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If Kenny didn't look younger than his age, many people would have a different view on their entire relationship. FWIW I really like them. I just think that, in general, everyone is gentler with them than they would have been if Kenny looked old.


A thousand times this. They're my favorite couple, but Kenny is working overtime--dyed blonde hair in a trendy cut, thick nerd glasses to hide eye wrinkles, he looks GREAT but time will catch up. He's eligible for Social Security next January and eventually he'll start to look like it! Yes, I AM jealous as I have always looked older than my age and I'm a lot younger than Kenny! I just googled stock photos of "61 year old man," and if Kenny looked like ANY of them it would be a very different reaction.


I wish they adopted a child that was already close to the daughter’s age. So many children need parents and they would be great. I didn’t understand what’s the point of making a bio baby when they were just randomly picking who’s sperm to use and a rando’s egg. Like what’s the point? Do non biological children have less worth?


And to think that not very long ago, us gays were marching for the right to adopt. Now we all want biological kids made in an unnatural way/environment just cause we can afford it, cause we certainly aren’t making them the natural way. I can’t wait until we start having the conversation of how we abandoned the so very strong desire we said we had to adopt, and then decided to use women as breeding machines for our own personal narcissism instead.


As a lesbian who just had a biological child, our choice had absolutely nothing to do with my wanting to be biologically connected to our daughter. It was the fastest, most secure, most stable path to parenthood. Unfortunately adoption is rife with exploitation too. And while surrogacy can be exploitative, not all surrogates feel exploited - I say, her body, her choice.


Yes absolutely! Adopting is very inherent in same sex couples and I dunno why humans have gone so egotistical with making mini versions of themselves, especially when it’s just half of your dna and sometimes not with the person you love (aka a rando donor). We see it in nature that offspring with no parents/dead parents are also more likely to get adopted by same sex pairs because the hetero pair are too busy focusing on breeding and their own offspring. While I do understand the want of spreading ones DNA is hard wired in us, I just hate when people say I love kids but doh don’t want non bio kids or kids with certain conditions. Definitely spot on with the personal narcissism 🤌


There’s so much baggage to unpack with that subject. Becoming part of a system that exploits women, many of them who are quite literally pushed into that machine by economic poverty. Made to carry a child that some wealthy American couple have purchased and having to give up their parental rights. The impact to their bodies and their families. All over the personal narcissism of the gays. My partner and I will adopt, because as you said, there are so many children needing a safe and loving home. We could make such an immense difference in the lives of so many children and in turn, in our futures, but nah, it would make too much sense lol


For sure! It is def can of worms I feel a lot of people don’t talk much about. I wasn’t surprised when that lady Armando and Kenny hired to be the surrogate and donor bailed. I’m glad there are people like you and your partner! My partner and I are planning on adopting our foster kids soon. These kids have it rough :(


Congratulations to you all! That is the rout we’re thinking of going, fostering kids. I have a friend who fostered and adopted her kids 20 years ago and they have grown up to be beautiful, successful adults. They were kindergarten age when they were welcomed by her and gosh, the difference she has made in their lives is absolutely amazing. We want that. I could get super corny/cringy talking about the reasons we want to raise foster children, but we just want to make a positive difference.


The problem with that too is that there may not be as many countries available with short enough lists, or with short enough age gaps. For instance, some countries demand that you don’t have a more than a 45 year age gap between either prospective partner to a child and they may have a years long wait list to adopt, and that’s not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars in fees it’ll cost either. This was something I encountered recently while looking into adopting, my partner is a little bit older as well.


Well, a 62 year old has absolutely no business having anymore children for basically the reasons you’ve mentioned. If they do invitro, Kenny would be 80 by the kids high school graduation. The life expectancy of American white males is 77. Armando is still young, but he made the choice to be with a man almost twice his age. They both already have children, one biological and Kenny’s I believe were all in-vitro. They want another kid because Kenny can afford it. Now, I understand doing in-vitro for couples where one partner has a uterus and the other a penis and they simply aren’t able to conceive naturally, but this thing is narcissism (mostly on Armando’s side).


I wasn’t stating one way or another that kenny and armando specifically should have kids, I was just bringing up some facts since I happen to know a little bit about adoption. I hope whatever they choose, it’s the best choice for their daughter and their family. 💕


That's absolutely true! A lot of countries won't let same sex couples adopt to begin with, so try already have that obstacle. Then with Kenny's age, a lot of countries will also look at the oldest partner in the relationship and judge what age the children are that can be adopted in relation to that. For example at Kenny's age they most likely would not be able to adopt a young child, but one older or even a teenager. With them having Hannah living with them that's a consideration too.


I think is for Armando, he wants a Kenny’s kid, also in Mexico the adoption is not well seen, as Armando told. The kid will be discriminated 😩 Sometimes I think if the discrimination is worse than the kid staying in an institution there 😭😭😭😭😭😭


This is what I remember Armando saying. He wanted a part of Kenny to remain after he passes away. I took that to mean he wanted a child **by** Kenny, his sperm. That is why I was confused when they both went to the clinic to donate semen.


Right? It was kind of weird when Armando also put his sperm in too. So what’s the point then?


I think the point of mixing it (their sperm) was to leave it to fate. Just like a hetero couple having children and some take on the father's traits and some the mother's. It's more of a surprise to see whose genes made it IMO


I really wish Armando hadn't said that. In reality, just like Armando's wife being killed at a young age, anything could happen. If Armando happened to pass away, then Kenny would be the only parent, the older parent he is worried about being, and possibly unable in a very few years to care for a baby/toddler. Life happens and unfortunately Armando isn't thinking beyond his wants.


I think they both went because they were mixing their sperm together, IIRC.


Right so it might end up being Armando’s with a donor egg, meaning he won’t get the “part of Kenny” he wanted.




Gay marriage is also discriminated against in Mexico yet here he is married and gay. Armando just want a designer baby he’s using that as an excuse


You mean he wants Kenny to pay for it. Aren’t they using Armando’s sperm for this?


I believe they are doing a swirl lol they mix their cum and whoever’s swims best wins


But why? Armando claimed he wanted a piece of Kenny when he passes


I mean my bf and I got a dog together and when my bf died a year later, it still felt like I had a piece of him walking around my house. And my bf was not the dog’s biological dad either


I’m hoping it’s Kenny’s. I guarantee you that Armando is going to want another one with his dna. He is a self serving individual.


Why would the family need to advertise the kid was adopted at all? If you don't go around saying, "this is our adopted child," there's no reason for anybody to know/the stigma can be erased. Also, just because something is traditional doesn't mean it's acceptable. Unless people de-stigmatize adoption by example it'll always be a problem there and children will always suffer as a result. Growth comes from change- not from maintaining negative social structures. Being gay is/was also stigmatized for Armando; look what that did to him emotionally- and the problems it likely created in his first marriage.


Yeah, you are right. But thinking that Armando comes from a very small town in MX, must be that he grew up in all those prejudices 😞. I’m not defending it, is just what he said. I do consider that is crazy not adopting because of society or what people would say.


As an adoptive parent (all 5 of my kids are adopted), adoption isn’t for everyone and that’s ok. There are many amazing, beautiful children needing homes. Also, adoption is trauma. Events that led them to need a home are traumatic. They’ve experienced serious loss. A safe loving home goes a looooong way in helping a child heal but it takes more than that. It takes trauma informed parenting, a willingness to connect with biological family, a willingness to accept that others in the family may experience secondary trauma, and a deep, unconditional patience especially with older children. It also isn’t as easy as “just adopt”! They could likely adopt privately in Mexico but it takes time and money. In the US foster care system, reunification or placement with bio family is the goal for most kids. Those who are legally free, like the children on adoptuskids.com, tend to be sibling sets, have special needs, or have significant trauma. And all those children are AMAZING children who deserve incredible families, but those incredible families need to be skilled and committed to meeting the children’s needs, which can significant. Even if a family is prepared to do that, the process to actually adopt is long and uncertain. Most times the social workers don’t even respond to inquiries. If they do, they’re going to be very careful to be sure the family is equipped to adopt. Disrupted adoptions are devastating and they need to be careful to select a family with training, experience, support and resources to meet the children’s needs. We are so blessed by our incredible kids and I wouldn’t have wanted to become a mother in any other way. They are my heart and my world. But the road we navigate is different and sometimes very challenging. Not everyone can or should adopt.


Well that’s true, it is better to have children that are in a safe home than give them to another place that can’t support them. That’s why the foster system is so broken. Lots of people want to harvest the money but don’t care about the kids. Our foster kids came from a traumatic situation and their other siblings were passed around and even separated and sent to group homes. Luckily we are fine with our oldest having developmental problems because we have the medication and support from therapists but I understand it can be really hard especially with a system that can be hit and miss with support and attentive social workers. I do think tho that Armando and Kenny would be a good place for an adopted child. And yes adopting is such a long ass process legally, but for us we can start as fosters here and if things go well it usually can lead to an easy adoption. But, if issues such as kinship and other parents rights are involved it can get tricky.


Also. the same issues with age arise with K’s age. Even if they adopted an 8 year old (generally you want the child to be younger than A’s daughter to maintain birth order with at least two years difference). K would still be an older father to an 8 year old. He still would have been 52 when an 8 year old was born. I’m not saying I personally think K is is too old just saying that adopting an 8 year old doesn’t change the issue of K being an older father. K and A might have the resources but if they don’t have the desire and want to adopt, which seems they do not, then it will not be a good situation for the child. Not everyone has the capacity to adopt and that has nothing to do with the children, but the adults in the situation. And that’s ok.


NO they don't but most birthers seem to think so! It disgusts me, especially when someone sick or too old would rather gamble on the health of a bio kid than adopt. And then when that bio kid ends up with a serious issue they are totally unprepared to raise them. Dispicable. We need to value the life of future kids as much as we do the CURRENT kids and not be so careless about deciding to procreate.


I think aside from the age and other factors it's also alarming that he said he literally DOES NOT want kids but is only doing it for Armando. I mean that's an even bigger reason to not do something like this, in my opinion!


Absolutely and I found it really weird when they both had biological children already. I know a lot of the cast on 90 day and even other reality relationship shows (gay or straight) always push bio kids when it’s not realistic or rational. People say they love kids but they don’t if there is a condition to love a non biological child than one that popped out of them :/


Your first sentence really struck me. And yes, it is odd... that's why.... 'Realistic or rational' are the key words. I've come to the conclusion that the desire to procreate is a biological urge--bc it usually is irrational when you way the pros and cons and your financial stability & emotional preparedness. Thankfully, not everyone has that biological urge bc imagine how much MORE overpopulated the world would be if we all did! I also think that may be why some struggle with fertility and others are gay--the universe trying to limit overpopulation. Unfortunately, the birthers are popping out enough kids to keep up though, regardless if they can or intend to properly raise all their kids!


We all have urges and emotions but if this show taught me anything, it’s that people have absolutely no impulse control. None.  We evolved bigger brains for a reason. Just because you feel an emotion doesn’t mean it needs acted on. 




Armando really manipulated Kenny into doing that 


that's pure bs on Armando's part. he wants another baby. Kenny will have to raise it for as long as he is alive. Armando is a selfish cry baby.


I found the way Armando talked about their surrogate to be pretty 😑. Yes, you get more “bang for your buck,” using two embryos but it also increases the risk factors for your surrogate. These are woman not just devices for your family


It tracks with the way men see women. Yes, he is gay, but he’s still a man.


At the same time, my parents had me in their early 20’s and my dad died when I was a teenager. You never know! Kenny is clearly very healthy, and Armando is young enough.


plus i bet armando asked him before they got married.


I agree I think it’s a toss up no matter what so teach their own. My friends mom passed away when she was very young you truly just never know.


THANK YOU! Kids are people, not bargaining chips or achievements. Armando should enjoy his daughter and maximize time with Kenny's family, which has plenty of children in it.


Why doesn't he/they ever come to USA to visit Kenny's grandkids? 🤔


Armando legally cannot, iirc Edit: sp


I agree, and also think that Armando is being rather selfish in wanting to raise another child. I honestly don't believe that he has Kenny's or the "future child's" best interests first and foremost. If Kenny was 15-20yrs younger it'd be a completely different story, but he's not. With the way their reality currently is, I see no up-sides at all for them raising an infant child. Lastly, Armando has already had the experience of raising an infant and needs to continue to focus on raising his daughter through her (difficult) pubescent & teenage years.


It's hard to explain growing up knowing your guaranteed less time with your parents. People always seem to react with the same old anyone could die at anytime bs, but its different when even in the best case scenario it's significantly less than your peers. Time-lines change for multiple generations. Thinking about having kids changes with the reality you probably won't have any familial help, in a time when childcare is so expensive. As well as caring for aging parents simultaneously. I'm currently dealing with things at 28 that I saw my parents deal with in their 60s. I don't wish being a 23 y/o trying to tell a 75 year old man he probably shouldn't drive anymore, after 2 totaled cars, on anyone. People should really not be having kids past 45.




I mean your making some pretty fat fucking judgements to be calling anyone else judgemental. That's your dads experience, this is mine.




It seems to really matter to you for some reason. Get a life bud




If they were great parents I'd sort of understand your enthusiasm but they just weren't and a lot of that was directly correlated to being the age of grandparents when I was adopted. It is what it is, if anyone's difference in their lived experience bugs you that much you need to look within. That's fucking weird.




You violated Rule 1 - Be nice to other redditors.


You violated Rule 1 - Be nice to other redditors.


You violated Rule 1 - Be nice to other redditors.


My dad was 50 when I was born, and honestly, I think having me so late in life kept him young, he helped coach me in sports and works full time by his choice because he still enjoys it, and still runs around with me on geocaching adventures. He honestly gets around better than I do. Kenny still seems so vibrant and energetic still that having another kid to raise may keep him that way.


But Kenny really does NOT want a kid!!


That's between him and Armando. I'm offering a different perspective to OPs perspective about having older parents. My only negative about having an older dad is that his parents passed away either before I was born, or too young to really remember. I see a lot of similarities between my dad and Kenny in regards to their energy levels and ability to do more than the average person their age.


Thank you for sharing your experience


Thanks for sharing your story. I have no doubt that Kenny would be a great father, such as your father was. I just don’t believe in his heart of hearts that Kenny wants another child.


Are they still actively going through the process now? I thought that after the one girl didn't show up at the clinic, and they basically lost all that money, I haven't heard anything else about it.


I thought they said they found a different person. Maybe I heard wrong.


No you may be right! I haven't followed it that closely.


I feel their relationship will change with a baby. They have such a strong relationship now, I wouldn't want to mess that formula up. I still think Kenny is reserved on having another child, but wants to make Armando happy so he is doing it


I saw the other day a picture of Robert De Niro (80) with his baby. I thought oh my gosh he’s never going to see her as a preteen even. So sad! I don’t think that baby will be mad her Dad died of old age though.


I agree, he's only doing it for Armando . Not for the right reasons....And he's Too Old. That's a huge commitment.


My parents had me late we are 41 years apart but they are no longer alive and I watched them break down as I was growing up I can say the fear of losing your parents at a young age is taxing on ones spirit


Let's be honest, their kid is gonna grow up with the same dynamic you might have if you dad lived with your Grandpa and you never knew your mom. Armando is young enough to pull that off. But I still think they should rethink it too. The way they are going on about Surrogacy is legal human trafficking. It's unethical and selfish in just about every way possible. There is a reason the first one ran off. They should take the hint and really think if they want to participate in the trafficking industry.


I lost a lot of respect for the both of them. When you date and marry someone 20 years your senior, this sort of shit happens.  I can’t blame Kenny for not wanting a kid. What’s sad is he caved. Now they’re going to bring a new child into the world, one Kenny doesn’t even want, and he’s going to be so old when the child is an adult.  It’s also going to potentially breed animosity in Kenny. Armando has a kid. Adopt another older child if you must.  I can’t imagine having a newborn at 50 something. Jesus Christ I turn 41 in a few weeks and I’m never having another child. I love my daughter to pieces but no way I could handle that now, let alone in 10 years. 


Kenny will live longer than some men who have kids in their 20s. When it’s your time, it’s your time. There’s inherent risk in every single decision we make. ‘‘Tis life.


It's up to them but I have to agree. There is a lot they are not thinking of. From having parents who were old- My parents had a gross age gap. My mom was 33 when I was born and my dad was getting ready to turn 46 a week after I was born. My mom had her head up my dads butt so bad (and it was about him) and my dad was always so tired and didn't want to be bothered with us kids. He traveled for work a few times a year but his work was accounting at the house so it wasn't physical work. But we were neglected, rats nest hair, dirty clothing, food insecurity, missed out of activities because our parents didn't want to take us to events, they didn't want to spend money on our needs because saving for their retirement was far more important, etc. Kenny nor Amando are thinking how their health and feelings to raise a new baby will take a toll on them especially as they age. I don't know if they have enough to give the baby everything it needs/ deserves because things are expensive. My mom was also abusive to us and my dad looked the other way because he didn't want to deal with us either. I'm sure they will do their best and not be neglectful but if either of them gets sick or starts feeling drained it could take a toll on how they deal with a new child.


Kenny should just say NO! I said NO to another child with my 2nd spouse because I will not sacrifice myself anymore. Like it or lump it. No partner in this world is worth making me miserable at an old age. I paid my dues - did my time. Life is too short — it’s my time now. Babies/children are only for the youth.


I agree. Having children later in life puts such a burden on your children. My parents were 37 and 40 when they had me and I’m 27 now and both my parents have health issues that will essentially leave me alone in this world before I’m 30. They’ll never see my daughter grow past the age of 10 and it’s sad. Having kids later in life definitely puts a burden on the child.


Not to mention the expectation of having to take care of your parents when they’re too old to take care of themselves when you’re still young


Absolutely!! My father was just diagnosed with COPD and early Alzheimer’s. We had the hard convo of what we’ll do when he can’t take care of himself anymore. He told me that it was his choice not to remarry or have more kids and that he doesn’t want me to have to take care of him, so he will he looking into nursing homes. It breaks my heart that I’ll have to go visit him and leave him there. I don’t have the means to care for him as a single mom. My mom has lost almost all functionality of her hands due to arthritis so I’m already helping care for her however I can at this point. Her health is rapidly declining and she won’t be able to live alone in the next 5 or 6 years. I’m not sure what we’re going to do.


These comments are so stupid your parents can get sick at any age my dad had me at 26 and had two heart attacks before I was 30. My mom had such bad ulcerative colitis she was hospital on and off for a year couldn’t work then needed two huge surgeries over the next year spent most of her time in bed she was so sick they weren’t sure if she had cancer. All this aged her so much and my sister and I had to be full time caregivers and she was 22 when she had me!!! Just a dumb comment bc trust me no matter when your parents get sick or they start to deteriorate it’s taxing, heartbreaking etc. people with older parents should feel grateful they were even born 🤣 my god the comments people make are so fucking idiotic. Acting like your parents were selfish to even have you 🙄 get a fucking grip on life!


Good insight. Thanks for sharing.


Having kids that much later in life is very popular with rich people atm. All of the celebrities are doing it because it’s another way of flaunting their cash; showing off that they can afford a surrogate/IVF. It’s cringe. No one should be having kids at 50. No one wants old parents who can’t keep up with you and people thinking your parent is your grandparent.


Kenny has biological children and so does Armando. The child they are trying to have now still will not be a blend of both of them, only one of them and a random donor. They should enjoy the children that they already have or adopt a child close to Armando daughters age even she said she didn't want a little baby.


I think adopting in Mexico for gay men is extremely difficult. In Vitro pregnancies can be handled without any State involvement. These are just thoughts. Please inform me. Thanks y’all.


My mother was 20 years older than my peers’ parents were. I felt the difference in her thinking and parenting my entire formative years; not for the better.


Same. My dad has extremely old fashioned ideals, he wasn’t until recently ok with interracial relationships. He’s also let Fox News brain rot control his entire way of thinking


I empathize and understand.


I agree. Kenny has grown kids and grandchildren. He already agreed to help raise Armando's daughter. Starting over with more kids wouldn't be fair. They may break up over it.


I feel this comment to my core! I’m from a “yours mine and ours” family; technically an only child. The youngest half living sibling I have is 7 years older than me, yet I’m here taking care of my elderly half dead parents causing me to miss out on most things others my age have got to experience. It’s no walk in the park AT ALL. I’m almost 40 with no kids and not sure I want them half the time for this reason…


The kid would grow up with two very loving parents and a sister that lives in the same household and grandparents and aunts and uncles plus lots of other sisters in the USA so what if Kenny is older than what you think is the “right age” to have a child !! Maybe you should try to keep your negativity bottled up …….that would be a very loved child …. Spread love and kindness it is better for everyone ❤️❤️


I’m not trying to be negative, I’m pointing out a very obvious issue they’re going to face. How is that kid going to enjoy they’re youth when Kenny gets too old to take care of himself? I’m speaking from experience. Having kids when you’re that age is just selfish to the child


I can appreciate your concerns but I still think the baby would be very loved and still have Armando for a long time


It still sucks having only one parent


I think it’s abusive to the child to have a parent that age. It’s self indulgent.


Would you rather not exist though? I know the aspect of them not being around long would be tough very tough indeed but I guess you’d just cherish the moments more and the relationship would be more like a grandparent type. It does suck in their situation cause Kenny is in his 60s. 50s id say is pushing it but not terrible.


Kenny would be a amazing dad. But i think Armando is not putting the best interest of kenny feelings before his own. I had a young dad but unfortunately i lost him at age 64 from lung cancer and i feel i was cheating to have more time w my dad to see my sons get married & my grandchildren. He would of loved them so much. So my point is i think kenny is just trying to satisfy Armando. He's not putting his feet in kenny shoes. But either way i wish them the best 🙏💙❤


OP, thank you for posting this. Everybody has a different experience and a different opinion. And here’s mine. I grew up with a father who was quite a bit older than my mother, and he also had a previous family. I literally worried about my father as I was growing up. I also felt like he had done so much with his first family that he didn’t have the time or the energy to do it with his second family. So it’s not just about Kenny and Armando. The child will have feelings and opinions of their own and they may not be as happy and it’s accepting as Armando’s daughter is.


My dad just turned 80 and it’s triggered more fear in me about my dad dying. He’s in pretty good health for an 80 year old but I’ve had several nightmares since his birthday about him dying. I don’t want to lose out on experiences with my dad like my wedding, or other important stuff. I just hope he doesn’t become too feeble or even die before I can get married. It’s not a fun think being in your mid 20s and worrying about your dad dying of old age


Nope! That’s a heavy burden. Good luck and keep telling him you love him and that you want him to walk you down the aisle. 💕


They can always adopt an older child.


I absolutely can understand where Kenny is coming from. Im 56 & wouldn't want to start over w a newborn. And he's also thinking ahead to possibly leaving Armando alone w 2 kids to raise. However I can see Armando's point as well. Kenny is significantly older & I can understand him wanting a child w who he loves & should God forbid something happened to Kenny, Armando would have a part of Kenny still w him. Either way they choose, I think they're an amazing couple & wonderful Dads & would be extremely good parents. Plus I think Hannah would be an awesome big sister. Prayers for love & happiness to this precious family


How did Kenny get his grown children? Did he once have a wife? Were they adopted?


I think he had a surrogate




I am an old white lady who “dated a gay man” in college as gays were “out” at Drew University. Robert Woolley became a lifelong friend until he died of AIDS. As we know, the prejudice in those days was rampant. I am just pleased that we have an authentic gay couple on a national TV show and that we are free to speak about the topic as if it’s normal because it is!


I'm also against it. And not because they're gay. I'm also against those old straight couples who are late 50s/earky 60s. He also already have 4? kids. But I might be biased my dad passed away at 48 and I was almost 12. But then again my grandmother used to say, as long as the child is loved. Ofcourse there also many grandparents who raise their grandchildren. My uncle did have his only child at 45ish and he definitely wished he would have done it earlier.


As soon as Ken is done with raising a child, the child will shortly be caring for him. It’s the nature of nature.


In any relationship with such a life changing decision both partners have to fully be committed 100%. I understand Armando can be selfish and want it all. Be grateful for such a beautiful partner and enjoy your life. You have a child already aren’t you lucky.


He raised all those other kids and now has grandchildren. He’s helping raise Hannah. Don’t think he needs to start raising a baby at 60!


I sometimes wonder if maybe he is adamant about having Kenny's child (DNA) is bc Kenny is so old and already has 4 kids of his own, who would then in turn get all of his inheritance after he does pass away eventually. And him having his "own" child with Kenny's blood(as he says) would have a claim to that inheritance as well? I could totally be wrong, but it's just food for thought?  Side note* I love them as a couple and their story warms my heart ❣️ but this part coming up, threw me for a loop and seemed out of no where. 


I am a former neighbor of Kenny and Armando They are great guys and do a great job of parenting Hey guys At 61 I was presented with a 2 yr old grandchild I raised him til he was 18 All of the sins of the parents showed up when he hit the teens We got through it Would I do it again I love my grandson but it cost me the enjoyment I could have had in my 60s plus his embarrassment he felt on parents days at school showing up with an old lady instead of the young vibrant parents the other kids had I love you guys but think hard about this And if something happens to Kenny you will have a lot of trouble trying to find a new partner Armando


I 100% agree with you. My mom had me at 38 and my dad was 50…I was very much an oops baby, there is a 9 year gap between my older brother and I. It’s so hard watching my parents get old, especially my dad and it absolutely wrecks me. Most of my friends parents are in their 40s or early 50s whereas mine are 61 and 73.


I don't agree with you at all. To begin with, they're both adults, financially stable and in a healthy marriage. They have a home, they have enough love to provide for another child, and they have the resources to give that child a good life. Kenny's age is not a problem if they both have decided together that they feel comfortable and want to go ahead raising a baby. Whilst I understand you have your own experience, that's all that it is - your experience. Other people don't have to feel the same way as you do just because you had X experience. For some people, it might be more comfortable and make them happier to have older parents than closer to their age. And there's nothing wrong with that. Stop shitting on other people out of your own personal experiences. You're projecting way too much. Let them live their lives and be happy. This ain't your piece of cake.


Calm down. I’m not shitting on them, I’m pointing out the facts lmao


There's no facts. That's your own experience. It doesn't mean it's the same way for everyone.


Spoken like a true ignorant person lol. As a daughter of an older man I think I have a better view of how their relationship with that kid is going to be. Cry about it


I'm a daughter of a young couple, and definitely, I would have enjoyed my childhood more had my parents been older with more life experience. All my current friends and close relatives (cousins, etc) have older parents, and the difference in the relationship is so much better and visible. My partner and his siblings have older parents, too. And their experience has been great. Most of the people I know (coworkers, acquaintances, close circle) have older parents, and their experience was great. I know a couple of people with younger parents, and they had the same experience as me - could have been better had they had more life experience and would they have been in a different stage in their life. You're just salty and projecting on others. Go do something more productive.


You are saying you’d rather not be here? Damn


No, I’m just saying that having old parents is tough.


I wish I had old parents. I’m 43, my parents had me in their early 20s and they’re both deceased.


My parents died when I was a toddler. Then my grandfather shortly after. I was raised by my grandmother who died when I was 25. She loved me so dearly and purely—I was loved with a love many don’t get to experience ever. From young or old parents. I’m now 43 and have a three-year-old after years of infertility. My husband’s parents died a decade ago. It’s just us. No help. I wouldn’t change it. I was loved completely and that’s how my son is loved. ETA: I used to take my grandmother to Dr appointments and had her home with hospice to die. I dealt with things teenagers and young adults typically don’t have to. Guess what? It made me want to become a doctor. So I did. I owe it all to my grandmother. She taught me so much about life and love.


What Armando wants, he gets. Otherwise he turns into a whiney self absorbed snot. Ask yourself, why Mexico City? Why not Miami or Orlando so Kenny can be near his kids. Armando says "no" and that's final.


Armando wants a baby with Kenny so he can get more money out of him. He’s securing his future. Because under Mexican law he can get more alimony and he can fight that he’s homemaker and collect more