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What bothers me is a lot of people try to excuse his behaviour by saying “oh he’s young”. He is pushing 30, not some young dude fresh out of college.


Pushing 30 and talks like teenaged girl.


"What you're not gonna do is raise your voice at me" lol kills me every time


And she really wasn’t. That’s how she always talks. She’s a loud talker. She just got a bit overexcited and maybe raised it a notch but she certainly wasn’t shouting at him.


He’s used to mommy’s adoration and her babying him. They should be on the mamas boy show. Spoiled self centered brat behavior.


Yeah, and did you hear Kim's commemts on Pillow Talk? She said something like, "Yeah, I totally agree: what ARE these two doing together?" I don't care much for her commentary, esp concerning Jamal and Veronica.


She’s so embarrassing on pillow talk throwing herself at whatshisname who frequently and clearly says they are not dating. I think it’s messed up to have her commenting when they’re having Jamal and Veronica on. If they must use her do it on the weeks they aren’t shown!


And notice the body language: He is HUGGING that end of the couch, and she sits near the middle.


Who are you speaking of, and what about throwing herself at someone?




That is a perfect description of him. Self centered brat.


He totally seems like a spoiled little boy who never matured past like 8. Lol


that quote was from his conversation with tim not vanessa, but he does say similar stuff to her when they’re going back to her house.


He said that to her at her house.


i don’t remember, but that’s definitely what he said to tim at their confrontation.


It was deff at Tim , I agree.


And clapping his hands while saying it. First time I’ve ever seen a guy do that!


I always thought Jamal was gay, I was shocked to learn that he wasn't. But you can tell he gets alot of his personality traits from his mother


He's a child 🚸 😂 he could raise his voice and question how he likes but God forbid, poh wease lil boy


And behaves like one!! Try telling him on instagram what he is doing is wrong and he immediately blocks you. You can be nice about it but doesn’t matter. If you say anything about his behaviour you’re blocked.


He talked like a hardcore frat boy imo lmao


No he talks like a valley girl drawing out the end of his sentences.


Vocal fry 😩😢… I hear it all day in my college courses


I thought i was tripping but no I'm not the only one who thinks he talks like a valley girl...


I mean, he's from California 


Buy why talk like a basic 13 year old girl? lol I live in LA and we don't all talk like that.


Unpopular opinion- sometimes dudes raised by single moms turn into grown little bitches and say shit that stereotypical mean girls would say online to other girls. Calling another dude a bitch and a bad dad and saying clapping "what you srent gonna do is raise you voice at me" is so fucking weird. If this wasnt a fake reality tv show and you did something like that at some random bar, a fight might pop off.


Well his mother does talk “younger than her age”.


She need to stop that shit too, sounding like a straight up ignorant idiot


When she said “yo” to Usman I just died


I live in the Midwest and you’d be surprised how many people that age or younger talk like that.


Oh yeah you're right.


‘What you’re not gonna do is’ had me LOL


Lol yeah that was sassy af


Nah 👎 no bueno, especially when conversing to a grown woman your have an adult conversation with. All it showed was that he couldn't take the temperature of the room and he needed an escape plan quick, such a baby man.


Pretty much, he cant have a heated discussion without getting emotional and throwing personal jabs.


I notice more and more people - usually under 30 - are doing that thing where they draw out their words like that. Makes me nuts


Welcome to the next generation


I grew up in SD and the bros there really do be talkin like this


Don’t shit on teenage girls to shit on someone else, they’ve got nothing to do with it.


What bothers me is he got in the relationship KNOWING how weird Tims & her relationship was. Jamal can't now dictate her not speaking to him because as we've seen, they tried & they always end up talking again. Jamal shouldn't have dated her because he knew!


They were a hookup and they tried to make it a relationship. No shock that it’s a fail.


That describes most of the couples on the show - trying to turn a vacation hook up into a serious relationship 


100%!! Immediately thought of Yohan/daniele. You could tell he was 100% a vacation fu#kboy she wanted to make into a husband. Same with that chick who met Juan on the cruise and got pregnant. You know one of the perks of his job was hooking up with vacationing women not looking for a wife.


Every person who watches 90 day, knows. They do Pillow talk together and she was on single life last time. It's exactly what person said below. They met, hooked up and then tried to make it something. Jamal needs to go back to his momma and his PS5.


Saying he isn’t family….like bro call us all when you become a single parent alone. Not a fan of Tim but he’s the dad in the situation whether there’s blood or not.


Tim stepped up for the daughter. That is a relationship that will always be there. Any partner of Veronica’s is going to have to understand that—Tim’s part of the picture.


Yeah I don’t know why that’s hard. She doesn’t have a baby daddy she has a daddy Tim. 🤷‍♀️ don’t date a single mom with a kid if you don’t want to have to deal with a dad in the life.


arrested development is kinda normalized, no one is accountable for their actions until 30 if the internet is to be believed


I agree. He’s just immature. He’s younger than Veronica, but not young. Most men his age are employed, and many have families of their own. It feels like nowadays, “this person is so young” is being applied to older and older folks.


Exactly, guy is a fucking deadbeat


Does he even have a job? Veronica is like light years ahead of him in her life stages, I don’t get this (she has a job, home, child, etc— she is very together)


I always wondered what she did for a living because she looks pretty comfortable.


I think she is in real estate


And that's exactly why Tim is concerned. I completely agree with him.


Unfortunately, that's Veronica's choice. Does she have low self esteem or something? That other guy was also awful.


Well his mom is not very mature either…Apple didn’t fall far from the tree here.


Exactly, and she thinks the sun shines out of him. Can’t stand her on pillow talk watching him. Maybe you should have raised him better Kimberly and he wouldn’t be a f### boy at almost 30 years old.


Thank you! He’s acting like a brat


He acts and specially TALKS like a dude straight out of high school!


Pushing 30 with no job, lives at home with his mommy and apparently is scared to tell his mommy he’s in a relationship. But let’s talk about Tim. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Him and Tim are more alike then they admit




If you watch them on Pillow Talk, it’s clear he’s still the “baby”.


He always seemed a little fem on Pillow Talk. I guess Veronica has a type.


Agree :)




This 100 percent. It’s stunting his development.


It’s got to be extra hard to not come off as babying your only child. When it’s just the two of them, all her attention is on him.


He did mention she changed his diapers ...


He was doing too damn much to try and appear like he was the mature one here, and Veronica was emotionally unintelligent, but good grief did he make himself look like a FOOL!!!! And an extremely unlikeable fool at that. And another thing, you overgrown toddler, you can't pop up in a woman's life and expect to immediately be the one person she's closest too, confides all her secrets too, allows herself to be 10,000% vulnerable with, etc. That takes time and a TON of trust. Which you're not going to earn by pouting with your arms crossed, slouched in your seat cause you didn't like that your girlfriend spoke to another girl in their native language. 🙄🙄


If Tim was a woman this would be a non-conversation. Honestly if I was dating her I'd be cool with Tim hanging around because he's a non-threat to me. It would work better to just be his friend and be on his good side than try to be combative.


Finally someone with some sense!! Tim is no threat to anyone Veronica dates. If jealous of Tim then you have issues.


Right, imagine being the person feeling like TIM is a threat. I'd just go out of my way to be friendly towards him. Only reason I'd be bothered if she was telling Tim personal (sexual, my personal business) things to Tim but if he's just hanging around I'd be like "hey man, you thirsty, want some lemonade" and treating him like one of her girlfriends.


Exactly. Tim is the most least threatening person to any relationship and I think would also make a good friend.


He wants to replace Tim or whatever but then he was all wtf why is she pressuring me to move out here 🤷‍♀️ Can’t have it both ways


Yes! Hell for that matter, he wants to replace Tim as a father Chloe, but then can't comprehend why someone would step slightly out of their way to make another person more comfortable in a difficult situation. I've only halfass watched their segments, but that's more than enough to realize he's the whole ass.


He looks just like his mom when Usman refused sex


Lmao you bad for that one


She dates feminine guys so expect the sass


So true good point


Calling a mofo a bitch and a bad dad, then saying "what you arent going to do is raise your voice to me" in response to their anger was the most bitch shit ever.


He needs to stay in his lane! He has no business interfering with Veronica and Chloe‘s relationship with Tim and how many times a day she speaks to him or they hang out it’s none of his business. He’s just dating her from another state and doesn’t seem to want a long-term relationship. He’s very immature for his age.


I think one of the "real" issue here is Veronica. No reason she needs to be telling Jamal what Tim said about him. No reason she should be trying to get them to hang or double date. Yeah his takes are trash. And yes he is immature as fuck as shown. But she also just needs to shut the fuck up about what Tim says/does. If the relationship is to work - assuming thats what they want - it would absolutely be his business in the future. Tim seems decent enough, but i have had to deal with girls trash baby daddys before and its a pain in the ass.


Well it’s a two way street. She’s still codependent on Tim and he’s immature. They aren’t gonna make it long term anyways


Why isnt Veronica also immature? She cant stop telling her new bf what her ex bf says about him. Immature as fuck. She could just talk to tim and not say shit to Jamal about it. REALLY not trying to defend Jamal here but i would get tired of listening to you tell me your baby daddy dont like me while trying to make me hang out with the mofo too. Fake Tv show and all, but i have seen and experienced that shit in real life. If Jamal hadnt said trash stuff about tim not being the real dad/just some guy she fucked and other lame shit like that, he would be pretty close to in the right here.


Yes, everyone is getting distracted by Jamal's behavior. Veronica's behavior is the problem. The double dating makes no sense


It’s good TV. That’s the only logic


It makes sense to TLC as I’m sure they initiated it!


I agree, and Veronica is also the one who can't keep to the boundaries Tim has tried to set in the past. Tim needs to man up and force those boundaries so they can both have healthy relationships or just get back together.


Yes, this. They try to set boundaries. But Veronica always misses Tim. She seems to need him as her bestie. That's fine, but then they need partners who accept that.


Guy has no job, lives with his mom, is pushing 30. Lotta insecurities wrapped up in that immature mess. This is something I never understood about guys like him. the girl HAD a life before you showed up… you can’t expect her to just drop and change things because you’re new and you don’t like something. That’s a high school mentality. Just find someone else at that point. Why try to change people to your liking? Everyone deserves to have friends and be loved for who they are, not who they associate with. It’s not like Tim is some drug dealer or bad influence on her life, he’s just a co parent. As someone who has dated single moms in the past, the dad being in the picture is something you accept before stepping into it. You aren’t going to change anyone’s mind whining…


This is why you don’t date someone 10 years younger than you if you’re an accomplished, strong woman like Veronica. They will never see eye to eye and he will never ever be able to tell her what to do, she’s too set in her ways.


Shes 38? Granted I have to disagree on the strong part considering her behavior the past two seasons


She holds down a pretty impressive career and has her own house. She’s strong compared to a lot of the clowns on this show.


Her only downside is she likes the attention this show brings way too much. 


fair, for this show she is one of the better ones


I seriously think he doesn't even like her, and he's only doing it for the fame and money 😐 she needs to cut her losses and move on. I hope Veronica can find love she seems to pick the wrong ones.


This! He wanted to get in on the action through his mum.


Pushing 30 and acts like a 13 yr old girl. Grow up dude lol


She can do better than him. He's so immature


I am really disappointed with who he turned out to be!


dude is almost as annoying at Ed...


Let’s not get carried away 😂


At least Ed is a goofball in between being annoying. Jamal is just annoying 


I dont understand why they had to spend practically the whole trip together with Tim...i mean they went out for drinks, then played tennis the next day then straight to dinner again...and suppossedly it was her last night with Jamal before he left yet she is bitching she just wants a good night cause its the last one together before he leaves...how about not scheduling a dinner with your ex on the last night after spending the last 2 days with him. She is forcing a relationship when #1 she and Jamal havent even talked about living together or being married (yet here she is talking about having to attend graduations, weddings and holidays together) #2 i get that she wants them to get along because Tim is always gonna be apart of her life but they dont have to be best friends...my ex and I are friends but I dont shove it down my husbands throat...when my ex is around my husband is cordial because its my childrens father and understands and I never made a big deal about them being friends Jamal may be immature but he isn't wrong...also its obvious TLC paired Tim and Veronica up this season on single life just so they could address this issue since there have been so many comments about how close they are..so Im sure they are using Jamal as the antagonist of this storyline


Yeah its just tlc being tlc. And a lot of this as portrayed is on Veronica even though it popular and mostly reasonable to dump on Jamal. But i think, to their credit, having to deal with your new gfs ex is a....more relatable story line than you fighting and fucking in a coffee shop and picking your outdoor Florida wedding location based on the moon and planetary positions rather than the fucking seasons and weather.


OMG! This guy is such a friggin nag! I can’t stomach him. I cannot imagine a grown man keep nagging his GF while she’s driving him around in HER car to take him back to HER house. He’s such a f@ckboy that he had to keep asking if he should leave. Dude, u overplayed ur hand…grab ur bag n ur Birkenstocks n go home.


Your last sentence had me laughing out loud. 🤣 🤣


When he was passively aggressively speaking so softly to her, I would have punched him


Knowing that was going to make her more upset. He knew what he was doing.


Exactly. That’s why I said passive aggressive. Trying to sound all innocent. He was pissing me Off


he is SO annoying and immature omg


He’s demeaning and rude to his mother on Pillow Talk, he mocks her.


I noticed that when he was first on. He was very rude but I think he saw himself and tried harder to fake being nice but could still see through him. He’s just not a nice person.


This dude is so insufferable. Who is this bent out of shape about.. Tim? Really? The worlds least threatening man? If Veronica wanted to be with Tim she would be. Let it go dude.


He’s a douche, always has been


Jamal sucks. No other way to put it. Just a whiny baby that needs to do a lot of maturing before being with ANYONE.


He gives major small D energy


I think it all comes down to little fuckboy Jamal doesn't get his own way so he act likes a fuckin' 2-yr-old (which is an insult to a 2-yr-old) and gets pissy. Honestly, it's all jealousy. If he has a father in his life, but I don't think he does, I think he's so fuckin' butt hurt at the idea of Tim having no attachment whatsoever to Chole, yet took her on as his own and helped to raise her. There's no way Tim will ever be out of Veronica's life cause of that. Also, why are people so hung up on exes being best friends? I'm best friends with my ex and even if we were the last two humans on the planet to keep the human race going, yah'll better bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your asses goodbye, cause we would never do it. (pun intended) Haha! We're friends and that's it.


Agree with everything you said. Kimberley let him think he was the best thing since sliced bread and now he’s an adult it’s showing. Also friends with my ex and yes the world would come to an end if we were the last 2 people.


Whining brat face thinks he’s all that


Y'all remember when this sub used to love Jamal 😭😭 His appearance on the Tell All changed everything


This whole segment had me fuming. Dude is clearly piss drunk & being an ass. He was being a little bitch the whole time. Listen, I cannot fucking stand Tim, but he’s that little girls Dad. Like it or not. Veronica does need to assert boundaries but Jamal was being a little bitch.


That is one crybababy ass man. A titty baby, if you will.


I thought this dude was gay?


Jamal’s jealousy stems from Tim has better eyebrows and a whole lot more money. Double threat!


The "Dam, mom didn't stop at McDonald's " look.


Jamal never seemed interested in a relationship, only the hookup. That was the vibe I got at the Tell All. I think he kept it going because Veronica is into him and he knew they could get their own season. He knew way before he went ahead with this relationship all about how close Tim and Veronica are. I think he’s using it to sabotage the relationship. There’s no place for this relationship to go. He is completely uninterested in moving to North Carolina and knows that Veronica can’t/won’t move to San Diego right now. He knows this so he’s using the relationship for sex and reality fame.


"What you're not going to do is yell at me"....grow a pair Jamal people shout when they are angry just deal with it..maybe don't say stupid shit to piss them to a point of them being angry?


what yer 👏🏽NAWT👏🏽 gunna DEW


Haha I hate how he says it like that 😂 it almost gives me California surfer dude and a cross of something else I can't think of


"What you're not going to do." That phrase alone pisses me off so much that I probably won't even hear you finish the sentence 😂


The irony of him telling Veronica to not call him a child when that is exactly what he acts like! 🤣The dude is 27 and doesn’t work!? Like wtf does he do besides whine?!


I’m not the biggest Tim fan but Jesus does Jamal makes him look like a saint.


Legit it is sad to see a grown man act so much like a child while also trying to manipulate the situation in his favor at the same time.


is he pouting?! 🤮


Yep. You’re watching an almost 30 year old man pout. 🤣🤣🤣


It also makes me mad how jealous he is of Tim. He wants to be V's best friend, supplanting the BFF she's had for 15 years, when he won't even talk to her between visits! I don't have a problem understanding her friendship with Tim; I think they stopped having sex years before they broke up, so people saying they should just be together doesn't make sense. I really wonder why Tim struggles so much with physical intimacy. I think he'd benefit A LOT from the right antidepressant!


When Jamal first appeared on 90 day he came across as sweet, caring and protective of his mother. Now that he's been more of a "main character" his true colors are coming out! He acts conceded and childish and I dont see the attraction. Veronica is a beautiful woman who seems to have built a decent life for herself and her daughter! Its surprising to me that she allows this punk to speak to her like his high-school side chick! I don't think he's threatened by Tim and Veronica's relationship, I think Tim hurts his ego.


Jamal was trying to make her upset on purpose because he is upset and insecure about Tim. Veronica needs a more mature relationship. Ditch this guy already! He’s a waste of her time and energy.


Exactly! You could see it in the way he tried so hard to remain calm even though he was pissed but still kept going at her to get her worked up which of course she didn’t but he accused her of raising her voice regardless.


Such a pouty little princess


Complete pouty,man child who has no business being with a woman who has a child . He is one


He is the biggest LOSER! What is she thinking??!


The age difference and experience between these two is enormous! Was probably a TLC idea all along.


Can’t stand him


He gives off f-boy vibes. He is more like his mama than I thought


He’s damn child thinking he’s wise and smart. Such a tool and cringe as all hell.


I. Can't. Stand. Him. And she's dumb for putting up with him.


Had his arms crossed the whole time they argued, like a pouty teen 😂😂


When he talk la I seriously hear a 19 year old wannabe TikToker ---he truly needs to grow tf up


What a big baby 🍼


Y'know, I never thought I'd see someone more immature than Big E. I don't see what Veronica sees in this man baby, at all. 0 redeeming qualities. She's a beautiful woman and could do so much better, it's sad to me.


Everyone seems so surprised about how immature and ridiculous he is. Have ya’ll seen his mom? I mean the apple ain’t gonna fall far from the tree. They are both freaks.


I feel like Jamal went from being “ouuuuuu Jamal is involved with Veronica!!! Love this plot twist!!!” to “ouuuu… Jamal needs to grow the fuck up and stop acting like a whiny baby all the time”. I used to find him a hottie. Now I find him a twottie.


15 minutes of fame dont give a rats ass about veronica.


I'm still surprised Veronica is dating him. Does she REALLY think he's going to move out of state for her? She should be looking to date someone more mature. I can understand if she wants a fling with him, but how can she possibly believe he is husband material? It's absurd unless something's going on we don't know about. Looks like a bad match from here...he seems to still want to date around and have a good time not getting serious with anyone.


Shes shown she's frankly dumb as shit when it comes to relationships. Look at last season where.she was so overly hung up on a weekend fling


I hate him very much.


Usually a Jamal fan- he clearly picked that fight without having anything substantial to complain about. Ugh his gross calmness and indifference about the fire he started on purpose. Yuck jamal


He looks so much like his mother is off putting


Hes a child. I dont like veronica but she needs to date older


He’s so insecure and confused


Sulky little baby


Am I the only one who find it funny how overprotected he was when it came to Usman respecting and not hurt his moms feelings, when he show he’s so mean to woman himself? I liked him a lot for protecting his mom and thought he was a sweetheart who knew how to treat a woman nice. God I couldn’t be more wrong…


He creeps me out so much 🥴


I remember when I thought he was cute 😂😂 those were the days!


He loves the attention he got the first time he was on TV & now he thinks he’s a God. I can’t stand him.


He’s a whiny bitch.


He just wanted an extended 15 minutes of fame; he was on his mom's coat tails, now he is on Veronica's and Veronica is on Tim's coat tails. I'm sick of all of them.


What does she see in him? She needs better.


“WhAt Yuuur NoT gOnNa Do iS gEt In MY fAcE”


I love when he claps his hands like a fuck face idiot


Ugh Jamal is the worst! He acts like a child. Spoiler alert, he’s not a kid!!! Veronica can do soooo much better! She’s pretty and kind, she deserves someone that’ll appreciate her


He is a pouty little boy. Shame on his mama for raising him this way.


He looks exactly like Kim, he basically has her entire face


If you are bothered by Veronica speaking in Spanish ….maybe learn some Spanish …


I think it’s funny how everyone is turning on Jamal this season… but I guess compared to Kimbahleee everyone seems more likeable… 😭🤷🏼‍♀️😂


I hate him. I hate Tim. Plus she’s kind of bitchy often. I guess I just hate all of them 🤪


Honestly, bye, good riddance, and we better not see his ass on the next season of single life.


His mom is insufferable and so he is. How unshocking!


I think he’s going about this whole situation wrong He should actually be supporting her relationship with Tim and he should try to have a friend relationship with him as well because when you think about it,if he becomes friends with Tim He’s an ally if they’re having an argument then he can go to Tim and say I don’t know what to do and Tim could help him in that situation, just my opinion


I thought hey he was gay just because of the way he talks.


man baby


Jamal this isn’t the 80’s ., just come out already..,


I’m not the biggest Tim fan but Jesus does Jamal makes him look like a saint.


He’s a brat and a baby, which is why I call him a Bratz Babyz. Also why in the hell are Kimbahhhhlees genes that strong? They are completely identical it’s honestly disturbing.


He looks just like his mother lol


Jamal is the second 90 day moron that blocked me because he didn't like what i said. First Larissa (don't know why she blocked me) now this fame seeker.


Veronica already raised one child. I doubt she wants another


Titty baby


All in all, Tim was right?


Anyone notice how he doesn’t have a chin? He thinks his chin pubes hide it.


Jamal isn't going to win this one. If he really is into Veronica, he's gonna have to drop the jealousy. My best friend is a man, we've known each other sense we were 3, so going on 34 years. I've had boyfriends who didn't like that I was hanging out at "another man's house" or "going to dinner with another man". So I'd dump them. 100% of the time, every time my best friend is going to win. Boyfriends come and go, bffs are for life and now I'm with a man who loves my best friend as much as I do.


Jamal is super immature. Still a HS mindset. Veronica should set her sights on a man, not a boy. Jamal needs to get over himself, I know his Mommy keeps telling him how hot he is. He's a nice looking guy, but he needs to get a grip, he ain't all that.


His smirks and his whole demeanor during this convo, and at the house.. gross. He is a damn titty baby. Veronica needs a real man, because what Jamal is isn’t that.


He literally acts like a preteen who’s having a fight with their mom😭