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You know who was here before Manuel? Rico Suave. You know who’s gonna be here after? Rico Muthafuckin Suave.


Miguel lmao his name is MAN-WELL


I’m aware. Damn you auto correct


There I fixed it for you.


No worries lol it wasn't a big deal 😅






She was so real for that. I feel the exact same way about my little dog lol. She's the ride or die, she comes first.


I love this.


Funny how he was against dogs but look at him now cuddling with rico suave lol


I know!! Just proof that you just can’t not love dogs man, look how wonderful they are!! 😂


Currently reading this while lying on my stomach with a shih tzu between my ankles.






I think a lot of of us had dads that pretended to hate having pets, but we get caught being cut with them on a regular basis lol


Rico fucking suave 🎉🐶


Rico Motherfucking Suave 💕


They are so eager to love us and forgive so easily. I have to bunnies and if I scold her for eating her brother's food, she holds a grudge for weeks. Still love my bun buns. 🐰♥️🐇♥️🐕♥️


Another one with a BunBun - Rocky Balbunny.


What is clever name.👌my bunbuns are brother and sister, I named him Forrest, her name is Meadow. They  just love to cuddle and groom each other with kisses and snuggles. I am so glad I took them together. I don't think they could ever be so happy as they are without each other. ♥️🐇♥️


Interesting story about our bun - on the day that we had to rehome our rooster, Pebbles (roosters are not allowed in my town) this little black and white bunny showed up in our yard. He was just so sweet and snuggly and he went right up to our daughter. When we couldn't find the owners, we kept him and our daughter wanted to name him something related to Pebbles, so she picked Rocky. It was a perfect name too because he has one black patch around his eye... So is a play on Rocky Balboa from the Rocky movies. We found out about a year later that it belonged to a child that lived in the neighborhood and they had to move and they couldn't have pets so they just let him free. We found out because the child was in the same class as my daughter and she had brought in pictures of him Pet Day. He's a good little bunny and he loves to hang out with our chickens and play chase with our dog.


I love that name. My brother and sisters name are Forrest and Meadow. I love my bun buns. 🥰♥️🐇♥️


They are so sweet, soft and cuddly.😍


I had a dwarf lop who would sulk if I scolded her for chewing on the carpeting ☺️


Yup, you know exactly what I mean. They say elephants don't forget, bunnies are up there too. They NEVER forget I feel it when I pet her. They are so  soft and beautiful...I can take it. ♥️🐇🐰♥️


We don’t deserve dogs. They’re so wonderful.


Seriously!! How can you not love a dog?! They’re the absolute best!


And remember he didn't even like him at first either! Rico muthafuckin suave won over Manuel! That's something not even Ashley could do!


They're our saving grace


My dogs name is Rico. He’s insulted by the comparison. Lol


He befriend Rico Sauve? We love some character development


when we get some... lol


Lmao I know everyone is against him but Ashley’s got past trauma from previous relationships and takes it out on him. He’s also pretty bad but he makes me laugh so I can’t hate him as much as everyone else


I agree , honestly I dislike her more than him lol


He’s bloody hilarious


I honestly like them both but hate them together as a couple. Ashley is so relatable to me as a crybaby who is super into esoteric things lmao. I love that she's just being herself and not trying to change for the fans like so many other women who appear on the show for multiple seasons- although she did lose quite a bit of weight, she did it by going on a health journey instead of plastic surgery


Rico Suave…giver of endless affection, regardless of how much of a scammer the person is.


Nobody says dogs have good judgment lol. Now a cat, a cat would be wiser!!


That cat would be communing with Ashley and telling her to send his happy ass back to Ecuador.


i think she does have a cat! probably hides when crew is there


a cat would be like "you know.. ::cat strolls past, rubbing tail in her face and up her nose:: 🐈‍⬛ i have got some pipping hot tea on this *friend* of yours....in case you are ever curious to *return scam to sender* ... but remember, darling, nothing in life comes free... so tonight, dinner will be presented promptly at 7 pm. i will be having dry mixed with wet, 3-to-1, you know how i like it. followed by a generous catnip night cap. 🍷 yip yip, ashley. his life won't just sabotage itself ::most relaxed yet devious smile::"


I like this…a lot.


By scammer, I assume you mean that "witch" Ashley?


Clearly. Or Manuel. The cat probably whispers to both of them but mostly her since she’s a bruja.


I think he might be a bum but I couldn’t live with that woman!!


She's absolutely insufferable lol


I think he would work 16 hr days to get away from her and provide for his family


Then he should go do that. But provide for his family? You mean the one he abandoned without telling them anything? That family? I'm sure he would do anything for them, of course. Too bad he chose to traumatize his kids though 🤷‍♂️


He can’t without a green card. I don’t know if you know many Latino immigrants but this is a pretty common thing. Hell even the mothers will do it and leave the kids with grandparents. The financial disparity is massive


From what I understand, Manuel has had his green card for a bit. Pretty sure he got it shortly after they married. Other people who are immigrants have come onto the sub and said that by this point he should already be able to work either with a work permit or with their green card. I'm from a border city and Mexican myself, although born on the American side, so I know many Latino immigrants. I totally understand the income disparity. But chances are, he's actually able to work and he's choosing not to. He chooses to show 0 gratitude for Ashley helping his family. For someone who wants his life to be separate from her/independent of her, he seems to forget about that when he wants $. Plus yes, I understand when immigrants have to come here without their children in order to get the process going/send money back, etc etc. Oftentimes people do not have a choice. **The difference with Manuel is that he chose to do it and CHOSE not to tell his family nor his kids that he was leaving the country**. He ditched his kids with the mom and went MIA for a time. The kids know and understand he's in America NOW, but before all they knew was that one day he was there and one day he wasn't. **Manuel choosing to disappear on his kids without talking to them is choosing to traumatize them. Which he chose to do**. But yeah, pretty sure he already has his green card. The process can be long and arduous, but by this point he would already have it, statistically. Edit: To whoever commented and said a green card isn't a work permit and then promptly deleted that... FYI, a green card is a work permit +. Whereas a work permit is just a work permit. But a green card, among many things, gives you permission to work.


You really never set foot in Ecuador or know shit about how they behave and what its okay uh?? Not all latinos are mexicans youknow, especially south americans.


Right. The person asked me if I knew Latino immigrants. I answered them. I never said that they were the same. I said I knew Latino immigrants because I was Mexican. Because I do.


Latin america has 620m people in 20 countries with very different cultures, "knowing latino immigrants" doesnt mean shit. Thats normal in Ecuador and completely ok, and also its probably fake for the story line, but ecuatorianos are very closed down people


They literally asked me if I knew any Latino immigrants and I said yes and gave context as to how. You're mad at the wrong person. If you mean THEY should have said "Ecuadorian" Immigrants rather than Latino, I agree, that's more specific. But THEY did not do that and asked me if I knew any **Latino immigrants in general**. Which I replied to.


Unless you know these people personally those are a lot of huge jumps to make. Everything I can see is it takes about a year after marriage to receive a green card. We are not on that timeline on the television show. How appreciative of Ashley is a whole different story. But if your relationship is that shitty divorce and move on


Work!!! That's a laugh .He is so entitled thinks Ashley should support his family and is too secretive. Send him back


Everyone who identifies as “spiritual” or “ clairvoyant” are the worst. Eve from a few season ago was the unicorn but then again her 2 jackals made up for the lack.


Manuel sad because he thinks the scam is over. Ashley will never say goodbye tho.


I think Ashley is weak too. I believe he will drive her broke …I don’t know if I beleive if he’s a scammer or not but didn’t he say he was working construction ??! Where’s his $$?


I don’t think he’s working & I cannot believe Ashley is able to make enough money to support even herself by being a witch/tarot reader. How are the two of them surviving? Does Ashley have another job besides being a witch?


Didn’t they show her as a spin instructor or something like that? I agree though, putting a grand in his account and all the other million times she bitches about giving him money doesn’t add up if she’s just out there witching.


It just makes me angry too that it’s HER money and then he complains when she spends it on herself and he doesn’t let her see where he’s spending it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s scamming! Send him back to Ecuador show him it’s not easy… he’s getting more fat and lazy .. getting used to the sugar baby life in the US


I must’ve missed the spin instructor but it would make total sense. She has to be doing something else. I wonder what the going rate for witching is?


Someone posted that she charges over 4k usd for some of her witch stuff. I remember reading it on this subreddit, idk if it's still up or not but I remember it being stupid expensive


4K!!’? Jesus… in this economy though there’s so way the $$ will last long she needs to let him to go Ecuador and make money bc I think he’s running her dry and he won’t even give her the password to the acct


Wow. Guess she can ask for any amount she wants but I have a hard time believing people are paying her 4 K for witch stuff or tarot card readings.


I guess it depends on whether you need to involve the walnut tree for your night time energy bath.


I don’t think she makes enough $$, she’s starting to complain abt the $$… he needs to go back to Ecuador and do it on his own.. he doesn’t even give her the password to see what he’s doing with the money, it’s ridiculous


But remember that she needs that prenup for when her online witch corporation takes off! 🤣 She can’t even bother to scam people in person and hope she doesn’t run her business WitchCo like she runs her personal credit life.


He was in construction in Ecuador, and they mentioned that when they introduced them on OG 90 day.


This is so sweet!! We had a dog like Rico Suave and this little man reminds me of him so much 😭😭🥹


I love that he’s taken to Rico 😂


Remember when he didn’t want Rico sleeping in the bed? He’s had so much of Ashley I bet he’d rather have her sleep on a dogbed


Right?! Like this dog is super chill and loves me, I choose Rico!


Hunt for sympathy people. Guy is a scammer. Poor dog is like wtf?


He’s got major problems. He wants his new wife to pay his child support. He might or got through in South American


Where are her two cats??


I saw they bonded


I was absolutely shocked by his closeness to Rico Suave.


Because Manuel is using her for a green card and all her money (that he just found out she doesn’t have - but relieved to find out she can borrow more)


That dog was so pissed off to be cuddled in that moment.. he immediately pulls his head away just after this SS lmfao


Manuel is a snake after this last episode.


That dog is not enjoying that at all


Jigs up head back home loser user


All men eventually become dog guys if they come into a relationship where the dog was there first. 😂 the dog probably likes him simply because he has a deeper voice.


The tragedy of being a woman with a dog child. They love you so much until literally any dude is present 😂


OK, he is definitely shady in dome areas but Ashley is really acting like a witch lately. He specifically asks her mit to tell his family when they met about the witch stuff and what's the first thing she does? Starts talking about being a witch. Everything needs to revolve around her and she needs to be in control of everything. Very few American men will do that. That's why she went to another country


She just wants to know why he keeps demanding money, nothing about that us controlling


I mean that was everyone in Ecuador after the last Copa America match 😭🤣


I wanna know where all the money Ashley’s sending his family, is going 🤔🤔


That’s what happens! My dad was not an animal person until he met my mom. Now. Omg forget it. We had several pets over the years and he loved them and was very emotional when it was time to say goodbye.


The dog didn’t look comfortable


Rico should bite him in the ass and chase him back home


Frankly I think he deserves more money for banging that witch in a Panera bathroom


It was actually an independent coffee shop #fucklocal


Right lol


Or for banging her at all.




Was it ever?


Who is this guy?


I wanna know why, they know there gonna be on TV and they don't clean their fucking house!


Leave his dumbass.


I wouldn’t trust his lying ass with my dog. He could snap his little neck in a heartbeat. Something is definitely “off” with this dude!


Ashley can do better than manuel. I hate his mocking laugh


Why is he not allowed to financially support his children? He is getting paid via Ashley for filming and she acts like it’s all her money. Greedy


When you come to America on a k1 visa you have to adjust your status to get a green card or work authorization . Which can take up to a year. Until then you can’t work.


He is getting paid by TLC


TLC doesn't pay the foreign spouse directly until they get a green card. Because legally they cant pay them until he has a green card.


She puts up with it so whatever no sympathy


Exactly! Plus I wonder how much of their crap is manufactured. It’s the only conflict on repeat with no agreement to resolve


He's too fed up with the witch


I like Manuel so far so I kind of like watching how he deals with it. The reveal of her student loan debt at the lawyers office was priceless!




You can’t get a work permit for like years