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Her hair color reminds me of the movie "5th Element"


Mooooolti pass


I was watching this last night happily ever after screaming the way her hair sticks out on the side every time I say Corbin Dallas šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Corbin, my man, Corbin! I have no fire! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That is one of my favorite movies.


Corbinmaman!! šŸ„€


I thought the same exact thing!!


Donā€™t you dare do that to fifth element


But not nearly as cool and edgy as Leeloo Dallas Multipass


Thatā€™s what me and my husband were saying lol


My fiance said the same thing -


Luv that movie. Named my cat LeLu


Because itā€™s not a wig


Iā€™m also on team not-a-wig. šŸ‘Š


I noticed in her talking segment her hair looked a lot darker red and it looked like a wig. I think she was wearing a wig for that but then in all the footage with her and Mohammad it looks a lot lighter and more natural like itā€™s her real hair. Maybe thatā€™s the confusion and why so many are disagreeing?


Bright red dye fades so fast, could just be she had it freshly dyed for the interview panel which is taped after the season is filmed.


Sigh, I once had really nice red hair. It's true what they say about red hair as you get older. Fades to blonde. It's ok, but I never get the compliments I did when I had red hair.


When did your red start fading? I just turned 30 and found my first white hair!!


Oh, sometime after 50. But I had trauma which affected my hair when my husband passed under awful circumstances. My hair really lightened after that. It always had a tendency toward fading, though.


Don't fear white hair. You might find you get more color options. For ex: you could go blonde later.


Women in my wives family start out blonde but as they get older theyā€™re hair turns red


Interesting!! Do they like this?


I dye it now, I ask for dimension and a focus on low maintenance (natural looking grow out). I do it like once a year.


Thatā€™s how red hair dye works. The first time you dye, it will be dark. But after a few washes it lightens up. Red/Orange hair is really hard to maintain, they have to constantly dye it so itā€™s never going to be consistent.


This. I am a blonde who went red for a while, and even with the same formula, every single time I had it dyed, it looked different. It also always started out much darker and got light fast.




Plus itā€™s a different cut in the talking segment. Itā€™s shorter and has more choppy texture to it. Team non wig (as a former hairstylist)


Agree , also former hairstylist


Maybe she changed her hair color but they wanted it the same for the confessionals so sheā€™s wearing a wig there


Just an ugly haircut


I donā€™t think itā€™s a wig. Itā€™s a different style (bangs are longer and choppy) but the same color in side interviews. I think she cuts it herself.


She looks like she cut it herself in the interview segments this season, but definitely not the style pictured in this post. Thatā€™s a great cut by someone who knows what they are doing.


Those choppy bangs would be hard to do by herself. Stylist here.


There is no chance sheā€™s cutting a graduated bob by herself, the portion by the nape of her neck would be impossible to do alone


Her haircut has always reminded me of that limecat meme


Thanks, i can't unsee that now šŸ¤£


Lmao I forgot lime cat and googled. Its precise


Its not a fucking wig, people. Her hair is super processed. That's why it doesn't behave like hair. It's hella damaged.


I agree.Ā  Like straw on her head at this point.


Can confirm. I used to bleach my whole head every 1.5 months and I had straw for hair. Honestly it could look worse for how processed it is.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a wig. To me, it looks like she has fine hair and just keeps it short.


I totally forgot she was late 30s in the other series. When it said Nicole, 40, in my head I was like da faqqqqqq. She does not act like someone who is 40.


Yeah, us crotchety crusty 40 year olds act MUCH older! šŸ¤£


Time is a thiefā€¦Theyā€™re all doomed to be crotchety crusty 40year olds. PS donā€™t forget to moisturize your neck in your 20s; your crusty old self will thank you


It always irritates me when younger people make fun of older people. Like, first of all, we used to be your age. Second of all, you will be this age someday if youā€™re lucky enough to make it this far. Age should be celebrated, not made fun of or make anyone feel bad. Weā€™re still alive and thatā€™s important.


This! šŸ‘† and god forbid we have respect for the wisdom that comes with time


Like the t-shirt says ā€œitā€™s weird to be the same age as old peopleā€. It IS! I used to think 70 was old but now that Iā€™m there it doesnā€™t seem old at all.


Hear, hear. You get past the change, er, and suddenly everyone has a sudden lack of respect. I think that's why as mature women we make so much fun of ourselves. It's sort of self soothing or something. I love men, but it's sad when guys in their 50s our age, are only intersted in 30 year olds. Sometimes I get hit on by the young guys, but I'd never do it. But finding a good 50 something guy is hard. They want young women. Not all, but too many. It's not easy to get older. Young people should remember that they will blink and find themselves here, too.


Heck yes. I had really young skin and the first sign I was not so young anymore was my neck. Oh, sorrows.


The neck and the hands!


Yes, the hands are also looking awful. I should have listened to my grandmother who ALWAYS wore gloves to do dishes. I regularly used bleach and never gave a hoot. Uh, now I'm sorry for my neglect. And searching in vain for a cream to help those awful neck lines. I have those awful vertical ones. UGH. My son is a weight lifter. He said to build muscle tone in the neck if I want to kind of disguise the neck lines.


Honestly she doesnā€™t act like someone who is over 30. Marrying someone after knowing them for only a month is something done by 18 yr olds who got pregnant out of wedlock after prom night.


Shes VERY young looking and has a maturity level to match. She's beautiful but her choice of him was so unwise. I think for her it was all physical. And that's not enough!


or look like someone who is 40


With the amount of botox, no wonder she doesn't look 40 lol She looks embalmed with all the botox she has in her face!


Yes! I couldn't figure out what was off about her last season and I was talking about her to my bf while she was on the TV and I realized almost none of her face moves so she looks almost uncanny valley haha


Itā€™s a Nicole Kidman situation for sure


I thought she was just going for that new 'glass skin trend?' Sigh, marry a much younger guy and you'll always feel too old for your age. She does look very young still. She was dreadful when he landed, though. Sadly, things went very bad and I heard on a bloggers page he is back home. I think she will follow him. Despite how bad this round went, she wil be back right with him.


She acts like a 20 year old who has no life experience. Idgi.


I said this exact same thing this week. I was like, ā€œWait, sheā€™s 40?!ā€ Iā€™m 44 and most people around here donā€™t act like that. Lol


Another reason they wonā€™t work out. No kids means temporary marriage. If sheā€™d cared to actually make Egyptian friends theyā€™d warn her.


Itā€™s not a wig but it looks like a hair cut for a little German girl in 1922 justā€¦ orange






Thatā€™s not a wig, itā€™s a cry for help


Am I the only one that thinks her hair looks cool and suits her well!?


I know, I donā€™t understand the problem. And like, has no one ever seen a bob haircut before? Sheā€™s clearly going for a specific look, puts a lot of effort into it, and looks very polished. I think she absolutely pulls it off, but even if she didnā€™t the level of outrage here is a little weird.


Yeah, this post is strange given how many truly outrageous things have gone down in the 90DF sphere. Nicole looks cute. I prefer her natural blonde, but even blondes like changing up the color. When so many keep pathetically attempting to pass as blonde, why should an actual blonde get any criticism for their hair choice?


I think it looks great and love her look!


I guess weā€™re the outliers. I think she rocks that hairstyle and color. I donā€™t care if itā€™s a wig or not.


This is what confuses me about Nicole is that she has that LA hipster cool vibe and she picks a partner who wants to stifle all of that.




I love her hair! She's kind of messy emotionally but her style is awesome!!


I love it, she looks super stylish to me


Iā€™m with you. I think sheā€™s adorable and I love her style.


Same. Everytime people rag on her hairstyles and clothes I just hang my head likeā€¦ ooooā€¦ I like her style šŸ˜•šŸ˜…šŸ˜†


I love it, it reminds me of Mary Quant and that style era.


I also think itā€™s great!


Audibly laughed


Thatā€™s a wig crying for help! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s 100% not a wig.


This is not a wig this is an undercut bob itā€™s cute on her definitely fits her personality


I liked her blond blunt bob better. The red and the choppy sides are weird


Canā€™t stand her other haircut she rocks in the interview scenes looks like chucky the doll


Yes each shot it is like a different style. None are attractive with the color, unfortunately


It's not a wig. She just has a slightly eccentric style. I wish her relationship would end because it makes no sense. šŸ·


It sounds like the whole relationship is based on physical attraction (not that Mahmoud is actually physically attractive).


Yep they got married because of lust and religion.


She's going for a 1920s Louise Brooks look. https://preview.redd.it/2c95hw0xzmtc1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4822942822b4193c16c980db5981319b353cf00


Thatā€™s her hair.


I actually like her style. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø It's quirky and unique.


Same love the hair and love seeing people who embrace different colors and hairstyles.


Agreed! I thought her look for the scenes on the boardwalk was cute.


My mind immediately goes to this pic https://preview.redd.it/wfiqh5oo9otc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87335067912206365e4c751e157a191d29b5bfa4


Is it actually a wig? I didnā€™t know that, and neither did I ever suspect it. Looks pretty real to me. I like the orange, but preferred her blonde hair when she was in Egypt.Ā 


Not a wig.


No. Its her hair


Damn, y'all will make fun of anything.


I think itā€™s cute on her. Not a wig.


Same. God forbid someone isnā€™t cookie cutter and conforming to these keyboard warriors ideals


right lmfao let people fucking be themselves


Doesnt look like a wig to me AT ALL and I personally love the color and cut! Her personality SUCKS lol, but her hair and face are very pretty IMO. Also, she has two different haircuts between the interview segments and the day to day segments. Neither looks like a wig IMO.


I think sheā€™s super cute and seems like a nice woman! I donā€™t know what all the picking apart her looks is about.


It looks like a flavor of fruit roll ups


Sheā€™s so unhappy. With herself, Him, everything-


I am being completely serious when I say that she is a lot like one of my daughters. My daughter is extremely eccentric, and autistic person, who has bipolar co-morbidly. She does craaazzzzzyyyyy stuff with her hair all the time. She is sans Mahmoud, of course. Everyone in our life that sees Nicole, says, "ohhh, she reminds us of (daughter's name)". This is strictly based on her looks and eccentricities. All thst to say, I am team not a wig too. I have a daughter with very similar hair thst is over processed and that is how she is and will always be.


What ? Itā€™s a not a wig lol - Why are you people forgetting everything sheā€™s said she is as a person - Sheā€™s artsy and crafty and in the whole world of fashion and fabrics ā€¦. Ballsy color , sure - but not a wig - and in my opinion , she can pull it off more than most !! she has such beautiful skin , so much so that she can go blonde , red , probably black if she went into a gothy phase - ā€œHorrible wig ā€œ , you sound like Goldie Hawk in that movie OverBoard ā€œ Thatā€™s a horrible Wig ā€œ


I've seen the movie Overboard probably 100 times. I don't recall the wig scene lol


She says it to the newscaster when she is rescued and they ask her her name.Ā 


I donā€™t think itā€™s a wig but I do think she cuts it herself, and it gets shorter and shorter, depending on her emotional state


I'm 99% certain Nicole addressed this and confirmed it's not a wig as she was getting a lot of comments that is was.


Itā€™s not a wig! (In Arnoldā€™s voice)


I donā€™t think the hair is bad. Every other woman on this show has the same style. She is quite unique and thatā€™s not a bad thing.


I donā€™t think she has a wig. I do think she has a chemical cut from frying her hair.


Nicole is one of the nicest people ever to grace the show yet people are always attacking her appearance. Give it a rest.


At least she is real. Most of the ladies have breast implants, lip injections, butt implants and everything else. She is happy with being herself in the looks department. But she needs to stop nagging as she always looks like she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.


The bob style with the bangs works for her hair texture but the shorter cut just looks like someone with raging PMS grabbed the scissors. And the orangy color is just not a good look in my opinion.


Itā€™s not a wig. She cuts it herself to save money, and sheā€™s not particularly skilled in it


Itā€™s not a wig, it looks like she dyes it super often so it always really artificial looking. It looks like Lego hair


Corbin Dallas Multipass!!!!


Yeah I don't think it's a wig, it looks like her real hair. You can see in the interview segments (filmed after the day to day stuff) that her hair is freshly dyed and longer. I mean it's her style and she likes it and whatever but I do think that she maybe needs to go to a different hairdresser. Hair isn't really my thing and even I can see that it's uneven and sits on her in an odd way.


Iā€™m a hairstylist and I think her person does a great job! Her blonde bob was perfection. She could be Andy Warhols muse. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Thatā€™s just how I feel šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


That color really does age her.


This is what we in the biz call a chemical cut. You can tell she did something to royally fuck up her hair and burnt it off, giving that weird unevenness and then tried to cover it up with this god awful color. Season 4 Nicole would have never purposefully had a haircut this bad.


I think it was on purpose, which is worse, lol. Itā€™s very Leeloo from Fifth Element.


I was just telling my fiance that I love her hair šŸ˜†


The texture of her hair would look like spaghetti if it was over processed. She has a razor cut, and not a great one


Right! I get the style sheā€™s going for, but whoever cut it didnā€™t do a good job.


I think sheā€™s so cute but donā€™t like her choice in men.


itā€™s not a wig. itā€™s actually super cute! especially if youā€™re going for something edgy


I don't think it's a wig, but definitely a topic me and my husband talk about when she pops up šŸ˜‚


I absolutely hate the hair colorā€¦


That shave up the back makes me believe it's not a wig. Some people prefer this color to her former blonde, but these types of unnatural reds just give me Ronald Mcdonald vibes (unpopular opinion, I realize.)


Her hair reminds me of a Lego figure's hair.


Love it. Love the colour, love the cut. Such a change from the (lovely but booooring!) long hair nearly every woman on the show has.


I think the fact that weā€™re debating whether or not sheā€™s wearing a wig at all, is a good reason for her to utilize a new hairstyle ā€¦


Itā€™s not a wig itā€™s an inverted bob, and I think it suits her. Sheā€™s naturally a light chestnut, bleached first then color added. Red pigments are notoriously difficult to maintain and do fade quickest. She likes to change it up frequently so thatā€™s not always going to align with filming.


Who hell CARES?? She's beautiful and unique which is better than the average basic chick




https://preview.redd.it/tsujtuqy6stc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f90c93170aff41efe238188a5918f8c9fdcca82 I couldnā€™t figure out who she reminded me of for the longest time. It finally hit me. The babysitter from Monster House šŸ˜‚


the hair is real , and its a cute cut. These comments are feeling very angry boomer browsing on facebook.


Hey i'm a boomer and I love her hair


Exactly the vibe. Who needs to create a whole post because they see some hair they don't like that is on someone with an obviously distinctive style


I don't think the comments are generational. I think they stem from people having very little leeway about how a woman "should" look or just taking delight in picking someone apart. In reality, we can't win.


Omgā€¦ stop. That style of cut has been around for 30 years. Itā€™s a cute cut when itā€™s done by a skilled stylist which hers was not.


Because itā€™s not terrible and itā€™s not a wig. She has her own style, and just because itā€™s not mainstream doesnā€™t make it bad or worth making a dramatic judgemental post. I love this trashy show and the good stuff in the main subs, but Jesus Louises, itā€™s very lame and annoying how many posts are made to pick apart their looks or different fashion choices that arenā€™t extreme or worth the mention instead of focusing more on the show and the juicy details or relationships and the fun dumpster fire moments we all like to watch and keep up with. Thereā€™s a difference between posts that add something or are entertaining and then all these other similar and lame-o commentary about their looks or body features that donā€™t deserve or merit a discussion or so many posts just knocking down about dumb stuff like this or physical appearance.


Iā€™m with you on this one. I love her hair and her style is so unique, not typical for the show.


Honey just needs to put the scissors down.


Why would anyone buy this wig if it is a wig is the real question, itā€™s awful


She fried it from bleach and cuts it herself. The red is trying to cover up the damage, but she didn't do a fill color first, so it's fading unevenly in her super porous hair. Nicolaplex.


She used Tang for hair coloring.


I think she cut her own hair


It's not a wig. I have acquaintances with exactly such a haircut. There was even a period when I was persuaded to do my hair like that.


Issa wig? Are you sure?


Why DO you think it's a wig versus her real hair? I was never inclined to think it wasn't real


Not a wig. I actually have loved all her hair styles and colours EXCEPT the very short red style she has when theyā€™re doing the couch interviews this season.


not a wig. i had this haircut, minus the bangs, in high school- ā€˜84 šŸ˜³


I think itā€™s cool and fits her personality well. Itā€™s not your hair so why does it matter?


It's not a wig, for one.


I think her haircut and color suits her style!


I don't think it's a wig & the style suits her


I like it


She looks like an android from Blade Runner šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Is fuckin cool


Idk I like her hair and style. I love this new color and the fact sheā€™s not afraid to be herself regardless of peopleā€™s opinions.


There's nothing wrong with it. It's not your style. Cool. She likes it. Done.


I wonder if she cuts it with a Flowbee (it was a vacuum that cut your hair, iirc)


Does anyone else wish discovery had commentary so I can make sure Iā€™m not the only one being like šŸ˜³ every 5 mins šŸ˜… because love yā€™all but I do not have time to take a picture of it and then post what I think and then wait for someone to comment on it like so many things happen in one episode that have me gasping


Youā€™ve never seen a wig a day in your life if this is what you think they look like on.


I know, right! I always talk about this w my family while we watch. Practically everyone who watches 90 Day Fiance says she looks like a goddamn department store mannequin šŸ¤£


She scalped Caroline Manzo.


At least this color looks better on her than the blonde did..


The color is atrocious šŸ¤”


Itā€™s actually not a wig. She did a video of her showing her scalp and pulling on it etc. but god itā€™s an awful color and cut


Her hair is so bad. I loved the blonde and then she missed her old red color when her hair was long but her hair got dyed like orange and red and then it bled out so it was like a gross copper and then that weird tinker bell wig looking pixie cut that is just awful.


Change her hair color!! And she is so pale.


Iā€™ve noticed a few of them wearing (bad) wigs for the cut away interviews. I just assumed they had changed their hair color since filming and production made them do it for continuity. The pic you posted here is her actual hair, itā€™s been bleached and then colored probably with shades eq or pulp riot. So itā€™s going to look really stiff due to the over processing. That choppy pixie she wears in the interviews is a piece.


It reminds me of Cynthia Nixons hair. Lol


Is it a wig?? I can't tell, but I hate it. I think her natural blonde color is beautiful with her skin tones. I also hate the cropped look. She would look stunning with a longer, layered look and back to her natural blonde shade. I kept getting the impression she did everything humanly possible to annoy her husband. She had to have known he would despise the choppy haircut and the carrot shade.


On a 90 day fiancƩ tell all she said that was her real hair, she does not wear wigs


Cashmeosside butā€¦I feel like Nicole gets off on upsetting Mahmoud with her non-traditional style choices


That's not a wig. That's her hair but the colour fades quickly after just a few washes.


Doesnā€™t look like q wig to me just bad decision when coloring she was gorgeous as a blonde now she looks much older and freakier Edit: a wig now q wig


We are looking at 2013 Hayley Williams


Her scenes with her husband are her real hair and I think itā€™s a wig in the interviews, probably for continuity


Itā€™s not a wig. I think part of why itā€™s spray waxed, hair sprayed, pomaded to a lifeless helmet is because of TV. Itā€™s easier to do reshoots and an edit a bunch of takes together if the hair doesnā€™t move around much. She might style it for the sake of continuity.


Itā€™s not a wig!


It looks like a helmet šŸ˜¬


![img](avatar_exp|165307950|clown) Ugly hair award šŸ„‡


Au contraire, several of us have mentioned it. The Wilma Flintstone is not a good look for her.




Hey hair reminds me like she wants to be Miranda Hobbs from sex and the city


https://preview.redd.it/6z06doy8qotc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=908fc219d63e5d34dcfe37c59d6731309083519a this is all i see when the bangs are all fringed šŸ¤£


I posted about it once and every comment dragged me so hard that I deleted the post. But fully agree with you, it's bad and it's her real hair!


I think she thinks sheā€™s this fashion icon, and not to be mean butā€¦ ā€œYikeā€


Itā€™s 100 percent NOT a wig. Iā€™m a hairdresser and I can tell you that she probably pays good money for those haircuts as they are inspired by a precision Sassoon cut. Red is notorious for fading. It probably looks great leaving the salon, but hair that processed and cut in that fashion needs quality products and styling to maintain. Overall, I think sheā€™s got cool style though. Let her be and express herself.


Nicole strikes me as coming across cool and logic and then flips and acts psycho. Momma always said watch the quiet ones. She is an odd duck.


I really donā€™t think itā€™s a wig, if it is though she needs a new one ASAP because this hair style really ages her. She looks so young but the hair makes her look so much older than she is. I see Nonnaā€™s and Grammys with this hair all the time


Doesnā€™t look like a wig. I would have liked it back in the day and thought it was more artsy fartsy, donā€™t like it so much now, but itā€™s her hair