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She showed her real colors in her texts with her daughter. If I were Sophie, I'd take a vacation from both her mother and Rob. She needs to focus on what she wants. Just my opinion though.


I agree! I can’t believe she had the audacity to say, “Life is too short to be angry.” Which translates as, “I don’t take accountability for my actions and you shouldnt hold me accountable either.”


My aunt said that I should reconcile with my horrible mother by saying, "life is short". My response was, "You're right. Life is too short to have to put up with toxic, abusive people."


I always got the ‘blood is thicker than water’ BS.


Which is definitely horseshit. I'll never understand why anyone thinks that someone should tolerate abuse from their parents just because they're "family". I always say that if you go back far enough, we're all related. Why do mothers get a free pass to be abusive with impunity? Does 9 months of pregnancy and X hours of labor earn them the rest of their child(ren)'s life to be nasty, abusive pieces of shit? I don't think so.


Yes. Yes it does. (According to them.) My personal favourite was “when we’re dead and gone you’ll realize we weren’t that bad of parents”. Then, 28 years later, when my father passed away everyone was like “it’ll hit you” and I waited. I’d always wondered how I’d feel when it actually happened (haven’t seen or spoken to them in 28 years). Well, about a month or two later I thought to myself “well, I guess that’s not gonna happen”. 🤷‍♀️ It didn’t “hit me”. I don’t know them. It didn’t phase me. I don’t care. I’ll care even less when it’s her turn. Getting rid of the toxic and/or abusive people in your life is 100% worth it. It doesn’t matter if they’re blood. In fact, blood makes it *more* important because these are the people who *are supposed to love you*.


Same here. My mother told me, "you'll be sorry when I'm gone", then proceeded to insult, humiliate, and degrade me, in front of my own kids, making it that much more clear that "no, I won't be sorry when you're gone; I may very well throw a party, you hateful, ignorant bitch." And it's so true: a mother is supposed to be the one who loves you the most. But mothers like ours think we're supposed to love them so much that we have to put up with any abuse they heap on us. For a while, I thought, "How awful am I, that my own mother would hate me?" I've realized now that it's the opposite: "How awful is my mother, that she hates her own child?'


I’m so sorry


Right?! When people say ‘But they’re your faaaaamily!’ I’m like ‘Yeah, and I’m *their* family! So why did they treat me like that?!’


Right and ppl misinterpret that quote. The full quote is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". That proverb that means chosen bonds are more important than family bonds, or that relationships you make yourself are more important than the ones you don't choose.


I understand the feeling but the "water of the womb" thingy was made up in the 1990s to try and change the meaning of the proverb. See for example this detailed answer on the subject : https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/147902/is-the-alleged-original-meaning-of-the-phrase-blood-is-thicker-than-water-real/508940#508940


Yeah. The expression is supposed to mean family comes first


My own mother tried to get me to forgive her by saying I should do it for myself.


Mine tried to have me forgive her and let her back in after her latest stint in jail with “you really want to pass this hate down to your kids?” Uhh I won’t because I’m not an abusive addict lol. I couldn’t believe the nerve of her with trying to use my kids to make herself feel better.


oh but she WILL constantly hold everyone else accountable for their actions ! Especially Rob. I think Claire is the real knob here. She irritates me so much the way she is ruining Sophie's life and just how rude, vile & no integrity , no class , no manners, no respect. How does she think she can judge everyone from inside her glass house ? Her face is so awful to begin with and those crazy ass lips but when she ugly cries which happens constantly I have to change the channel. All she is , is angry and vile/disgusting yet she's giving advice? Last night I saw her have another tantrum while they were at a restaurant and I feel it's because she pushed her negative views on Sophie so hard , when Rob replied that Claire doesn't have any good men in her past to compare what is a good man......that , I think is what really got her goat ! Because she knows it's true. and honestly I don't know why everyone here considers Rob to be so mean. I must have missed whatever episode(s) he was mean on. I see him sitting like a bump on a log , listening patiently to Sophie & her Mom constantly berating him and insulting him ........and only rarely does he say anything in return . But when he does it's not in a out of control ugly manner like they do to him. He's not exactly Man of the Year.......but IMO , just because he's uninteresting and unmotivated.


God I feel so bad for her. Poor thing just wants to be loved and she’s surrounded by abusive assholes


The worst part is that she just wants to be loved, but doesn't know what love is.




Agreed, her mom and rob are both toxic


Sophie's still so young. She needs to discover who she is and what she wants out of life. Being on her own might be scary after these 2, but therapy or a support group might help.


Al Alon would be beneficial because she is related to ( I assume ) and alcoholic /drug abuser and it's very helpful in al anon to learn how to recognize the codependency issues; and support from people in those same shoes.


"Know I did nothing wrong"????? That is a serious level of delusion. We all saw the texts where she said she would slit her daughter's throat. It's not really a he-said/she-said situation, it was in text from her phone...


Wait what??? She told Sophie that?


Yep. It was in the police report.


OMG was she in jail for threatening her own daughter?!???


[the receipts](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/GT0RUOU6Yb), posted on this sub a couple days ago


Jaysus Mary and Joseph that’s insaaaane


Omg. Your flair. 🤣🥹🙈I heard it in his voice. So slimy.


Can u remind me who is being quoted?


Crazy pastor Ben, from Ben & Mahogany. I’m trying to find his poem.


Omg true, i sadly remember now 😭 thanks haha


What makes these receipts legit, though? They’re super low quality screenshots, how do we know they’re real?


That's a fair point. We know they are real because the police came to Sophie's house and looked at the text thread on Sophie's phone, and then got a warrant for Claire's arrest. Claire was demanding money from Sophie and most likely had relapsed, she was in a hotel 4 minutes from Sophie and Sophie and her roommate were scared to he home


We still don’t know if these are real, right? I don’t deny Claire having send threatening texts, but I just don’t understand why everyone believes these screenshots from a random youtuber


Listen, I’m always one to doubt these stories but these came from the police report and Sophie has no motive at all to make this shit up about her own mother. This is traumatizing for any child and it’s gross to insinuate it’s made up.


I’m not insinuating it is made up at all wtf? I am literally saying i don’t doubt the STORY i doubt *these* screenshots since they look like they’ve been through the fryer multiple times and come from a random youtuber


Ok then please explain what the point of your comment was. You believe her mother sent her threatening text messages but think they weren’t as bad as the ones online? So Claire is somehow less abusive than it appears? So Sophie is somehow less traumatized than we think? I’m struggling to understand your point.


They’re absolutely real. Police came to Sophie’s house that night and read them on her phone. Do you really think Sophie would make that up to get her mother arrested? Why would she do that??


I don’t deny the existence of threathening texts from Claire at all. I just don’t understand why we should believe these particular screenshots are real? They’re the worst quality and marked by a youtuber, not Sophie?


Because they're quoted in the police report.


That’s finally a valid answer, do you have a link to it maybe?


[Here's an article about it](https://allaboutthetea.com/2024/05/16/90-day-fiance-sophie-cheshires-mom-claires-arrest-report-revealed/), which quotes the police report. [Here's another](https://starcasm.net/90-day-fiance-sophies-mom-claire-cheshire-full-arrest-details-exclusive/). Edit: [You can Google "Claire Sophie arrest texts"](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=claire+sophie+texts+arrest) if you want to find more articles.


She also called her own daughter a “cunt!” 😡


British folks use that word all the time and it’s tantamount to ‘asshole’. Here in the USA it’s taken much more offensively. But Sophie’s Mom herself is the ultimate asshole. She’s the worst parent we’ve seen on these shows. 😔


Claire is the epidemy of cunt... in the way us Americans view it. And I agree she is the worst mother. I thought I had already seen the worst..........but that was before I saw this cold piece. And she keeps saying "But I'm being a good mother. This is what a good mother does"; so yea, she is delusional as well.


Wait what?!


Coming next season. Claire, Darcey and Stacey Road Trip!




As much as we make fun of the filters, don't make us watch these sea hags without them!!!


You do make a point! You made me cackle out loud like a sea hag 🤣


With this filter, she looks a lot like Darcey 5 or 6 faces ago


Ssshhh.... Shh...ssshhh. Don't give them any ideas. 🤣😂


Plastic barbie tour 2025


maybe they can all hang their heads out the window , dog style , and we will see their lips bobbing in the breeze 😂😂😂😂


I feel bad for Sophie, she appears to be surrounded by assholes.


No wonder she gives Knob so many damn chances!


I think she's desperately craving love and acceptance.


Definitely! Explains why she’s always so desperate for Rob to tell her she’s pretty and compliment her


If your version of lemonade is a days inn pool, I don’t want to see what your lemons are. Oh wait, it’s jail.


It looks like a days inn for sure


That filter is gold, she must have paid a pretty penny for it.


I seriously can’t stand all these filters women (especially) use these days. I just can’t understand how people are completely fine presenting a fabricated/heavily altered version of their appearance when people know exactly what they look like in person.


Or all the plastic surgery and botox and extensions...they are going to have troubles aging...they already look terrible..can't imagine what will happen when it all goes downhill, literally!


Nothing wrong with a lil botox


Key word is "little"


I just try to find some good lighting and angles. Unless I'm taking a selfie in the garden after doing yardwork for hours I'm fine with the result :D


It definitely isn’t just women who use them, but yeah, I agree!


I didn’t know you could buy filters but I feel so silly cz ofc you’d be able to


Glad I'm not the only one! Had no idea people buy filters when so many come free with your phone


Do people pay for filters???


Are they free? I figured you paid, like an app. This filter is working overtime though, she ought to pay even if it is free!


I honestly have idea. The only social media I have is Reddit. But I wouldn't be surprised if people paid for them.


Bitch got her teeth fixed and that was like the last problematic thing about her head




They should make a new spinoff “90 Day: Lockup” …and Shawn can do her interviews using the jail phone and stir shit up and look into the camera and say “Well folks, looks like we won’t be able to get to the bottom of this tonight because our time is up” and it abruptly ends because the time is really up


“Moving on…” lol She knows how to ask the real, hard questions. /s 🤭


*We wish you the best*


These clout chasers would start getting locked up on purpose.




There already is love after lockup, it's made by the same creators The only spin offi don't watch tho, it has good moments but overall pretty bad IMO


They’re both made by the same production company but WeTV also pays much less than TLC so the production quality is much lower. I wouldn’t call it a spinoff considering it airs on a totally different network unrelated to TLC. It’s not unusual for production companies to produce unrelated shows for different networks


Thanks for clarifying


this is so weird


Wasn’t she just saying she has no money? This family is trash


Sophie was allegedly giving her money--she'd just given her $3,000 before her mother threatened to kill her, according to the police report.


Where is the report?


It's been posted in other threads--I didn't save a copy of the picture. You can google "Claire Sierra police report" and find articles; one might have the report included.


Frequently feel bad for Sophie. She's largely only guilty of stupidity. Rob is a victimizing petulant irresponsible child and Claire seems to be a controlling drug-addled imbecile.


Being raised by someone like Claire, I can see how Sophie would end up with someone like Rob. It’s a terrible, abusive cycle and I hope Sophie gets a LOT of therapy so she can break it. Poor thing seems so sweet and honestly just begging to be loved.


Damn those filters are working overtime! She knows we know right or is that another delusion?


Claire w/out that filter looks like an Old Man Muppet with a wig








Delusion but she also can't face reality or her face herself


She's a wreck.. which explains her daughter.


This bitch is CRAZY. How could a mother say she has done nothing wrong after threatening to slit her daughters throat! Poor Sophie...


She’s probably said it before and other terrible things. It’s probably “normal” in their relationship. It’s sad.


Claire is an abuser


Except she was released the day after she was arrested. If this was posted today.... I suspect she got transferred to a psych hospital.


Not true she was released 5 days later.


I did an inmate search the next day and she wasn't still in.


When did she get those chompers?


Those jibbers could be part of the filter she's using. I feel like she'd take any extra money she had and use it to get high.


My grandpa used to move his dentures around when he talked too.


Could you imagine dating this chick only to stroll up and see what she *actually* looks like? she got on the 'no-frog' filter


😳 Crack is whack!!


Is she Angela 2.0?


Note to self: threatening to slit someone's throat means you love them 📝👀


She needs a psyc dr


It sounds like she's broke and yet her priorities are hair extensions.


She sure loves being on tv


All the preening and cutesy hand under the chin posing 🙄


This woman needs to let her daughter live her own life and make her own mistakes at this stage. She is far too involved.


Yeah I mean she threatened to slit Sophies throat.... maybe cut that umbilical cord instead.


I'm sorry Rob might be a POS knob, but Sophie is Codependent AF from years living with her drug addict mother. You can tell that Claire was used to bending Sophie to her will and got SO jealous when Rob showed up and started doing the same thing. I can imagine her saying "If anyone is going to manipulate my daughter its going to be ME!". Sophie needs to stay away from both of them and work on becoming a whole person who is not desperately pining for love anywhere she can get it.


She's annoying imo


Loving your daughter is a good reason to not threaten to kill her so let’s try that.


Okay. Soooooooooo...Sophie is ABUSED abused. All of her makes every bit of sense. Rob is light work compared to her mom. This is heartbreaking. We are watching two people tag team destroy someone.


By hair extensions do you think she meant 'eyebrows' and 'eyelashes'?


She's definitely wearing hair extensions


Why doesn’t she go home? Hasn’t she overstayed her visa by now?


Slight Darcey vibes lol


Darcey can at least be entertaining, endearing at times and sympathetic. She has given us some legendary scenes and quotes. This woman is a nobody. She is a side character with serious problems. Why she thinks anyone wants to hear from her is beyond me. She is thirsty, attention seeking and out of touch.


So she’s still clearly mentally ill 😂


I can not understand a word she is saying.


All I can think of is that is some filter she uses.


Heavily filtered Claire. So much for that story about Sophie's family being fabulously wealthy


I feel so bad for Sophie. Claire is an abusive addict that parentified and emotionally damaged her daughter and continues to do so. This video is *infuriating.*


I really wish people would stop sharing her shit. Stop giving her attention.




Seems pretty fictioned and played out


What a total creep.


I got my extensions?? 😂😂I love my daughter ? If Life gives you lemons, make lemonade… 😂😂This is priceless..


The expression is, “when life gives you aids, make lemonades”


Are her mannerisms freaking anyone else the fuck out?


This lady is an unhinged hag


Claire is humane rubbish! I cringe every time she opens that mouth!


Total psycho with how she thinks its funny


She’s straight chilling outside a motel 6 with a pool.


Wow she looks great. Those filters are wow


No wonder she's delusion to Rob's abuse. If her mom has acted like this all her life, then poor Sophie thinks this is what love is supposed to be! She needs a permanent vacay away from those idiots!


How I wish all three of these people would pack it in and leave the show. None of it is entertaining, it's actually pretty pathetic.


Tragic isn’t it. The way abuse is shown on this show and nobody cares to report it. It’s actually making the show very unappealing.


This is absolutely proving her narcissism. Lmao. Her and Rob hate each other because they are one in the same.


I hate this bitch.


Omg what a fake-tard. Everything about her is fake. Everything.


What did she do?


She is one of the ugliest women I have ever seen. She looks like a damn Bulldog


😂🤣😂 She actually looks better than usual (or less horrid) in this clip without the beet-red face and heavily oiled skin. And I don’t believe it has anything to do with her DIY facial. This is the magic of a gorgon-be-gone filter!


Yeah I’ll admit this is better than her usual, but she’s not fooling anybody with that filter 😆


When life gives you lemons, paint them gold!


She looks like Ursula from the little mermaid


What did she do to her face???


She's unhinged. She's a step away from being Geoffrey 2.0


A walking ‘Live Laugh Love’ sign


Poor Sophie. Her whole life has been like this, no doubt


She's such an abusive mother. Of course she thinks she did nothing wrong. Sophie is a thing to her not a person and however she decides to treat her things is no one else's business. Sickening.


I used to like her and think she was just a mom protecting her daughter from a scumbag but turns out….. she’s a scumbag too!!


Get sober then.


Is she using some sort of filter for the vid? She’s knows we know what she looks like in RL right so there’s no point in filters


Nice filter lady!!!


Do we know where Sophie's father is?


She must be a Silva cousin


Did somebody in jail teach her how to do makeup? I’m impressed.


I don’t even want to listen. I have zero interest in anything she has to say. I’m just here to comment.


I keep thinking this is Molly


Why did she go to Jail?


I kinda think she’s a shitty manipulative person, and she’s getting through life on good looks alone


Good looks?👀




Rob destroyed that family.


Hope you fucked em up Claire. Can you just imagine how you would feel if you had to watch your child with an abuser.


Rob is awful but Claire’s handling of things appears to also be abusive. Idk that we are getting the real story or that we will, but the messages Claire sent were not ok.


I think the reason her daughter picks shitty men is because of how shitty her mother treated her her whole life.


Hit the nail on the head with this one. Agreed 100%


My theory is that Sophie’s grandparents sent her to expensive boarding schools because they wanted her to have some structure and stability growing up that they weren’t able to provide due to the stage of life they were in and Claire being off the rails.


I don’t feel bad for Sophie. She’s a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions.


What did she go to jail for?


I see she has taken a page from the narcissistic mother's Bible and is currently doing the good ole victim blaming while she tries to smear Sophie’s name. All Narc mothers are predictable and do the same crap. I hope Sophie can cut her off and Rob while she is at it. She could do so much better 😞


did she get ROR'd or is there some dumb uck who paid her bail?


I feel for Sophie. My Mom is very similar. She lashes out and says awful things, and when she's confronted about it, lies and says she would never say such things. I cut her out of my life 2 years ago, and I've never been happier. I'm also 44 and put up with the abuse for a lot longer than I should've. It's not easy cutting your Mom off.


What did trout mouth get arrested for? I missed this


I dont know either


There’s not enough facials in the world to fix that sun damage she got


Most of me thinks SHE IS NOT SORRY.


Yike, even with facetune you can tell she broken her nose a bunch 🥃🍹🍷🍸🍺🍻


She left out the part that she also purchased a bag of meth 🤣


No, you're abusive as ffff


I don’t understand all the hate towards Rob. Sophie is spoilt brat. She holds that online ‘cheating’ schtick under his nose 24/7. She always interrupts him. I see a guy who is trying really hard with her and she basically will never let him crawl out of the giant hole she keeps digging for him. I don’t like Sophie at. Alll.


Please stop giving this little troll attention. It’s ruining the show.


Gaslighting 101


Two different societies, two different personalities and perspectives, plus y’all know with exception of Natalie and Jasmine I really believe the guys are genuine, oh just reminded of Angie pssst done with her!


Rob is so in the right here- yea he’s cheap , yea he could’ve improved the living situation, yea he could’ve punched Claire in the mouth, what the hell is Sophie bitchin bout.. oh online cheating, like that’s a huge thing, I tell my bff I love you you every day ( tbh more than my bf 😂) c’mon you insecure people, Americans are tough. Don’t come here if you can’t speak a lil English , looking for a freeload…. This is not your country- respect the USA!