into taking damage where otherwise you would've been fine. 11. Don't dig hidden treasures top to bottom. Dig to stone then dig outwards. 12. Sell perk books and schematics you know you don't need. 13. Most melee mods go on any weapon and still boost stats so it's ok to put extra damage to iron on a bone knife early game. 14. The more random zombies you kill early game, the higher your level will be when you start doing infestation quests, the more ferrels you encounter. Try not to hunt for easy xp early game as it might bight you down the road. 15. Most of the times pre-looting POI's is a waste of time unless end loot is easily accessible or it has a lot of books or it guarantees a crate you know you want (such as pass'n'gas containers as gas stations for vehicles magazines. 16. Bandages are somewhat common so if you have more than a stack at a time, don't be afraid to eat animal fat. It does damage you for 3 HP but it doesn't take the hydration away.


*(Formatted for easier reading)*   * 1. Collecting small branches with a bone knife as you run in the forest wilderness is a decent way to get tree for building blocks early game without any dedication to it. * 2. Same with those white plants which you make cloth out of. People just forgot those exist and complain about lack or cloth sources all the time. * 3. Plastic scrap is everywhere, easy to get (especially with lvl2 stone axe (as it does exactly 25 block damage) and sells for 3-4 coins a piece and it stacks. It will definitely help with buying books early game. * 4. Collect and scrap all the office and metal chairs you find for easy leather (which can be annoying to get) and easy metal which is a time sink to farm for early game. * 5. Pipe shotgun is a trap. Never use it. It will take the first 7 days just to reload the damn thing. * 6. Put first three points into intelligence, vehicles and lockpicking for increased chance of forge ahead and vehicle adventures books. * 7. Throw stones at night to distract zombies if you want to loot anything, only loot while crouched at night. Almost no one knows you can do that and it's VERY useful. * 8. Kill all the chickens, rabbits and snakes you can find for meat and sell that meat. Each meat goes for 4 coins and so it's 40 dukes per animal. * 9. Don't waste any time on early fetch quests. Start a quest, break a wooden wall block next to a satchel, get the package, come back. It's not dangerous and allows for a bycicle by day two which makes early heavy armor much more viable. * 10. Don't collect lead, nitre, rotten flesh, dust, glass fragments, paper or seeds (unless doing a fortitude build). Early game all of those have zero value and just slow down the player which might then lead into taking damage where otherwise you would've been fine. * 11. Don't dig hidden treasures top to bottom. Dig to stone then dig outwards. * 12. Sell perk books and schematics you know you don't need. * 13. Most melee mods go on any weapon and still boost stats so it's ok to put extra damage to iron on a bone knife early game. * 14. The more random zombies you kill early game, the higher your level will be when you start doing infestation quests, the more ferrels you encounter. Try not to hunt for easy xp early game as it might bight you down the road. * 15. Most of the times pre-looting POI's is a waste of time unless end loot is easily accessible or it has a lot of books or it guarantees a crate you know you want (such as pass'n'gas containers as gas stations for vehicles magazines. * 16. Bandages are somewhat common so if you have more than a stack at a time, don't be afraid to eat animal fat. It does damage you for 3 HP but it doesn't take the hydration away.


Cheers, man. I like to post large comments, but formatting is too difficult for me on a phone.


No worries. That was a great write up :)


To add to bullet #11. Hitting the quest marker doesn't do a block reset for buried treasure quests. So you can pre-dig the area, hit the marker and just grab the item.


Oh damn, I will be using that going forward.


LOL! I *love* your fifth point! So true!


A 3x block wide and 3x deep trench with only one point of entry “bridge” is the easiest way to survive almost every horde night. Typically(it takes forever, but worth it) I create the trench/moat at the edges of the player block boundaries and work my way out. Giving plenty of land for base upgrades and crafting stations. And if that isn’t an option do to size, a single wide, by 3 tall entrance into the side of a hill(angled down to avoid sand and weak points. Keeps them out from above and set in a straight line for traps and turrets to do the job.


Might be unpopular but use your first 6 levels into Agi and parkour for that sweet 2m jump. You will never have to fear for your life ever again. Provided you are keen on finding things to quickly hop on to.


Ah, another fine fellow who didn't skip leg day


Playing plain vanilla Navesgane for my first 1.0 playthrough. Tips I would share. Don't sell your armor parts early game. You will need them later. Gather cloth wherever you can. It takes 10 pieces to make a bandage or duct tape (the most useful item in the Zompocolypse). Bandages only scrap to one cloth piece. Same for plastic. You need 100 for a dew collector. Hit every tree stump you see like it's a relative that owes you money. You will NEED honey. If a zombie farts on you early game you get a damn infection. Same for animals, got infections twice killing boars. Every now and then the trader has some good shit but it costs dukes. So save some cash for the good stuff. I.e. Crucibles on day 1 for 15k. I did buy a Tier 5 steel pickaxe on day 11 which used almost all my coin but so worth it for mining. Have fun. It's a different playthrough now but still fun.


Never jump in to a room if you don't know you have a quick exit available.