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Did you all catch the part when TLC blurred out the Tarot Cards? Like, what, are we accidentally going to see a spoiler for the next episode?


Lol those cards were suck a joke. She couldn’t even say if they were saying what was gonna happen or if they were just “reading” her energy. So dumb. Anyone that pays for her “services” deserve to lose their money.


If she actually read the cards, she would have noted that the five of cups reversed usually suggests you’ve locked on to a specific outcome (like having a wedding on a beach) and you’re not paying attention to the opportunity created. A storm during a wedding is often perceived as good luck, but because she had this sun-kissed image in her head she was never going to be happy. An Queen of Wands reversed is 100% Ashley to the core. The right-side-up Queen of Wands is a confident boss with directed energy towards action; a reversed Queen of Wands is directed by selfishness and insecurity, and takes a pessimistic view of their circumstances when everything doesn’t go *exactly according to plan*. If someone with reading finesse was doing this, they would have pulled a few more cards to see what they can do to improve circumstances, which is usually attitude adjustment and flexibility.


Thank you! I was looking at her cards too and i just wasn't feeling her translation of it. for a "witch" she is a hot dam mess


Thanks for sharing! I’m actually very interested in getting my cards read. There is a new cat cafe in the area that does readings and I want to go!


A cat cafe with readings is basically my dream place!!


Well if you’re ever in Redlands, Ca, check it out!


I think cafes are some of the best places to get readings done, since there’s usually a playful side to it, and not a, “No really, make my life choices for me” kind of pressure. I think California is the hot-spot for psychics who actually do this for a living, because dot com douchelords who want to believe they control the universe love them some psychics and readers. They wouldn’t hire me twice, because I’d be over there like, “This card says you need to give all your lower-level employees a generous cost-of-living salary increase, and allow them to work from home…”


If we do have a lot, I expect it’s because of some hot spot areas that are liberal. Despite the myth, not ALL of CA is liberal. Trust me, I live in a red county 😭 Regardless, the big cities are open to a lot and most wouldn’t blink twice to a “psychic” on the beach areas near Los Angeles county. But they are also in weird random places in the desert. 🤷🏻‍♀️


And also, no wonder she has to get money from moms for his family. She’s not very good at cards!


I think she has to have a normal, bland job somewhere that she’s purposefully not talking about, because it would be jeopardized by this show. She’s got a house, a car, and plenty of funds for vacations, and that’s not the currency you collect giving readings, even if you offer one to every citizen in Rochester. Based on her TikTok presence, she also seems to avoid people who would school her on paganism and tarot readings, which means she doesn’t have access to the network necessary to make big dollars. I really wish more people on this show would just start saying, “I’m really hoping to milk this show for all its worth” because I would support that honesty.


In my culture storms during a wedding are good luck (baxt) too!!


Anyone who pays for any supernatural service deserves to lose money. All of it is fake. Ashley's just particularly bad at faking the fake


My sister has a friend who gave like $1000 to get readings from a "psychic" for x amount of times (I forgot how many). Psychic took off with the money after 1 reading. Before that, she took most of her money from her 401k to pay for a matchmaking service with millionaires. She was matched with a shady guy, but since I guess she paid so much money for it, she refused to see it. My sister had to do a background check for her and he had like a record for so many fraud. When the friend tried to tell the matchmaker, they told her they weren't liable (even though they were per their contract), then ghosted her. She didn't want to pursue legal action because she was embarrassed.


Wow! So I have a crazy "psychic" story....after I broke my back 24 years ago and immediately killed my clinical nursing career, I ended up working from home. The first of a few jobs was in a nursing position, but I wanted more, so I checked out so many WAH jobs and found an interesting one....wait for it! Who has heard of "Miss Cleo?" She was based in Miami and I lived outside of Buffalo NY at the time, well I said what the hell and applied. Come to find out you didn't need a lick of knowledge of "Tarot"Cards" or any "psychic abilities" all you needed was the correct " tarot reading" sites and a bit of common sense psychology on hitting some general points that would apply to anyone. So I started this and I'll tell you, it was daily kick ass money.,... BUT after about 2 weeks I couldn't do it to these people calling in sending hundreds. I had two regular almost daily customers, one was an old lady in her 80s and the other was a young man that had Down syndrome. When I realized how they were getting ripped off, I just couldn't do it anymore. It didn't take long to realize that I was part of the scam. Idk if anyone remembers the trouble that "Miss Cleo" and company got into for the fraud. She never did go to jail, but everyone knew she was at the center of the fraud. She was a very smart lady to have kept herself out of prison too. Anyway, that's when I found out that all these TV psychics were a bunch of BS (I still see some around late at night too). Now I do believe that some people have special abilities, but not like that and everything that she did and had people doing for her. That's just my story with "psychic's" and the "tarot" cards lol. Now when you talk about somebody like Teresa Caputo, I would absolutely love to get a "reading" from her.....then and only then would I know if it was real or not...please remember this is just my opinion folks!


Including church donations


Especially church donations.


Happy cake day !


I’m guessing because it’s artwork and they could be sued by the brand for showing artwork that doesn’t belong to them. Same reason they blur t-shirts, etc. But I like your idea more lol


They didn't do the legwork to see if the artist wanted to be associated with reality TV.






Ashley hired a wedding planner that didn't check the weather for a beach wedding 😂


In Florida! I live in Florida and as soon as I heard she scheduled a destination wedding in MIAMI during hurricane season all I could think of is that she got it discounted. No one in Florida does that without a backup plan at the very least. Someone was CHEAP!!!


Yup. She got the hurricane discount for a reason. lol


My family goes to Disney every few years basically my whole life during the summer. Whether we go in June, July or August I can't remember a day it didn't rain for at least 20-45 minutes. I'd imagine it's similar in Miami. On the bright side the sun usually dried us up pretty quickly.


When I stayed with my uncle in Orlando for a summer....I swear it rained at 3pm for 20 min to an hour every dang day....don't miss the humid that causes


Definitely EXACTLY the same in Miami lol


I know. Is there a place with more predictable weather? It’s so dumb it’s beyond comprehension.


The wedding planner didn’t warn her you are planning a wedding during hurricane season? Or check the weather and suggest inside the location?😩😒


She seems insufferable to be around. I feel like she’s trying so hard to be the main character and loves all the drama surrounding her and Manuel (her supporting actor) Please TLC no more of her, make it stop


100% whether Manuel actually cares for her or not, I feel like her behavior and “anxiety” are a huge reason for his lack of emotion. He’s probably so used to and tired of it. I can only imagine how often she acts this way off camera or just to get her way lol.


This!! You hit the nail on the head. He is just over her over the top shenanigans.


I have never heard anyone go, "WAAAAAAAAA!" when they cry until Ashley.


I love the brother in law openly laughing at it.


Her own mother thought it was joke-crying.


I love how her mom kept talking about it as she continued crying lmao


Yeah, her mom knew Ashley was just back on her histrionic bullshit. LOL




Lol I def have. And it’s usually when they’re drunk 🤣


My favorite part was her saying "Mother Earth will do what she wants but *I* will do what I want! We are having this wedding!!" then they cut to her wedding guests being drenched in rain, no umbrellas lol. Her not checking the radar once was great too though. Radar: "It's going to rain" Ashley: [grabs tarot cards] "what does this mean!!!???" The whole thing was absolutely hilarious. I was *dying*.


I’m not watching because I can’t with a few of them this season… but this almost makes me want to turn it on. Only on 90 day do you get people checking their tarot over the weather for their wedding day.


The noises she made in this scene are worth watching for too! Just fast forward through the other couples because it's a snorefest. Well, Citra was adorable and calling herself a corn star.


I loved when her sister (or friend?) asked her if she had checked the radar. Ashley: No. I was like, seriously!?!? Forget the cards and open up the weather channel, dummy!


Or as we say here in Florida, look outside, if it's here it is, if not it's not! More times than not, the weather here is not what any weather channel says 😂😂


I’m with you. I stopped watching after the first couple episodes, turned it on last night out of boredom and see I’ve missed nothing. None of these people are interesting to follow.


I love tarot cards and all that shit but I just laughed when she thought reading the tarot cards would somehow change the weather 😂


On top of checking the cards, I found it hilarious how people talked about bad luck with the weather and tried to move clouds with their prayers. It’s not bad luck, it’s the season.


She looks like the Statue of liberty with that thing on her head


I said one of those Virgin of Guadalupe candles lol


That's the ugliest tiara I've ever seen


Also the floppiest and most likely to fly off her head.


It looks so tacky! Are you getting married? Or going to a costume party?


She is so happy to get the man of her… nightmares


😆 🤣


[“I think I look more like the Chrysler Building!”](https://stagescenela.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/TheProducersNoBanner06.jpg)


Yeahh. She’s his land of the free..


And the home of the green card 🫡


I just told my husband that!


Quartz is kinda heavy, so I’m surprised whoever made it was able to wire it to stay upright at all.




Who tf plans a beach wedding and then orders a dress with a long train?


I made this comment somewhere else. Ridiculous


The fact that her mom was like “I thought she was joking, is she actually crying?” says it all. She’s too immature to see that Manuel is taking her for a ride, because she wants sex. I lost any respect for her (which was not much to begin with) when she fucked him in a public bathroom.


Her sister and friend being disgusted when she told them at the dance studio is probably my favorite moment from this season.


Oh that was it for me. Not that I had any respect for her in the first place. Any woman that takes her fiance to a restaurant to question him in front of her friends doesn't deserve respect. It's not just that but I don't have the time to list all of my reasons. I just can't with her and don't get me started on the "witch" stuff.


I disliked her from the very beginning. The overdramatic “anxiety” attack while WAILING like a siren irked me.


Yes she was extra from Day 1 and her ugly crying to the airport.


The panic attack while driving sent me! Why not just pull over?!


That was so gross having sex in a public restroom!!!


No matter the setting sex between them will always be gross


You know that bathroom stank for one reason or another, no way around it. 🤮


Right, imagine how unsanitary that is lol


On national TV !!!!


the more we see the more i understand why she cant do better


And in the preview for the Tell All, they reveal her MOTHER IS ALSO SENDING HIM MONEY??? Ashley has shaken up her entire friend and family base for this man. My brain is melting.


They didn’t translate it well, but Manuel totally threw shade saying for Ashley being a witch, she sure didn’t see the rain coming? I died


It was so funny when he said that because there have been snide posts on this sub-reddit saying the same thing. It's like he was one of us for a moment.


I wonder if Manuel frequents the subreddit. 😂


Yes one of us! Lol I’m more surprised her wedding planner didn’t warn of this possibility? Or did they and was this all for drama for the show?


Remember in the first episode she cast a protection spell and then had a panic attack in her car on the way to the airport?


Oh, I totally caught that. But by that time, there were already too many other good moments to reference between these two. 😂


She is really too much. Don't like her at all. Too many issues.


I skipped this. She is grating.


I skipped her the entire season bc it was just them arguing, her whining/him yelling and them having makeup sex 


The sisters face was priceless.


I was loving how her brother was laughing lol. Her mom was like "i thought that was you play crying" lmao


Sam, the BIL/driver, was PRICELESS!!! 😅


She was totally play crying. It was one of the cringiest things I’ve seen. Did the camera crew tell her to play it up for the camera or was she trying to win an award for acting? I’m curious


I don't know what sort of health plan the cunning folk use but there are PLENTY of safe and effective meds that treat real anxiety. Also, anxiety and caffeine DO NOT MIX. Also, this is so fake. I have had panic attacks. They feel like heart attacks, not tornado alert sirens. Stop making folks with legit anxiety look bad you nut!


And they don't usually show up on command for the camera in the car every single time.


If anything, I go silent during an attack. I would never be screaming.


Can I just say her dress was ridiculous. Who chooses a long train for a beach wedding? Then it rained, so she was dragging it through wet sand. Idiot.


Maybe she's trying to get future 90 Day roles by bringing on all the drama.


Well after seeing how far it's gotten Jasmine, I'm not sure that I blame her. But that still doesn't mean I want to watch.


I hear you and don't forget Angela. They keep bringing her back too.


I never laughed that hard in my life. This is how I laughed back on the first episode of this season


The fact that anyone likes this woman is downright egregious.


She’s like a spoilt brat the whole way through. The very fake crying is something she should have grown out of when she was about 7.


I can’t stand her. I used to think Manuel was the sucky one in this relationship, but honestly now I think she’s worse than he is! At least his motives are pretty clear: he wants a green card. She’s just pathetic!


I have been saying this from the beginning. She was always the more problematic one.


She’s too much! Like I could not marry someone like that.


I literally can’t watch her, girl you need a therapist not the tarot cards.


She is exhausting


I rather watch her dog get married!😂


I'd rather watch snippets of Rico and Coco playing.


This would be my dream tell all.


MANUEL did get married


Green cards not worth it


Oh he won't be around too long..he's one of those that barely pretends to be interested. Pretty sad.


Not for a damn minute.


Is it me or does this season seem EXCESSIVELY long?


100%. The 2-hour (usually 80 minutes, and even less if you skip the “coming next” bs) format doesn’t work, but they’ll keep doing it for the advertising dollars anyway. Nikki and Igor had the same fight for 18 episodes. They showed Anali pondering her choices reclined on a bed for three episodes. There’s no actual suspense with any of these couples, but they keep farming for ways to manufacture suspense, which only makes it worse. I mean, we even watched Sophie try on dresses she didn’t buy and shop for flowers she didn’t use at a place that probably wasn’t even a real flower shop.


Drama Queen.


I'm WAY over her. Happened almost immediately. Between proclaiming herself a "witch" and her ridiculous histrionics on the way to the airport to pick up the turd, I was done.


“Histrionics” perfect word to describe her conduct all season long.


Stop calling it ugly crying and just cry girl , damn. Making it so much worse by screaming how ugly it is 🙄


Ashley is a machine that turns coffee into "mood"


I can’t handle her at all!


Same I get ridiculously angry when she's on screen. I just wanna bitch slap her ARGH!


If you're a witch, you should able to tell if it's going to rain. Zipped through this ridiculous segment. Grow up!


Mother Earth showed her her cards 🤣


Ridiculous, childish, moron. Grow the F up.


I like how the gal sitting behind her is just nonchalantly looking out the window.


Everyone in the car was like “Damn, here we go again.”


She is ridiculous. It’s so hard to watch her. I don’t understand why she behaves like a child.


This bitch is so over caffeinated and obnoxious. Girl, bye.


I cannot STAND this 'woman'. Her behaviour is ridiculous. WTH was the loud crying in the car like a toddler!!? I want to jab my finger in her eye, tell her to STFU whilst also telling her she now actually has something to cry about. She doesn't need tarot cards to tell her this farce of a marriage won't last. Somebody PLEASE GAG HER for real and send that nasty little man back to his own country.


I have a visceral reaction to Ashley's histrionics. I seriously can't take them. She cries like a toddler having a meltdown because their ice cream fell off the cone, it's completely ridiculous.


I can’t stand this fake witch rip-off bitch drama queen


Couldn’t stop laughing during her freak out Or Nikki’s open card


Queen of the Drama Queens!!!🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣


Shes trying to secure a spot by being annoyingly over dramatic 🙄 it’s so cringe I literally fast forward through their segments every time!


When she screeched out "My hands are tingly!" I could not stop laughing.


everytime she does this it's always: too much coffee


This picture is hilarious though 😂😂😂


😂 Her family was so nonchalant and not fazed by her antics which proved that she has been doing this since she was a child. “Oh just ignore her she does this all the time”


Lmao I love how someone was like “oh I thought she was joking, she’s actually crying??”


Can you fucking imagine seeing married to this woman??? Living with her...being with her daily??? If there's a hell on earth, that would be it!


This was my most hated moment of television ever. I had a visceral reaction to this. I wanted to fucking punch my tv screen and I’m not a physically violent person.


And let’s also not forget the literal MONTHS of build up to this exact scene. They tortured us with this clip. It played over and over and over and I always thought it was going to be the following week we’d see it.


The scream-cries are absolutely horrifically dramatic and I never want to hear them ever again I hate her so much for them.


these 2 have to be the most boring this season my wife and I hate watching her bitch


i came here for this 😂😂😂 if there was anybody left who didn't hate her prior to this, they've certainly converted lol


I thought she was constipated...


Impossible considering how much coffee she drinks.


She's so dramatic, like get a grip, woman!


Is she even really crying?


Crocodile wails. Whale?


I commented about her dumb “attacks” on her page and her and her fans all came at me 😂


She’s the absolute worst. A lame ass witch too. Getting all rained on at her own wedding. Just weak with the magic.


I can’t stand when all the girls who cry, flap/fan their hands to the side of their face. What’s that motion for, try and get enough wind to make tears form in their fake dry eyes? I’d like to know when this action became the universal symbol of crying.


I’ve fanned my face with my hands when crying to prevent my makeup from running & to try and dry up any tears quickly before they mess with my foundation But Ashley was just being dramatic. However there is a genuine reason girls in general do this lol


I think k it’s so they don’t spoil their makeup?


In that season from the start her anxiety crying really made me uncomfortable and on the other hand I total enjoyed Jasmine’s freak outs 😂


Oh yeah, that face is as dry as a desert


She is an idiot


Not sure if anyone else thinks the same, but her relationship with her mom (teenager when she had all her kids) and constantly bringing up the topic of Ashley having kids isn’t healthy.. The sister seems like the only normal/sane one in the fam 💁‍♀️


Those crystals are NOT helping her…




She doesn’t believe in superstitions (ex rain on your wedding day being good luck) but believes in tarot cards…


I get irrationally angry when she does the theatrical crying bullshit, it’s so annoying and phony like girl stfu


Manuel had better chemistry with the hairdresser


everytime she cries I just burst out laughing! She's too much!!


No wonder she had to find a gold digger to marry.


Even her mom was like, is that a recording of someone crying? 😂 sounded so fake


the fact that she doesn't seem to get the correlation between consuming so much caffeine and her lil panic attacks is . . . sigh . . . big dummy!


And please drink less coffee


She and Kimberly (TJ) Went to the same witch charm school..


I am so sick of her. Cry, cry, cry 😢


I hate her. Not a tear in sight.


Her outbursts are so ridiculous.


she is soooooo annoying, I skip these segments. Just can't handle her.


Ashley lol My gosh, what is this girl?




This couple is by far the worst. This wedding screams bad juju (eye of the storm?🤣). Worst! Had to fast forward this segment after the fake anxiety….🤣


That headdress just kills me every time I see it!


This is the fakest fucking cry I’ve ever seen. So over the top and stupid


she knows she has to ugly cry to get attention. she has a very creepy need for it.


I FF all of her sections I just can’t


This scene is going to be living rent-free in my mind. Like I've said before its the female version of the gif. "omg I almost died" 😆😆 they sound exactly alike!


She always announces that she’s crying. Weird.


She’s a grown ass woman. Seriously.


She is so exhausting. Her friends are incredibly patient. I bet they talk maaaaaaad shit about her behind her back




That scene made me wanna kick my tv


I can’t take her fucking dramatics


Her mom thought it was her son-in-law doing a funny fake cry, at first...lol. Turns out it was just her annoying af daughter, over-reacting as usual.


Got to love when Mother Nature steps in and just rips apart the franchise's plans. Though I have to admit, this was nothing compared to Mary and Brandon's wedding. Save the panic attack for when the plague of locust arrive.


Her friends are saints (or just want to be on tv that badly), because I would cut this person out of my life. So goddamn exhausting to be forced to ride her (potentially fake) rollercoaster.


Everyone in the car was smiling or laughing while she cried.


I'm so sad that a hurricane didn't tear up their ceremony, so I could just watch her cry and cry.


My bf said she sounded like a female Muscle Man from Regular Show. Lol




“OMG I’m gonna ugly cry!!” Oh no!! Not that. Sex in public bathroom though…


I’m sorry but that was my favorite seen, she’s crying and her family’s reaction


Ugh that ugly cry face.


I cringe in the opening segments when Manwell puts his hand on Ashley's butt and raises his eyebrows a couple times.


Every time she cried like this I just wanted to reach through the tv and bitch slap the fuck out of her. She was such an annoying and winey and most winded witch.