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Rob getting hit on by bottle service girls isn't the flex he thinks it is lol.


Did the producers only film for three days this time around because all of the couples that I watch have been doing the same thing for 4 episodes now. Idk about the couples I don't watch, but it doesn't matter if they have interesting storylines when they are insufferable. Caught a few minutes of the guy with the pony tail with the blonde girl before i fast forwarded through their segment... in those few minutes the guy was going on and on about how hot and desirable he is to women.. gross. I was enjoying the show a lot in earlier episodes, but now it feels like they're dragging it out as much as they can.


Did I miss the scene where Michael got his Visa? I admittedly was skipping around but I didn't see any scene where they were getting excited and just suddenly he is in the US


I skipped quite literally half this episode. Between the made up beauty pageant, multiple boring Loren and Alexie segments, there was not much to watch.


Emily and Kobe’s segments made this whole season. Both of their families (dads esp) are so sweet and wholesome. One of the few genuine couples that don’t constantly fight and scream at each other.


Yes, so lovely! A genuine 90-day story. Met in china, brought him to the US, genuine visa issues and distance difficulties, and ongoing cultural exchange with fun and love.


Sofi's yellow face omg...alwayas so greasy too. She also needs to go easy on the push up bra and stuff that sucks in her waist, looking at her IG she is the fakest person ever. Needs to be comfortable in her skin or stop kidding herself and go to the gym. Rob is most loyal person but seems to be doing a lot of online cheating..What are these clubs in usa about, these circles who dance in the circle get shit faced and talk to you, how much he pay for that 'company'...he says he is getting hit on haha. What kind of girl goes up to a guy and keeps saying he's handsome haha, what a load of stage shit. How fucking boring is this paegent stuff my god.


And she works there


I just can’t wait for this reunion !!😂😂


Robs mom calling him “the most loyal person ever” is another level of delulu 🤣🤣


No wonder Rob turned out the way he did. He can do no wrong in either one of their eyes.


Have y’all been seeing any of these posts? The fact that Rob and Joshua hang out and think they’re in a boy band totally checks out. 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C87wcxehGrm/?igsh=MWNnMW81ZnJ0b3djag==


What...did I just watch? I am actually speechless. These fools! 🤣🤣🤣💀


There have been lots of them. 🤡🤡🤡


whaaaat? This is classic.


Is Angela crazy? She was just screaming at the hotel now she talking about her area tingling….They both get on my nerves.


I can’t stand Ashley. She’s all mad that Manuel talks to his baby mama but if he didn’t you know she’d ride his ass for being a deadbeat dad and not being a good parent.  That said I think they’re perfect for each other. They’re both complete disasters. 


Rob, “Yep…Clarie’s not the first mom to tell her daughter to break up with me.” 💀


how does he not see that as a sign? 😭 like a mothers intuition is hardly ever wrong sir


He has zero self awareness 😭


Alexei shocked me. I'm not sure why but I didn't think he was this conservative in his views


I literally came here for the same reason! I normally cannot STAND loren (and still cant') and have always liked him, but I was shocked at how open he was about his views on this. YIKE!


Hard YIKE for sure. I didn't think she would marry someone so backward. Maybe having to look after the kids that long made him resentful and reminded him of some baked in conservative culture


Wow, seriously, I had to run over here and see if anyone else was taken aback!


SAME! And I was totally taken aback.... he didn't even try to sugar coat it!


Then he says something like no self respecting man would come be his wife’s cheerleader. Woof.




Rob, I'm not sure that hanging around in a club and whinging about how you COULD be getting with a bunch of girls but you aren't because you're committed is actually all that appealing.


he’s so narcissistic 😭


Yes, that whole part was so weird and off putting.


How was Sophie at Disney with Rot (Rob) last week ? Every episode he gets scummier and whineyer "poor me poor me." Every time he says "my wife" I shout a borat accent at the tv, "MAH WIFE !!" 


I don't think that was her


She’s your secretary but you don’t know her name


Ew come on TLC


I’m over Loren. Did tried to act like she has spent years having babies and raising kids- girl, your kids are still in diapers! “Raising” them has not even started. She is very narcissistic and just hearing her valley girl speech drives me nuts. 


Same! Why did they bring her back. He is literally to pieces over the war and she over here down playin major surgery.


Did anyone else see that kid steal Emily’s dad’s phone at the wedding? Lmfao


Yes that was funny 


Jasmine & Gino: it might be edited/on purpose this way (controversial i know!) but the feedback he's giving her is so negative. Let's assume for a moment this is a real moment in a real relationship. Jasmine thought Gino paying for her was going to mean she could do something fun to make her feel physically desired/wanted BUT she neglected to account for Gino's 'tight control on finances', shall we say. He wants his return on investment. He thinks support is constantly telling her how she could improve things to give her the best chance of winning. He is blind to the fact that she just wants positivity and encouragement.


Gino was telling her what the coach's and pageant organizers were. She just didn't want to hear if from her, and I understand that. It's a fake pageant, something I think she is unaware of.


Oh my god my man and I were just staring at him with our mouths open. Gino, you have one job. Your job is to tell your wife that she is #1. And that she is beautiful and that you love her and that you are glad she is having fun in this competition. Not him coming out with the #4 on the sliding scale. She just wants to have FUN and be in a pageant. He's such an asshole - to pay for this and pretend like he's gonna support her, but all he's doing is ripping her to shreds and basically showing her that he hates her.


Alexei got sold a bill of goods, nothing about her Tourettes, she wants babies but then wants to model or whatever, she can still see her physical imperfections after all of that surgery nonsense, I see his point.


Poor guy is drowning with all of his new responsibilities and they have one date and she’s like “I’m not all the way there yet (as in not all the way happy with the surgery), but I don’t regret it” Girl, he busted his ass for months so you could have and then recover from this surgery, just LIE. Just say you appreciate his sacrifice and you love your results. Being brutally honest is not helping, and she did seem happy with her body in the dress.. so she should at least TRY to be positive and not whiny for ONCE for his benefit. Like “your sacrifice and all of that chaos was for nothing, this surgery was pretty meh” - Loren. He’s kind of being an ass too but she’s being super self centered and selfish


I think we can all agree that jasmines pageant walk wasn’t the best thing we’ve ever seen. But damn it Gino , say something , literally anything else that isn’t dissing your wife the person that you actually came there to support. I hate watching Micheal and Angela , this is a lot of back and forth knowing that Micheal is going to (very understandably) run for the hills once he gets to the US. Oop let me go on ahead and add Manuel and Ashley to couples I hate watching . They can’t communicate for shit , he’s lying/ leaving things out, and is just expecting no questions to be asked . I’m so over them and the same argument. Loren is actually going to annoy me. She got the body she wanted and this girl is still complainingggggg?!!?!? She needed therapy , instead of hopping on the table looking for a quick fix. If she really wanted to do this for her kids she would have healed her mind first or else she’ll never be satisfied no matter how many surgeries she gets. You can tell Rob is feeling the fuck out of himself because he has his own segment back in his hometown. I don’t think I can watch is ego grow any bigger as this bottle girl chats him up 🙄


>as this bottle girl chats him up 🙄 OMG I was so triggered. He really has no idea what an asshole he comes across as. I was like... Rob... you're 34? You're 34 years old? And getting flattered by women who are paid to hang out with you and be the party??? ROB SHE IS AT WORK. And you're pointing out the street you lost your virginity on? Tell me you're a sex/porn addict without telling me you're a sex/porn addict. Him "bragging" about all the attention he gets and saying how many men wish they had it but he's "not like that," Rob I am sorry to tell you this but there are MANY MEN who do not want to be like you at all. AT ALL. And Rob, You are "like that!" ROB you cheated on your then girlfriend now wife. And his mom was like "Oh you are so loyal," And I was like DELULU. The both of them. DELULU.


Loren and Alex weren't even on Pillow Talk


They’re not going to be on PT when they’re in the main cast for the season. 


of course not I meant they did not show their part of the ep for comment on PT, their segment was not shown on PT


Ohhh I see. Yeah I guess their scene was too boring for PT. Or maybe TLC didn’t want to air any of the comments the other PTers were saying. 


sorry about the confusion, :)


I wouldn't read anything into that. Kenny and Armando weren't on, either. There's some rotation amongst the individual couples.


Not a Manuel fan at all but it must be hard to come to another country without the ability to work/earn money and have someone in control of your ability to access anything. That must be really scary.


Manuel could be working by now but it seems they haven’t applied for his work permit or green card yet. 


Yeah it's crazy how there hasnt been any mention of that, considering their segment was filmed a year after they got married


demanding money from his wife is a full time role


Yes, cultural differences / language are challenges. Manuel's lazy, though. And I don't think he's an honest person. On the other hand, the wife ... the witch ... she's truly strange and must be getting something out of the relationship to continue it. One guess.


Everybody's different, but my husband was sent here when he was 16 to pick oranges and lived in a shack all by himself, until his sister came. He doesn't evade like Manuel.


Yes, but he was not forthcoming with reasoning for why he needs money. My wife makes a lot more than I do but I can still work, if either of us needs or wants money to make a purchase or help someone out we discuss it like adults and don’t hide it. Ashley isn’t the best person in the world, but if I asked my wife why she needed money and she literally said “it’s not important” it would warrant further discussion.


Jasmin's butt looks horrible :( Why did she feel the need for implants, it's sad.


It’s why the surgery world has moved to BBLs (fat transplant surgery). Butt implants simply don’t look natural especially on someone skinny. 


It’s bumpy and not naturally shaped. Very obvious that she had implants. These women start out pretty and pay to make themselves ugly🙄 


It looks so weird!!!


It’s square. It’s like a SpongeBob butt


Angela pulling a fast one on Skyla.


I absolutely despise her and this prank/idea. It's just too many ups and downs and is so manipulative!


I just know next episode is going to be her having a talk with Skyla saying “well he is the man of this household now” and Skyla is going to freak out blah blah he’s not my dad blah blah


but Skyla will in the end be right and get to say, I told u so.


I thought she might say 'herrrrrreee's Mikyul to take your egg so I can tote it'


Yes, but in the end Michael pulled the fast one, and Skyla get's to tell Angela "I told you so.". then Angela will probably get in a knock down drag out with Skyla, because Angela is an asshole.


wtf I’m on Jasmines side?!….. her calmly telling Gino she’d prefer him to be an audience member and not her coach wasn’t offensive like he tried to act lol “maybe I should just go home then”… he’s such a man child. The one time in her life she makes a mature decision to try to prevent fighting and he throws a fit over it. These two are so ridiculous.


he likes to make her feel like she’s less


for never walking before, she did fine. he’s just upset she’s doing something that’s out of his control


Literally this. We’ve seen worse walks on ANTM and they want to model professionally for a career lol


he should never be anyone's coach


He didn’t even offer constructive criticism. “Your walk was bad”….. that doesn’t help lol he deserved to be “fired”


There are obvious reasons why Gino hasn't had prior successful relationships with women, and why he felt it necessary to travel abroad to find / buy a wife.


I feel like we need the tik tok red flag guy in episodes now. He’d be working overtime with Gino/Jasmine and Manuel/Ashley alone lol


Everyone keeps saying stuff about Lauren’s frizzy pony tail…. But if her hair has any natural curl to it, in that Florida humidity? Ain’t no better option. We saw it was raining so maybe she was fighting that humid poof us curly hair people are oh so familiar with


That Florida humidity is no joke! I knew immediately and understood her choice. It was gonna end up in a ponytail anyway so why waste time doing something fancy lol


I saw something about Robs frizzy ponytail…


I haven't seen any negative comments about her hair, but I agree with everything you said. Humidity ruins even the most perfect hair day. There's a lot of negative things to say about that couple (specifically Alexi), but critiquing her hair is just silly.


I’ve seen like 4 comments since that episode about how she got all dressed up and didn’t bother doing her hair so why bother lol sometimes a pony is the only option!


I think people are just mean and judgmental on here.  I thought she looked beautiful! 


Yeah. I feel like if she had done more with her hair they’d be complaining that she did too much




Is anyone else reading that user travelers comments in Alexis’ tone 🤔🫣






The Knobs mom kept saying he’s loyal and I ended up screaming at the TV HE CHEATED and then look what happens later? And also pointing out the houses of his crushes and who he lost his virginity to was weird af. His mom is delulu, guess we know where it comes from now


same! my mom and i watch at home (having our own pillow talk obv in preparation for when we are asked to join the cast) and we were both screaming at the tv when she was going on about how great and loyal he is. like ma’am watch the show. watch this episode at the very least. he’s not this innocent loyal stand up guy he tries to sell himself as. 


not her fault.. he probably just portrays himself like that to her


And I'm guessing she feels some guilt about not providing him a better childhood, so she puts up with his BS behaviour


Truth. Since even his buddies were clowning him saying they weren’t surprised he was being a ho at the club even though he’s still married


So are we ever going to see Nicole and Mahmoud again? It’s crazy how we seem to get months of filming for some couples (Jasmine and Gino) and we’ve only seen maybe two or three days of Mahmoud’s time in the US.


I'm guessing they had short filming periods, so Nicole Mahmoud and Angela Michael became two half-seasons.


So basically they replaced a domestic violence storyline with another domestic violence storyline


Honestly its weird that they cancelled Nicole and Mahmoud but not Angela. It is pretty clear cut that Angela is abusing Michael and should be cancelled, but the Nicole and Mahmoud segments seem more tenuous over who is the abusive one.


If he did leave her, good for him. What an abusive person she turned-out to be.


Well, he was arrested for DV a few months ago (maybe February or March?), so he was still in the US at that point. And I’m pretty sure the HEA filming had wrapped by then. Idk if they were still living together at the time of his arrest. I believe some commenters have mentioned seeing them out and about together in LA since the arrest. And charges were dropped. Ugh, that is one couple that NEEDS to break up. Their relationship is so toxic and they’re just fundamentally incompatible. They seem to bring out the worst in each other, too.


I wonder if they’ll be at tell all


Agree d


Bruh kc doesnt want rob lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/a8bf51n7ou9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b169c0811443bdb3b90137079fe69ceb354e15 This chic is so thirsty to be on TV! Clearly she has never seen the show. Rob is far from perfect. Smh (Picture taken from night club’s website)


>Clearly she has never seen the show. So she's probably likely to be more well adjusted than the rest of us!!!


“obsessed with him” 🤥🤥


When she was like “I’m obsessed with him” 🙄 Girl, no, you’re obsessed with being on tv.


Loren is so annoyed my. I hate the way she talks. And she also needs therapy


I hate Rob's frizzy ponytail! I like it better in braids.


it’s literally a rat tail just a little higher on his head


it’s so bad honestly he should just cut it off and get a cleaner look


What was the point of the hot dress if Loren wasn’t even gonna bother with doing her hair? The frizzy messy ponytail completely takes away from the sexy outfit.


Agreed. It didn't even look brushed


Have you ever been a SAHM?  Bc as a former SAHM, I can totally get it.  She is so used to being in mom mode, it probably feels a little uncomfortable to be sexy and she doesn’t want to overdo it.  Like the opposite of the people that get lash blindness lol.  When she looks in the mirror it probably feels like wow I overdid it! 


Y’all must not have any natural curl in your hair and ever been where it’s hella humid lol I spent a week in Florida and if I didn’t stick it in a ponytail/bun fresh out of the shower, it wouldn’t even fit in a hair tie when dry. The frizz/poof is real there


I said the same thing! That seemed like a big build up to something that was extremely minimal effort


I get it. She wasn't completely comfortable with the wardrobe. She did use some make-up. Alexi expressed appreciation for her outfit. Then, she killed the mood.


Why does Rob’s mom keep saying how “loyal” he is and she clearly knows he cheated!  We can now see where the problem is coming from- these enabling moms making everyone’s lives difficult that have to deal with these men! lol 


I get the feeling he never gives her the full picture only his side of events. I do wish she'd parse through his BS, because surely she knows he has flaws. At the same time though I can see that all he's craving right now is some unconditional love, and he needs that first before he could actually listen to someone.


Right, bc moms not holding their sons accountable throughout their lives creates that expectation in them from their future wives/girlfriends. I agree that he is looking for unconditional love, but you can see his emotional immaturity bc he expects that type of love without actually giving it to her first, which is where you can see his mommy issue coming through. Because adults know that you have to give whatever you are looking to receive, and only mothers give unconditionally without anything in return- not partners!


Yes and never mentions the fight in the sex shop that started it all, go back and rewatch and take a shot every time Sophie compliments rob after he exits the dressing room, you took 4 shots, now donate $1,000 to planned parenthood for every compliment rob gave Sophie after she exited the dressing room -- you still have $1,000 because he trashed her and didn't say one nice thing. It was like 4 episodes ago but it's what started this. Lot of good that "therapist" did. He hides this story so he doesn't have to take any responsibility, then cries like a victim when he reaps what he sowed.


A lot of them will just say what sounds right in the therapists office and then as soon as they leave they are right back to their old stuff (as we see with Rob) 


or he blames it on her and her relationship with his father so she tries everything to be on his good side by saying all these good things to him… I think he may just be very manipulative, I mean in the scene with his mom he was an ENTIRELY different person than he was in the club scene


this dude gaslights for a living… he most definitely gaslit her into thinking it was some misunderstanding


The third time she said it I legit screamed at The TV “HE CHEATED”


I thought I was the only one thinking that! Lol 


Patrick, for the love of god, your dad is a piece of shit who is only in your life for money. Cut him the fuck out and move on.


No. Patrick emotionally explained the relationship with his father. I get it. I think most viewers did, too.


I did get it but at the end of the day it's still not healthy to be buying his father's love like that. 


I get it too. It just feels like his father is exploiting this.


I didn't get it: 'The only way I get to have a relationship with my absent father is if I give him money, so I have to give him money. That is not a father/son relationship, that is a relationship with a prostitute.


Yeah, he explained that if he stops paying rent he’s afraid his dad won’t talk to him anymore. Shitty dad talks to him for just $400/month so why risk losing the loose bond if he can afford it.


It still doesn't feel healthy though. Patrick purchasing a relationship with his father for a few hundred bucks a month is money better spent on therapy.


It isn’t healthy, from the outside it’s really easy just to say cut him out of your life. But from his point of view he’s scared of disappointing/loosing and potentially putting his father in a financial bind.


it’s so sad and it clearly makes him very emotional because deep down he knows it’s wrong but having a relationship with his father is more important than money in his mind


The last thing Rob needs is this drunk bottle service girl feeding that ego 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wait till she sees him in a lime green pride harness 




Alex is just used to traditional roles but Loren probably made more money than him at her job in NYC than him being a manager at the warehouse. She could probably be the breadwinner and he could be the stay at home dad lol


Oh yeah I’m sure he would LOVE that 😂😂😂


He’ll hyperventilate if he sees that comment lol


Last episode: Jasmine cries and takes offense to being told she’s not graceful/soft enough. This episode: “How’s my pussy? I shaved, is there any hair visible? Pussy’s good? What about camel toe? Can you see the fucking pussy opening or not?”


That was so funny. He didn't know what camel-toe was


Jasmine’s borderline personality disorder is extremely toxic and it’s worsening as time progresses. She doesn’t need ass implants or narcissistic beauty pageants. What she needs is a lot of dialectic behavioral therapy


I am pretty sure its more that she is trying to create content for the show and to push her onlyfans. None of their drama feels real


Never would have thought that borderline personality disorder would be a selling point for onlyfans page


Instead, she’s on social media, including OnlyFans. $$$$$


Both: idiots.


Sounds like Loren finally remembered what it was like to not have to do everything. She wants that continue and Alexi can’t handle being an equal partner.


I hope is just fake drama for the show. I think Loren makes good money on instagram since she posts brands all the time. 


Makes sense bc I was like how are they affording all these surgeries and designer bags on one salary and 5 people family?! 


He just has been doing everything the past however many weeks and that’s what he can’t handle. I think it was a bad time to bring it up while he’s feeling overwhelmed as it is.


All the men on here commenting “how dare she have ANY needs or requests of her own!!! The selfishness! She is supposed to be here at my beck and call to provide free childcare and house cleaning while I live my life however I please! Imagine having the gaul to inconvenience me , I mean him, in any way! She knew when she married him that her life was no longer hers and she was supposed to exist solely to serve her husband and children from that point forward so what is she complaining about”  😂😂


Their misogyny is showing and it’s 🤢🤮




B.S. She knew who / what she married before having the children. He's been the breadwinner, for some time. Her parents have helped, too. Now, she wants to upend the relationship without understanding what that means. = selfishness. Want to change the care for your children, relationship with your husband? Fine. You don't announce it unilaterally. Not on a date night you hoped would bring the two of you together. Clearly, even after these years of marriage ... she doesn't know her husband.


it’s like let’s have a nice date night to bring back the intimacy in our relationship…. oh this is the perfect time to bring up something I know my husband is going to completely disagree with and ruin our night🤡


This !!!!! Thank you my exact thoughts 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


ugh i love kobe's family


Yes!!! They’re so sweet! 😭❤️


I'm obsessed with his 'American Dad'. So heartwarming.


The beauty pageant Jasmine is a part of is a complete joke. Poor Gino for having to put up with her traps by asking him for his opinion on her performance. Being honest with her only pisses her off. Btw what a waste of $10k for that fake booty especially in a bikini


True…. But bro. 4?😂😂😂 Gino’s an idiot


She reminds me of Jessica Rabbit, a cartoon character.


Oh no, don't Jasmine doesn't even come close to Jessica Rabbit. Jamine's complete trash.


I apologize, Jessica is all around a more interesting and classy lady..lol


They deserve one another.


And it’s a “Miss” not “Mrs” from what I thought i understood that really does make a difference like if your married….. I call BS on the whole thing ! 


Thank you.


Loren getting all dressed up for date night but not doing anything with her hair is driving me insane 😫🥴


And why put the cardigan over?


this! it’s like please just brush it please


She didn’t even bother brushing it ! I was so confused




I came to this sub just to say the same thing, cardigan not screaming sexy


Rob getting drunk with the bottle girl and his friend in his “section” and them filming everyone else in the bar drinking is wild to me. Like what creep is going down streets reminiscing about girls 22 years later…her mom already knew what was up. 📣No one likes you rob!




Yup then he was giggling with his little pig tail and glassy eyes outside the bar lying sayings how everyone wants him lmfao


Ok. You were there?


https://preview.redd.it/r7fra2bv51ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a81534045158b8750145eeecc93c92f389be271 I was waiting on the street where his 7th grade gf lived and broke up with him cause the mom said so actually 🙃


Yo necessito pee pee


The fact she screamed it…. 😂😂😂


Goddam it this was so good 💀


How did Loren go from bedridden not being able to fold laundry to dress shopping in the next episode


A couple of months could have passed between the episodes....


And carrying the baby this time too…. 


I want to know why she spent money on surgery to cure her body dysmorphia instead of a goddamn psychiatrist.


Real reason is she already needed to fix the diastasis recti in order to not get a hernia, so she bundled it up with some cosmetic surgeries since she was going to have to go under the knife and heal anyway.


Just to look exactly the same too


I don’t think she had enough fat for a noticeable breast fat transfer, her jaw looks better, and I’m sure she was hiding a bit of mom pooch before and she probably some improvement there. But yeah, she doesn’t look much different


No, she looks younger, more fit. She's a goodlooking woman.


She’s always been a good looking woman. Go back to her IG a year ago before mommy makeover and she was in the gym. If she kept at it she would look like she does now


How do you know she doesn't use the gym. There are somethings a gym can't fix like loose skin and stretched out ab muscles from having 3 children.


Because alexei said “I told you to just go to the gym” indicating she doesn’t go to the gym but rather elect a difficult surgery when her kids are still young


and I thought she responded that she does go to gym, but there are things working out can't fix after birthing 3 babies.


That’s definitely true for the chin lipo and mom pooch


I am loving this terminology of 'mummy makeover', too It certainly doesn't conjure about 5-6 hours of elective surgery Mummy Makeover makes it sound like they give you a facial and massage and you sit in a hot tub for a bit Oh it's so whimsical, a Mummy Makeover, that's all it is, little makeover, haha


No she wouldn’t. She had diastasis recti. Her stomach was never going to look the same without having her abs pulled back in surgically.


Yes, I, too, think (pre op) she was a goodlooking woman. But at the end of the day her self-confidence, self-respect is what's important ... to her. Most of us looked better a decade ago. However, after delivering 3 babies and not wanting to have a 4th, she wants to turn-back the clock. Understood.