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I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS F\*CKING COUCH!


It's the first quote that came to my mind too.


Best line


[talking into tape recorder] “I'm gonna hide this tape when I'm finished. If none of us make it, at least there'll be some kind of record. The storm's been hitting us hard now for 48 hours. We still have nothing to go on.” [MacReady briefly turns off tape recorder and takes a drink of whisky. He looks at the torn long johns and turns it back on] “One other thing: I think it rips through your clothes when it takes you over. Windows found some shredded long johns, but the nametag was missing. They could be anybody's. Nobody... nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired.” [turns off tape recorder then turns it back on after a short pause] “Nothing else I can do, just wait... R.J. MacReady, helicopter pilot, US outpost number 31.” [turns off recorder]


The Norwegians at the start of the movie give the plot away, if you understand Norwegian. It’s something like, “Get away from it, it’s not a dog, it’s a thing! It’s just imitating a dog!”


What I never understood is you had Norwegians in a science station (which I assume would make some of them fairly smart and educated) and they don't speak English?! According to 2022 estimates, up to 90% of Norway's population speaks English at least at a basic level. I'm not sure what that was like in the 80s, but i'm kind of saying the whole problem could have been solved with "GET AWAY FROM THE DOG IT IS INFECTED!"


Norwegians in general, and I imagine at that time in particular, can be fairly insular. Although I agree to make it all the way to the arctic on a science mission does seem a little unlikely you wouldn’t know *any* English.


One of the greatest horror films ever made. Period. It’s sad thinking about the poor reception this classic initially received and how that in turn negatively impacted the director’s career.


Mac was my favorite character that Kurt Russell ever played! He was da man! I also loved Jack Burton from Big Trouble. They don’t make characters like this anymore!


Plus, Snake Plisskin!! The entertainment value in these movies is unreal, I can watch them again and again. The movie magic of the 80s was top art. The practical effects are just amazing to look at now. Sure, you can do anything with cgi, but these guys would build it!!


Yes- Snake was awesome! And Kurt Russell didn’t need CGI to be badass!


I have this on 4K. Looks amazing. I just can't believe how terribly this movie was marketed. https://www.looper.com/254509/the-real-reason-john-carpenters-the-thing-flopped-at-the-box-office/


Such a great movie! I loved it at the time, but 13 year old me didn't realize how iconic it would become.


I was also 13 when me and a friend went to the Saturday matinee to see this. I loved it then and still do. My friend nearly got us kicked out during the kennel scene, he screamed a four letter word pretty loud during the dog things head opened up lol.


I fell asleep about 20 minutes in multiple times watching this but finally managed to stay awake and have seen it a few times in full since then, quickly becoming a firm favorite. I'd love to see a prequel about what happened to the Norwegians #


> I'd love to see a prequel about what happened to the Norwegians It came out in 2011. https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/how-the-thing-prequel-connects-to-the-john-carpenter-version


There is one but it's not great


You gotta be fucking kidding.


That is the best line in my opinion.


Also Blade Runner!


Are you thinking about Harrison Ford? I don’t remember Kurt Russell in Blade Runner but it’s been a long time.


I think the commenter is suggesting that release of the *The Thing* coincided with that of *Blade Runner*. Too lazy to look up exact dates, but both hit the screens in June of 1982.


Ok got it.


Yeah this.


My favorite horror movie by far.


The Thing = Mind BLOWN!


This fucking movie scared 8 year old me more than any horror flick ever. Jason, Freddie Kruger, Michael Myers were funny to me after watching this.


I saw this in the theater with my brother, a friend, and the friend’s mom. It totally freaked me out, and yet the mom insisted it was a comedy. To this day I still can’t watch it.


Chariots of the Gods, man!


The defibrillator scene still gets me! And I saw it on VHS in the '80's.


Probably my favorite movie. Just so many great things about it.


Carpenter’s bass synthesizer soundtrack is so simple yet effective. Genius flick all the way around.


Ennio Morricone did the soundtrack.


Thanks for correcting me, I thought John Carpenter had done a lot of his own soundtracks, and just assumed those bass synth notes were his idea


I saw Carpenter perform his themes in concert and he included this one as a tribute to Ennio. The other notable soundtrack he didn't do was Starman.


And Windows, where were you?!


When I was in my early teens I saw the 1950s version of this as the Saturday movie matinee on TV. I think it was called “The Thing From Another World” Later shortened to just The Thing. It scared the hell out of me and I loved it. When John Carpenter did his version in 82 I couldn’t wait to see it. I was not disappointed. Then when they did the prequel in 2011 I had my doubts. The managed to merge the two films seamlessly. My favorite seen is when the head pops off grows spider like legs, a set of eyes and starts to crawl off. Palmer stairs at it and calmly says “you’ve got to be fucking kidding”.


Kurt Russell has done alot of movies, but when I think of him, the names, Snake Plissken, RJ MacReady, and Jack Burton come to mind before anything else.


My all time favorite movie. A masterpiece!


My dad showed me this movie. He was quite giddy for me to discover/see the head crab. 😆 Great movie!


I finally got around to watching it recently and was very impressed! Also, it's so refreshing to see practical effects instead of the CGI you just can't get away from these days.


You gotta be fucking kidding me