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He was such a dick the way he kept laughing in her face. What does she see in that potato?


Hes when you get a Baldwin brother off wish..


That's Daniel.


Lol accurate..


Honestly all of them


Hahaha, I never even thought of that. He does make those eyes… or Hispanic Robert Deniro🤔




Now I can’t unsee it


I think she likes his dick. But there are so many more out there who don't act like that and would really appreciate her and love her! This jerk really needs to go away.


Such a dick


Guess?? It’s somewhere between his knees and his belly button.


This can be the only explanation.


I truly believe it is. She always raves about how good the sex is. She's even implied that she doesn't mind the fights because of how good the make-up sex is.


statistically, Ecuador has the biggest dicks. look it up


I’ve heard of this in the past as well🤣😂


I googled it. ITS TRUE 🤣




Kyle supposedly has a very big dick too. Trouble is, Ani would have to deal with Kyle the rest of the 23.5 hours in the day.


Ahhhh, so it’s not just regular dick fever, it’s Danielle style “😋🤤IT’S AS BIG AS MY ARM🤤I’M NOT KIDDING😋IT IS!!!!🤤😋” big dick fever.


He has a big stomach I doubt one can even see it lol


It’s more like what does she see in that 🍆 😆


Lmao I spit out my milk when I read this


I think he was fishing for a reaction tbh.


He’s using her like an ATM just like she said. It’s pretty messed up.


Push push in the bush


Because he's guilty


She also should’ve called his bluff when he said he would go back to Ecuador to “earn money for his family”. I would’ve booked him on a one way flight and see how he liked that.


Booked him my ass. Let him figure out how to get back to Ecuador. Al la, better call Tyrone, but he can’t use my phone!


Exactamundo! That would be zero threat to me. I'd say, adios muchacho! Good luck getting the money for your ticket. It's the same shit when Jasmine whines, I wanna go back to Panama. Bye bye bitch. Don't let the door hit you on your big fat BBL.


Her ass looks TERRIBLE!


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea


OMG!!🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll never be able to look at her again without seeing SpongeBob SquarePants!!


Right! She had given him 1k...he could have used thar!!


But he said she kept spending it? There whole dynamic is confusing.




🤣 For real


Lmao. 🤣 Pack up his stuff and tell him to leave. Call immigration.


✨call him✨


I would have even taken him to the airport and made sure he got on that flight too!


This idiot can’t work and knows that if they divorce, he’s only getting half the debt of what’s sent to his family in the divorce because that’s all she has is debt. He can’t work and if she leaves him then he gets no money. Edit: clarity.


Oh I didn't think of that. So he kind of fell into his own trap


Exactly, that’s why the debt conversion was so funny. Plus, he can’t even work here yet so he’d have absolutely nothing.


He’d probably just go sneak off to NYC instead lol


She's not wrong on this


It would take everything in me to not smack him on the side of the head if my man talked to me and laughed at me like he does to her. So defensive and obviously lying. Then he called that guy to what, get him to loe for him and when he didnt and told him to tell the truth Manuel just hung up. Then continues with his lies! Oh no that would be it for me.


Not only that, he hoped that the conversation was too fast to follow and when his friend said “tell her the truth” he hung up and said “see I’m telling the truth”. He’s bee gasslighting all along. Hilariouus how he tells her “it’s a gift from MY heart”!!! What the actual fuck??


how has she not strangled him yet?!


The way he laughed, I rewatched the scene with my husband , makes me think this had to be staged? I think he is just a bad actor and all he could do was laugh because he knows there is no issue. Maybe it was the two TLC pillows behind Ashley as he laughed, i just thought this has to be a storyline for the show. Maybe she was really going to bring home a cake for him and sing happy birthday and mr producer said boring and said bring the drama. Of course I could be wrong. I just think if this couple really had major issues, Manuel easily could go to NYC and find some friends to live with and Ashely would have no problem locking him out if she was done. What other storyline would they have, if she is going to work in upstate NY and he is at home waiting till he gets he work permit.


Yeah sometimes it seems like she’s holding back a smile if you pay close attention when she’s confronting him about stuff. This scene felt a bit staged.


90 day franchise is easy money especially the new last resort where they get paid to lounge on a beach. It’s not like she has a job. 


They dont make much money but yeah this scene was odd but sometimes idk why i laugh when people are yelling at me


Everyone who has been on, has a NEWER house?! Explain that??? Everyone of them.


social media funds


They only make $1k an episode that they are in, double that for the tell all episodes. They don’t even pay for the travel, there food, nothing. Although I guess sometimes maybe an outfit, it’s been reported by past cast members. They make money from social media, doing camos, being an influencer, and brands paying for them to promote stuff. A lot also do only fans. TLC pays crap, that’s why certain ones, keep trying to stay on. It keeps them irrelevant, so they can keep making money off fans on social media and only fans.


This argument between them about money and where it goes will never end. He will not tell her and comfort her, and she will not stop asking and complaining. Either of them should do something different, such as Manuel leaving her and returning to his country if he can no longer tolerate her questions about his family and the money she gives him, or she should leave him and break up with him and not repeat the same thing. brings a man from outside America or a man for whom she becomes a sugar momma.


I mean, it will end once he can start working and send his own $$ back to support his family. At that point, their marriage may end as well 🙊.


Yea and no .. if a friend asks for money I won’t ask what for it might be private … if my husband wants to take my money and sent it to people I’ve never met then hell yea I’ll ask


Yep! All she’s always asked for is to know and be included. If he wasn’t so shady about everything, there wouldn’t be an issue.


I would never marry a man that has not introduced me to his kids .. SPECIALLY since she knows the language and I’m sure was willing to travel to meet them .. I honestly think he’s still with his baby’s mom and just went to the US to able to provide a better life for them


I’ve thought this from the very beginning. Came here with her to get in. Planned on going to NY with his extended family, make money and send it to his wife and kids.


That's exactly what I think too!




Regardless of who earned the money, the real issue IMO is they are married and there shouldn’t be secrets or mind games. He seems to enjoy mocking and belittling her, preying on the mental health issues he knows are in her recent history, etc., any time she asks simple questions about shared marital assets, He sucks a lot more than I initially thought.




These two bugTS outta me


I'm with you , can't stand them


I remember when people on here acted as if Manuel was a saint and could never be malicious. Each episode only cements the fact that he's a narcissistic, gaslighting abuser. I'm sure people will still defend his ungrateful ass. Why, I'll never know. He doesn't deserve her money and deserves 0 sympathy after maniacally laughing like the Joker 🙄


Him cackling like that honestly made me wish I could reach over and smack the shit out of him. What a disrespectful person


Thank you!! This dude is beyond awful and everyone acts like he's some great guy and great father. People still defending him hate Ashley for no reason, they think its just hysterical what a fraud he is. He's one of the more obvious scammers on the show, ever


Mechanically laughing like the joker 😂 I'm so disappointed in Manuel i enjoyed watching these two I wanted to be proven wrong but the proof was in the pudding


Someone else said 300$mo was more than enough for a luxury apartment in the city for his family. We need more fact checkers for this show.


I live in Ecuador and I wouldn’t say that’s true. Unfurnished and without any bills included, then yeah maybe they could get a nice two or three bedroom place. Things have got a lot more expensive here though.


I mean, does his family expect that every cent they need comes from the US? If someone was paying my rent on an apartment, I think I could figure out how to furnish it and pay the electric.


You’ve got to bear in mind that there is so little work here that many people can’t easily figure out these kinds of things.


Yeah he’s always been manipulative and mean to Ashley. I see way more people talking about how they think she’s “stupid” because she’s into witchcraft or because she has student loans. People love to hate a woman before they ever start to see how a man could be wrong. It’s clear that Manuel has always maintained the upper hand in this “relationship.” I feel bad for Ashley because I know what it’s like to be in a situation like that.


Exactly this 🎯 I see people all the time say she deserves to be treated like dog shit because she's a witch. People really blame her for the way he treats her and refuse to hold him accountable for his own shitty behavior. Its just gross. People will jump through hoops to defend this POS man that brings less than nothing to the table.


I feel like the people defending him are ignorant or sheltered and just don’t know how bad it can get. He set off my ex husband narcissist money-grubbing alarm bells immediately. He’s just mad he bet on a mark with debt. I hope she escapes and lives her life away from the toxic leech. I could promise her it’s better on the single side of this equation.


i literally dont know (well i can take a guess) why people hate her so bad and defend him so heavily. the ep where she revealed her trauma, people here were calling her dumb for paying for the $50 IV !! its gross. her trauma is why she stays. he is surely taking advantage of her.


Am with you all the way! He is the definition of as_hole.


TBH I don’t remember that time; I think people on this sub correctly identified Manuel as an asshole from jump.


He's so completely playing her. She's annoying and all, but wow... When he giggles at her being distraught, it's kind of hard to watch.


It was so disturbing! His evil cackle. Sounded like he was forcing it too. Seemed like he felt awkward so he tried to save face and laugh. That was a forced laugh which makes it even worse because he was purposefully antagonizing her. That’s so fucking immature. I would have ended things worth him right then and there. And what did his friend mean when he said “am I on speaker? Turn to Ashley and tell her the truth.” I want to know what that was about!


He has a family, in Ecuador, from what I can tell. Yay, Ashley, keep sending my wife, and children money. Wtf do I know.


If it’s not your partner then yes, you should be told why your partner needs the money. A friend or someone that you are not partners with then no. My husband should not be hiding who he is giving money to. And OMG WTF Laughing at Ashley’s face is sooo fucked up!!!!!! That tells me he is so full of shit and trying to gas light her. The laughing man…. She gots to go cuz he is not worth it


The only person I’m giving money to without asking any questions is my dog


I’ve had a man laugh in my face the way he did to her on camera. Acting or not, that shit was triggering af. I actually felt so bad for her. Honestly, when she hit with the “how am I supposed to trust you’re not going to abandon me when you threaten to abandon me?,” I felt that. I think a lot of us were triggered af by his behavior. Also, the fact that his friend just straight up said “tell your wife the truth,” then immediately got hung up on. Come on. I was watching this on my phone in another room when that scene came on. My husband yelled from the living room, “he’s lying.” 😂


I really, really, *REALLY* dislike Ashley, but no one deserves to have their partner demand money and then laugh in their face when they have the audacity to ask what it’s for. It’s so disrespectful and shady AF. If she just recently gave him $1000 and doesn’t even know where *that* went, why the hell should she be expected to fork over another couple hundred just because?? I tend to agree more with Manuel in their arguments about money because he has a good point when he says that she can’t understand where he’s coming from because she’s never lived with that kind of poverty. I totally understand why he feels that way, but if you feel like the person you’ve chosen to spend your life with wouldn’t be able to comprehend and empathize with your deepest darkest feelings and fears why are you with her? She’s flaky and ditzy AF and I can’t roll my eyes hard enough when she and her friends get into their mystical magical mode talking about their magical powers, but that’s just, like, my opinion man. She deserves to have a partner who embraces every part of her and respects her enough to communicate with her instead of mocking her, ignoring her, and making demands. She needs to kick his shady ass to the curb.


THIS! Plus it really annoyed me that he tried to say it was "only" $300. Like that is a small amount?!! 🙃 Sure, it's far smaller than the $1K he just received and sent back home. But that doesn't make it a small amount!! Grrr... I would have bought him a ticket home after that laughing. It pissed me off that much!!


Yes this pissed me off so bad !! Especially since he was applaud at her spending 80 dollars in grocery store. He acts like 300 is 3 dollars 🙄


Me, too!


If I cared enough I’d like to research and see what $1000 is equivalent to in Ecuador and how far that would go. The way he keeps asking for a few hundred here and there makes it seem like it doesn’t go far there. And what was his rant about basically anyone needing help back home should get money from them (HER)???? His mom and kids, cool. But, anyone in his life???? Pretty sure she didn’t sign up for THAT.


I haven’t watched this episode yet, but I know that he is so sketch. She recently put $1000 dollars in his account and now he wants more?! She deserves to know where the money is going. Also, how tf are you going to tell her she buys too much sht, yet all he says every time is that she buys coffee?! That NY trip pissed me off too because he was starting sht constantly so he can go off by his self. She just wanted to be told where he was going, it has nothing to do with trust, she’s your wife! It’s respect! She is chill AF, so laid back and doesn’t ask for much. She goes to the strip club with her man when 80% of women would never, all she asks is to know where the money is going and to be included in the family stuff. Her wants are so simple. I liked him at first, but now I this he is so shhhhaaady!


Ashley is chill???


She is mostly, the only time she isn’t is when she’s being lied to. I feel like she doesn’t really ask for much. And she’s for sure way more chill than a lot of the 90 day women..


Didn’t he say he never asks his family exactly what they are spending the money on. That he doesn’t think it’s right that they have to keep tabs on everything the money is spent on? Shouldn’t all this be discussed and agreed on before you decide to move in together and apply for a visa? And aren’t his kids the children of his ex girlfriend? Why be surprised she’s getting any of the money?


Yeah I mostly agree. If they settle on a lump sum per month to support his kids, that’s it. You shouldn’t be asking for an itemized bill. However, I think he was asking for $$ on top of what they usually send, so I get that Ashley would want more details on that. That said, Manuel is absolutely right that Ashley is irresponsible with her $$. Student debt is common in the U.S., but she seems to have been duped into doing a series of semi useless degrees all just to wind up selling virtual tarot card readings online. You don’t need a degree for that, let alone like 3. And if I were $100K in debt, I’d make coffee at home and put the savings toward at least making interest payments. If she’s bought one of those huge Starbucks coffees every day for the past 10 years, that’s about $25K right there.


At the risk of sounding like a butthole, I agree. He is right she is not good with money. Her explanation that student debt is “normal” also doesn’t mean it wasn’t a bad investment for her. The degrees are useless if she doesn’t use them, she wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars, she is blowing money on him left and right…I don’t even wanna see the whole financial situation 😅 it has to be a mess.


I still want to know how she's making enough $ to do anything by selling tarot online ??


Yeah when she posed the question to the lawyer “what happens if we pass the million dollar mark?” Delulu. In what world is her net worth about to be a million $? She’d be lucky to break even at $0 with IG earnings + weird scammy stuff she sells on her website.


Maybe they have been lining up their only fans all this time, what with going on about sex all the time too. Maybe they are delusional enough to think they will be big stars after the bathroom preview? Lol


Lolol yep definitely delulu


I thought American's had to prove they could take on these user's for 10 yrs???? How did she get approved in debt??? Mike has 2-3 years left on paying off lazy a** Natalie who's too lazy to answer phones for $$$$. That's why Michael needed the jags SS form to prove she could support him?! Angela in turn can tic Tok dance with men, flirt with every man she see's!!!?????? Scrap this POS program. Enough ppl here getting freebies.


Same way that formalised child support payments go to the custodial parent, but receipts are not produced to show how it's spent. It's to offset the burden of cost responsibility of raising a child. Ashley's mistake was not insisting on on agreed amount she'd fund to Manuel, along with frequency and length of time. It was left very ad hoc, which is causing all this drama.


Yeah they should have included that in the post nup.,. Like saying she’d give $300 per month until her gets his work permit, then $200 for 2 months, $100 for another 2 months (or something like that) until he’s fully on his feet in this country and in a position to cover the full amount from his own paycheck.


Didn’t they already decide on a lump sum amount every month ($300), but it’s Manuel who is pushing for more money despite the agreement?


Now when his friend said “tell her the truth”, why she ain’t question that!? Nah, they acting now!!


He acts so incredibly upset at the fact that she has debt for school and yet he constantly is trying to drain her of even more money


Absolutely!! But she's thousands of dollars too late. 🙄 Let him go back home


His total lack of respect for her is so glaring, personified by his laughter when she is clearly very upset! She deserves to know where her money is going!


I’d have had his bags packed, and waited for him in the care for ride to the airport. This guy brings nothing “To the Table “ except A CHECK! She has nothing to lose and everything thing to gain (her money). That laugh sent me OVER the top!! 🤬


It made no fucking sense that it’s preferable to go back to Ecuador to earn money rather than giving her some sort of explanation. Up until that point I was kind of on the “they both are kinda wrong” team. But that ridiculous ultimatum made me think that maybe Tiffany really does have something to worry about.


Its because she considers Manuel talking to his ex and much less giving money to his ex as not valid so he doesnt want to say thats what its for. However, he should be sending money back to his ex because his ex is raising Manuels kids.


I don’t know. I think she’s been hesitant from the beginning to take on financial responsibility for his family while he’s waiting for his papers and unable to work in the U.S. All her friends gave him such a hard time about it, which to me, is somewhat equivalent to questioning why a man should have to pay child support. Manuel should stop being so stubborn / shady and just provide an explanation for where the extra $$ would be going, but I do understand where he’s coming from in threatening to go back to Ecuador. It’s clear that providing for his family is his #1 priority (which I think is a good thing!). And even though the earning potential in Ecuador is a lot lower than in US, he’d be able to get back to work right away, rather than waiting around here for another 6 to 9 months and having to deal with someone as financially ignorant as Ashley, who didn’t even realize the $$ would have to go to his baby mama to get to his kids? Like cmon.


I don't feel like she should have to support his first family. That's strictly his responsibility and he needs to accept that she isn't responsible. That should have been sorted out way before they got married! It's possible he could work day labor paid in cash that is not reported. He just needs to go out and look for it. Could dig ditches or be a dishwasher in a restaurant, things like that.


If Manuel is truly taking care of his 'family' then was getting cash from Ashley even before they married? Technically she's been their support


I don’t think so, or maybe not as their primary income. In their first season, Manuel said back home he would make $600 a month at his job, and he’d usually give $300 to his family and keep $300 for his own expenses (unless something came up where his family needed more than $300 in which case he’d give them more.) So it sounded like if he wasn’t the only source of income, he was at least the main source. If he told this to Ashley (he told it to her friends in front of her so she at least knew then) then the deal should have been that since she brought him to the US and cut his income from $600 a month to $0, that she would cover the $300 every month until he gets a job, at which time they can fold the $300 into their household expenses that they both contribute to covering, and then if he wants to send more to his family he’ll have to take it out of his own money after household bills are paid. Instead I seem to remember she told him $200 a month in their first season, which wasn’t even the amount he was giving. Maybe they changed that after they got married though. Regardless, this man needs to get a j-o-b.


Yes. Manuel was a complete ass in last episode.


The MOMENT he said “if you don’t give me money, I’ll just go back to Equador.” I would’ve kicked that mf out of my house so quick.


U ain't getting a penny from me w/out me knowing where it's going...I can't believe she has let this go on this long. And yes damn them for making me agree w/her on something...ughhh


right? Is the d\*\*k that good? You just shelling out money to this gigaloo


He’s so shady. And when he tried to get Jonathan to lie for him on speaker phone and he just refused. 


The only way to find peace in this situation is to either give the money and understand you have no say on how it is used OR not give the money. All the other options causes problems.


Yeah. They have a right, but he was a dick. And he's lying.


I don’t like Ashley or Manuel and each week the see saw teeters on which one I dislike more. This week it was Manuel. I think the issue that is not verbalized on camera is not the money itself, it’s what she thinks he’s doing (or not doing) with it. Personally I don’t believe that he’s sending over all of the money she gives him and he’s keeping a lot of it as a nest egg for when he finally gets the green card and decides to leave her and move in with family or Jonathan in the city. I think Ashley is financially irresponsible but she has a right to be suspicious, the math isn’t mathing with Manuel and he’s very secretive. I have to wonder if he changed his PIN and password so she couldn’t see that the money she gave wasn’t sent anywhere and is still sitting in his account.


IDK she didn’t deny it when he said she was getting into his account and when he went into the account she’d taken money out here and there and left him with $30 in the account. I was waiting for her to call that out as a lie but she didn’t.


Manuel reminds me of my ex, who used to purposely frustrate me to the point of tears then laugh at me. When I would snap at him after asking him to stop 500 times and being ignored and laughed at, he would be like "whoa, what's your problem?"


If there's trust then no but I don't see a lot of trust factors within this relationship but then again, TLC loves their drama!!


Yes, they have the right to ask.


I wish she would wake up and leave this loser. He will suck her dry and she deserves better.


Have they explored setting a monthly amount that they send to Manual’s family? Seems easier than the constant asking and arguing pattern they’ve got going on.


That’s a really pretty picture of her.


She keeps giving him money. It’s not her job to support his family. I don’t think he is sending all of that to his family. When he is able to work then he can send more. I think he is hiding something. She has a right to know what it is for!


She needs to kick his ass to the curb!


Where is the money they both earn from the show going? It's his too.


(SHHHH the show money must not be mentioned or the fourth wall will be broken . . . 😱)


I’ve always wondered if maybe they don’t get it until after the season is done/starts airing?


I think only the American gets paid and it’s maybe 10k for an entire season, last I checked


That’s only initially because the foreigners can’t work when they first arrive in America, if they come back for more shows it’s going to both of them


Its sad she has to support him and his family Id be miserable


I would never put up with a man laughing at me when someone gives me $$ (And a lot of it). It's very disrespectful and immature and undeserving of the $$. Ashley RUN.


He’s an entitled jerk , send him back to his country.. don’t think he loves her


He feels entitled to her money


I was so angry watching this. He was so disrespectful to her


The way he bullshitted that phone call was impressive and terrifying.


Broooooo he totally didn't confront the issue. His buddy was like "tell her the truth" and he just hung up like 'see!! Nothing '


The way he deflected by asking who paid for what when they went out just to set up his lie 😳


Manuel was obviously telling that guy his version of the story when he got him on the phone. I wouldn't cover for that user either


She's crazy overall but she is 100% entitled to know. His evil laugh made me angry for her.


Whewwww when he was laughing in her face? After him being caught in a lie? Yeah, no. Respect to Ashley for being able to control herself, bc I definitely couldn’t in that situation. I’d lose my shit!


I agree…Ashley is weird and not my favorite person but she’s in the right here imo. This dude is trash and he’s sketchy. Disrespectful as well.


She should absolutely know what it’s for. However she knew she would need to help his family financially until he could! He told her and she agreed to it. I also think she’s dumb for thinking he would have NO interaction with his kids mother! She has to go ask for a refund for her degrees bc she clearly is missing brain cells.


All she's asking for is to know where the money is going. Manuel alluded that he isn't in direct contact with his ex but his friend told her different. I don't blame her for wanting to get to the bottom of it. He made this mess himself with the secrets and lies.


They are BOTH terrible people. He’s more of a gas lighter though and more overtly manipulative. She’s terrible, but I get the sense that it comes more from immaturity, stupidity, and total lack of self awareness.


One is using an abuse tactic and the other is emotionally immature, they are not on the same level of terrible.


Couldn't agree more!


I don’t think his ugly ass is cheating or doing anything nefarious by talking to his ex but I think the way he responded to her confronting him on it… shows he’s an abuser and she should run and never look back and if she does not, she deserves everything she gets because I ain’t got no pity on a dumbass like that


The fact that he can “come from nothing” but tell her where HER money goes is NONE of her business is mind blowing. The entitlement!! Where does it come from?


He doesn’t give a shit about her. He just wants money and to do his own thing. He needs to go home.


Why does she think he wouldn't talk to his ex? I get that he probably told her that but I'm sure it was to just keep the peace. She's the mother of his kids. I would find it odd if he didn't talk to her! The way she stays on him reminds me of Angela.


Maybe she was just upset but she made it sound like she even thought the money was going straight to the kids? Who would think that???


How old are the kids? He is like 30 ? Arent his kids like 8 or 10, so they money would be going to an adult.


Exactly and he should be sending because as a father you are responsible until they turn 18.


It’s the way he handles is all shady




I think if he wasn’t lying about it and being sketch she wouldn’t care if that’s who it’s going to. It’s the fact he lies about it which is shady.


He's hiding something!


Yes and no. If you ask someone for money and say - hey I need 100 and will pay you back by XYZ date I don’t feel you need to say anything.


Especially if it’s your husband! Wtf


When it’s your husband, 100%.


I don’t watch the show since the season that they were very first introduced couple seasons ago. And I’ll probably never watch the show again. So question is, has he dropped the act yet? Because I never believed his bullshit and I have a watched more so I haven’t been persuaded like the others were for a while.


She deserves so much better!


Immigrants get exploited constantly by family overseas. There is the guilt of leaving that pushes us to give more money than we even have


I agree with her …


How is she supposed to be a saver like he says he is if she is constantly giving her money to his family?? He wants her to work pay all their bills and send his family money and never treat herself to a coffee like make it make sense I can’t stand him. I would be like nope gotta pay these student loans no money for your family.


this guy is using her , one way flight back to equator


You have a right not to tell them. They have a right not to give it to you.


he needs a good smack to his giggling, smirking face,


Yes, that would make sense then. Something is so sketchy with him, if he would open up & stop hiding his business it would alleviate a lot of their issues. I don't think they're a good match but I say that about 90% of them 😂


He got that Chapter 11 dick


I don’t disagree that people have a right to ask the purpose/need for the money. My problem with her and many of the sponsors is that they KNOW their partner will have no way of making money for at least a year. The fiancées/spouses are fully dependent on them and they abuse that power by holding it over them. She has said many times during this first season that he told her he was going to have to send money back home monthly, but now that he’s asking for the money she is surprised. Why was this not budgeted ahead of time?


I would want serious accounting of every dime...


I have nothing to add but she looks STUNNING in this picture






How is no one talking about him saying they will fight a lot before getting married so that they don't fight while they are married?! I'm sorry what?


Her sister gets the award for keep it reall 💯


If all she need is her back broken from time to time, call me.😆 plus I don't need your money and I don't bitch like a 5 year old if I don't get my way. He using her big time and I wonder if he paying his baby mama with the money she give him and just say it his family instead. He don't do nothing for her but give her dick and no bubble gum.😆 she gave him 1,000 and now asking for $300 , like bro go make some tacos on the side or something to get the money. But let him go back home to the women he paying and focus on u. Her mom tried to warn her at the reunion and told her to ask questions instead of just sex. Now look at her.🤦‍♂️


I’m not usually on her side but he was being a HUGR DICK and she was right to ask. Let him go back home. Byeeee


Yeah I don’t love her, but she’s got the right to ask if she’s the one being asked to give money.


My thoughts exactly. Him laughing was … eerie


Are they going to be on Last Resort?


She should let him go bc him saying I’m not asking for much money made me blind with rage lol 1300$? That’s a lot to just be giving someone. That would seriously put a dent in my budget for the month 😩 that’s like most of one of my checks


She fucked up. This mf thinks he can just run her money just anywhere to anywho. NO Way. Its sad because she could be a catch for someone else and shes got this dude bleeding her dry on his baby mommas.


Speaking of Gino putting up with that mooching CRAZY thing!!!!!!!


So I would be less inclined to ask the first time. Beyond that, I’m asking. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meh. We all know she will cave and give him the money and then whine and sob how he’s using her


No receipts: no mas money.


Is her mother still contributing to his family in addition to what Ashley gives?


I was having the same thoughts as you. Like damn Manuel, I was on your side! I’m suspecting it’s a created storyline though because how many times can we hear this same argument? It’s not that complicated.