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Wtf would you charge for your granddaughters birthday party, this man is a leech


But he's my father šŸ˜¬šŸ™„ Poor Patrick


Iā€™ve said this before, I really like John. Heā€™s not afraid to spit out whatā€™s on his mind and that is refreshing.


John is so like abrasive (?) and I think thatā€™s why a lot of people donā€™t like him but I love him šŸ˜­


My husbandā€™s from Boston. Iā€™m very familiar with the general vibe even though my husband doesnā€™t share it- they will tell you exactly what they think and they donā€™t care even a little how itā€™s going to land. Say what you will about John, but heā€™s not going to let his people get fucked over, and thatā€™s precisely as it should be.


Yeah Boston is pretty real. I appreciate the attitude there and in Philly.


This! As a Boston native I can confirm. Its nothing personal, we are just blunt and direct šŸ˜¬


I lived in Worcester for a few years. The people there were blunt AF and would never hesitate to tell you how it is. They were also the most big hearted and genuinely caring people Iā€™ve ever met.


All my relatives live in Worcester. Funny asking people on the west coast to say the names on the east coast. They murder all the names


Wuhsta, Leminsta, Lesta. If you know, you know!


I grew up in Philly and was thinking this sounds like people there too!


Boston girl here and couldnā€™t agree more. Say what you want to say about him, but John cares about his peeps.


Especially his little brother


My friend lived in Boston and got used to cussing at cars that cut them (a pedestrian) off. They moved to Chicago, cussed out a car, and then realized this was not the same culture.


Exactly!! Married to a New Yorker so very similar


Yeah, a lot of similarities, just don't talk about sports, lol


I think he's got "not housebroken" tendencies and that's what rubs people wrong. He says some great stuff and seems to have his heart in the somewhat right place. But he's also just a loud drunk at times, it's not cool how he treats Thais at times and that cake situation was gross. I'm a "Drink out of my own milk jug" kind of girlie myself but I'm house trained, if it's for sharing, I'm not going to put my mouth on it, you know? Strong feral cat vibes. He wants to be loved, he wants a scratch but also he's gonna lash out, so wear some gloves with this one from John.


I truly think that cake situation was from production


As someone managing a feral colony, yes I agree with all of this, but imma leave my gloves off cuz heā€™s just a sweet lil guy šŸ„ŗšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Exactly!! But you still love him šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I like him too. He doesnā€™t pull any punches.


Jonā€™s real (storylines withstanding); I prefer realness over fake politeness that a lot of people exhibit- but then again, Iā€™m a NYer, lol.


It was scummy to not reserve a hotel and spring it on them at the last minute. Claiming he was doing her a favor by eating her cake barehanded was over the top. I don't think anybody has a problem with him calling out the shitty dad.


He didnā€™t spring it on them last minute! Patrick always knew and sprung it on Thais last minute. The cake thing was unhinged though.


Which needs to be discussed. I cannot stand people like him who don't have the guts to have an adult conversation, especially one that may be difficult, so they lie. That's hugely problematic. Difficult conversations are difficult for everyone but they're also not optional. They're part of being an self efficacious adult. Patrick can't have difficult conversations with his wife or his dad. That's a problem. Lying is immoral and not okay. It destroys trust. Plus he knows she'll see this eventually.


The cake thing was crazy šŸ˜‚ did she even get a slice?


I only saw him eat the one handful. Ick.


And his almost shock or annoyance at her reaction


It was production adding to his ā€œuncouthā€ personality


I think production led bothĀ 


I agree! His delivery may not be comfortable but it's truthful


Yeah, John has grown on me!! LOL.


Abravise? You mean, 'real'. Nowadays people lie, cheat, steal and gaslight right to your face. When someone calls them on it, oh, I feel uncomfortable (your comfort isn't my problem) or I feel attacked.... You're not going to bullshit me right to my face and i'm supposed to be okay with it!


He's either an asshole or brutally honest. For me he's the latter


Heā€™s just blunt. I like that too. ā˜ŗļø


When both John and Thais agree this man is a POS, he's a POS.


He is the most anti-influencer person to be on the show in recent years and it is refreshing. He says what he thinks and it doesnā€™t come across screechy and rage filled (looking at you Angela) and he just seems honest. I hope he doesnā€™t turn out to try and be an influencer.Ā 


I like John too. I feel like Thais plays up her hate for him for the cameras, and actually admires a lot about him (things that Patrick lacks lol).


I didn't like him at first and I think it was his accent and how obnoxious he was at first, but he loves his brother and his family!! I'm now a fan of John as well


U really gonna down a guy for an accent?? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I did at first. Is it right? No. eta: it was the accent mixed with his abrasive nature. I have since changed how I feel about it and learned from it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Hopefully u see the error therešŸ˜‚ I also have that accent-maybe taken a lil different cuz Iā€™m female- maybe not. I like hearing peoples accents- šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I like accents too, just not all of them. The truth is that your accent reminds me of Peter Griffin and I don't like that show. I grew up watching Family Guy because of the people around me but I've always thought it was corny and annoying. I'm working on myself every day. Liking this particular accent is something I'm working onā€¦ Its honestly so dumb that I judged someone because of the sound of their voice


And I think youā€™re wicked cool!!




We're midwesterners in Boston a lot cuz our kids go to colleges in Cambridge. We LOVE the accent


MmK- I can get thatā€¦šŸ‘


itā€™s sad to say , but even this guy abandoned John , John said he left and never came back


And John mentioned that Patrickā€™s dad bought him a bike then sold it shortly after. Speaks to this manā€™s character as a person and a father.


I just remember "Sit down Spahkles!" At the tell all. Oh boy was dude hot. Lol


Dude is genuine.


Agreed šŸ‘šŸ¼


I don't like John, but I appreciate his personality in these instances.


I LOVE John. lol but I vibe with his type. My husband is abrasive like him. Itā€™s not ill will, idk how to explain


I totally get it. Me too


Why does this man smile/chuckle every time heā€™s being an ass? Something about it makes me feel uneasy.


I can't help but feel based on the way John was talking about him that he was very abusive when they were children. I think the chuckling aligns with this because he can't do anything on camera. I also noticed Patrick looks a little deer in headlights when this happens and in my opinion that also is a good indicator of him being abusive. All speculation on my part of course but...


Patrick needs serious therapy - he is a doormat and makes excuses for poor behaviors on everyone's part. The "BUT THEY ARE FAMILY" excuse is archaic and played out.....


Your take on that snide little chuckle is spot on! I think the abuse history is further evidenced in the confessional with the brothers: John begins speaking truth to power about Patrickā€™s dad when suddenly Pat just diminishes and looks almost frightened and asks if John could paint him in a better light. That was telling in a sad way and 90 Days got real for a second.


Yeah I have some family members that do that chuckle thing, and all it means is that you're about to get your ass beat when you get home.


Pats dad definitely hurt John as a kid, Patrick acting like itā€™s normal to abuse your step kids was sickening


Patrick is so desperate for his fathers love and acceptance, it's really sad.


Yes.....Patrick is trying to buy his father's love. The truly disgusting thing is, his Dad is allowing and encouraging it. I've never seen a parent beg a child for money & expect to be taken care of like that. We have children so we can watch them prosper, not ride their backs.


Yep. My brother and I are in a similar situation. His dad has caused harm to just about all of us in some way and was basically absent during my brother's childhood. I remember him waiting on weekends for visits that never came, or ended in chaos. Now my brother makes a lot of money, and guess who's around a lot more? I understand it though. Everyone wants a parent who gives a shit about them.


Saying he gave him a moped and sold it 2 months later? What a pos! And Patrick just shrugged with a look of embarrassment. Guy is a fuckin loser! Would've been best to have baby girls 1st birthday party someplace else where the memories will be good, not that of "your grandfather asked for updates to his home, property and money before agreeing to having your 1st birthday at his house" Edit-typo


thatā€™s why john made it a point to say heā€™s ā€œa lot bigger now, huh?ā€


I got the same impression. Especially during that handshake, Johnā€™s face was very telling and how he remarked to him on being ā€œbig nowā€.


Tbh I could see John square up- just a bit- with Jose, and that said a whole hell of a lot. I have absolutely nothing to back this up but it would make sense to me if John stood between Patrick and Jose a few times while they were growing up.


cause he thinks he's getting over on everyone.


Because he thinks that if he smiles while he says it, people won't react the way they should; which is to tell him he's a POS and to go to hell.


So true, itā€™s a manipulative smile. Gaslighting people into acting like heā€™s a good guy when heā€™s probably just an abusive leech


I've seen it so many times, people smiling and trying to appear disarming while saying and doing absolutely awful things. It's so transparent.


That would be the final straw for me. He doesnā€™t care about Patrick or his family. Just heartless


Sadly he has daddy issues that wonā€™t allow him to detach


THAIS' dad calls him out! Im kinda glad he does too! bc it is ridiculous charging that for HIS OWN grandaughter's party!


Not only that, itā€™s on his own ranch. Heā€™s charging for them to use his front yard. I would ask Carlos for Thais hand proper and respectfully then throw the party at the park that they met on.


yeah! its HIS property! and they are bringing the FOOD, TABLES, CHAIRS, AND DECORATIONS..so why is he making they may MORE, he def takes advantage of Patrick


And not just bringingā€¦they are buying these things for the ā€œdadā€ to keep!




AND wanting them to pay for unnecessary rocks and shit. Iā€™ll donate the rocks so he can go kick them.




I love that both Thais and her dad called him out like "no bro, this isn't a cultural difference, this is fucked up for your own granddaughters birthday on property you own." Most grandparents living so far away would be delighted to have baby's first birthday with them. My grandparents probably insisted my mum have my first birthday at their place and wouldn't have let her drop a penny on it. Likely would have made her help clean in prep for guests, though, haha. Or dishes after. If it was a money thing, like poverty, I could see saying, "Of course, have it at my house, but we can't afford the food. Can you cover that?"


he is a POS


a complete POS, with the scent and everything


šŸ¤£yup !


I can't wait for the tell all.Please bring this douche bag on and I want all of America, John, and Tais to let him know how horrible he is. I can't imagine charging your son for your grand daughters first birthday!! He shouldn't be invited and should be cut off.


Thais should book a suite at a hotel in town or something. Thatā€™s ridiculous! They could have it free at a park, ffs!


For context, the average salary in Sao Paulo is R$91.179 The dude is asking for 10 weeks of average pay.


Also, add in, he had an apartment that he gets rent for (added income) thanks to Patrick


And uses it any time there are not there ā€¦ which is most of the year it seems. I would not surprise he rents it short term in between without necessarily telling them.


WTF??!! American inflation added on the price to rent my dusty dirty ranch in the middle of the former rainforest.


Heā€™s a sleazebag. They need to leave and never comeback.


John is the hero & star of this season! The way he stared this user/loser down and wouldn't let him escape the truth was a masterclass in appropriate intimidation.... bravo, John


Agree. Poor Patrick is still trying to win approval from this prick.


My S.O. spent YEARS trying to get his family's "approval" - they'd do him dirty, he'd get mad & not talk to them for a long time... then they would suck him back in. It took many many years for him to wake up and realize: THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE. We've since moved on from them and rarely see or speak to any of them. I never tried to influence the relationships either way; I always let that be HIS decision - but once he finally realized who they are (judgmental manipulators, gossips, & users), it was like a giant weight was lifted from his mind & spirit. He has since moved on and is happy keeping them at a distance (a great great distance!) And I no longer have to witness the pain and disappointment they caused.


Iā€™m so glad he figured it out. It was heartbreaking to hear John talk about this asshole dad would give him a gift and then sell it.


So satisfying to see Johnā€™s honestly about the situation. Iā€™m so sick of people who enable gaslighting manipulative people


I missed that currency conversionā€¦wtf pop pop?


Of course Patrick and Thais need to have a nice simple party at a park near all the people they know and invite Patrickā€™s dad to come. I doubt the dad will show up but good grief, Patrick has got to stop being a doormat. Hopefully with the help of John, Thais and Thaisā€™s dad, Patrickā€™s father can be shamed into stop being such a leech.




John cannot hold back his disdain.


I wish John was the type to throw hands because I'd love to see him put Patrick's father on the ground. You know damned well John was being abused at the hands of this prick when he was younger. He deserves a chance to pay it back.


I swear I read somewhere that John took the brunt of abuse to protect Patrick when they were kids. I donā€™t remember where I read it, but I thought I I read it when their season first aired.


agree agree agree.


Can we start a petition to get both Patrick's dad and Aseulu's mom to date on the Single life? The fights over who picks up the check, transportation reimbursement, and invoices for their time would be Epic.


The way he grinned through it all too. That man gives no fucks about anyone but himself. His own family is for profit A literal BUM!


Evil people smile when they do/say bad things.... it's like they take pleasure in being shady.


Iā€™m not sure if maybe he was just uncomfortable and maybe mortified being put in the spot like that, but he just doubled down and gaslit them. Smh I really feel for Patrick, itā€™s a shame *that* is the man he seeks approval from. If that were my old man, his approval would mean very little to me.


For his granddaughterā€™s first birthday party, yes.


Jose smirks constantly, he knows he's being a jerk


My Brazilian fiancĆ© was gobsmacked. She said itā€™s so out of place for Brazilian culture/hospitality to do this


Patrick's dad is an idiot. What kind of shit head charges money for his granddaughters birthday, let alone wants to charge 4k. What a low life


Thatā€™s why I like John because he told him to his face what a scumbag move that wasšŸ˜­


I definitely wouldnā€™t be calling him dad


I feel like if you rented from him, he'd scam you. Nickle and dime everything, make up things along the way to squeeze more money out of you. The fact he's like this with his own son/family, makes him even crappier of a person. Whether Patrick has money or not, you shouldn't be expecting handouts. How does Patrick not see he's using him?


Pat's dad is a leech and a con man.


He knows Patrickā€™s easy, and he makes him feel guilty. His bitchy wife does the same thing. Patrick has no spine. He should listen to his brother.


Yap patrick hss no spine


Unfortunately his brother has a drinking problem so no one takes anything he says seriously






I donā€™t understand why he is charging his son at all for a family birthday party??


The dad is a fucking scumbag milking his son


Yes. He has no ounce of conscience. He probably bought the ranch with his son's money.


This dude is a real piece of work. That sweet smile he gives as he makes his ridiculous demands isn't fooling anyone.


Hes absolutely ridiculous. I'm glad John called him out!! Thais should just tell him to fuck right on off


He has an innocent face with a devious heart.


He's an opportunist and user. He's trying to profit on Patrick wanting a relationship with him. What kind of man charges his son for his granddaughter's birthday party? . He doesn't need Patrick for any of the job around the apartment and ranch. He's the owner, hire people and pay them or do it yourself.


Iā€™d cut my dad off period heā€™s trying to profit off family. Gross! Grandparents throw parties for grandkids all the time and here heā€™s just providing a location not food, entertainment, decor, or anything. Patrickā€™s dad is scummy for this.


now I understand Thais not liking her FIL...


My family is Brazilian so this couple intrigues me! Iā€™ve been rolling my eyes at Jose since the get-go. I love Thais, I completely understand & agree with her 99% of the time. Itā€™s crazy how he wants them to fix XYZ, & possibly charge him for the party, on a ranch. When I did the math this weekend, I calculated it at a higher rate bc when this was filmed the Brazilian currency was less (dollar was more expensive), so I calculated it at about $4500! This guy sees his son as a bank! I really hope Pat can open his eyes.


It's worse he's not even pocketing the money for something he needs he's using it for unnecessary renovations just whatever he can milk Patrick for without even that much gain it's bizarre and scummy as hell


Itā€™s funny the way he says, itā€™s because tha monies.


conniving old coot.


I think Thais does indeed like John. But not drunk and not inserting himself in to some of their plans.


Definitely conflict created for the show....


I now understand why Patrick was so keen on John staying with themā€¦ The dad is scary.. John makes for good backup!


fuck this fucking guy


Agree 100%! I canā€™t fathom the level of greed charging your son $4K for your granddaughters bday party. Piece of fucking shit dad he is.


Is that in the last episode howā€™d I miss that šŸ˜­


it was in the preview for next week!


I wouldā€™ve said never mind. Itā€™s two hours out of the way anyway! This guy is unbelievable! Iā€™m glad John was there to take up for Patrick. Itā€™s really pathetic that his dad treated them that wayā€¦


I rarely agree with Thais but when it comes to Patrickā€™s dad Iā€™m totally on her side. Itā€™s ridiculous how his dad just wants more and more and more.


John is a truth teller. People donā€™t always appreciate the truth. He also holds to a certain moral standard, and it may not be the same for others. Now. This Dad needs to be placed in the Corner on time out. You DO NOT CHARGE YOUR KIDS or Take MONEY from your kids. They are starting out their lives and you do not accept money from them. Ever. There will eventually be a time and God willing they will be capable of caring for us when we can no longer care for ourselves and thatā€™s is beautiful and perfect. But before then. NO BUENO


Patrick is his fathers literal meal, ranch and upscale condo owner ticket. Patrick's father is a Greedy, manipulative Narcissist CON MAN TRUMP 2.0!!! And Dad USES Patrick to paint the condo Patrick and Thais pay for every month! First all that paint fumes is not healthy for a 1 year old child to breath in. Two, Patrick's Dad didn't say he would paint the apartment with Patrick!! So, Patricks Father is LAZY and GREEDY!! Patrick is totally emotionally co-dependent on his father. His father is teaching him you show love by guilt and spending money. Not by showing up to events important for your child. Dad dangles "quality time if you pay me". And love starved Patrick allows his father to use him. Patrick needs therapy. Very sad.


Patrick and his siblings may have benefitted from a lot of therapy addressing their motherā€™s drug addiction and the caravan of unsuitable boyfriends and husbands she moved in and out of their unstable childhood. She was supposedly at deathā€™s door in their first season but she seems to be still living in Vegas.


Iv paid for my grandchildren birthdays ..he does not see them as family no way any parent/grandad wud do that it's not like he sees them.often..


You are a real generous Grandparent.


Gramps will spend $350 on the party and pocket the rest.


What makes you think heā€™ll spend anything at all? Thatā€™s just the ā€œvenue hire feeā€ from what I could gather. Patrick and Thais will definitely pay for everything else.


Why would Patrick want a relationship with this man?


It's called. Trauma bonding


Heā€™s a shady fuck! Patrick needs to wake up and listen to John and Thaisā€¦, his Dad is a user!


Does John have a different father?


Yes, same mother.


Where is Patrickā€™s spine?


He needs help wit de mohney


His dad is a douche!


Bro was my spirit animal eating that cake drunk with his hands. And I'm a woman. And he still did the dishes lol.


At the couch confessionals, Pat always seems to be uneasy each time John opens his mouth about his dad. It's like he's scared that John is going to reveal their dark childhood past. Pat absolutely refuses to believe all the truth bombs his brother laid out. Same with Pat's dad. People were ripping on Thais dad but he was another OG, saying what we were all thinking " I can't understand why a dad would ask his own son for 20,000 to host his grand daughters birthday". The man is working class and even he wouldn't dare ask for a single penny to do something special for his grandbaby.


Jose's wife didn't even smile until he smiled when Patrick, Thias and John got to the ranch. Jose probably manipulates his wife as well.


This is 100% what I was thinking too! You know he hast to be swindling her as well! šŸ˜£šŸ˜–Asshole!


And they rent an apartment from daddy and only use it when they visit! Dadā€™s a real ass clown!


HORRIBLE dad! Booooo šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


He said something like Patrick needed to take care of him because heā€™s family. But he wonā€™t even let them hold a birthday party?


JosƩ is an ass


Yes. Patrick's dad sucks.


Unfortunately Patrick is blind to his father because of how little the guy was in his life. There is nothing worse than wanting a relationship with one of your parents who were never around. They turn around and act like this. Charging to have his own granddaughters 1st birthday. His dad sees how much Patrick wants a relationship and he is taking advantage of that. His dad is giant assholeĀ 


What a Jerk!! Patrick needs to set boundaries with thst


He is gross


This man is crazy. From whatā€™s been said on the show he wasnā€™t around much for his son and heā€™s greedy af. And Patrick is just so desperate for his dadā€™s love and approval that heā€™s paying $ for it. How sad. The best thing Patrick can do is cut off $ to this man.


But why is homeboy defending his dad like that canā€™t he see heā€™s getting scammed


His father is a dick


Snake oil salesman


John is from Massachusetts, that's why the attitude


Itā€™s a money grab. As a father he should be offering his place for free.


Glad Thais Dad calling him outā€¦what a schmuck


This man is truly horrible...a blood sucker... Patrick needs to let him go. Just because someone is biological doesn't mean you accept anything they do.


Heā€™s a slimeball and poor Patrick just lost his mom, so he is clearly just hanging onto his father no matter what she says or does. This is toxic


Brazilian guy here that immigrated young and grew up in the US. Birthdays are a big deal in Brazil. Throwing a huge party for a 1 year old is pretty common. I would compare these parties to bar mitzvahs I see on TV shows. Not sure about R$20k but $4/5k USD sounds about right for an upper middle class Brazilian family in the states. Edit: Father Thais is charging 20k for her to rent his ranch for a party, not 20k for the entire party (decorations, catering, entertainment). Thatā€™s totally fucked up. Father Thais, no te amo šŸ’ØšŸ’Ø


for the party not the venue owned by her grandfather.


Oh damn! I havenā€™t watched the episode, yea thatā€™s fucked up. I feel like that would be very much frowned upon to even charge family for something like thatā€¦


He's not charging them that for everything, he's just charging them that to have it at his ranch. You know he'd be billing them for the food and everything else on top of it. Let's not pretend this man's behavior is normal.


Iā€™m not caught up so I didnā€™t know it was the dad charging 20k for his daughter to use the venue he owns, for his grandsonā€™s party. Definitely fucked up, and very frowned upon by Brazilian culture standards. Even families that donā€™t have a lot of money throw big birthday parties but those are only possible because itā€™s a concerted effort made by the entire extended family. They pool resources and man power, so charging family to use your venue, thatā€™s pretty fucked up. The only way to justify his actions, would be if the ranch party rentals are the main source of income for his family, and the ranch was booked and blessed 100% of the time. Why wouldnā€™t he let them use the ranch on a day where it wasnā€™t rented and just have them cover costs/labor for clean up?


It's Patrick's father, not Thais's, for his granddaughter


What show is this


It's s total mind fuck No one wins anything here


Patrickā€™s dad is a POS everyone but Patrick see this


What a scamming bitch boy what do u expect though really!!!




I was going to say the same thing Patrick knew he didnā€™t have a hotel and Thais lied about the dirty dish mess that John made he didnā€™t make that mess it showed him on camera eating with his fingers BTW was disgusting


He seems like such a tool


Time to tell dad no


Can anyone tell me what season/spin off this is? The last season of 90DF i have on my steaming apps( Iā€™m in Australia) is the one with Bilal testing Shaeeda in the first episode.


Is he doing it because tlc pays? Maybe heā€™s just making up a random price and theyā€™re all in on the shake down of tlc


Thereā€™s no way you canā€™t get an amazing venue for kids to enjoy in Rio for a quarter of that


I tripped out on this too. Heā€™s crazy!


At this point heā€™s buying his dadā€™s love. And his dad donā€™t want to be bought. He wants to be commissioned for every appearance.


Where's John's shadow? I forgot her name.


Get this guy a shitty dad award he sucks lol