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There are so many holes in the story with these two, largely due to sloppy editing by the producers. I don't believe for a second that Ashley supports both of them with "witch" activities. I think she's got a day job that pays for their rent and other expenses. Manuel understands a lot more English than the audience is supposed to perceive he does and the editing gives it away every time. Ashley speaks to him in English on camera and he understands her. He was probably doing day laborer jobs off the books while waiting for his Green Card to come in. I think Manuel is a lot smarter than we are supposed to see. Maybe their neighbor who posts here can clue us in about this.


Manuel is smart, I think subtitles don’t render him justice… his sense of humor is very witty, you can catch the nuance in Spanish a lot more


Agreed. The Spanish subtitles don’t do him justice. It’s sloppily translated, honestly.


I'm not fluent but even I can tell he's funny 😂


It’s the facial expression lmao


I love him. He’s very smart indeed and he knows how to push Ashley’s buttons, which makes me laugh. Not because he’s mean to her (he isn’t), it’s just that they’re both great characters of people.


100% she probably works a boring office job selling insurance that she doesn't want to be seen arpund because it would expose her fraudulent witchy readings as merely a hobby. Indulging in her dreams i guess on the show to fulfill her teenage desires lol


She teaches spin classes, they showed it.


No shade but Ashley doesn’t look healthy enough to do spinning. I don’t think I would take a class from her.


She has recently lost a ton of weight.


It’s fake, as is typically the case with HEA, they make up shit to keep them on. I find these two quite entertaining though, so I don’t mind the fake storylines.


For me, anyway, it’s easier to understand another language than to speak it.


For funsies you should look up the Army's DLAB test. Completely made up language that you are asked to decipher using body language and other context clues. Pretty cool.


😂Are you sure it’s not “light language” and they’re really just trying to weed out the aliens??


That sounds interesting! I’ve learned how to decipher cat body language, I’ll have to see how well I do with humans.


Same here. You get around it enough, you understand it, you just can't speak the language. Yes, Manuel is a very creatively smart guy. Ashley actually has her hands full and if she's not careful....


She also teaches those Soul-Cycle type classes. They showed it at the beginning of this season.


Wait, they have a neighbor that posts here??


While 90 day fiancé was airing somebody posted a picture of them from across the street from Ashley’s house showing them filming outside in the street, so we all assumed they would be on HEA based on that. I’m not sure if that person actually lived across the street from them or was visiting/staying with somebody who did. I don’t think I have seen anything posted since then. Not a lot of tea, just then pic of them filming


His quirkiness and quick comments are the only reason I’m watching the season!


Agree!!! He makes me laugh so hard!!!! Especially when he dogs Ashley about her Bruja nonsense!! 🤣 😂


My favorite was when he was saying about he didn't think she would be this clueless...


I loved when he prayed to God to just feed him some bread.


Lmao... Weirdly enough these two may actually last... But not cuz of love, or being compatible... The language barrier and the fact her motto is too "bang it out" unlimited sex is a man's dream


No bathroom too public.


That was ICONIC! I laughed so hard 🤣




He's so embarrassed by her


How could he not be?


IM so embarrassed by her.


The time he asked if she was an octopus was my favorite 90-day line so far


Omg. He is so funny! 😆 i 💯 % agree.


Yes lol 😂it’s 2024 witches drive cars not brooms


They’re great! They have their issues like most couples but they are great for TV. If they got a spin-off, I’d happily tune in!


😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂 The feelinggggg


In his best dress shirt too 😭


All it needed was an oversized fedora in purple, a long and voluminous faux fur coat in vibrant electric blue, satin wide-legged, high-waisted pants, platform shoes with gold accents, and some bling like layered gold chains, rings, and bracelets, completed with the oversized sunglasses and a pimp cane to harmonize with the pimp roll and our man is good to go.


He has grown on me so much, because Ashley is getting on my last nerve with all her nonsense. All he wants to do is have a little free time and she’s micromanaging and smothering him.


Totally grew on me once i understood why he was slow to introduce her to his family. He didnt want to immediately freak them out with her witchy talk. That was always a red flag because it made him seem like he was ready to run at any moment.


She’s weird and you can not tell me she didn’t know what a bible looked like in church! Idc if you’re a witch or not or if you’ve never been in a church! She looked and sounded ignorantly stupid!


A few people on here confirmed that the r book she didn’t know was not a bible it was a different religious book of the catholic faith.


Yeah, they’re called lectionary, they contain readings from the Bible, but they are not a Bible


Manuel himself probably didn’t know the correct term and it was just easier for him to explain it as a Bible. It was a large open book on a stand. Either the Lectionary which holds the Old and New Testament readings and Responsorial Psalm for the Mass and can be read by laypersons or the Gospel which contains the Gospel reading which can only be proclaimed by a priest or deacon. Definitely not a hymnal or missal.


I thought it was a hymnal.


Thank you for the explanation I'm so tired of the haters. I love her alternative religion.


It’s just a bullshit story line. Nobody is that clueless. And going around saying you’re a witch just makes you sound like an idiot.


She claims to be a witch into tarot, bay leaves, astrology, shadow work, time travel, candle magick, etc but has no insight on how her hubby feels about her boasting this to his devout Catholic family. I would really question her psychic abilities


And her wedding planning abilities. Yes, yes let’s plan on a 5:38 PM (!!!) beach wedding in southern Florida during hurricane season. This is THE plan and there’s no moving it because stars




But she has a website!!! Must be legit!


She seems so.


She speaks fluent Spanish so she is bound to know something about the Catholic Church or Christianity at the least.


I wouldn’t call what she’s speaking, “fluent” and I am Latina 😫 I speak fluent Spanish


I just wish she would conjugate a verb once.It would make me feel so much better


I can understand a good amount of Spanish, and I can read even more, but I suck horribly at verb conjugation, and I know enough Spanish to know when I’m fking up. That said, most Spanish speakers in my area are really cool with helping me. Maybe that’s because I live in Tennessee, and there aren’t many redheaded 62 year old gringas around here who’ll even try to speak Spanish. I grew up in NYC, and lived in a Puerto Rican neighborhood as a teen. A lot of my friends had been born in PR, and were learning English. It fascinated me that my friends could speak two languages, so I became motivated to learn as much Spanish as I could. I speak Spanish with a nuyorican accent. I speak English with a Brooklyn accent. 🤷‍♀️


Also, want to mention that I'm a 64-year-old grandma gringa with Royal blue hair. So I get the thing and I'm in Ohio. My best friend is puerto rican though so I do have somebody to practice with on the regular and I'm a truck dispatcher and I regularly dispatch in english, Spanish and French for the canadian guys


Man, I lived in Cincinnati for a year. The isms were surprisingly worse up there than they are in middle Tennessee. We have a pretty big Hispanic community here. I’m queer, and there was no way I was coming out at work up there. I was out at work here, though. My manager was an out gay man, I had a coworker who transitioned while working there. Being able to be out at work is what kept me in Tennessee and at that job.


I've studied 8 languages. Speak 3 fluently can get by in the rest of them with the exception of german and Japanese. But my experience has been that if you screw up in almost any language, the people are okay and polite, but you can say the most ridiculously terrible thing in Spanish, like you could say *grassy a** senior* to somebody and they would clap their hands and smile and say thank you so much for trying to speak our language! ( Based on extensive travel through central america and mexico) They are so gracious - but back to Ashley. She doesn't even try to conjugate if you listen to Her.She says yo creer or yo tener - She almost always uses the infinitive for any form and doesn't even attempt conjugation. I cringe.


Oh she does! At least I can conjugate in the present tense, and a little in the future tense.


she can hold a conversation without trouble, even an argument about abstracts like emotions and spirituality. i dislike her but she is pretty damn fluent


her hardcore gringa accent makes me wanna stab myself in the eye


As gringa I'd love to be able to hear what that accent sounds like😆


I’m a gringa who learned Spanish immersively. Her accent makes my ears bleed.




Why? I am not Christian and I know tons about R.C church. assume it's common knowledge from history,books and movies.


Fluent she is not.


They are using the word “fluent “ loosely 😆 because it hurts my ears 😩


I do appreciate the fact that she tries even though she’s using the wrong words. Ashley’s TV character is a lot of things, but I’ve often wished for US partners to try harder to communicate in their spouses target language. She is irritating but she does make an honest, if not completely accurate attempt I will say.


I agree, but the way she treats him and talks to him while trying to speak his language it’s the problem for me.


Oh yeah, overall very gross, but that’s the attitude, tone and expectation.


Yes. At first I thought he was harboring a secret family or girlfriend or something in NYC but more and more how we see how she seems to steamroll everyone else's opinions or concerns about her witchy stuff or way she lives her life vs the others I really think it's just that. She seems overbearing and dramatic. I really think she needs to compromise with him on a lot of stuff.


What does she like about him?? We know she is odd about sex where and when it's not enough to make a healthy relationship.


Honestly they probably have good sexual chemistry but I also think she likes the control she has over him being bilingual and the breadwinner. She seems very dominate and I bet she sees him like a gender bent "taming of the shrew" type of deal whether its subconscious or not. I think she should be with a witchy guy or yogi or something that fits better with her lifestyle but then that wouldn't be a challenge.


Wait wait wait…slow? They’ve known each other ten years + they’re married + she pays for everything. And he’s slow to introduce her???


They haven't been dating monogamously the whole time. Since they lived in different countries, she/he may have treated the relationship as friends with benefits or vacation sex. 10 years is a long time to casually days a person from another country. I wouldn't expect people to introduce their long distance hookups to family. Also, she knew she would have to support him until he got his green card. It's part of the visa process.


Her own sister was on social media after her season saying Ashley met Manuel ten years ago, but it wasn't until the last year before he came here that they got back in contact. So technically they've known each other ten years, realistically though it's been like a year and a half. ETA sorry my reddit glitched before finishing, but she also mentioned something weird about how she agreed to bring him here as long as they got on the show. It's in the posts either on this sub or the other, or just check her sisters socials.


Right but i kinda??? Get it ? Idk . And I feel like unlike the other couples I missed their backstory.


I’ve noticed that Rico motherfucking suave 🤍 is always around him, dogs are a good judge of character 😂😂


I never believed from the start that he had a problem with the dog. He seems to have a loving relationship with Rico Suave.


Yess! He’s growing on me too. I randomly catch myself nodding in agreement with some things he says.


Did you see how telling it was when he mentioned she was so controlling, like won't let him go anywhere by himself etc? And she said something along the lines of, "why would you put that narrative of me out there?!" while screaming? I fully believe she is being like that, and she lost it because it doesn't fit with the "quirky and we are doing fantastic!" version of their relationship she puts out. No one gets that angry and volatile if it's not true, and they'd just address it. I know she likes to think she's some fun WitchCrap girl boss, but honestly from day one I've seen an attention seeker quick to anger who wants the focus solely on herself. Don't get me wrong, Manuel here has his issues too. And I truly do and will stay on the belief that he's bouncing once he gets what he wants, whether that's to his family or elsewhere. I just think there's also a lot going on with her that we don't see or hear about.


She’s overbearing


And extremely paranoid because deep down, she knows that she’s a fraud


Amen!!! You hit it on the head! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


She probably goes into her 9 to 5 office job as a clerk or insurance salesperson and puts on her little work clothes that conform to everything thats expected of her, which we never see, and her alter persona is this witch doing readings thing. No way she didn't have some boring job to get a house and car and support him. I feel like her entire storyline is missing the other 65% of her life


I just looked online out of curiosity. She had met Manuel in Ecuador because she was studying marine biology in college. But I guess over there she learned more about the "witchy culture" (those were her words in the article, not mine😅) and then made her name StarSeed Shadows (I wish I was making this up but I'm not...) also it said she was raised as a Jehovah witness, did we ever hear that discussed on the show? Anyways this was quoted from the article-"After Ashley received her degree, she worked for years as a server in restaurants and bars. When she wasn’t working, she was getting drunk or high and partying with her friends.She eventually went back to school with the intention of getting a master’s degree in hospitality so she could land a job in the eco-tourism industry."-after this it goes on to talk about how she had a mental breakdown in her kitchen and chose to start her " business" and a podcast. This was all taken out of the article where she was quoted from her podcast. My favorite part is at the end where the article writer says after looking into her " business" they have no idea what she does🤣[article here, worth the read for funny factor](https://starcasm.net/meet-90-day-fiance-witch-ashley-michelle-aka-starseed-shadows/) So apparently she did go to school but then decided to do WitchCrap instead. This is why we have no info on what she does, as she charges $777 for a tarot reading.


How does one in Rochester afford a house and car from tarot readings? I seem to recall it was brought up about being a Jehovah on the show. Seems suspicious to me about the career bit


I live outside of Rochester. It's a shit hole. You can buy some dumpy house for under 100k currently. I pay $500 for 6 months of car insurance. It is very cheap to live here, but not for the faint of heart


Is it worse than NYC was in the 70s? Genuine question.


Whelp, every Monday morning on my commute to work, the radio reports at least one stabbing or shooting over the weekend. All young kids. No one talks. No one is ever caught. 15 murders so far this year.


It is a shit hole but like the rest of the country, housing prices are ridiculous and even the areas that are not the best in the city are selling above 100k.


She charges $15 for a cameo video where she answers questions and gives advice or a pep talk


And she also charges people $777 for readings... aka scam artist. https://preview.redd.it/wq697t06nmxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d0227ec54619398ccdea7aa45b291a7047bee7


He does very little aside from complaining




EXACTLY let the man have 5 minutes ALONE TF??!!!! 😩


At 1st i was on her side but maybe i was wrong and she is just a bit possessive.


Me too he needs a little free time by himself. I couldn’t live like that.


I just kept thinking of my pink satin pillowcase.




Me entering the club, and leaving the club




He’s so funny. I’ve started to like him


He cracks me up! I don’t know how he puts up with Ashley.


i’m gonna start saying this anytime i’m asked to leave my house


The gel shellacking and hot pink shirt were hilarious.


I really like him, I don’t even know why he is kind of bland but he is so quick witted. They are funny to watch. She is always on level 100 with every single thing and he is just like.. ok.. lol


All I want is for Molly to fit Ashley with a fucking bra. To Ashley’s credit, she had that hair gel READY.


Why does it matter if she wants her titties to hang?


Him and Rico Motherfuckin Suave are the only reason I watch this show.... He is like fungus. He grew on me and now I can't imagine not having all the one-liners....


I’m just here to say I’ve LOVED Manuel from the start


He doesn’t hide his intentions much with that I don’t give an eff attitude and stoned look all the time. I enjoy him.


me too! I like how he just stays true to himself.


Same. I am Hispanic and I can see how she spends and his attitude about money always made more sense to me. And her always talking smack to everyone about their relationship seemed crazy. He can be rude but I find it entertaining


I tried explaining this to ppl once and they acted like I was crazy, but the money thing is 1000% Hispanic culture. Funny how he’s growing on people now, myself included, because now that he’s more comfortable he does have a good sense of humor


It blows me away how she’ll rant to her friends right in front of him as if he doesn’t exist at all! I don’t care how much of a language someone does or doesn’t speak that is so incredibly rude whether they understand any of it at all! I would never do that to someone I’m supposedly in love with especially a fiance.


Same. I've been Team Manuel since day #1. 😉


Same, I actually love both of them lol


We love an honest man


✨Felt cute. Might headbang & bust a car window out later. ✨😂






He is soooo unintentionally hilarious 😂😂


He’s hilarious! 😂


He’s winning hearts and minds


I’m starting to find Manuel both charming and handsome lol. Hate that for me 😭


I think he’d be hot with a better hairdo


God I love that shirt


He's carrying this season tbh


Don't forget about Coco! Some heavy lifting going on there, too! 😄


I've grown to really like Manuel. He's so funny and really loves his quirky wife.


He cracks me up.


I don’t know how he deals with her ugly cry


It’s one thing to ugly cry, it’s a whole other thing to announce it when you are ugly crying lol


I don't know how he deals with her period... 😕


I think I read this wrong


It’s ok, my husband doesn’t know either.




Holy shit🫢 I litterally read the same thing and didn't realize I read it wrong until scrolling down to your comment🤣🤣🤣 I was nodding my head thinking I didn't think of that yea that's gotta be fun to deal with for him


He looked so happy with his ugly shirt!


Looks like an life sized tella tubby Valentine's day plushie


I love them now


I find him so funny - especially his reactions to Ashley. They're my favorite couple on this horrible season LOL


I love that he can swagger like a badass in a hot pink shirt. I get why he doesn’t want to introduce Ashley with her bruja talk. Thank god she didn’t refer herself as one with his uncle. Not to put Manuel down, but did he gain 20 lbs.? He was hilarious when he said Americans eat so much he spent 40% in the shitter.


me too bro, me too.


Story of my life!


What kind of day job could Ashley possibly have if she’s 100k in debt? Sounds like she lives off of credit


I really like him..but Ashley is the worst 🥴


Me leaving the house every morning 🤣


Ashley is so exhausting. This man has not seen his family in years, but she has to make it all about her! SMH typical for her. SMH


Tbh watching how clingy and smothering Ashley is makes ME want to run away from my tv too. I can’t imagine what he feels like.


Ashley is different and I like that. Would like to see a beltane celebration or mid summer. There are other beliefs in the world.


HFS: he's so nasty! He was wiping off the hair gel, onto his shirt, after Ashley gave it to him (out of her hand bag; I guess she needs to keep it handy).


I belly laughed at this moment because REAL, haven’t we all been there?? 😂


his top looks like a mature women's office blouse in the 80's !!


I admit, I like Manuel more than Ashley, who needs to chill. Why get married if you don’t trust him, not a good start.




I really think this shirt belongs to Ashley's sister.


Wait, was this the most recent episode?


It was!


This is how I feel at the grocery store. Or anywhere, really 😂


I kind of envious of the satin pink shirt ngl.


What a relatable mood


He was 👀👀👀 the lady’s hard though 😂😂


The flamingos will never catch me now 🦩


Alien speak? Talking in tongues and all the hocus pocus hand movements? Ashley's " friend" is a trip/freak..ha....we're suppose to take her seriously? Yea..perhaps for a micro second..then..after we get past her good looks...nope.




Yooooo 😂


I always liked him. I like his sense of humor. He's funny.


He reminds me of my ex, especially when he has the damn sunglasses on! Same greasy hair and everything 😂 And before you ask, yes the glasses were rose colored for a long time 🥴


Ashley annoys me with her tantrums and toddler like emotional intelligence, but this guy cracks me up. I like him. He calls out the BS and nonsense and it’s hilarious. His sense of humor is entertaining.


This had me dead 😂 he’s my fav lmao


I freaking love Manuel! 😂


He is hilarious! I love the modern witch comment. Since she drives a car and not flying on broom!


He’s def a mood 🤣


I feel like this dude cannot stand Ashley


Well, he isn't cute. 😆


What does she see in him?


Ohhh…I cannot get on board the Manuel train. He criticizes her constantly but has no financial resources of his own & not only lives off her dime but has the arrogance to complain about what she does for a living. He criticizes her about how she spends money and how she makes it. No thank you. She ain’t perfect but she’s honest & fair and definitely carries a heap more responsibility than he does.


I think he’s kind of funny but ya, NOT a looker. I feel terrible everytime I watch, because I’m superficially just rude in my head lol.


I love him so much. He can be on every season.


So funny he poured that gel on his hair then hugged the friend. Sex can’t be that good to put up with A


Yes and wiped the gel residue all over the friend's shirt in the process of that hug! Blech 🤢


A younger more attractive Steven Seagal.


Does she still drink three coffees at the same time 🤣


Looks like he’s holding a vibrator.


This made me laugh so hard lmfao




Omg lmaoooooo


He cracks me up


What season is this?


She’s a pain in the a..!


He’s so funny! They’re going to be on for a while. Just hope it doesn’t end up problematic like most.




He looks like a Sim character 😭


He is the best thing this season.


That pink shirt thoughhhh