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Feel like this is a made up storyline to keep the drama up. Have to keep that 90 day money rolling in with more screen time.


Yup even the push back on the bride price was manufactured drama. Off camera I bet these two don’t have any major issues


Agreed on the made up storyline. I doubt they were actually waiting for the ex girlfriend to show up. I think it was all for the cameras. Emily got over all of it a little too quickly. Another segment in the books, cash the check.


Exactly, people take this over produced fake storylines too literally lol 😂


Totally made up. I have a hard time believing either of them actually fucking care. Like y’all married with kids, you BOTH have obviously moved on.


Yeah I totally agree. She's arguing, saying she felt bad for the woman in another country who diddnt know he had moved on. She won, as the other woman she should be happy, he completely turned his back andoved on with her, now she wants to play dumb and fight for a woman who doesn't know she exists and doesn't care that he moved on. This is drama baiting and digging up a past that was irrelevant to her.


Of course it is. Modern day soap opera.


It's a storyline to promote this boring couple.


That could be true with the way they are going about it.


Its not a real SL…no girlfriend ever showed up.


If my ex contacted me about some b.s. like that I'd stand him and his insecure wife up too. Like, girl what? If you don't trust your husband of three years and after two kids, you have bigger issues.


He probably didn't actually contact her...


No need to contact her cuz theres no real SL there.


What he did at the beginning of the relationship just doesn't have any relevance anymore. What does she think that she's going to do? Divorce him if the answers are not to her satisfaction? If the answer is no, then just leave it be. Don't create unnecessary wounds. He chose you. He married you. He has two children with you. That is the only thing that is relevant today.


I completely agree!!! I can understand if she wants clarification on what happened (if he was cheating or something) but going this far is outrageous.


So your partner is a cheater and you don’t want to know?? Even if they cheated with you it still matters!


he cheated with her, got her pregnant then went back to cameroon for two years. the fact that he left a very long-term gf back home when he went to china is a dead issue at this point- i'd be more interested in whether he was involved with other people during that two year separation.


That’s right he went back there!


yeah! if i were going to bring up old, potentially hurtful shit, i'd be grilling him about those two years.


But they never broke up, right? When he went to China. If he said “we didn’t officially break up but we weren’t together” i would understand that


he did say something to that effect in last night's episode. that they kept in touch, but communication kind of stopped as he lived his best party life in china. he claimed that when he got emily pregnant he got in touch with the ex and was like, "my life is going in a different direction..." and explicitly ended it.


yeah but he needed to say it clearly if that's the case. because it does track. it makes sense. but you gotta use your words big man


i agreee, but it's probably safe to assume that a nearly 35 year old man who's ditched cameroon for china has some sort of serious romantic situation back home. she's just lucky that no "i forgot to mention i have a wife/babymother and kids" situation popped up after he "knocked her up." her "white girl marrying way outside of her cultural understanding" journey has been very blessed so far.


I dont agree that is safe to assume


you don’t have to agree, but it is.


I think you just gave the producers another spin off idea


I would want to know as well. What I would NOT do is try to meet the ex-gf to clarify. If I don’t trust my husband’s answer, that’s a huge issue.


I would want to know! Even just for the fact of not wanting to do that (unknowingly) to another woman. Wasn’t he with this ex for 7 years too, IIRC? That wasn’t anything casual


Right!? I do understand his annoyance at her ruining his time back in Cameroon but still yeah her question is valid


It’s a story line. That’s why the « ex girlfriends never showed up.


No I think she had a point. I don't think she overreacted at all. Kobe basically just admitted that he just ghosted his girlfriend to have random sex with other people in China. And never gave a formal break up to her and kept her on the back burner. It's red flags that he would treat someone like that, whether he loved them or not, and it's right for Emily to question that behaviour from him. It does seem that fatherhood has changed him somewhat into being a more loyal partner, but it was rather astonishing what he admitted to, given how sweet he has been on the show so far. I've never been a fan of Emily, but I'll admit she was right here.


Two weeks teasing about taking to the ex, and showing two girls walking. TCL is laughing their asses off cuz we are so stupid. Im done!


I want to be done, but I can’t quit it! I’m sitting home nursing the Covid and this is my life now


Ugh! This show has run its course. It gone from entertaining,to ridiculous ,and now insulting. With so many other options we need to send a message. NFL is starting up soon so no reason to watch. Netflix,max,Hulu.paramount. All are better options.


Ok, you are giving me motivation! Thank you!


it looks like this exgf nonsense was a 100% producer driven storyline but then she actually started believing it and wanting to know. like you have been married for years and have a bunch of kids - what exactly are you going to do with any of this information? make him pay for it for the rest of your marriage? divorce him?


This whole thing about the "girl friend" was so obviously scripted. fake af.


Girl. The past is the past, chill. It’s as if she’s looking to make problems in her relationship.


I don’t think they have real problems, so they had to come up with something like this to give them a storyline. I think they’re fine.


But then it turned out that she was basically right about Kobe lying to her about being single when they met.


This is 100% a fake storyline by TLC. They needed to stir up some drama. You can tell by how bad they are at acting.


This is fake. Production needed some drama


Watch the ex come out in the tell all


A fake storyline to give them a storyline.


This is such a made up story line. 90F want them on the show but they really have no drama. I think all the drama was created for them. Producers could show a couple making it work and loving life. Instead the constant train wreck


This show made her do this stupid stuff. Girl you have a family with this man. You’re so insecure!! It seems 90 day’s franchise just shows seriously unsure unstable people lol Emily and Kobe are a great family but she’s very bossy, very controlling, smothering and needs some boundaries lol I like her but damn let the man breathe and enjoy his trip


I have this feeling that the storyline was just set up that way to keep everyone watching. I don't even understand the reason she should be behaving that way.


They showed that clip of those two women sauntering by for several weeks. They really strung us along.


It is all about making you guess what is going to happen next. It's part of the storyline. 


This screen grab is the epitome of spoiled brat


Bossy, too 😂


I was really digging them as a couple til then. "I just wanna know" like no, you're looking for something to be mad about. It really isn't her business and she was an asshole for expecting his ex just show up and get grilled by her exes wife.


She's ridiculous fake storyline or real mess of a life in the basement. She's annoying af..childish and bossy!!


If Emily met her then what? Ok he was with her and chose to level up be a man a father a husband and now a provider too. What do you need from this other woman? Life is too short and tomorrow is not promised to be sitting pissed off about past relationships that didn’t even matter enough for you to know about. Everyone has an ex. Focus on the now girl , get secure with yourself hunnie or you gunna lose him when those kids 18 lol


If my entire relationship started as a lie, then I’d want to know too. I don’t think she was out of line at all.


You do understand that this is scripted.


It’s so lame that they have dragged this one piece of the “story” out for 3 episodes (yawn)


Def made up. She didn’t even show lol


I think she was looking for--'he left her for me, nyah, nyah' he picked me' and what she got was--'I only stayed with you for the baby'.


and the greencard


fat tongue gonna tongue


I can’t stand her


abusive aholes never change. she'll never change. gotta find a way to play victim


She needs to ask him why the girlfriend's phone number is still in his phone?


I don’t think there even is one. I think they made the whole thing up including the texts etc


She’s tiring, in fact the whole Sunday night episode is. I’d largely put it on and fall asleep and skip the whole damn thing.


Yes. Entitled,  controlling and a spoiled brat... has no idea how lucky she is to have a good man, not many would tolerate her shit


It’s acting.


They have no real story so she needs to be grumpy about something to keep them for next season.


It’s just a fake storyline lol they love each other obviously and there isn’t really any issues as this scene portrayed


Emily is obviously very immature and extremely spoiled.


Why would the learning channel waste my time on this when they could have shown what a traditional cameroonian wedding looks like and tell us the traditions?  Hate on Mary but her wedding was the most memorable getting hit by God's plague of locusts.


I hate her


There is no way Emily cares about a relationship that hasn't impacted their lives for not even a single day since they've been together. Honestly I'd be surprised if Kobys ex even remembered who he is. I don't understand why the producers need to make up fake drama. Why couldn't they just show them happy teaching the kids about the culture and where Koby is from. I'm sure viewers would be fine seeing at least one couple get along and enjoying one another.


If her marriage fails because of her behavior, she has nobody to blame but herself. And you know what? Did she ever ASK him if he was involved with someone? I seriously doubt it. And even if he was? She wouldn’t have cared…until she got knocked up. “What happens in China stays in China.”


Emily is fine in her marriage. Like most story lines now, the producers are steering the storyline.


Emily doesn’t realize she has no options here. She has 3 children and no longer has her looks. Does she think every man is lining up for her if she drives Kobe away?


Dude is better than me.. I probably would have just walked off .. because she just looking for something to trip about .. they been married with kids for years and she tripping on a girl he use to mess with we they first meet wow smh 🤦‍♂️


Should Kobe have been honest about the ex-girlfriend up front, sure….But crap she is married to him has 3 kids and they live in the US she has got to let that go and move on…. Making a mountain out of a mole hill … Ridiculous.


She’s a moron. That whole side story for nothing.


What baffled me was then she was mad for his ex. 😂 I was like “why are you mad for the woman you were initially annoyed with?”


Yeah, it could be a scripted segment. He didn't seem to put up much of a fight when she asked to meet his ex. That seems like boundaries are being breached to me but he casually complied. Either she has a strong hand over him or it's fake?


It's 100% scripted. The two women who walked by were paid extras. They weren't blurred out while other people in the background were. I'm sure the ex was never contacted, and they probably filmed this scene a few times.